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Complex Variables and Elliptic

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Maximal functions, potentials and

singular integrals in grand Morrey
a b
Alexander Meskhi
Department of Mathematical Analysis , A. Razmadze
Mathematical Institute , 1. M. Aleksidze Str., 0193 Tbilisi, Georgia
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Informatics and Control
Systems , Georgian Technical University , 77, Kostava St., Tbilisi,
Published online: 16 Mar 2011.

To cite this article: Alexander Meskhi (2011) Maximal functions, potentials and singular integrals in
grand Morrey spaces, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal, 56:10-11,
1003-1019, DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2010.534793

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Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Vol. 56, Nos. 10–11, October–November 2011, 1003–1019

Maximal functions, potentials and singular integrals in

grand Morrey spacesy
Alexander Meskhiab*
Department of Mathematical Analysis, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute,
1. M. Aleksidze Str., 0193 Tbilisi, Georgia; bDepartment of Mathematics, Faculty of
Informatics and Control Systems, Georgian Technical University,
77, Kostava St., Tbilisi, Georgia
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Communicated by M. Lanza de Cristoforis

(Received 18 July 2010; final version received 13 October 2010)

We introduce grand Morrey spaces and establish the boundedness of

Hardy–Littlewood maximal, Calderón–Zygmund and potential operators
in these spaces. In our case the operators and grand Morrey spaces are
defined on quasi-metric measure spaces with doubling measures. The
results are new even for Euclidean spaces.
Keywords: grand Morrey spaces; Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator;
Calderón–Zygmund operators; potentials; boundedness
AMS Subject Classifications: 42B20; 42B25; 46E30

1. Introduction
In the article, we introduce the grand Morrey spaces Lp),, and establish the
boundedness of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal, Calderón–Zygmund and potential
operators in these spaces. We study the problem in the frame of quasi-metric
measure spaces with doubling measures but the results are new even for Euclidean
The classical grand Lebesgue spaces Lp) were introduced in the article by Iwaniec
and Sbordone [1] when they studied the problem of the integrability of the Jacobian
J( f, x) of the orientation preserving mapping f ¼ ( f1, . . . , fn) :  ! Rn under minimal
hypothesis, where  is a bounded domain in Rn and n  2.
Later the generalized grand Lebesgue spaces Lp), appeared in the paper by Greco
et al. [2], where the existence and uniqueness of the non-homogeneous n-harmonic
equation div A(x, ru) ¼  were established.
Structural properties of these spaces were investigated in the papers [3–5] etc.
The boundedness of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator (resp. for the
Hilbert transform) in (weighted) Lp)([0, 1]) spaces was proved in [6] (resp. in [7]).

yDedicated to 70th anniversary of Prof V. Burenkov.

ISSN 1747–6933 print/ISSN 1747–6941 online

ß 2011 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2010.534793
1004 A. Meskhi

The same problem for Cauchy singular integrals was studied in [8]. In [9], the author
showed that the Riesz fractional integral operator defined on [0, 1] with the
parameter 0 5  5 1 is not bounded between the generalized grand Lebesgue spaces
LpÞ,1 and LqÞ,2 for 2 5 (1 þ q)1, and is bounded between these spaces if
2  (1 þ q)1, where 1 5 p 5 1/ and q ¼ 1p .
The Morrey spaces L , introduced by Morrey in 1938 [10] in order to study
regularity problems which appear in the calculus of variations, describe local
regularity more precisely than Lebesgue spaces.
For essential properties of Lp, spaces and the boundedness of maximal,
fractional and singular operators in these spaces we refer to the papers [11–16], etc.
Finally we mention that necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness
of maximal operators and Riesz potentials in the local Morrey-type spaces were
derived in [17,18].
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2. Preliminaries
Let X :¼ (X, , ) be a topological space with a complete measure  such that the
space of compactly supported continuous functions is dense in L1(X, ) and there
exists a non-negative real-valued function (quasi-metric) d on X  X satisfying the
(i) (x, y) ¼ 0 if and only if x ¼ y,
(ii) there exists a constant a1 4 0, such that (x, y)  a1((x, z) þ (z, y)) for all
x, y, z 2 X,
(iii) there exists a constant a0 4 0, such that (x, y)  a0( y, x) for all x, y, z 2 X.
We assume that the balls B(x, r) :¼ {y 2 X : (x, y) 5 r} are measurable and
0  (B(x, r)) 5 1 for all x 2 X and r 4 0; for every neighbourhood V of x 2 X, there
exists r 4 0, such that B(x, r)  V. Throughout this article we also suppose that
{x} ¼ 0 and that
Bðx, RÞ n Bðx, rÞ 6¼ ; ð2:1Þ
for all x 2 X, positive r and R with 0 5 r 5 R 5 d, where
d :¼ diamðXÞ ¼ supfðx, yÞ : x, y 2 Xg:
Throughout this article we suppose that d 5 1 and that the doubling condition
ðBðx, 2rÞÞ  cðBðx, rÞÞ
for  is satisfied, where the positive constant c does not depend on x 2 X and r 4 0. A
quasi-metric measure space (X, , ) with doubling measure  is called a space of
homogeneous type (SHT). For the definition, examples and some properties of an
SHT see, e.g., monographs [19,20].
Notice that the condition d 5 1 implies that (X) 5 1 because every ball in X
has a finite measure.
We say that the measure  is upper Ahlfors Q-regular if there is a positive
constant c1 such that B(x, r)  c1rQ for all x 2 X and r 4 0. Further,  is lower
Ahlfors q-regular if there is a positive constant c2 such that B(x, r)  c2rq for all
x 2 X and r 4 0.
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1005

