BCH 3011A Assignment 2 (Lau TSZ Lok)

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Assignment Cover Sheet

Program : Environmental Policy Studies

Course Code: BCH3011

Course Title: Ecology

BCH 3011 Ecology Assignment 2

(Article 4)

Student Name: Lau Tsz Lok (51817845)

Submission Date: 11-4-2011

In this Research article. The author research the bioenergetics, growth and
reproduction effect of amphipods under the moderately low oxygen regimes. The low
dissolved oxygen is the major threat to coastal marine ecosystems in the world. In this
study, author found that the amphipod Melita longidactyla have some growth and
reproduction problem when exposing in moderately low dissolved oxygen levels (3.5
to 4.5 mg O2 l–1). In this situation, the RNA:DNA ration is very sensitive too. The
reproductive failure would be found when amphipods were exposed to 3.5mg O2 l–1
for 1 mo.

Hypoxia is generally defined as dissolved oxygen level between 0(anoxia) and 2.8 mg
l–1. Hypoxia is a one of the serious problem that affect marine populations and
genetic diversity. Due to global warming and eutrophication, the oxygen
concentration has the great reduction in marine water. This situation give the greater
pressure on the functional consequences in marine ecosystems. Many animal may
alter their energy utilization pattern, trade off growth and reproduction. The hypoxia
will cause the significant impairment of growth and reproduction that cause the
decline of the marine animal population. The species survival and genetic diversity
will be affected at the same time.

In this study, it focus on the amphipods which are the one of the most abundant and
diverse groups of marine animal in coastal waters worldwide. Amphipods also
abundant locate along the entire Chinese boast. However, the rapid urban and coastal
development cause the hypoxia happening. Amphipods are potentially affected. In the
study, it hypothesize the low dissolved oxygen will badly affect the growth,
bioenergetics, reproductive behavior, reproductive success and reproductive output of

In the study, before the experiment, author first go getting the source, sampling and
acclimation of experimental animals. Amphipods Melita longidactyla were collected
form fish farms at Sam Mun Tsai, Hong Kong , during their reproductive season. He
also collected the green alga Ulva lactuca which is used by the amphipods as a refuge
and food source. In the laboratory, M. longidactyla were acclimated in running
seawater(20°C, 30%, 12:112h light: dark cycle) for at least one week. During
acclimation, U. lactuca will be used for feeding amphipods. Active growing juveniles
(wet wt of 3.5 to 4.5 mg) were sorted for growth experiments. Adults (wet wt of 8.0 to
10.0 mg) were selected for reproductive experiments.
In the experiment, the oxygen-control systems was set up. Oxygen levels were
checked 3 times daily using a blood gas analyzer. Temperature and salinity were
maintained at 20± 2°C and 30± 2% and dissolved oxygen at 0.2 mg O2 l–1 of the
desired level throughout the experiment. About the measuring methods, scope for
growth of amphipods was measured following ht method developed by Maltby et al.
(1990). Respiration rate was measured by placing 5 amphipods in aerated seawater
(20°C) in a 50ml syringe. Oxygen levels in seawater were measured initially and
again after 150 min using a Blood Gas Analyzer. About the reproduction, replicate
plastic container were set up to check the (1) percentage of copulating pairs, (2)
percentage of reproducing females, (3) number of viable progeny per brood, (4)
number of broods per reproducing, and (5) total fecundity. In the experiment, there
was the setting for finding the recovery from low dissolved oxygen. Amphipods (4.0±
0.3 mg) were exposed to 3.5, 4.5 and 7.5 mg O2 l–1 for 1 week, then returned to
normoxia for a further week.

In the final result of the study, the author found that there was the close relationship
between the amphipod mortality and dissolved oxygen . The mortality occurred
rapidly when dissolved oxygen dropped below 2.5 mg O2 l–1. About the growth,
amphipods has suffered a great reduction in growth under the 3.5 mg O2 l–1
treatment. The RNA: DNA ratio has the obvious decrease compared with the 7.5 mg
O2 l–1 control. After 3 week, the RNA: DNA ratio in 3.5 mg O2 l–1 is 82.6% lower
than the 7.5 mg O2 l–1 treatment control. On the other hands, there was significant
decrease in respiratory energy expenditure after 3 week relative to the 7.5 mg O2 l–1
control. In the recovery from low dissolved oxygen study, exposure to 3.5 and 4.5 mg
O2 l–1 for 1 week followed by recovery in normoxia for a further week resulted in no
significant change in growth relative to amphipods kept in the normoxic control
throughout the same period.

Low oxygen levels is really common along the coast of China, but it is also common
in the worldwide. Melita longidactyla is abundant in this area. For example, there are
abundant of Melita longidactyla in the Tolo Habour in Hong Kong where is always
monitored the dissolved oxygen levels is lower than 4 mg O2 l–1. The low dissolved
oxygen adversely affect Melita Longidactyla survival. In this study, we found that the
water quality objective of 4 mg O2 l–1 cannot give the sufficient protection for M.
longidactyla. Therefore, it is important for us the review and change the water quality
objectives to protect the marine environment. Also, the M. longidactyla would be the
good indicator for us to review the water quality objective. Moreover, the biomarkers
utilized may be used for providing guidelines for ecosystem protection.
In this study, author study the growth and reproduction effect of amphipods under the
moderately low oxygen regimes. Besides that, the low oxygen level could cause
disruption of reproductive and growth hormones and malformation of embryos in
amphipods and other invertebrates. These kinds of problem we should pay more
attention and do something to deal with the low oxygen regimes problem.

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