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BIM Uses on test projects

A guide on understanding and selecting BIM uses

Sept. 2020

1 Background and purpose

BIMinfra has initiated a development project on defining BIM uses applicable to

coming BIM projects in Banedanmark and Vejdirektoratet and in the industry in
general. The purpose of this development project has been to investigate existing
BIM uses in the industry, both abroad and locally in Denmark. Based on this analysis
we have defined the best approach to BIM uses for BIM infra. This document is
intended to be used on coming test projects in BIM infra and later updated to become
a BIMinfra standard used on all projects in the two organizations.

For the BIM uses to be fully integrated in the organizations of Banedanmark and
Vejdirektoratet, a more thorough investigation on existing business-processes should
be conducted in order to establish an AS-IS picture of the existing process landscape
and then analyse how to gradually develop this picture into a more BIM and digital
integrated TO-BE landscape. An example could be existing requirements to review
process, revision procedures and QA documentation requirements. All these
requirements must eventually be integrated and/or supported by different BIM uses in
this example design review and design authoring plus more. Along this process the
organizations should consider updating their value chains and analogue
documentation requirements, so that these are more up to date with a digital,
automated setup and agile project execution. This would also require looking at a
new IT target architecture, that could support the flow of information and
documentation. The BIM uses can however be used on projects without revising
internal existing processes, if potential conflicts are highlighted and handled on the
specific projects within in the commercial requirements and legal framework
associated with these projects. It is also recommended that a competence
development strategy is established, in order to properly implement BIM uses in all
departments affected by the new digital processes.

Review and
Revision Existing data
procedures governance

QA Updated
documentation termanology
requirements BIM Use

Figure 1: To fully integrate BIM uses the existing methods, requirements and procedures
of an organization should be revised and integrated in all BIM uses.

Until now the infrastructure industry in Denmark, has not had a common standard on
how to apply BIM uses within a project. It has been decided from involved parties, to

develop a common procedure for this. BIMinfra has been working on standardization
of Banedanmark and Vejdirektoratet requirements to BIM Uses in a taskforce called
“BIM uses and BIM Maturity”.

The first task was to define a common understanding of how to setup BIM uses in a
structured way using BPMN visualization. This also included the understanding of
process maps and current requirements to existing processes, their history and the
impact of implementation in the organizations of Banedanmark and The Road

The next task was to find and study existing standards concerning BIM uses, and
then analyse the best match for the Danish infrastructure sector. A survey1 incl. 12
questions was conducted in the Danish infrastructure market to investigate whether
Danish companies were working in any structured way in relation to BIM uses. The
result concluded that the few companies working with BIM uses in Denmark, mostly
referred to Penn State University and their material on BIM uses2 . It was decided to
use Penn States approach on BIM uses as basis for the BIM infra development

2 Introduction to BIM uses

BIMinfra has worked on a set of BIM uses (processes) that can be applied to projects
and test projects in the organizations or in the industry in general.
A BIM use is defined as a method of applying building information modelling during
an asset’s lifecycle to achieve one or more specific objectives. The BIM Execution
Plan or ICT process manual (BEP or ICT) should provide a structured method for
planning the implementation of BIM uses on a project.

The procedure from Penn State University includes the following three steps:

1. Identify high-value BIM uses during the project planning, design, construction
and operational phases.
2. Design the BIM execution process by creating process maps (layouts already
in appendix to this document)
3. Define the BIM deliverables (BIM use output) in the form of information
exchanges and formulate this into a delivery specification.

The Penn State BIM uses consists of 24 uses (processes) that can be applied in one
or several phases of a project. Visualization has been added as a 25th BIM use after
discussion in the development team.


Project phases
Plan Design Construction Operations
#1 Existing Conditions Modeling
#2 Cost Estimation (5D)
#3 Scheduling (4D)
#4 Programming
#5 Site Analysis
#6 Design Authoring
#7 Design Reviews
#8 Drawing Generation
#9 Lighting Analysis
#10 Energy Analysis
#11 Engineering Analysis
#12 Sustainability (6D)
#13 Code Validation
#14 3D Coordination
Site Utilization
#15 Planning
Construction System
#16 Design
#17 Digital Fabrication
3D Control and
#18 Planning
#19 Record Model
Maintenance Scheduling
#20 (7D)
#21 Building System Analysis
#22 Asset Management
#23 Space Mgmt/Tracking
#24 Disaster Planning
#25 Visualisation
Figure 2: List of BIM uses and the phases where they can occur. Green colour indicates
that the Use has been prioritized in the phase 1 of the development project and has been
revised in some extend according to figure 1.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has been defined as “the act of creating a digital
model of an asset or a project for the purpose of visualization, engineering analysis,
conflict analysis, code criteria checking, cost engineering, as-built product, budgeting
and many other purposes”. To foster better communication within the industry, it is
important to define a consistent language to describe the focused use of BIM on a

The Language of These BIM uses are visualized in the process maps incl.
descriptions in the appendix to this document.

BIM infra has scrutinized at the material from Penn state and is in the process of
revising these uses to match ISO19650 terms and infrastructure projects in Denmark
and the two organizations. In the initial workshop of this project a prioritization was
done, and 6 uses was selected for revision in face 1, marked in green in figure 2. It is

suggested to run a phase 2 where 8 more uses will be revised and examples on the
first 6 uses will be created. And then a face 3 will include updating the remaining BIM
uses and testing all uses prioritized as 1 or 2 (priority is marked in appendix
frontpage) on actual infrastructure projects depending on projects available,
technological development and the needs on the actual projects. The uses not
revised at this state can still be selected as BIM uses on projects. This only means
that the projects will have to use the generic tactical uses provided on the use by
Penn state University as basis. All 25 uses are listed in the appendix.