Let 1 5 p 5 1,  4 0 and 0   5 1. We denote by Lp),,(X, ) the class of those

f : X ! R for which the norm
 Z p"
" p"
k f kLpÞ,, ðX, Þ ¼ sup sup  j f ð yÞj dð yÞ
05"5p1 x 2 X ððBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

is finite.
If  ¼ 0, then Lp),,(X, ) is the grand Lebesgue space defined on X and denoted
by Lp),(X, ). Further, if  ¼ 1, then we use the symbol Lp),(X, ) instead of
Lp),,(X, ).
Using Hölder’s inequality it is easy to see that the following embeddings hold for
Lp), spaces (see also [2,6]):
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Lp ðX, Þ  LpÞ,1 ðX, Þ  LpÞ,2 ðX, Þ  Lp" ðX, Þ, 0 5 " 5 p  1, 1 5 2 :

Let 1  p 5 1 and let 0   5 1. The classical Morrey space, denoted by
Lp,(X, ), is defined by the norm
 Z 1p
k f kLp, ðX, Þ ¼ sup j f ð yÞjp dð yÞ :
ððBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

If  ¼ 0, then Lp,(X, ) is the classical Lebesgue space.

Finally, we mention that constants (often different constants in the same series of
inequalities) will generally be denoted by c or C. By the symbol p0 we denote the
conjugate number of p, i.e. p0 :¼ p1 , 1 5 p 5 1.

3. Maximal operator in grand Morrey spaces

In this section we prove the boundedness of the Hardy–Littlewood maximal
ðMf ÞðxÞ ¼ sup j f ð yÞjdð yÞ, x 2 X,
x 2 X ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

in Lp),,(X, ).
Our main theorem in this section is the following statement:
THEOREM 3.1 Let 1 5 p 5 1,  4 0 and let 0   5 1. Suppose that d 5 1. Then
the Hardy–Littlewood maximal operator M is bounded in Lp),,(X, ).
To prove Theorem 3.1 we need some auxiliary statements.
PROPOSITION 3.2 Let 1 5 p 5 1. Then there is a positive constant c0 non-depending
on p such that
kMf kLp ðX, Þ  c0 ð p0 Þp k f kLp ðX, Þ : ð3:1Þ

Proof The proof follows directly from the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem. The
constant c0 arises from the appropriate covering lemma (see, e.g. [21, p. 29]). g
1006 A. Meskhi

PROPOSITION 3.3 Let 1 5 p 5 1 and let 0   5 1. Then the inequality


kMf kLp, ðX, Þ  b=p c0 ð p0 Þp þ1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ

holds, where the constant c0 is from (3.1) and the positive constant b depends only on c,
a1 and a2 (recall that the constant c arises in the doubling condition for ; a0 and a1 are
constants from the definition of the quasi-metric ).
Proof Let r be a small positive number and let us represent f as follows f ¼ f1 þ f2,
where f1 ¼ f  Bðx,arÞ , f2 ¼ f  f1 and a is the positive constant given by a ¼
a1 ða1 ða0 þ 1Þ þ 1Þ. We have
 Z 1p
1 p
ðMf Þ ð yÞdð yÞ
ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ
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 Z 1p  Z 1=p
1 p 1 p
 ðMf 1 Þ ð yÞdð yÞ þ ðMf2 Þ ð yÞdð yÞ
ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ
¼: J1 ðx, rÞ þ J2 ðx, rÞ:
By applying Proposition 3.2 we have that
Z 1=p
J1 ðx, rÞ  ðMf1 ð yÞÞp dð yÞ
ðBðx, rÞÞ=p X
Z 1=p
0 =p p
 c0 ð p Þ ðBðx, rÞÞ
p j f ð yÞj dð yÞ
 c0 bp ð p0 Þp k f kLp, ðX, Þ ,

where c0 is the constant from (3.1) and b ¼ c1þlog2 a (the value of the constant b is
determined by the inequality Bðx, arÞ  bBðx, rÞ, which is a consequence of the
doubling condition). Further, observe that (see also [22, p. 23]) if y 2 B(x, r), then
Bðx, rÞ  Bð y, a1 ða0 þ 1ÞrÞ  Bðx, a, rÞ. Hence, if y 2 B(x, r), then
Mf2 ð yÞ  sup j f ð yÞjdð yÞ:
Bðx,rÞB ðBÞ B

