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SCITECH (Science, Technology and Society – HM2P2)




In this experiment, the researcher focused on observing the growth of

plants or vegetables with or without the energy coming from the sun. The
researcher has observed that the water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) that she
has planted has grew differently from one another based on the location that
she has put them into. The water spinach that she has put in the shade took
longer to grow and mature while as the water spinach that she has put under
the sunlight has grown faster than the later.


Why is it that water spinach under the sunlight are growing faster than
those under the shade? What is in the sunlight that makes this happen?

If the sunlight made water spinach grow faster than those water
spinaches put under the shade, then all plants need sunlight to grow faster


To further do an experiment on this natural observation, the researcher

has beforehand planted many types of plants and vegetables which included
Sunflower, Capsicum, and Tomatoes. These plants were planted in two

A) Under the shade

B) Under the sunlight

These are the Sunflower seeds used for the

beforehand and is a subject and material of

In this section, you’ll see the sunflower

seeds that were planted and located under
the shade.
(These seeds are planted the same time
with the seeds located under the sunlight)

While as you can see that in these pots, there

were already seedlings that started to sprout
from the sunflower seeds. Although there were
planted the same time, the seeds in the
sunlight has grow faster.
This is one of the
This is one of the sunflower plants
sunflower plants in its growth
in its growth after 3 months
after 3 months under the
under the shade. sunlight.

These are the plants in full growth

under the sunlight. The sunfower
and Tomatoes have grown
accordingly and even faster than
those under the shade.

While as these are the plants that were put under the shade. As per
observation, the tomatoes hardly had many flowers and is withering also. It
goes the same for the Capsicum with small leaves and withered tiny branches.
On the other hand the sunflower plant has started to bloom although it is a
little late in comparison to the sunflower plant under the sunlight.

This observation is natural in nature as we all know that sunlight is vital

in the growth of plants. However, to observe and experiment on this natural
phenomena encourages people to develop knowledge on how plants are able
to manufacture and produce varied outcomes.

In conclusion, all plants require light for photosynthesis, the process

within a plant that converts light, oxygen and water into carbohydrates
During photosynthesis, plants trap light energy with their leaves. Plants
use the energy of the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar
called glucose. Glucose is used by plants for energy and to make other
substances like cellulose and starch. Plants require this energy in order to
grow, bloom and produce seed. Without adequate light, carbohydrates cannot
be manufactured, the energy reserves are depleted and plants die.

That is why in the observations, the water spinach, sunflower, tomatoes

under the shade of the sun are fast in growing and healthy in nature. Plants
rely on the energy in sunlight to produce the nutrients they need and the lack
of it makes the result in contrary to the positive ones.

As a result, the hypothesis:

If the sunlight made water spinach grow faster than those water spinaches
put under the shade, then all plants need sunlight to grow faster too.

Is valid and accepted according to Science and based on explainable

observation and elaborate research and experimentation.


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