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Hannah Schmidt

Professor Marshall
Sports Psychology
21 November 2019
​ ​ ​ ​
Competition Analysis Paper
The sporting even that I had decided to analyze for this paper was a Seton Hill football
game. Never going to a sporting event at the school, I was very interested in observing the
behavior of the athletes and how they would act with the result of a win or loss. From the start,
you are able to realize that this is a very physical, contact sport. People are constantly getting
hurt or injured throughout the course of the game. Also, you are able to observe that each
member of the team is like a piece of the puzzle. Without the maximum amount of effort from
each player, they will not be successful. To summarize the game of football, it is played on a
rectangular field called a pitch with a goal line at each end. The purpose of the game is to score
by moving the ball beyond the goal line into the opposite goal. The length of this game are four
periods or quarters of 15 minutes, and a halftime. A touchdown is rewarded sixth points, and the
scoring team is also awarded the opportunity for an extra point or a two-point conversion. Most
penalties in the game are 5 to 10 yards, but personal foul penalties can result in 15. Also, a pass
interference can result in a penalty that matches the length of the intended pass. As for time outs,
The NCCA grants 3 per half of play. Before taking the time to learn about the rules of football, I
had not realized there were so many involved. I was actually surprised to learn how technical this
sport really was with its wide range of regulations.
Every year, our football team plays other local colleges only once during the fall
semester, rather home or away. Our overall stats for the 2019-2020 year was 2-8. That is 2 wins
and 8 loses. Although this might not seem like the greatest stats, this has not changed the attitude
of our team. Before every game, most of the teammates go into it with a positive attitude and
great confidence that they will succeed. Even when the team is defeated, many of the individual
players are happy in their own personal goals or strive to do better the next time around. While
watching the coaches on the sidelines, I have discovered a variety of things. They have a very
upbeat and positive energy, even when the team is behind drastically. They tell the players to
give it their all, which can even be heard from the stands. There is a lot of yelling and screaming,
but for the most part it is not done in a negative manner. As for the captains of the team, they
possess the same momentum. While on the sidelines, they are cheering and encouraging the
other players on the field as well as hyping up those in the bleachers. However, not only do the
captains do this, but many of the other players as well. Overall, there is great leadership across
the board. When an injury is taken place, there is great respect with the opposing teams by
everyone taking a knee. There is a lot of positive sportsmanship and from what I have seen, very
little conflict with our football team.
​While observing the homecoming football game in particular, it was truly an amazing
experience to see for both the team, coaches and fans. With the game being neck and neck
throughout the course of the time period, everyone was on their toes. Neither team believed that
they were certain to win which kept the game very interesting to watch. However, towards the
end of the game, it appeared that the opposing team had it. The fans and team, though, kept a
positive attitude with everyone standing in the crowd. With merely few minutes, we were
successful in turning the game around last moment and winning the game. Watching the joy and
happiness of everyone around was a great experience and the sportsmanship gave me a new
appreciation for the sport and team. Not all games have been this successful however, and no
team is perfect. Every team as a whole and individual player all has something to improve upon.
When talking to individuals of the team about their strengths and weaknesses, a majority of the
members state that the defense could be improved upon. I personally, agree with this statement
after viewing several games. Also, not every player is as upbeat as the rest of the team, but you
get that everywhere with life in general. The other players do not let these negative influences get
get that everywhere with life in general. The other players do not let these negative influences get
to them, which is often difficult to do. After each football game that I have attended, the majority
of the players act with great sportsmanship. Post analysis, I am pleasantly surprised with our
football team, no matter the stats, and plan on attending many more football games in the
following year.

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