 Z 1=p
1 1
J2 ðx, rÞ  ðBðx, rÞÞ p sup j f ð yÞjp dð yÞ
Bðx,rÞB ðBÞ B
Z 1=p
=p p
 supðBÞ j f ð yÞj dð yÞ ¼ k f kLp, ðX, Þ :

Taking into account the estimates for J1(x, r) and J2(x, r) we conclude that
 Z 1=p
ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ p
 c0 b=p ð p0 Þ1=p þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ :
ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1007

Proof of Theorem 3.1 It is obvious that

Z  p"
" p"
kMf kLpÞ,, ðX, Þ ¼ max sup sup  ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ ;
05" x 2 X ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ
 Z p"
" p"
sup sup  ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ ¼: maxfA1 , A2 g:
5"5p1 x 2 X ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

1 1
We begin with A2. Using the facts that sup"5p1 "p" ¼ p  1, p" 4 p (when
 5 " 5 p  1) and Hölder’s inequality we have that

A2 ¼ sup "p" kMf kLp", ðX, Þ
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 Z p"
 1 1
¼ sup "p" sup ðBðx, rÞÞp" ðMf ð yÞÞp" dð yÞ
5"5p1 x2X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

 Z p
 1 1 p
 sup "p" sup ðBðx, rÞÞ p" ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ
5"5p1 x2X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

!0  Z p
@ sup ðBðx, rÞÞp 1 A
 sup " p" ðMf ð yÞÞp dð yÞ
5"5p1 x2X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

 Z p
1   1
 ð p  1Þ sup ðBðx, rÞÞp  p  p ðMf ð yÞÞp dð yÞ
x2X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

 Z p

 p  p
¼ ð p  1Þ  sup ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ
Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

 ð p  1Þ  p sup "p" kMf kLp", ðX, Þ :

Hence, by using Proposition 3.3 we find that

kMf kLpÞ, ðX, Þ  p p sup "p" kMf kLp", ðX, Þ

p p"  
 c0 p sup b p" þ 1 "p" k f kLp", ðX, Þ
05" p"1
" " p"

p  p  "
 c0 p sup bp" þ 1 k f kLpÞ, ðX, Þ :
05" p"1

Since  is sufficiently small, we have that the expression

h 1 i
Sp, :¼ c0 p p sup bp" ð p  "Þ0 p" þ 1
is finite. In fact, it is easy to see that Sp,  c0 p p bp ð p  Þ0 þ 1 : g
1008 A. Meskhi

4. Calderón–Zygmund operators in grand Morrey spaces

Tf ðxÞ ¼ p:v: kðx, yÞ f ð yÞdð yÞ,

where k : X  X n {(x, x) : x 2 X} ! R be a measurable function satisfying the

jkðx, yÞj  , x, y 2 X, x 6¼ y;
Bðx, ðx, yÞÞ
ðx2 , x1 Þ 1
jkðx1 , yÞ  kðx2 , yÞj þ jkð y, x1 Þ  kð y, x2 Þj  c!
ðx2 , yÞ Bðx2 , ðx2 , yÞÞ
for all x1, x2 and y with (x2, y)  c(x, x2), where ! is a positive non-decreasing
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function onR (0, 1) which

satisfies the D2 condition: !(2t)  c!(t) (t 4 0); and the Dini
condition: 0 !ðtÞ=t dt 5 1.
We also assume that for some constant p0, 1 5 p0 5 1, and all f 2 Lp0 ðX, Þ the
limit Tf(x) exists almost everywhere on X and that T is bounded in Lp0 ðX, Þ.
For simplicity we will assume that p0 ¼ 2. We call T the Calderón–Zygmund
LEMMA 4.1 Let T be the Calderón–Zygmund operator. Then there is a positive
constant c non-depending on p such that the following estimates hold:
p p
kTkLp ðX, Þ!Lp ðX, Þ  c þ , 1 5 p 5 2,
p1 2p
kTkLp ðX, Þ!Lp ðX, Þ  c p þ , p 4 2:
Proof Since T has weak (1, 1) and strong (2, 2) types the Marcinkiwicz interpolation
theorem (see, e.g. [21, p. 29]) we have that

