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Can / Could

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Beginner

Puntuación: 9.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


I'm at work. Can you call me later, please?

Could you take a photo of us, please?

Mum can I go to Susan's house?

When I was fifteen I could dance very well.

Can you tell me a story?

I can't see a future together, sorry.

You can make tapas!

Can I buy some sweets?

Could I ask you a quick question?

Could you show us the way, please? We can (can't) find it.

At your age I can (could) play the piano very well.

Don't worry, I can help you.

Can you pass me the salt, please?

Can you go down the stairs on your bike?

I can't do it.

You can play the guitar very well.

I can't play tennis.

I can't skate. I'm afraid!

Yes, we can!

Mum! I can swim!

Should / ought to

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


Yes, I should look where I put my feet.

We ought to send the cheque today.

You shouldn't go out in this thunderstorm.

What should I wear at my uncle's wedding?

You ought to be more careful when you take the orders.

We should go and live in the country.

We ought to download the new accounting software.

You shouldn't eat just before lunchtime.

For further information you ought to contact the manager.

Should I take the tram to go to the market?

You ought not to read other people's diaries.

You shouldn't go to school without eating anything.

Should I ask him to the party?

You ought not to tell anyone what you have discovered.

You should go to the doctor.

Then, we should plan the project.

Present continuous

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Beginner

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


I'm watching the kids playing football.

We are playing with the Wii.

They are playing waterpolo.

I'm studying in my bedroom.

Nick is flirting with a girl.

I'm at a concert. My favourite group is playing in the city.

They are watching the television.

Dad, we are shopping in the supermarket.

We are watching the film.

The teacher is making the lesson very interesting.

I'm learning to play the guitar.

I'm changing my clothes.

I'm thinking of visiting you next week.

What are you cooking?

Not now Helen, I'm listening to the radio.

Paul, what are you doing in London?

They are paying for the food.

Modals of obligation

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Advanced

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


We must take it to the vet. It looks so weak.

Yes. I must thank all my fans, as they are the ones who have made it possible.

Better, but I still have to take pills for two more days.

If I accept the job, we will have to move.

The lift is out of order. I've had to come up the stairs.

Do we have to listen to that radio station?

You mustn't swim here today. There is a red flag.

Did you have to go to hospital in the end?

You are right. I will have to solve this one way or another.

Let's book the tickets. We mustn't miss it!

I have to renew my identity card. What do I have to do?

At 11:00. You must be in front of the cinema at exactly that time.

You mustn't do that, it could be dangerous. Besides, I think it's prohibited.

No, it isn't. You don't have to present it until next week.

Remind me that I have to call the employment office tomorrow.

I couldn't. I had to take care of my grandchildren.

May / Might

Fecha: 01/10/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Beginner

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


I might change this clock.

I don't know. They might want to fly south together!

He might not get the job.

Really? He might not like vegetables.

I might do that one day.

It may not rain in the end.

I might go to the rock concert tomorrow.

I might not go to university next September.

I might need another sheet of paper.

Jack might come to dinner tonight.

May I come in?

Be careful, it might be dangerous!

We might meet again.

He may not win the race.

Modals of certainty

Fecha: 01/10/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Advanced

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


They are looking for new opportunities. They must be suffering a lot.

I don't know, she might be knitting in the garden.

He can't be having financial problems. He has a factory.

It can't be broken. I used it yesterday and it was working well.

It's bleeding heavily. It must be a deep cut. I'll take you to the hospital.

She must be doing her hair.

I've heard a noise. It might be a ghost!

I don't know. They could be the name of a king.

He must be on the bridge.

They might not know about the situation of the company.

This could be part of the jug.

He can't be working as a travel agent. He was working in a bank.

She must be very good.

You can't be sleepy. You slept all night.

He might not have his mobile on him.

They might be away on holiday.

Be able to

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 8.8

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


Yes, the helicopter hasn't been able to get to them yet.

I won't be able to brush the horses this afternoon.

And he is able to find the solution to difficult problems.

I was able to enter the cooking competition!

Yes, finally I could see her. She was standing in front of the church.

I'd love to able to (to be able to) ride a bike.

He has been able to play the keyboards since he was six.

In these kinds of situations you must be able to stay calm.

I'm not able to do that.

Will you be able to finish the kite for tomorrow?

I want to be able to find the way by myself.

I haven't been able to repair the washing machine.

He sold them. He could (couldn't) take care of them.

I might be able to go camping with you!

Could you hear any of their conversation?

I still haven't been able to try on these jeans.

Future simple will

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 9.5

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


Then I'll try to park there.

I'll do it afterwards, I promise.

That's nothing. First I will clean the area.

Will you help me with the luggage?

And she will soon be eighty.

I'm sure I won't have fun.

Shall I put the shopping in the fridge?

I won't go to Victoria's place because it's snowing.

Next year we will have new geography textbooks.

I won't be long.

Then, I'll wait for you in the car.

Will you lend me your gold necklace?

Shall I open the window?

Pleased to meet you. I shall (I'll show) you your desk.

I won't get a good mark in the final examinations.

Shall we go for a drink?

You will find the perfect man soon.

I'm sure your sister will like this mug.

Will I see you at the conference?

Going to

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Beginner

Puntuación: 9.3

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


Are you going to do anything special on Saturday?

Don't take the umbrella, it's not going to rain.

Are your parents going to buy you a mobile?

He is going to smell horrible.

When are you going to go on holiday?

Benny is not going to come to the concert.

What colour is your sister going to paint her bedroom?

Yes, but the doctors going to (are going to) operate on his nose this afternoon.

Next month we are going to begin a Spanish course.

I'm not going to do Biology, in the end.

