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1. What makes a good communicator?  
In my opinion, there are a lot of skills a person needs to possess to be a good communicator. For
example,  a good communicator would truly listen to the people they are interacting with, consider
what they are saying and respond appropriately. Besides that, a communicator needs to pay
attention to a lot of things like body language, attitude, facial expression of the person they are
talking to. 
2. How will you respond if a coworker asks you to go out after work?  
 I think that really depends on my schedule and my relationship with that coworker. For instance, 
if I am not busy hat day and we are very close, then I will probably say "Yes. And when I am too
tired or simply do not want to go with him, I will come up with some excuses and hope that he will
believe it. 
3. How could bad communicators improve their skills?  
Bad communicators could improve their skills in multiple different ways. For example, they could
learn by example by watching some clips of famous speakers giving presentations on Youtube, or
they could take some Communication courses if necessary. 
4. Do you think global companies should increase their use of video conferencing? Why or why
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Because using video conferencing could help to save time and costs for
transportation, meals,... Moreover, it could encourage participation because people are also more
likely to speak up and contribute their ideas, and when everyone’s in the same room, discussions
can easily get off track. Therefore, helps to improved efficiency .

1. (Track 1.1) Listen and complete the table below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS

According to the speaker, technology can make communication both 1. ……better……… and
Four main points have been mentioned in the interview:
- People have 2. ………limited attention………… so communicate as succinctly as possible.
- Recognize that the communication is about 3. ……meaning…………., so do not dump lots
of data on listeners.
- It’s as much about listening as it is about 4. ……telling things……….
- If communication is going to be effective, there’s got to be some sort of 5. ………emotional
connection…..….in it.

2. (Track 1.2) Listen and answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN FOUR

a. Why have communications improved in recent years?
– new technology has provided 1. ……………communication channels……….……… such as
the internet, mobile phones, instant messaging, etc.

b. How can they improve in the future?

– ensuring the 2. …………timeliness……………………
– giving more 3. ………………control to the customers……….……so that they don’t receive
unwanted communications

c. What example does the interviewee give of banks improving communication with customers?
– informing a customer by 4. ……………email or SMS.………..…..that his salary has been
credited or he has gone over the overdraft limit.
– this way is helpful and valuable while customers are making 5. ……………financial

3. (Track 1.3) Listen and complete the talk below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for
each answer


How do you see business communication developing in the future?

Business communication is under pressure to be more 1. …………accurate. , ……

targeted……and 2. ……timely…… There are stricter 3. …privacy regulations……….
worldwide, which require explicit permission from customers if businesses want to
communicate with them. We have all faced the problem of e-mail spam- messages which
we never 4. ……requested…….. from companies who we have had no relationship with.
Businesses in the future will give more control over 5. ……two-way………. to the

Nowadays, increasingly, apart from people communicating with each other, we have 6.
………machine-to-machine……. communications. What I mean is where machines are
imbedded with communication devices transferring information to information systems
and computers worldwide. And this is primarily to improve 7. ………business
efficiency…… For example, we have increasing number of cars, vending machines and
equipment which is fixed with 8. ………mobile devices…….. which communicate with
head offices of companies and service centers.

4. (Track 1.4) Listen to the speech and pick nouns that refer to the following:

1. a system of recorded announcements (9 letters) ……………voicemail………….
2. a system of paths where you easily get lost (4 letters) …………………maze…….
3. a choice (6 letters) ……………option………….
4. a person (5 letters, 5 letters) ………………human……….
5. the importance given to something (8 letters) ………………attempts……….
6. how well and quickly something works (10 letters) ……efficiency

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