2p A0 4p A21
kTkLp ðX, Þ!Lp ðX, Þ  þ k f kLp ðX, Þ , 1 5 p 5 2,
p  1 cp1 2  p cp2
where A0 is the constant arisen in the weak (1, 1) type inequality for T and A1 is the
constant from the strong (2, 2) type inequality for T. Observe now that
 1=p  1=p 1=p  1=p 2=p
2p A0 4p A21 1=p p A0 1=p p A1
þ  2 þ 4
p  1 cp1 2p cp2 p1 cð p1Þ=p 2p cð p2Þ=p
p p
c þ ,
p1 2p
where a positive constant c does not depend on p.
Let now p 4 2. By using the above-mentioned arguments and observing that
k0 (x, y) :¼ k( y, x) is the Calderón–Zygmund kernel we have that
p p0 p
kTkLp !Lp ¼ kTkLp0 !Lp0  0 þ ¼c pþ :
p  1 2  p0 p2
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1009

PROPOSITION 4.2 Let 1 5 p 5 1, 0   5 1. Then

p p pþ1
kTkLp, ðX, Þ  c þ þ , 1 5 p 5 2,
p1 2p 1
p pþ1
kTkLp, ðX, Þ  c p þ þ , p 4 2:
p2 1
Proof Let us take small r 4 0 and x 2 X. Represent f as follows: f ¼ f1 þ f2, where
f1 ¼ f  Bðx,2a1 rÞ , f2 ¼ f  f1, where a1 is the constant from the triangle inequality for
the quasi-metric . Observe that if y 2 B(x, r) and z 2 X \ B(x, 2a1r), then

Bðx, ðx, zÞÞ  cBð y, ð y, zÞÞ: ð4:1Þ

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Inequality (4.1) follows from the estimates

Bðx, ðx, zÞÞ  c1 Bðx, ð y, zÞÞ  c2 Bð y, ð y, zÞÞ: ð4:2Þ

To show the first part of (4.2) observe that

ðx, zÞ
ðx, zÞ  a1 ðx, yÞ þ a1 ð y, zÞ  a1 r þ a1 ð y, zÞ  þ a1 ð y, zÞ:
Hence, ðx, zÞ
2a1  ð y, zÞ. Now by the doubling condition we have the first part of (4.2).
The second part of (4.2) follows easily.
Recall now that the doubling condition for  implies the reverse doubling
condition for : there are constants 0 5 , 5 1 such that for all x 2 X and small
positive r,

Bðx, rÞ  Bðx, rÞ: ð4:3Þ

Let us take an integer m0 so that m0 d is sufficiently small, where d is the diameter
of X.
Let y 2 B(x, r). Then by (4.1), Fubini’s theorem and the doubling condition for 
we have that
jTf2 ð yÞj  c j f ðzÞjðBðx, ðx, zÞÞ1 dðzÞ
XnBðx,2a1 rÞ
Z Z 
c j f ðzÞj ðBðx, ðx, tÞÞ2 dðtÞ dðzÞ
XnBðx,2a1 rÞ Bðx,m0 ðx, zÞÞnBðx, m0 1 ðx, zÞÞ
Z Z 
c ðBðx, ðx, tÞÞÞ2 j f ðzÞj dðzÞ dðtÞ
XnBðx,2m0 1 a1 rÞ Bðx,1m0 ðx, tÞÞ
c ðBðx, ðx, tÞÞÞ1 fðx, tÞdðtÞ,
XnBðx,2m0 1 a1 rÞ

fðx, tÞ :¼ B x, 1m0 ðx, tÞ j f ðzÞj dðzÞ:
Bðx,1m0 ðx, tÞÞ
1010 A. Meskhi

Observe that by Hölder’s inequality the following estimates hold:

fðx, tÞ  Bðx, 1m0 ðx, tÞÞ1 k f kLp ðBðx, 1m0 ðx, tÞÞ kBðx,1m0 ðx, tÞÞ kLp0 ðXÞ
 c Bðx, 1m0 ðx, tÞÞ p k f kLp ðBðx, 1m0 ðx, tÞÞ
 c Bðx, 1m0 ðx, zÞÞ p k f kLp, ðX, Þ :

By applying now Lemma 1.2 of [22] (see also the monograph [23, p. 372]) we find
that for y 2 B(x, r),
jTf2 ð yÞj  ck f kLp, ðX, Þ Bðx, 1m0 ðx, tÞÞ p dðtÞ
XnBðx,21m0 a1 rÞ

1 1
p  1
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 c Bðx, 21m0 a1 rÞ p  1  k f kLp, ðX, Þ

p   þ 1 1
¼c Bðx, 21m0 a1 rÞ p k f kLp, ðX, Þ ,
where the positive constant c does not depend on  and p.
Consequently, by Lemma 4.1 we find that
 Z 1=p
ðBðx, rÞÞ jTf ð yÞj dð yÞ
Z 1p
=p p
 ðBðx, rÞÞ jTf1 ð yÞj dð yÞ
Z 1p
=p p
þ ðBðx, rÞÞ jTf2 ð yÞj dð yÞ

