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Advertising Cell Organelles

Welcome to the Corey Advertising Agency. You are a valued member of our firm. The CAA
has just been contracted by Eukaryotic Cells Incorporated to advertise their new cell
organelles. ECI would like to have a television commercial and a billboard designed for each
line of organelles

Your Assignment:
Working in groups of 3-4 students, you will be assigned an organelle for you to advertise
through television and billboard ads. The two ads must have the following:

TV Commercial (1-2 minutes)

You must get people interested in your organelle while providing them with
important information. Therefore, you must mention the name of your
organelle and the function that organelle has in the cell at some point in your
commercial. You can be as creative as you like, but you must keep it clean
(the CAA has a strong ethical standard to uphold). Finally, you must come up
with a slogan for your organelle. The slogan should be easy for people to
remember and provide information about what the organelle does. Slogans
are usually 3-5 words, or an easy saying to stick in your head.

Billboard Design
There are billboard signs on every interstate highway in the country. The
ECI would like for people to drive by their signs and know everything they
need to know about the cell organelle. To do this you must have the name of
the organelle and a picture of the organelle so people know what it is. You
must include the function on the billboard, so that people know what it does.
Finally, you must include the slogan that you created for your commercial.
Remember that billboards are designed for people to get a lot of
information as they drive by at 65 mph. The client would like to read the
words on the billboard from the back of the room, so write neatly and big
enough to see.

Be as creative as you can, do not just stand up in front of the room and tell us what
your organelle is. The client, and your boss, will not be pleased with your effort.

This will count as one lab grade and everyone in the group will receive the same
grade; so make sure that everyone works.

Groups will receive extra credit for bringing in props and/ or creating jingles.
Advertising Cell Organelles Grading Rubric

Television Commercial
5 Points 3 Points 1 Point
Total Points Possible: 20 Points

Billboard Design
5 Points 3 Points 1 Point
Total Points Possible: 20 Points

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