Please note that all uses are currently on tactical or strategic level. It is intended that
the individual projects update the tactical workflow into operational workflows
matching the project setup. BIM Uses can be classified primarily based on their
purpose in implementing BIM throughout the life of an asset. In addition to the
purpose alone, several other characteristics can be defined to properly identify and
communicate a BIM Use. These purposes and characteristics can be defined at
varying levels depending upon the level of maturity and detail required for different
applications of the Uses. The BIM Use Characteristics allow a user to further define
the BIM Use based on common asset and project attributes (Project information
requirements and asset information requirements, REF ISO19650) project element,
project phase, discipline, and Level of Development (LOD)

Figure 3: Way of illustrating different uses of BIM. All uses in the wheel is mapped to the
24 Penn state uses. The mapping is illustrated in appendix.

Each BIM use has one or more deliverables (the output row3) such as information
models or documents that either act as input to other BIM uses or as a “physical”
deliverable to the Appointing party or another party of the Project team always
matching the information requirement specifications set in The BEP/ICT agreement.

Based on the projects overall BIM strategy including the mission, vision, goals and
objectives for a project or organization, the planning team should identify the
appropriate BIM Uses in an early phase.

Each BIM Use has an initial description, including identified potential values. These
values can be used in the initial assessment on how to fulfil the goals of the project.

See BPMN process maps in appendix

A challenge and opportunity faced early on by planning team is identifying the most
appropriate uses for BIM on a project given the project characteristics. Many different
traditional tasks and processes can benefit by being replaced or optimized by the
implementation of BIM.

Mission: Defines the purpose of the project.

Vision: The picture of the project after BIM-integration.

Goals: Specific aims which the project wishes to accomplish.

Objectives: Specific results that, when accomplished, fulfils the goals.

It is recommended that the BIM strategy of a project is defined as early as possible in

the project start-up phase. The strategy should be used on the BIM kick-off workshop
on the project. where the entire BIM setup is framed.:

3 The structure of the proposed BIM uses

The appendix lists the 25 BIM uses where several are still under construction at this
moment. each BIM use consists of
1. A description, on what, when and why.
2. A description on the BIM use
3. Required competencies within the delivery team to execute the BIM use
4. Required applications to execute the BIM use
5. A workflow diagram containing:
a. Input row (data input necessary to carry out the BIM use, not processed
in previous BIM Uses. This data is provided either by appointing party
or appointed party (should be agreed in information assignment matrix
and information protocol ref. ISO19650)
b. A workflow for the executing party. including responsibilities for each
step in the workflow along with a description for each step
c. An output row describing the outcome of the BIM use as actual
deliveries. The output of a BIM use is measurable and subject to a
checklist. the output should always be documented by the executing
party. An output either acts as input in other BIM uses or as required
data handover to appointing party or third party e.g. contractor.

6. Figure 4: Structure of each BIM use

For better understanding on how to work with and implement BIM uses, it is
recommended that the reader studies the framework on this topic provided by Penn
State University ad (some of this framework is described
and summarized in section 4 and 5)

4 BIM execution plan or ICT process manual

When setting up your BIM project it is important that you have a plan for when to
implement different BIM uses and who is responsible for executing the uses, in which
phases of the project these will be applied and exactly what output you expect.

1st a BIM kickoff workshop/meeting should be prepared. See section 6. The purpose
is to find relevant BIM uses supporting the goals of the project. Next it is decided
when to introduce the individual uses to the project

When this is done it is possible to set up the process maps and detailed
data/information delivery plan for each BIM use. and finally, the exchange
requirements in the information models should be set. The output either works as
delivery to other parties of the project team or as a specific contractual delivery.

Figure 5: Three overall phases when choosing, defining and executing your BIM uses

The goal for developing this structured procedure is to stimulate planning and direct
communication by the project team during the early phases of a project. The team
leading the planning process should include members from all the organizations with
a significant role in the project. Since there is no single best method for BIM
implementation on every project, each team must effectively design a tailored
execution strategy by understanding the project goals, the project characteristics,
and the capabilities of the team members.

A closer look at phase 1: This is where a value list is created, provided for each BIM
use, select the uses that ad most value in the specific project. After your organization
has defined overall BIM uses you should make a list describing pros and cons for
each BIM use so that project managers and BIM managers have a valid basis for
selecting the correct uses. Potential values but also team requirements are listed in
each BIM use of the appendix to make this task easier.

Figure 6: Phase 1, mapping value to use
A closer look at phase 2: This is where the processes are defined for the use.
Remember these must be supplemented with software specific guides that supports
the execution (operationalized)

Figure 7: Phase 2, Here an example of how 3D coordination could look like in practical

A closer look at phase 3: This is where the output and delivery associated with each
BIM use is defined. The output=the information model is either a delivery to another
party in the project or a delivery to another BIM use that needs the data as basis for
its own execution.

Figure 8: Phase 3, defining the output from the BIM uses. This is part of delivery
specification or scope of service on the project.

