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Guest Lecturer 1

Nama : Dr. Emienour Muzalina Binti Mustafa

Afiliasi : Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Fisheries and Food Science, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Email :
Scopus H index :5
Google Schoolar Index :-
Expertise/Research Interest :- Algae Physiology
- Marine & Coastal,
- Digital Sequence Information (DSI),
- Agro-industrial waste bioremediation
- Biochemistry and taxonomy Algae genetic ecotoxicology, and
- Renewable energy using algae

Professional Membership :- International Seaweed Association

- International Phycological Congress
- Malaysian Antarctic Research Programme

Networking & research :- British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge University, UK

collaboration - University Centre in Svalbard, Norway
- University of Tasmania, Australia
- Monash University Victoria, Australia.
2. Guest Lecturer 2

Nama : Muhammad Barmawi, S.Si., M.Sc

Afiliasi : Pengelola Ekosistem Laut dan Pesisir (PELP)
Balai Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Laut Denpasar
Email :
Scopus H index :-
Google Schoolar Index :-
Expertise/Research Interest :- GIS (Geographic Information System)
- Marine and Coastal Conservation,
- Coastal Resource Management,
2. Guest Lecturer 3

Nama : Lia Hapsari S.P., M.Si

Afiliasi : Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanical Gardens - LIPI
Email :
Scopus H index :5
Google Schoolar Index : 11
Expertise/Research Interest :- Botany Species diversity
- Genetic conservation,
- Molecular systematic,
- Plant Biotechnology, and
- Plant Taxonomy

Research Project :- Studi ekologi dan konservasi biji pisang liar di Jawa, Sulawesi dan
Maluku (2020-2022)
- Studi kuratorial keragaman morfologi dan molekular pisang (suku
Musaceae) dan kerabatnya (ordo Zingiberales) koleksi Kebun Raya
Purwodadi (2010 – sekarang)
- Kajian diversitas flora pulau kecil di Jawa Timur: Pulau Sempu
(2016 – 2018)
- dll

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