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Interactive Multimedia System Of Design and Development (IMSDD)

Interactive multimedia system requires planning very carefully at the structure of the
navigation and interactivity using the approach in making appropriate design metaphor.
Depth of IMSDD (Dastbaz, 2003, pp130-132):

1. System Requirements Analysis

This phase is comparable to the requirements specification phase in the waterfall model
and contains the elements of feasibility (feasibility) and the selection of hardware such as
the RMM model. Some functions of this phase is
a. To provide a definition of a system like making an outline of goals and objectives of
the system being designed.
b. To verify who the user of the system that will be created and if there are other specific
requirements that need to be considered. For example, if we design a learning package to
teach the user about the hard of hearing then use the audio as a media conduit of
information is not very suitable.
c. Evaluation of hardware, software, and authoring tools needed and select appropriately.
d. Consider the exact delivery platforms required by the system. If the interactive
multimedia system running on a network (WAN, LAN), then we need a different
approach in designing and building the system than if we use the system type CD-ROM.

2. Design Considerations

The purpose of this step is to clearly describe the detailed design guidelines. These steps
a. Metaphor Design
Choosing a real model to be used as a key solution for system interface design for
example movies, books, games, etc..
b. The format and type of information
Define the types of information that needs to be integrated into the system (text, graphics,
animation, sound, video). For example if we create an interactive multimedia system on
the film or cinema then format the video information will contribute the most.
c. Navigation Structure
Explains a navigation strategy which clearly includes the structure of relationships and
the features that might avoid the problems that berhubungkan with hypermedia systems
such as disorientation.
d. Control Systems
Describe the type and features of controls and equipment needed by the system.

3. Implementation
When the design features have been determined then the implementation phase of the
system starts the multimedia tools. Using authoring implementation phase consists of:
a. Creating a prototype of the system.
b. Perform beta testing of prototypes to find problems that may be from the control or

4. Evaluation
At this stage the system is evaluated against previous objectives. Type the type of
evaluation that used to be a format or summative evaluation.

Pic 1. Cycle System Of Interactive Multimedia System Design and Development (IMSDD)

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