A detailed execution process can be found on Pennstate along with templates

supporting the selection, evaluation and analysis of different BIM uses.
Additional BIM uses can always be developed to serve a specific goal in the project.
A method of doing so is explained in BIM planning execution guide also developed
by Penn State. The essential 4 step process of developing, implementing and
supporting new BIM uses are outlined in below section

5 BIM implementation plan

This plan outlines a four-step procedure to develop a detailed BIM implementation

Plan. The procedure is designed to steer owners, program managers, and early
project participants through a structured process to develop detailed, consistent plan
for the project. This procedure is later mapped to relevant sections and appendices
of the framework of the BEP/ICT and used for both planning and competence
development. The four steps, consist of:

1. Identifying the appropriate BIM goals and uses on a project,

2. Designing the BIM execution process,

3. Defining the BIM deliverables,

4. And identifying the supporting infrastructure to successfully implement the


By following the chapters in this document along with the detailed planning guide
from Pennstate, it is expected that the goals and supporting BIM uses can be

defined, including the overall success criteria for implementing BIM on any given

Identifying the appropriate BIM goals and uses on a project

Which uses can contribute to fullfilling goals and in

Define value throug identification of goals and uses
which phase should they be applied in the valuechain?

Designing the BIM execution process

Define the process which includes tasks supported by
The generic tactical BIM uses needs to be formulated
BIM along with information delivery milestones and
into operational BIM uses (in some cases)
Information delivery strategy

Defining the BIM deliverables

Develop the information protocol, responability Sections in BEP developed Project specific for the
matrix and the Level of detail for each BIM use given project

Identifying the supporting infrastructure

Define the required infrastructure in order to support Appliations and IT architecture needed to support the
the selected BIM uses and information delivery setup this also includes detailing of several sections in
strategy., BEP related to CDE etc,

Figure 9: 4 Step process of selecting implementing and supporting BIM Uses

Identifying the appropriate BIM goals and uses on a project

One of the most important steps in the planning process is to clearly define the
potential value of BIM on the project and for project team members through defining
the overall goals for BIM implementation. These goals could be based on project
performance and include items such as reducing the schedule duration, achieving
higher field productivity, increasing quality, reducing cost of change orders, or
obtaining important operational data for the facility. Goals may also relate to
advancing the capabilities of the project team members, for example, the owner may
wish to use the project as a pilot project to illustrate information exchanges between
design, construction and operations or a design team may seek to gain experience in
the efficient use of digital design applications. Once the team has defined
measurable goals, both from a project perspective and company perspective, then
the specific BIM uses on the project can be identified.

Priority (1-3) Goal Description Potential BIM Uses
1- Most
Value added objectives
Design Reviews, 3D
2 Increase Field Productivity Coordination
Design Authoring, Design
1 Increase effectiveness of Design Reviews, 3D Coordination
Accurate 3D Record Model for O&M Team Record Model, 3D
3 Coordination
Engineering Analysis, LEED
3 Increase effectiveness of Sustainable Goals Evaluation
2 Track progress during construction 4D Modeling
1 Identify concerns accosiated with phasing on campus 4D Modeling
3 Review Design progress Design Reviews
3 Quickly Asses cost associated with design changes Cost Estimation
2 Eliminate field conflicts 3D Coordination

Figure 10: project specific prioritization based on values

All potential values for each BIM use are listed in the appendix containing BIM uses.
The uses are originally developed by Pennsylvania University and are part of the
American national building standards (NBIMS).

Once the goals are defined, the project team should identify the appropriate tasks
that the team would like to perform using BIM. This analysis of BIM Uses should
initially focus on the desired outcomes for the overall process. Therefore, the team
should begin with the Operations phase, and identify the value for each of the BIM
Uses as it specifically relates to the project by providing a High, Medium or Low
priority to each use. The team can then progress to each preceding project phase

To help facilitate this BIM Use review process, a BIM Selection Worksheet has been
developed. This template includes a list of the potential BIM Uses, along with fields to
review the value, responsible party, capabilities, additional notes, and the decision
from the team on whether to implement the BIM Use. below is an example only
containing 4 uses.

Value to Additional Resources /
Value to Responsible Capability Proceed
BIM Use* Resp Competencies Required to Notes
Project Party Rating with Use
Party Implement
High / Med / High / Med Scale 1-3 YES / NO /
Low / Low (1 = Low) MAYBE

Record Modeling HIGH Contractor MED 2 2 2 Requires training and software YES
Facility Manager HIGH 1 2 1 Requires training and software
Designer MED 3 3 3

Cost Estimation MED Contractor HIGH 2 1 1 Need training on latest software High value to owner due to NO
phasing complications, but costly to
Infrastructure needs implement at current stage
Classification system pending

4D Modeling HIGH Contractor HIGH 3 2 2 Need training on latest software High value to owner due to YES
Infrastructure needs phasing complications
Use for Phasing & Construction

3D Coordination (Construction) HIGH Contractor HIGH 3 3 3 YES

Subcontractors HIGH 1 3 3 conversion to Digital Fab required Modeling learning curve possible
Designer MED 2 3 3

Figure 11: BIM use analysis worksheet

Designing the BIM execution process (also explained in section 4)

Once the team has identified the BIM Uses, a process mapping procedure for
planning the BIM implementation needs to be performed. Initially, a high-level map
showing the sequencing and interaction between the primary BIM Uses on the
project is developed (see next figure as an example). This allows all team members
to clearly understand how their work processes interact with the processes performed
by other team members.

Figure 12: Level 1 BIM use showing the relation and output from different level 2 uses in
different project phases

After the high-level map is developed, then more detailed process maps should be
selected or designed by the team members responsible for each detailed BIM Use.
For example, the high-level map will show how the BIM authoring, Design Review,
cost estimating, and 4D modeling are sequenced and interrelated. A detailed map
will show the detailed process that will be performed executing party. these detailed
maps are provided already by BIMinfra on tactical level.

