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1. In 20-30 words, summarize the different philosophy of the different each era or
The different philosophy of the different era or movement are: Ancient Era (before
common era) was the beginnings of philosophy as we know it today. During this era, the
search for the wisdom and knowledge about the nature and reality was a priority, for
philosophers to this day are considered some of the most influential philosophers of all
time. Medieval Era, is commonly known as the dark era as the people in Europe were
“unenlightened” and relied on blind faith and the Catholic Church. It was population’s
faith in the Christianity that gave the church immense power and most medieval
philosophy was focused on theology, the stud of God religious belief. The Renaissance
era was revolutionary for scientific discovery and rational thought. It was during this era
that “The Enlightenment” began as these years flourished with culture, scientific
discoveries and reasoning. Revolution, era was undoubtedly a turning point in history
that consisted of the industrial revolution, the French revolution and the American
Revolution. New advancements in technology lead to new discoveries and new
machines lead to faster production rates and a growing economy. The American and
French revolutions began significant reformations in government, new peace treaties
and human rights. Modern/ contemporary Philosophy, is the result of an evolution from
all it’s prior eras. In the 19th century there was a main focus on political divide between
communism and democracy. Historical events continued to shape ideologies and
government structure into the present day and philosophy remains a relevant subject in
relation to our everyday lives.
2. Search at least five artist of each era or movement.
 Leonardo da Vinci
 Donatello
 Sandro Botticelli
 Vincent Willem van Gogh
 Georges Seurat
3. Give at least one work of these five artist from each era or movement.
One of the work of these artist from each era ore movement is SURREALISM.

4. Choose at least one era or movement and appreciate the work of the artist. What does
the artist portray in his work?
Surrealism is one of the famous art movements of the Modernist era. It comes to
remembered for its production of visceral, eye grabbling and aesthetics images.
Leaping off from the absurdist inclinations of Dadaists and the psychoanalytical writings
of Sigmund Freud, Andre Breton, a well known poet and cri tic of his time, and published
“The Surrealist Manifesto” in 1924 in which he declared the group’s intention to unite
consciousness so that the realms of dream and fancy could merge with everyday reality
in an “absolute reality, a surreality”. Although they were best-remembered for the work
of their painters- such as Jean Arp, Max Ernst, and Andre Masson- surrealist worked for
a variety mediums, including poetry, literature, sculpture, and the new medium of film,
Because Breton was a militant in the adherence to his manifesto by the members
splintered off into new art forms, though still incorporating techniques and motifs of

5. In 10 to 20 sentences, what is the importance and contribution of these movement in

the modern era.

Modern history saw extreme changes in the way people lived including industrialization.
There was a significant development in the field of science, politics, warfare, and
technology. This period was the age of discovery and globalization. The feature of the
modern era is the development of all forces of modernity, science, reason, democracy,
liberality and equality. Medieval is in fact a term that is used to describe a societal
period that lacked all these features. sThe importance and contribution of these
movements in the modern era is it introduced new techniques, methods, materials, and
new themes to produce art in their own way. These movements and their artist were
sable to keep their uniqueness separate from other movements which supported their
talent in a pretty previous way.

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