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1. In my own understanding, the word good may also be universally defined as right.

We do good
things that we think is also right. But this term may also have different meaning depending on
what things we’re referring to as good. Just like when we say that the dress is good, we mean
that the dress is beautiful. Or when we say that the food is good, we may also mean that the
food is delicious. The definition of good differs based on how we use it and for me, the things I
do are good if it is according to the will of God. We must always remember that there are things
that we think are good that’s why de do them but we should also consider if they are good in
the eyes of the Lord. I do think that it is very necessary to understand the good in studying
ethics. We must know that ethics sets guidelines for us to identify what is morally good or bad.
For me when we understand the good, we know how to identify whether what were doing is
good or is it already bad.

2. The terms happiness and good are inseparable because they both work together and complete
each other. There is always happiness achieved when we do good things and it gives us a
different kind of satisfaction when we have done a good thing. But we also must know that
there are times where we also become happy when we do bad things which are morally wrong
just like when someone steals, they become happy because they’d get what they want or when
we cheat, we become happy because we won’t get a low score but then our conscience will
keep bothering our minds. That is why we must always choose to do what is good and what is
right even if it might not instantly give us the fulfillment we want because at the end, we will still
achieve happiness because we’ve done the right thing.

3. Just like what we believe in the saying that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, each person
has different opinions about being beautiful. Beauty is relative, what is beautiful for may not be
beautiful for you. For most people nowadays, they say a person is beautiful when she is perfect
in all aspects specially in her outward appearance, that a person is beautiful when she wears
make-up on and dresses elegantly but I disagree. In my perspective beauty is all about being you
and being natural and there is no such thing as a perfect person, your flaws make you beautiful
and unique from other people. I do believe that beauty is a transcendental because beauty is
very hard for us to explain since we are all beautiful in our own manner. Even our God never
sees us with different kinds of beauty because He believes that all of His creation are equal and
that we are all equally beautiful in His eyes.

1. Perfect voluntariness implies knowledge and consent which means that the person is fully aware
and knowledgeable about his/her act. While on the other hand, imperfect voluntariness implies
partial knowledge and consent or it means that the person is aware of his/her actions but does
not fully realize the intentions nor the end of his/her actions. The difference between these two
lies on the intention of the person who does the act.
2. Basically, the definition of indirect voluntariness is that it is an act or situation which is a result
from a directly willed or intended act. Let us take the examples given like the act of surrendering
your wallet to a robber/hold-upper, imagine you went to a shop to buy some food but
unfortunately you were robber walked in and saw you first and made you surrender your wallet,
your primary intention was to buy food but you made an indirect voluntary act which you
weren’t intending to do. Even in the case of paying ransom money to release hostages, it is not
your intention to pay money but since it is needed so that the hostages will be released, again
you will make an indirect voluntary act even if it’s not your intention.

3. Yes, definitely a person can still commit a crime even if he/she does not intend to do it. Consider
the case of people who were accused of a crime as a result of self-defense. Imagine a person
holding a knife is about to stab you and because you were afraid and don’t know what to do you
then saw a rock and hit the head of that person and accidentally killed him as a self-defense.
That can be considered as a crime which you can be accused of even if it’s not really your
intention to kill that person, you only did it to protect yourself from being stabbed by that
person. This is one example of the case that a person can still commit a crime even if he/she
doesn’t will to do it.

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