Defining the BIM deliverables

Once the appropriate process maps have been developed, the information
exchanges which occur between the project participants should be clearly identified.
It is important for the team members, in particular the author and receiver for each
information exchange transaction, to clearly understand the information content. This
information content for the exchange can be defined in the Information Exchange
protocol. It is also possible to use Penn State's information exchange sheet if a
standard protocol is not set up on the project itself.

Figure 13: Example on information exchange sheet.

Keep in mind that above sheet must be revised to match Danish terminology
discipline definition and the project phases of the specific project. The Current ICT
specification from BIM Infra gives the possibility of describing the delivery information
exchange through section 2. It is recommended that a table showing the output from
each BIM use is integrated to section 2 along with responsible party, receiving party
and format of the information delivery. See more on ICT specification through
reference list in the end.

Identifying the supporting infrastructure

After the BIM uses for the project have been identified, the project process maps are
customized, and the BIM deliverables are defined, the team must develop the
infrastructure needed on the project to support the planned BIM process. This will
include the definition of the delivery structure and contract language; defining the
communication procedures; defining the technology infrastructure; and identifying
quality control procedures to ensure high quality information models. All this should
be explained in the Projects BIM execution plan (BEP) or ICT specifications. See
reference list in chapter 11 for more info on these.

6 BIM kick off Meeting and other meetings:

The development of the BEP is a collaborative process. Some portions of the

procedure, e.g., discussing the overall project goals, are collaborative tasks, while
other portions, e.g., defining the required file structure or a detailed information

exchange, do not necessarily require collaboration. The key to successfully
developing the plan is to ensure that meetings are scheduled for the collaborative
tasks when needed, and that the non-collaborative tasks are completed in a timely
manner, in preparation for these meetings. The BIM Plan can be developed through
a series of collaborative meetings, followed by work tasks which take place between
the meetings. A series of four meeting have been defined to develop the BEP or ICT
incl. the BIM uses. The goal of presenting this four-meeting series is to illustrate one
structure that the team can use to effectively develop the plan. For some projects, the
team may be able to reduce the number of meetings through effective collaboration
between meetings.

Meeting 1: Identify BIM Goals and Uses

The first meeting should focus on the discussion of the overall goals for implementing
BIM, along with identifying the BIM Uses. A draft agenda for this meeting would
1. Introduce and Discuss BIM Experiences (both individual and organizational)
2. Develop BIM goals (reference BIM Goal template document found in
reference list)
3. Identify which BIM Uses to pursue (reference the BIM Uses worksheet found
in reference list)
4. Develop the frequency and sequencing for the BIM Uses and identify a
responsible party to develop the high level (Level One) BIM Overview process
5. Identify the responsible parties to develop detailed BIM Use process maps,
e.g., the level two maps (some uses are defined on level 2 in appendix)
6. Organize the schedule for future meetings
7. Agree on the tasks ahead and who is responsible for each

This meeting should be attended by senior management personnel and BIM

management staff for all involved participants including the owner, designers,
contractors and key subcontractors (depending on stage and contract form).

Tasks Prior to Meeting 2

After the initial kick-off meeting, the organizations should clearly understand who will
be responsible for the defined tasks, and in what sequences the BIM Uses will be
executed. The responsible party for the Level One map should clearly document and
distribute it to the project team for review prior to the following meeting. Each
responsible party for the specified BIM Uses should also draft their workflow prior to
the Design BIM Execution Process meeting (Meeting 2).

Meeting 2: Design BIM Project Execution Process

The Project Specific BIM Use Process Maps shall contain a detailed process plan
that clearly defines the different activities to be performed, who will perform them,
and what information will be created and shared with future processes. The agenda
for this meeting will include:

1. Review the initial BIM Goals and Uses
2. Review the high-level BIM Overview Process Map
3. Review the more detailed workflows from the various parties and identify
areas of overlap or gaps between the various modeling tasks
4. Review the process to address opportunities and concerns
5. Identify the primary information exchanges within the process
6. Identify responsible parties for coordinating each information exchange
including the author and user of each exchange
7. Allow sub-teams for each information exchange to coordinate potential interim
meetings as needed to discuss the information exchange requirements
8. Agree on the tasks ahead and who is responsible for each

This meeting should be attended by the owner, BIM managers and project manager
for the project (depending on stage and contract form).. It may also be valuable to
have contracting managers in attendance or have them briefed soon after this

Tasks Prior to Meeting 3

After the Design BIM Project Execution Process meeting, the team must focus on
developing the information exchanges. Each responsible party for an exchange
should take the lead in developing the information exchanges. The authors of the
information exchange will need to coordinate with the information receivers to ensure
that they have developed consistent information exchanges with minimal
inconsistencies to discuss at Meeting Three.
The team members should also prepare for the discussions regarding infrastructure
requirements which will occur in Meeting Three. Team members should compile
examples of typical methods that they have used or wish to use on the project to
share with the team.

Meeting 3: Develop Information Exchanges and Define Supporting

Infrastructure for BIM Implementation:
The agenda for this meeting will include:

1. Review the initial BIM Goals and BIM Uses to ensure that the project planning
remains consistent with the initial goals
2. Review the information exchange requirements developed by the team
members between Meeting Two and Meeting Three
3. Identify the IT infrastructure needed to support the process and information
exchanges as defined in Chapter Five
4. Agree on tasks ahead and who is responsible for each

This meeting should be attended by the BIM managers. It may also be valuable to
have contracting managers in attendance or briefed soon after this meeting.

