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Mata Kuliah : Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah II

Dosen Pengampu : Clara Yully Diana Ekaristi, SE., M. Acc
Prodi / Kelas : D4 Akuntansi Perpajakan / E
Nama Anggota Kelompok II :
1. Auberta Cheria Danella (40011420650076)
2. Alya Nuril Aida (40011420650099)
3. Aji Santoso (40011420650107)
4. Annissa Nuur Cahyani (40011420650100)
5. Annisa Nur Hasanah (40011420650103)
6. Fathya Balqis Khairunnisa (40011420650109)
7. Najmah Nafizah (40011420650122)
8. Utami Zahara (40011420650128)


E17-6 (Entries for eqity Securities)

(a) Fair Value Adjustment ($70,000 − $65,000) 5,000

Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss—Income 5,000
(b) The Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss—Income account is reported in the income
statement under Other Revenues and Gains. The Fair Value Adjustment account is
added to the cost of the Equity Investment account to arrive at fair value.

E17-7 (Equity Securities Entries)
a) 31, 2017
Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss—Income............. 1,400
Fair Value Adjustment ...................................... 1,400
b) During 2018Cash........................................................................... 9,400
Loss on Sale of Investments.................................... 600
Equity Investments ........................................... 10,000
c) December 31,2018
Securities Cost Fair Value Unrealized
Clemson Corp.stock $20.000 $19.100 $ (900)
Buffaloes Co.stock 20.000 20.500 500
Total of portofolio $40.000 $39.600 (400)
Previous fair value (1.400)
Adjustment balance-Cr
Fair value adjustment-Dr $1.000

Fair value Adjustment…………………………………………………. 1.000

Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss-Income…………………………. 1.000

Soal 12

E17-9 (Fair Value Measurement)

(a) December 31, 2017

Unrealized holding gain or loss $20,000
($100,000 – $80,000)

Equity investment Arroyo Company $20,000

(b) December 31, 2017

Fair Value Adjustment $60.000

Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss-Income $60.000

Investment Cost Fair Value Unrealized Holding Gain (Loss)

Lee Corporation stock $250.000 $300.000 $50.000

Wood Inc.stock $180.000 $190.000 $10.000

Total of portofolio $430.000 $490.000 $60.000

Previous fair value adjustment 0

Fair value adjustment $60.000

Note: For both part (a) and (b) the change in fair value is reported asUnrealized
Holding Gain or Loss—Income. However in part (a) Lilly doesnot use the Fair Value Adjustment
account because the accounting for thefair value option is on an investment by investment basis
rather than aportfolio basis

Soal 13

E17-20 (Fair Value Measurement Issues)

Net income before security gains or

(a) $905.000
Sale of investment in Woods Inc. stock
($195.000 - $180.000)
Investment in Arroyo Company stock
($140.000 - $80.000)
Investment in Lee Company stock
($310.000 - $300.000)
Net income $990.000

Equity investment (Arroyo Company)

(b) $60.000
($140.000 - $80.000)
Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss-

Soal 14

E17-21 (Fair Value Option)

(a) Net income before security gains and losses…………………………… $100,000

Investment in debt securities ($41,000 - $40,000)………………….. 1,000
Investment in Chen Company Stock
($910,000-$800,000)………………………………………………….. 110,000
Net income……………………………………………………………………………… $211,000

(b) Bonds Payable………………………………………………………………………… 25,000

Unrealized Holding Gain or Loss-Equity
($220,000-$195,000)…………………………………………………. 25,000

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