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I changed all my habits and now

When I started listening the video I thought that I’m a new person, a person that
this video is destined for me. Why am I saying wants to help others with their
this? Because 2 months ago I wanted to do a self. I saw a lot of videos like
change in my life, a big change like the guy in TEDx talks and that videos
the video, my first step on this big change was helped me with my self. This is a
the time. I was always an organized boy but in personal achievement for me and
mornings I couldn’t got up very well because I I want to complement this
slept at 12:00 a.m. So I had to start sleeping achievement with the video.
more earlier than the other days so I started
sleeping at 10:30 p.m. That was a big change for
me but if it weren’t for my parents maybe I
would be sleeping at the same time. So I started
to sleep at 10:30 p.m. and I started to wake up at
6:00 a.m. However, the first days were the worst
because I changed my schedule. The guy in the
said that our brain felt the repetitions it started to
get use and that happened to me. I started to feel
better with myself, my behavior changed a lot
and now I feel very good. Like the guy said we
had to be honest with us because if we aren’t
honest with our self we would feel bad. I started
to walk step by step, I started to run at the
morning and then I bought some weights but I
didn’t know what to do but fortunately I found
someone that changes my life. This person is
Chuy Almada, he has the best mentality in this
world, he helped me and now I feel a good
person that could change his life and feel better
with his self

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