Z 1p
p p
 c  cp ðBðx, rÞÞ j f ð yÞj dð yÞ
Bðx,2a1 rÞ
p þ1 1 1 
þc Bðx, 21m0 a1 rÞ p ðBðx, 2a1 rÞÞp ðBðx, rÞÞp k f kLp, ðX, Þ

pþ1 pþ1
 c  cp þ c  k f kLp, ðX, Þ ¼ c cp þ k f kLp, ðX, Þ ,
1 1
where the constant c 4 0 does not depend on p and , and
8 p p
< p  1 þ 2  p , 1 5 p 5 2,
cp ¼ p
:p þ , p 4 2:
THEOREM 4.3 Let 1 5 p 5 1,  4 0 and let 0 5  5 1. Then the operator T is
bounded in Lp),,(X, ).
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1011

Proof We have

 Z p"
" p"
kTf kLpÞ,, ðX, Þ ¼ max sup sup  jTf ð yÞj dð yÞ ,
05" x 2 X ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

 Z p"
" p"
sup sup  jTf ð yÞj dð yÞ ¼: maxfA1 , A2 g,
5"5p1 x 2 X ðBðx, rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ

where  is a number satisfying the condition 0 5  5 p  1.

First we estimate A2. By applying Hölder’s inequality we find that

A2 ¼ sup "p" kTf kLp", ðX, Þ
Z  p"
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  1 1
¼ sup "p" ðBðx, rÞÞp" ðBðx, rÞÞp" jTf jp"
5"5p1 Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ
 Z p1
 sup "p" ðBðx, rÞÞp" ðBðx, rÞÞ1 jTf jp :
5"5p1 Bðx,rÞ

Without loss of generality we can assume that (X) ¼ 1. Consequently,

1 1
ððBðx, rÞÞp"  ðBðx, rÞÞp if  5 ". Hence,
A2  ð p  1Þ  p sup "p" kTf kLp", ðX, Þ :

Consequently, by Proposition 4.2 we conclude that

kTf kLpÞ,, ðX, Þ  ðp  1Þ  p þ 1 sup "p" kTfkLp", ðX, Þ
 ðp  1Þ  þ 1 sup Cp,," "p" k fkLp", ðX,Þ
h i  Z p"
¼ ð p  1Þ  p þ 1 sup Cp,," sup j fðyÞj p"
05" x2 X
ðBðx,rÞÞ Bðx,rÞ
 ðp  1Þ  p þ 1 kfkLpÞ,, ðX, Þ sup Cp,," ,

> p"þ1 p" p"
< þ þ , 15p52
1 p"1 2pþ"
Cp,," ¼
> p"þ1 p"
: þp"þ , p 4 2:
1 p"2
Observe now that
> pþ1 p p
< 1   þ p    1 þ 2  p, 1 5 p 5 2,
sup Cp,," 
05" >
> pþ1 p p
: þ þ , p 4 2,
1 p1 p2
where  is sufficiently small. g
1012 A. Meskhi

5. Fractional integrals in grand Morrey spaces

R ð yÞdlð yÞ
5.1. Potentials ðIa f ÞðxÞ ¼ X fqðx, yÞca
Let an SHT (X, , ) satisfy the condition: there are positive constants b and

such that
Bðx, rÞ  br
, ð5:1Þ
for all x 2 X and r, 0 5 r 5 d, i.e.  is upper
-Ahlfors regular. As before we assume
that d ¼ diam(X) 5 1.
f ð yÞ
ðI f ÞðxÞ ¼
 dð yÞ, x 2 X,
X ðx, yÞ
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where 0 5  5
In this section we study the boundedness of I in grand Morrey spaces. For this we
define the classical Morrey space as follows: f 2 Lp,(X, ) (1 5 p 5 1, 0   5 1) if
 Z 1=p
k f kLp, ðX, Þ :¼ sup
 j f ð yÞjp dð yÞ 5 1:
x2X r Bðx,rÞ

Further, let ’ be a positive function in (0, p  1) which is increasing near 0 and

satisfies the condition ’(0þ) ¼ 0. We say that f 2 Lp),’(),(X, ) if
 Z 1p
k f kLpÞ,’ðÞ, ðX, Þ ¼ sup sup
 j f ð yÞjp dð yÞ 5 1:
05"5p1 x 2 X r Bðx,rÞ

Let  be a positive number. If ’(")  ", then we denote Lp),’(),(X, ) ¼:

L (X, ). For  ¼ 1 we have the grand Morrey space Lp),(X, ).
ðMf ÞðxÞ ¼ sup
j f ð yÞj dð yÞ, x 2 X:
x2X r Bðx,rÞ

We begin with the following statement:

PROPOSITION 5.1 Let 1 5 p 5 1 and let 0   5 1. Then

kMf kLp, ðX, Þ  ðaÞ p c0 ð p0 Þp þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ

holds, where c0 is the constant from (3.1) and a ¼ a1 ða1 ða0 þ 1Þ þ 1Þ.
Proof Since Mf(x)  Mf(x), by Proposition 3.2 we have that

kMkLp ðX, Þ!Lp ðX, Þ  c0 ð p0 Þ1=p :

Repeating the proof of Proposition 3.3 we have the desired result. g

LEMMA 5.2 Let 1 5 p 5 1, 0 5  5 p ,p  1q ¼ ð1Þ

, where 0   5 1. Then the
kI f kLq, ðX, Þ  cð p, , ,
Þk f kLp, ðX, Þ
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1013

holds, where the positive constant cð p, , ,

Þ is given by

ð1  Þ
0 1=q
cð p, , ,
Þ ¼ c ðp Þ þ 1 ,
½ð1  Þ

and the positive constant c does not depend on p and .

Proof First observe that 1 5 p 5 q 5 1. Further, we show that Hedberg’s [24] type

p p

jðI f ÞðxÞj  cp,,

, ðMf Þ1ð1Þ
ðxÞk f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
2ð1þb Þð1Þ

holds, whereR cp,,

, ¼ ðð1Þ
pÞÞ and b is from (5.1). To prove (5.2) we denote
fr ðxÞ :¼ r
Bðx,rÞ j f ð yÞj dð yÞ: The inequality
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Z 2ðx,yÞ
ðx, yÞ  2 t
1 dt, 0 5 ðx, yÞ 5 l, ð5:3Þ

is obvious. By using (5.3) we find that

Z Z 2ðx,yÞ 

jðI f ÞðxÞj  2 j f ð yÞj t dt dð yÞ
X ðx,yÞ
Z Z ! Z
2d 2d

¼2 t j f ð yÞj dð yÞ dt  2 t1 ft ðxÞdt:
0 2 5 ðx, yÞ 5 t 0

Taking " 4 0 (which will be chosen later) we have that

Z " Z 2d  h i
jðI f ÞðxÞj  2 1
t ft ðxÞdt þ t 1
ft ðxÞdt ¼: 2 J1ð"Þ ðxÞ þ Jð"Þ
2 ðxÞ :
0 "

It is obvious that
Z "
ðMf ÞðxÞ 
1 ðxÞ  ðMf ÞðxÞ t1 dt ¼ " :
Further, by Hölder’s inequality and condition (5.1) it is clear that
 Z 1p
1=p0 1 0

ft ðxÞ  b j f ð yÞj dð yÞ  b1=p tpþ p k f kLp, ðX, Þ ,

where b is from (5.1). By applying the condition p
þ  5 0 we find that
 Z 2l  
ðMf ÞðxÞ  ð1Þ

þ 1
jðI f ÞðxÞj  2 " þ t p dt k f kLp,
" 1
ðMf ÞðxÞ  1=p0 " p
¼2 " b k f kLp, ðX, Þ :
 ½ þ 1 p

1014 A. Meskhi
k f kLp, ðX, Þ ð1Þ

Let " ¼ ðMf ÞðxÞ . Then
" p #
ðMf Þ1ð1Þ
b1=p p p

jðI f ÞðxÞj  2 k f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
k f k ð1Þ

L p, ðX, Þ ðMf Þ ðxÞ

 þ p
1 pb1=p p p
¼2  k f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
ðMf Þ1ð1Þ
 p þ ð  1Þ

 0 ð1  Þ
p p
¼ 2 1 þ b1=p k f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
ðMf Þ1ð1Þ
ðð1  Þ
Consequently, the condition 1p  1q ¼ ð1Þ

and Proposition 5.1 yield that
 Z 1q
1 q
jðI f Þð yÞj dð yÞ
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 0 Z p 1q
2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ

 q 1ð1Þ


t q ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ k f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
ðð1  Þ
 pÞ Bðx,tÞ
 0  Z 1
2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ
1 p
q p

¼ ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ k f k p,

ðð1  Þ
 pÞ t
 Bðx,tÞ L ðX, Þ
2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ

 kMf kp=qL p,

ðX, Þ
k f kLð1Þ

ðX, Þ
½ð1  Þ
recall that kMf kLp, ðX, Þ  ðaÞ p c0 ð p0 Þp þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ
2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ
 ðaÞ p c0 ð p0 Þp þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ
½ð1  Þ