That means that we are going to find water!

I'm going to be a car race driver.

How many humans are we going to take?

I'm going to see a musical at the theatre.

Philip is not going to finish all that work tonight.

Present continuous (II)

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 8.7

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


We can't, we are having a barbecue with the Jordans.

Not again! This lift is always breaking down!

I see that your webpage is improving a lot.

I can't, I have (I'm having) a meeting with the headteacher.

Our upstairs neighbours are always making noise.

These days, the number of car accidents is increasing.

Jackie, tomorrow morning I'm going fishing with Baxter.

She is always watering the plants when I go past her house.

The world is changing very fast.

What is (are) you doing today after school?

Not again! You are always losing them!

You are becoming a great actor. Good job!

Mike, what time are we going skating tomorrow?

You are always playing around when I'm studying!

No, I wasn't. But now I'm starting to like it.


Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Beginner

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


You must obey all my orders!

You must study the lesson for next week.

But you must go.

You mustn't make a noise.

We must pay for it.

You must read this book. It's fantastic!

Oh, really? You must include the Rolling Stones!

You mustn't talk in the cinema.

But you must be careful because they are dangerous.

You must try to understand that now she's with him.

He is so rude! We must stop him!

They come from Mexico, so you must try to speak in Spanish.

Everybody must wash their hands before eating.

You mustn't walk alone on the streets.

Everybody must wear a red T-shirt for the rugby match.

We must start to save some money.

Have to

Fecha: 30/09/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


You have to put a cross in the correct box.

Tomorrow the cleaners will have to do the sixth floor.

Have you ever had to spend a day without electricity?

Of course! But you didn't have to buy me anything.

You don't have to buy a grammar book, I can lend you mine.

Did you have to turn on the heating last night?

So you had to paint the garage last week.

Do we have to ask for a licence to fish here?

We'll have to protect the animals.

We won't have to go swimming next term.

Sally won't come, she has to study physics.

My cousin doesn't have to pay.

I've had to change my shampoo.

You have to write your name and surname at the top.

I know. She has to go to the dentist.

Do I have to go shopping with you?

Yes, you only have to show your student card.

Must and can't for certainty

Fecha: 01/10/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


Then, he must know a lot about them.

This can't be the bus stop, it's not on the map.

She must be chatting on the phone.

It looks deep and it must be dangerous.

He can't be with his classmates, he is at football training now.

You must be thirsty, would you like some lemonade?

She must be doing an activity in the playground.

He can't be driving, his car is there.

Hannah can't still be having a shower!

Yes. You must think I'm crazy.

He must be discussing some problems with the engineers.

I don't believe it, a motorbike can't be so expensive.

You must have it in your room.

It must be the garlic. I think there's too much.

Lucy must be lying on the beach now.

It can't be hers. She has never had a leather jacket.

She must be ill.

First conditional

Fecha: 01/10/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Intermediate
Puntuación: 9.4

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


If you go on this ride, you will get scared.

If you don't cover yourself with a blanket, you will catch a cold.

If you dream of a full moon, you will receive amazing news.

He will score a goal if he kicks the ball now!

If the show doesn't start in five minutes, it will be a disaster!

Will we go sailing if it is sunny tomorrow?

So, if I get married to the pilot, I won't be unhappy anymore.

If Jessica Use (has) time, she I'll (might) go and buy the guidebook.

They will grow well if the weather is good.

If she doesn't pass her exam, she will have to do extra work.

If you use my pc again, I'll kill you!

If you spell the words correctly, you will win this prize!

He will fall if he goes down the stairs on a skateboard.

Let's see. If we drive east, we will get to the main road.

If you see Mary this afternoon, will you give this to her, please?

If he doesn't buy me anything for my birthday, I won't speak to him again.

Your dog will be happy if you take him for a walk.

Second conditional

Fecha: 01/10/2021
Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Advanced

Puntuación: 10.0

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


If you gave up smoking, you wouldn't cough so much.

If I were you, I would go to the seaside.

If someone tried to break in, what would you do?

If I were rich, I would be the happiest person in the world.

If I had more time I would come, but it's impossible right now.

If I had a thick jacket, I would put it on.

I suppose so. If he weren't satisfied with your work, he would tell you.

If I were you, I would put an advert on the noticeboard.

If we had more information, we could find out exactly where it is.

What would you do if he asked you out?

Horrible. If I had to go to such an event I would never wear a tracksuit.

These things wouldn't happen if they weren't allowed to enter.

If I were you, I would write it again.

You would probably win the quiz show if you took part in it.

What would you do if you were me?

If I didn't need your help, I wouldn't ask you.

Third conditional
Fecha: 01/10/2021

Alumno: Omar Andrés Simijaca Cantor

Nivel: Advanced

Puntuación: 9.3

Comentario del profesor: ¡Excelente!


If you hadn't chosen that cheap airline, that wouldn't have happened.

What would you have done if Harvard hadn't accepted your application?

If it had been in our neighbourhood, we might have bought it.

If you had had a positive attitude, we would have solved the problem.

If we had received more vaccines, we could have prevented most of those deaths.

If you Has installed (had installed) air conditioning, you wouldn't have been so hot.

I would have helped you if you had asked me.

If she hadn't been competent and qualified, she wouldn't have obtained the position.

If you had put them in the box, you wouldn't have pricked yourself.

If I hadn't left my camera at the hotel, I would have taken a picture.

If you hadn't studied law, what would you have studied?

If I had known about it before, I would have used it.

You wouldn't have crashed the car if you had taken more care.

If you had checked the list, you would have seen you didn't have all the ingredients.

Who would you have liked to interview if you had had the chance?

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