Tasks Prior to Meeting 4

The categories and information should be compiled into the final BIM Execution Plan
or ICT specification and distributed to the project team in preparation for the final
BEP/ICT review meeting.

Meeting 4: Review Final BIM Execution Plan or ICT specification

The agenda for this meeting will include:
1. Review the draft BIM Execution Plan
2. Develop the project controls system to ensure that the plan is being followed,
and that the plan is up to date
3. Outline the procedure for formal adoption of the BIM Execution Plan and
monitoring process
4. Agree on tasks ahead and who is responsible for each
This meeting should be attended by the owner, BIM managers, and all parties that
are responsible for the identified BIM Uses.

7 BIMinfra working group members

Rasmus Fuglsang (

Signe Helga Vinge Hedegaard
Shi Shutian
Lars Kristian Thorsted Kristensen
Jette Vinther Voigt
Anna Rosenkrantz de Neergaard
Sindujan Thambo
Magnus Jacob Christensen ( )

8 Acknowledgements

Pennsylvania State University (For providing a license under a Creative Commons

Attribution-Share Alike 3.0, United States License)

BIM Anlægsforum (For sparing and communication related to test projects)

Foreningen af Rådgivende Ingeniører, FRI (For sparing and Communications related

to test projects)

COWI a/s (For BIM wheel and other material on BIM uses)

9 Reference list

BIM planning execution guide incl. templates:

BIMinfra ICT specifications:

BEP content based on ISO19650:

The following pages will present the 25
BIM uses. They have been grouped into
categories dictated by the BIM wheel and
some workflows are still missing or
under development. Please note that all
uses are currently on tactical or strategic
level. It is intended that the individual
projects update the tactical workflow
into operational workflows. BIM Uses can
be classified primarily based on their
purpose in implementing BIM throughout
the life of an asset. In addition to the
purpose alone, several other
characteristics can be defined to properly
identify and communicate a BIM Use.
These purposes and characteristics can
be defined at varying levels depending
upon the level of maturity and detail
required for different applications of the
Uses. The BIM Use Characteristics allow
a user to further define the BIM Use
based on common asset and project
attributes (Project information
requirements and asset information
requirements, REF ISO19650) project
element, project phase, discipline, and
Level of Development (LOD)

BIM Uses
A guide on understanding and selecting BIM uses
Sept. 2020

The 25 BIM Uses
Generic project phases
Priority in
Plan Design Construction Operations
#1 Existing Conditions Modeling 1
#2 Cost Estimation (5D) 1
#3 Scheduling (4D) 1
#4 Programming
#5 Site Analysis 1
#6 Design Authoring 1
Design Reviews 1

Drawing Generation 2
#9 Lighting Analysis 2
#10 Energy Analysis 2
Engineering Analysis 1

#12 Sustainability (6D) 1

#13 Code Validation
#14 3D Coordination 1
#15 Site Utilization Planning 1
Construction System Design 3

#17 Digital Fabrication 3

#18 3D Control and Planning 1
#19 Record Model
Maintenance Scheduling (7D) 3

#21 Building System Analysis

#22 Asset Management 3
#23 Space Mgmt/Tracking
#24 Disaster Planning 2
#25 Visualisation 1
The BIM wheel and mapping to BIM Uses
Mapping BIM uses to BIM Wheel
Existing Conditions
Modeling 1 Existing conditionsmodelling
Cost Estimation (5D) 2 Cost Estimation 2
Scheduling (4D) 3
Scheduling 3
Site Utilization Planning 4
Programming 5 Programming 4
Design Authoring 6 Design Authoring 5
Design Reviews 7 Design Review 6
Drawing Generation 8 Drawing production 7
Lighting Analysis 9
Site Analysis 10
Energy Analysis 11
Engineering Analysis 12
Sustainability (6D) 13
Analysis 8
Code Validation 14
Space Mgmt/Tracking 15
Disaster Planning 16
Building System Analysis 17
Construction System Design 18
3D Coordination 19 3D coordination 9
Digital Fabrication 20
Field information 10
3D Control and Planning 21
Record Model 22
Maintenance Scheduling
Asset management 11
(7D) 23
Asset Management 24
BIM use’s revised in phase 1
Why When What
Modelling existing conditions is a Before design and for as- A process where information from
quick and accurate generation of built. existing conditions is collected to
a 3D model to refurbishment or develop a 3D model. Depending on
as-built documentation or other what is most efficient, the model
specific purposes, based on actual creation can be based on: laser
collectable information. scanning, drones, photos,
conventional surveying techniques.
Once the model is generated, it can
be used for design basis or facility
management purposes.

Value examples
› Establishment of a 3D model with details and information for specific purposes
› Rapidly collects information for communication and visualisation of existing conditions
› Enhances the efficiency and accuracy of existing condition information
› Provides accurate documentation of the environment for future use
› Verifies real-time progress

A process in which a project team develops a 3D model of the existing conditions for a site, facilities on a site, or a specific area within a
project. This model can be developed in multiple ways: including laser scanning and conventional surveying techniques, depending on what is
desired and what is most efficient. Once the model is constructed, it can be queried for information, whether it is for new construction or a
modernization project.