2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ

 ðc0 Þp=q ðaÞ q ð p0 Þ1=q þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ

½ð1  Þ
2 1 þ b1=p ð1  Þ

 c0 ðaÞ
ð p0 Þ1=q þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ
½ð1  Þ
 ð1  Þ
 0 1=q
 2 1 þ b c0 ðaÞ
ð p Þ þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ :
½ð1  Þ
THEOREM 5.3 Let 1 5 p 5 1, 0 5  5 ð1Þ
1 1 
p , 0   5 1 and let p  q ¼ ð1Þ
Suppose that 2  ½1 þ ð1Þ
1 , where 1 4 0. Then the operator I is bounded
from LpÞ,1 , ðX, Þ to LqÞ,2 , ðX, Þ.
Proof Observe that 1 5 p 5 q 5 1. q
It suffices
to qprove
the theorem for
2 ¼ 1 þ ð1Þ
1 because "2  "½1þð1Þ
for 2 4 1 þ ð1Þ
1 and small ". Let us
introduce the function:
ð1  Þðu  qÞ

’ðuÞ :¼ p þ :
ð1  Þ
 ðu  qÞ
Observe that ’ðtÞ
, as t ! 0þ: Hence it is enough  to prove that I is
bounded from LpÞ,1 , ðX, Þ to Lq), (),(X, ), where ðtÞ :¼ ’ t1 :
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1015

Let  be a small positive number. As in the proofs of the main theorems of the
previous sections we have

 Z q"
ð"Þ q"
kI f kLq,’, ðX, Þ ¼ max sup sup jI f ðxÞj dðxÞ ,
05" x2X t
 Z q"
ð"Þ q"
sup sup jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ ¼: maxfA1 , A2 g:
5"5q1 x2X t

For A2, by using Hölder’s inequality and the fact that  5 " we find that
 Z q"1
1 ð1Þ

ð"Þ t
q" q" jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ
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 Z q"
1 ð1Þ
1 q"
 sup ð ð"ÞÞ t q" q" jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ
5"5q1 t
" # Z q
1 ð1Þ

q q
 sup ð ð"ÞÞ q" t q t jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ
5"5q1 Bðx,tÞ
" #  Z q
1 1
q ðÞ q
¼ sup ð ð"ÞÞ q" ðÞ jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ
5"5q1 t
" #  Z q
1 1 ð"Þ
 sup ð"Þ q" ðÞq sup sup jI f ð yÞjq dð yÞ :
5"5q1 05" x2X t

1 1 
Let 0 5 "  . For " we define as follows p  q" ¼ ð1Þ
. Observe that when

is small, then is also small positive number; recall also that ’ðuÞ
1 1
u ! 0þ; ð"Þq" p ¼ 1. Hence, applying Lemma 5.2 we have that
 Z q"
ð"Þ q"
jI f ð yÞj dð yÞ
 Z q"
1 1
 ð ð"ÞÞq" sup jI f ð yÞjq" dð yÞ
x2X t

1 1
¼ ð"Þ kI f kLq", ðX, Þ  cð p  , , ,
Þ ð"Þq" k f kLp , ðX, Þ

1 1 1
 cð p  , , ,
Þ ð"Þq" p p k f kLp ,,
ðX, Þ
" #
 sup cð p  , , ,
Þ k f kLpÞ,1 , ðX, Þ :
05 1

" #
kI f kLqÞ,2 , ðX, Þ  sup cð p  , , ,
Þ k f kLpÞ,1 , ðX, Þ ,
05 1
1016 A. Meskhi

ð1  Þ
cð p  , , ,
Þ ¼ c þ1 ,
½ð1  Þ
 ð p  Þ p 1
c is the constant independent of p, and ;  1 is a small positive number. Observe
that if  1 is sufficiently small, then (1  )
 (p  )  0 4 0, p 1  p0 þ 1 for
some 0 when 0 5   1. g

R f ð yÞ
5.2. Potential ðTa f ÞðxÞ ¼ X lBðx, qðx, yÞÞ1a dlð yÞ
f ð yÞ
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ðT f ÞðxÞ ¼ 1

dð yÞ, 0 5  5 1:
X Bðx, ðx, yÞÞ

Suppose that instead of condition (5.1) the following conditions hold:

fxg ¼ 0, for all x 2 X;
Bðx, tÞ is continuous in t for every x 2 X: ð5:4Þ

For example, (5.4) holds if {y 2 X : (x, y) ¼ t} ¼ 0 for arbitrary x 2 X and t 2 [0, d ).
We say that f 2 Lp),’(),(X, ) if
 Z 1=p
’ð"Þ p
k f kLpÞ,’ðÞ, ðX, Þ :¼ sup sup  j f ð yÞj dð yÞ 5 1,
05"5p1 x 2 X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ

where 0   5 1, ’ is a positive function in (0, p  1) which is increasing near 0 and

satisfies the condition ’(0þ) ¼ 0. If ’(") ¼ ", where  is a positive number, then
Lp),’(),(X, ) is Lp),,(X, ).
Our aim in this section is to prove the next statement:
THEOREM 5.4 Let 1 5 p 5 1, 0 5  5 1 1 1 
p , 0   5 1 and let p  q ¼ 1. Let 1 be a
positive number and let 2  1 ð1 þ 1Þ. Then the operator T is bounded from
LpÞ,1 , ðX, Þ to LqÞ,2 , ðX, Þ.
To prove Theorem 5.4 we need to prove the following lemma:
1 1
LEMMA 5.5 Let 1 5 p 5 1, 0 5  5 p , p  1q ¼ 1

