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Greeted the Assalamualaikum…

audience and A very good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
introduced the topic
clearly Today I am going to talk about Phony Pharmaceuticals. Katherine
Eban, author of Dangerous Doses: How Counterfeiters Are
Contaminating America’s Drug Supply, explains that phony
pharmaceuticals are drugs that have been diluted, drugs in which the
active ingredient has been replaced with something else, or drugs that
have been relabeled to appear stronger than they truly are. Taking a
phony pharmaceutical means that you do not receive the medicine you
need to get better, and the results can be deadly.

Established I first became aware of this issue after my younger sister received a
credibility phony drug for her asthma last summer. Fortunately, the error was
discovered before it caused her any lasting harm. But I’ve been
concerned about the issues ever since, and I did a great deal of
research on it for this speech.

Provided Please take a look at these two pills.(show on powerpoint slides) Do

background to you notice a difference between them? How about these two? Do you
presentation see a difference here? How about these? To the naked eye, these
pills are indistinguishable. But at a chemical level, they are very, very
different. In each case, the pill on the left side is real; it will help you
get better. The pill on the right is counterfeit. It will not help you get
better. In some cases, it may even kill you.

So.. in my speech today, I will take a closer look at this problem. The
public must be made aware of the existence of phony pharmaceuticals
as it can be very harmful to our health.

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