Potential Value:
• Enhances the efficiency and accuracy of existing conditions documentation
• Provides documentation of environment for future uses
• Aids in future modeling and 3D design coordination
• Provides an accurate representation of work that has been put into place
• Real-time quantity verification for accounting purposes
• Provides detailed layout information
• Use for visualization purposes

Resources Required:
• CAD software
• 3D Laser scanning (depending on BAS model required)
• Conventional surveying equipment (depending on BAS model required)
• BAS models in Denmark can be downloaded at:
Team Competencies Required:
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
• Knowledge of Building Information Model authoring tools
• Knowledge of 3D laser scanning tools
• Knowledge of conventional surveying tools and equipment
• Ability to sift through mass quantities of data that is generated by a 3D laser scan
• Ability to determine what level of detail will be required to add “value” to the project
• Ability to generate Building Information Model from 3D laser scan and/or conventional survey data
Geotechnical Historical Site /
Basis data

Report Facilities Information GIS Data

Survey Existing

Responsible Party

Survey Existing Site
1.1 Conditions
1.3 1.4

Collect Current Site Responsible Party

Conditions Data Compile Existing Amodel
START Model check YES
Conditions Information re the END
Responsible Party approved?
Responsible Party Responsible Party
Collect Data through

Responsible Party

Laser Scan Existing

Responsible Party
Information models

Laser Scan Model Survey Model Existing Conditions

Information Model
Why When What
Model-based programming allows During planning and A process of determining and
stakeholders to collect, design. collecting project requirements in a
communicate and verify the model before design. The model
design intension during the allows the entire project team to
process and within the design analyze and understand the needs
team. and complexity of the project, as well
as design requirements. This ensures
that the project deliveries aligned
with the design requirements.

Value examples
› Defines detailing, information enrichment and design requirements in the model, and provides a solid basis
for the design team

› Enables efficient and accurate assessment of design performance such as requirements to areas, spaces,
rooms, surfaces, materials etc.
› Captures design changers during the design process

› Enables ongoing digital verification of the design model against the specified project requirements

A process in which a spatial program is used to efficiently and accurately assess design performance in regard to spatial
requirements. The developed BIM model allows the project team to analyze space and understand the complexity of space
standards and regulations. Critical decisions are made in this phase of design and bring the most value to the project when
needs and options are discussed with the client and the best approach is analyzed.

Potential Value:
• Efficient and accurate assessment of design performance in regard to spatial requirements by the owner.

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
Site Information
Basis data

Identify Building



Identify Area Start Generate Is site

Identify Final List

Create Program Design Conceptual acceptab YES END

START Requirements of Requirements le and
Building Layout PROCES
Progra available
? S
Owner Owner mming Architect Owner

Identify Cost

Information models

Site Analysis Existing Conditions Program Model

Why When What
Design authoring by a digital Primarily used in A process of creating the digital
model is one of the core BIM planning and during the model of the proposed design. The
uses. It defines the basis for design. model is a central part of the project
project specific BIM uses which execution of the design, and is
provide a streamlined and gradually enriched with the required
transparent way of designing, information and detailing. Digital
collaborating and communicating project collaboration is based on the
throughout the entire project. efficient use and reuse of digital
data among stakeholders through
the use of open file formats,
whenever feasible.

Value examples
› Establishes a 3D model of the project

› Promotes collaboration, communication and transparency internally and externally on the project

› Encourages sharing of project information across the design team and other stakeholders which reduces
communication time and increases quality
A process in which 3D software is used to develop a Building Information Model based on criteria that is important to the translation of the
project's design. Authoring tools create models while audit and analysis tools study or add to the richness of information in a designed model.
Most of audit and analysis tools can be used for Design Review and Engineering Analysis BIM Uses.

Design authoring tools are a first step towards BIM and the key is connecting the 3D model with a powerful database of properties, quantities,
means and methods, costs and schedules.

Potential Value:
• Improved communcation of design to all stakeholders
• Improved ability for quality control of project design, costs and schedule
• Powerful design visualization
• True collaboration between project stakeholders and BIM users

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Software
• Common Data Platform for sharing design models

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate and review a 3D model
• Knowledge of construction means and methods
• 3D Design experience
Basis data

The iterative design process


Create Design Model

Centerlines and Corridors


6.1 6.2 6.4 Create Design Model 6.6 6.7 6.8

Identify Models Identify Content for Create Does

Discipline A Have relevant NO Consistency Control the model YES
Required Model Creation Initial design models meet the
changes END
All Disciplines All Disciplines Centerlines and Corridors been made? All Disciplines

Create Design Model

Discipline B

Agreed schedule for
update of
Create Design Model
disciplinary models
considering the
Discipline C
critical path of
process iteration
Information models

Initial Disciplinary models WIP Disciplinary models Shared Disciplinary models

Centerlines Corridors Centerlines Corridors Disciplinary Disciplinary Disciplinary Disciplinary Disciplinary Disciplinary Disciplinary
Program Model model A model B model C model A model B model C model D
6.1 Identify which models are required.
6.2 Identify what the content shall be for the models (e.g. CAD manual or Modelstandard)
It is important to know the geometric prerequisites and to have basis data/models available.
6.3 It is important to identify the critical path for updating the disciplinary models in the iteration process of a design proje ct. The different
disciplines are interdependent and updating the different disciplinary models must be planned and stage of models must be kno wn at
all times. All the disciplines must be aware of and agree to this schedule.

6.4 Initial designmodels for Centerlines and Corridors are created and shared. In Civil works Centerlines and Corridors serve as basic
models for other disciplines.

6.5 According to schedule disciplines creates a design model. Starting from updated disciplinary models from other disciplines.
These models are all shared as disciplinary models according to schedule and as to a certain point of stage (WIP). These model are
now avaible to other disciplines and adjustments to design in models will take place.

