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BioGaia gotas: Cada 5 gotas contiene: 1x108 unidades formadoras de colonias de Lactobacillus reuteri
BioGaia comprimidos masticables: Cada comprimido masticable contiene: 1x108 unidades formadoras
de colonias de Lactobacillus reuteri protectis.

Acción Terapéutica: 

Tratamiento de alteraciones digestivas, tales como diarreas de diversa etiología, cólicos infantiles,

Vía de administración: Oral. La dosis recomendada es 5 gotas o 1 comprimido al día.

BioGaia Gotas: Envase conteniendo 5 ml. No requiere refrigeración. 
Comprimidos masticables: Sabor a limón: 10 y 30 comprimidos masticables.

Fuentes: (revisado: 20-04-18)

What is the recommended dosage of BioGaia Protectis?

The recommended daily dose of Lactobacillus  reuteri Protectis is 100 million CFU (Colony Forming
Units), or 10^8 CFU. You get this dose by consuming 1 BioGaia Protectis tablet, 1 BioGaia Protectis straw
or 5 drops of BioGaia Protectis drops.

How should I give BioGaia Protectis drops?

• The drops can be administered by using a spoon.
• Put 5 drops on a (soft) plastic spoon and turn the spoon over in the mouth and sort of “dry” it off on
the tongue of the baby.
• They can also be mixed with cold or lukewarm food. Avoid hot food, since L. reuteri is sensitive to high
• Always shake the bottle well before usage.

Can the drops be added to formula milk?

Yes the drops can be mixed with breast milk and/or formula. The only thing to consider when adding the
drops to liquids is the temperature. Do not add to liquids warmer than 37°C/99°F. If adding to liquids
make sure to consume within the same day.

Fuentes: (revisado: 20-04-18)

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