, where 0   5 1. Then the
kT f kLq, ðX, Þ  cð p, , Þk f kLp, ðX, Þ

holds, where
p 0 1=q
cð p, , Þ ¼ b0 C þ ðp Þ þ 1
1    p
and the positive constant b0 does not depend on p and .
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1017

Proof First we prove that the following pointwise inequality

p p
jT f ðxÞj  cp,, ðMf Þ11 ðxÞk f k1
Lp, ðX, Þ , ð5:5Þ

1 p
ðMf ÞðxÞ ¼ sup j f ð yÞj dð yÞ, cp,, ¼ b0 C þ
x2X Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ 1    p

and the positive constant b0 is independent of p. We set

fðx, tÞ :¼   j f ð yÞj dð yÞ,
B x, ðx, tÞ Bðx,ðx,tÞ
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where  is the constant between 0 and 1. In fact,  is the constant from the reverse
doubling condition (4.3) (we use the symbol  instead of ).
Observe that
Z Z 
jT f ðxÞj  b j f ð yÞj Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ2 dðtÞ dð yÞ,
X ðx, yÞ 5 ðx, tÞ 5 ðx, yÞ

where b is the constant depending on from (4.3). Hence,

Z Z !
jT f ðxÞj  b Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ j f ð yÞj dð yÞ dðtÞ
X Bðx,ðx,tÞ
 b0 Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1 fðx, tÞdðtÞ,

where b0 is the positive constant which does not depend on p,  and .

We take " 4 0 which will be chosen later. Then
jT f ðxÞj  b0 Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1 fðx, tÞdðtÞ

þ Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1 fðx, tÞdðtÞ ¼: b0 Jð1Þ ðx, tÞ þ Jð2Þ ðx, tÞ :

It is easy to see that (see also [23, p. 348])

Jð1Þ ðx, tÞ  Mf ðxÞ Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1 dðtÞ  C Mf ðxÞBðx, "Þ ,

where the positive constant C depends only on .

Further, by Hölder’s inequality we find that
Z !1p
1 p ðx, tÞ p0
fðx, tÞ    j f ðtÞj dðtÞ B x, :
ðx, tÞ Bðx,ðx,tÞ 
B x,   Þ

Besides this, the inequality

1 p 1
Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1þ p dðtÞ  cBðx, "Þþ p
XnBðx,"Þ 1    p
1018 A. Meskhi

holds (see Proposition 6.1.2 of [23]). Consequently, we obtain that

jT f ðxÞj  b0 C Mf ðxÞBðx, "Þ þ Bðx, ðx, tÞÞ1þ p dðtÞ k f kLp, ðX, Þ
p 1
¼ b0 C ðMf ÞðxÞBðx, "Þ þ Bðx, "Þþ p k f kLp, ðX, Þ ,
1    p
where b0 does not depend on p,  and .
Now we choose " so p
that (recall that (B(x, ")) is continuous with respect to ")
k f kLp, ðX, Þ 1
Bðx, "Þ ¼ Mf ðxÞ : Consequently,
p p p
jT f ðxÞj  b0 C  k f kL1p, ðX, Þ ðMf Þ11 ðxÞ:
p  1 þ 
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Using the condition 1p  1q ¼ 1 

and Proposition 3.3 we find that
 Z 1=q
1 q
jT  f ðxÞj dðxÞ
Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ
 Z 1q
p p p
 Bðx, rÞ=q b0 C  ðMf ð yÞÞq½11 dð yÞ k f k1 L p, ðX, Þ
p  1 þ  Bðx,rÞ
  Z 1q
p 1 p
¼ b0 C  =q
ðMf ð yÞÞ dð yÞ k f k1
L p, ðX, Þ
p  1 þ  Bðx, rÞ Bðx,rÞ
p p
 b0 C   kMf kp=q
L p, ðX, Þ k f kLp, ðX, Þ

p  1 þ 
 b0 C   c0 b ð p0 Þ1=q þ 1 k f kLp, ðX, Þ :
p  1 þ 
By using Lemma 5.5 and repeating the arguments of the proof of Theorem 5.4 we
conclude that Theorem 5.2 holds. Details are omitted. Finally we mention that the
boundedness of fractional integral operators in classical and variable Morrey spaces
was investigated in [25, 26].

The author expresses his gratitude to Prof V. Kokilashvili for drawing his attention to the
problems studied in this work and helpful comments and remarks. The author is also thankful
to the referees for their useful remarks. This work was partially supported by the Georgian
National Science Foundation Grant No. GNSF/ST09_23_3-100.


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