NB! Before sharing a disciplinary model, each discipline performs a Discipline Control. Relevant models and areas to check are
predefined. Depending on phase and stages of models, the check will contain controls like Grafical Control and Consistency Co ntrol.
Each discipline consider if the design meets the requirements.

6.6 Have relevant changes been made? Consider if relevant changes is made and locate which disciplines it will affect.
If "YES" relevant changes have been made go back to 6.5. and adjust design, the iterative proces will begin or continue.
if "NO", no changes OR all changes have been implemented in all disciplines, then the iterative process will end, go to 6.7
6.7 Perform final Consistency Control.
6.8 Does the model meet the requirements?
If "YES" then the you have some finish design models to be used in the further BIM uses.
If "NO" then you have to go back to process 6.4 and adjust the design models.
Why When What
With virtual 3D coordination of Design stages. A process in which the model
the project during the design, information and geometry are used
critical clashes can be managed for ongoing coordination of interfaces
and solved before construction, among all the disciplines. E.g.
reduces costs and increase automated clash detection to
efficiency. determine inconsistencies across
disciplines in the project. The goal of
clash detection is to eliminate critical
clashes during design and prior to

Value examples
› Coordinates through a digital model, and reduces and eliminates critical clashes

› Increases productivity for design and construction

› Leads to more accurate design results and reduced construction costs and time

› Ensures improved and more efficient ongoing coordination throughout the design stages
A process in which Collision control software is used during the coordination process to determine field conflicts by comparing Disciplinary 3d
models . The goal of clash detection is to eliminate the major disciplinary conflicts prior to construction.

Potential Value:
• Coordinate construction project through a model
• Reduce and eliminate field conflicts; which reduces RFI's significantly compared to other manually methods
• Visualize construction
• Increase productivity
• Reduced construction cost; potentially less cost growth (i.e. less change orders)
• Decrease construction time
• Increase productivity on site
• Models become more accurate to construct from

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Software
• Model Review Software
3d disciplinary models

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to deal with people and project challenges
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
• Knowledge of BIM model applications
• Knowledge of building systems.
Company Information Clash check form
Implementation Contract Exchange
Basis data

(Conflict Matrix)
Standards Requirements Requirements

14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6


Develop Schedule for Compile Composite Perform Collision Fill out Clash check Any Identify Solutions to Return to
START Coordination Model (Interdisciplinary control form collisions Collisions Design
models) ? Authoring
All Disciplines BIM Coordinator BIM Coordinator All Disciplines
BIM Coordinator

Information models

Clash rapport Approved Clash

check form
Design Models
(Design Authoring)

14.1 Develop a schedule for how offen 3D Coordination shall be done
14.2 Make a compile model to where to perform 3D coordination
Perform collision control. Use predefined Clash check form. This form tells you which models and elements that needs to be ch eck against
14.3 each other.
14.4 Fill out the Clash check form .
14.5 Check clash check form. If there are not Clash, you are finish with this process. If there are Clash you need to continue to process 14.6.
14.6 Consider if the clashes are relevant to correct. If yes, find a solution to correct the clashes and return to the BIM uses #6 - Design authoring to
correct the clash.
If no, the process will end and there will be an approved clash check form.
Why When What
Model-based design review During planning and The process of ongoing model
ensures continuous evaluation design. review as part of the QA process
and QA of the evolving design, which implies that model content is
and enables visual validated within and across
communication and feedback disciplines. It allows the design team
directly in the model. and other stakeholders to provide
their feedback directly into the
model. This includes evaluation of
the design criteria and layout in a
virtual environment.

Value examples
› Increases coordination and communication among different parties which improves design decisions
› Ensures that all model content is reviewed and that the review is fed directly into the model
› Ensures effective evaluation of design against project criteria
› Ensures an efficient design review and QA process
A process in which stakeholders view a 3D collaboration model and provide their feedbacks to validate multiple design aspects. These aspects include
evaluating meeting the program, in a virtual environment, and setting criteria such as. This BIM use can be done by using computer software only. This
use is executed through projectmeetings, internally and externally.

Potential Value:
• All reviews are recorded within the collaboration model and it provides you with a detailed history of the reviews
• Different design options and alternatives may be easily modeled and changed during design phase.
• Create shorter and more efficient design
• Evaluate to what extent the design meet the project criteria and owner's needs
• Enhance constructability and work safety
• Easily communicate the design to the owner, construction team and end users
• Get instant feedbacks on meeting program requirements and owner's needs.
• Greatly increase coordination and communication between different parties. More likely to generate better decisions for design

Resources Required:
• Common Data Platform
• Design Review Software
• Interactive review space
• Hardware which is capable of processing potential large model files

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to review, navigate and create mock-ups of 3D models
• Ability to model photo realistically including textures, colors and finishes and easily navigable by using different software or plug-ins
• Strong sense of coordination. Understanding roles and responsibilities of team members
• Strong understanding of how disciplines are interdepent
Implementation Contract
Basis data

Standards Requirements

Perform User Review
Create virtual Mock-
7.1 Supplier Return to Compile Design
Create Virtual Design Review Feedback
viewpoints in Authoring
collaboration tool BIM coordinator
BIM coordinator
Perform User Review
Create virtual Mock-
Design YES

START acceptab END


7.2 7.6
Create Virtual Perform O & M Review
viewpointsfor Create virtual Mock-
O & M Review ups
BIM coordinator Asset owner

7.3 7.7
Compile Model for Constructability Review
constructability Review Create virtual Mock-
BIM coordinator Contractor
Information models

discipling model Published discipling

Discipling model Review Information model
Models Sharing on
(Design Authoring)

7.1 BIM coordinator create Virtual viewpoints in collaboration tool
7.2 BIM coordinator link nesserary infomation and create Virtual viewpoints for operation and maintenance review.
7.3 BIM coordinator link nesserary infomation and create Virtual viewpoints for constructability Review
7.4 Supplier perform user review, create virtual Mock-ups
7.5 Client perform user review, create virtual Mock-ups
7.6 Asset owner perform operation and maintenance review, create virtual Mock-ups
7.7 Contractor perform constructability Review, create virtual Mock-ups
7.8 Client and supplier evaluate if design is acceptable. If the model not meet the requirements, you need to go to pocess 7.9.
7.9 BIM coordinator compile design review feedback, and you need to go back to design authoring adjust the model.
Why When What
Simple visual communication to During planning, design A process intended to communicate
all project stakeholders by using and construction. the design or analysis results based
the model content and on the model. Visualisations include
information to early involvement photorealistic images, presentations
and enhance understanding to of flow (sequencing, people etc.)
improve the basis for decisions. and advanced augmented reality
presentations. It also includes
dynamic visualisations such as walk-
throughs and virtual reality
experiences with acoustics.

Value examples
› Easy communication of design intent to non-technical stakeholders
› Basis for faster decision making
› Simple visualisation of results from technical analysis and simulations
› Co-creation with external parties such as end users and operational staff
› Marketing and publicising the project using virtual reality

A process intended to communicate the design or analysis results based on the model. Visualisations include photorealistic images,
presentations of flow (sequencing, people etc.) and advanced augmented reality presentations.

Potential Value:
• Easy communication of design intent to non-technical stakeholders
• Basis for faster decision making
• Simple visualisation of results from technical analysis and simulations
• Co-creation with external parties such as end users and operational staff
• Marketing and publicising the project using virtual reality

Resources Required:
• Model Review Software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review BIM model
External materials
Basis data


Compile Composite Apply materials on Set view point or Rendering picture or

Result YES
START Model elements animation path video END
BIM Coordinator BIM Coordinator BIM Coordinator BIM Coordinator
Information models

Design Models
(Design Authoring)
Why When What
Model-based analysis enables During planning and The process of performing analyses
creating multiple virtual scenarios design and construction. based on the model content or
to support project decisions enriching the model with the results
during design, reducing time from an analysis by use or reuse of
spent in planning, design and information. The design process can
operation. also be automated using advanced
analysis tools based on artificial
intelligence (AI) applied to the
digital model.

Value examples
› Enhanced design progress by performing analysis directly in the model such as energy, comfort,
environmental, structural, fire and evacuation and lighting analyses
› Improves the quality of the design analyses and more accurate predictions by auto-determining model
› Reduces time consumption by performing automated code checks
› Makes it easy to assess different design options, alternatives and consequences

SUB Use: Lighting Analysis

A process in which analytical modeling software utilizes the BIM design authoring model so to determine the behavior of a given lighting system. This
can also include artificial (indoor and outdoor) and natural (daylighting and solar shading) lighting. Based on this analysis further development and
refinement of the lighting design takes place to create effective, efficient, and constructible lighting systems. The application of this analysis tool
allows for performance simulations that can significantly improve the design, and performance of the facility's lighting over its lifecycle.

Potential Value:
• Save time and cost on creating extra models
• Easier transition BIM authoring tools allowing new firms implementing this use model
• Improve specialized expertise and services offered by the design firm
• Achieve optimum efficient design solutions by applying various rigorous analyses
• Faster return on investment with applying audit and analysis tools for lighting analyses
• Improve the quality of the design analyses
• Reduce the cycle time of the design analyses

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Tools
• Lighting Analysis analysis tools and software
• Design standards and codes
• Adequate hardware for running software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to create, manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Lighting Model
• Ability to assess a model through engineering analysis tools
• Lighting expertise
Solar Data Weather Data
Basis data

Analyze Model for


Lighting Engineer


Export Model to Export Model to


Analyze Model for Is Update Lighting


Identify Lighting Generate Lighting Generate Basic Modify Model for YES
Lighting Analysis building Lighting Design
START Criteria Layout Lighting Model Analysis Lighting Levels lighting Model
PROCESS Application Application END PROCESS
Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer le? Lighting Engineer Lighting Engineer

Analyze Model for

Density Levels

Lighting Engineer
Information models

Architecture Model Other Applicable Models Structural Model Lighting Design Model Lighting Analysis Model Lighting Design Model

SUB Use: Site Analysis

A process in which BIM/GIS tools are used to evaluate properties in a given area to determine the most optimal site location for a future project.
The site data collected is used to first select the site and then position the project based on other criteria.

Potential Value:
• Use calculated decision making to determine if potential sites meet the required criteria according to project requirements, technical factors, and
financial factors
• Decrease costs of utility demand and demolition
• Increase energy efficiency
• Minimize risk of related to MSSS (health, safety and welfare)
• Maximize return on investment

Resources Required:
• CAD and GIS software (Basis models)
• 3D Model manipulation

Differnt locations of surtain interest can be found at Arealinfo

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
• Knowledge and understanding of local authority's system (GIS, database information)
Site Investigation
conditions Data /
Existing model
Basis data

Analyze Project Site
Data NO
5.1 5.2 5.5
Is site Responsible Party Determine Project

Select a Project Site Is project

Analyze Area Data acceptab YES Location and YES
Location location
START le and Orientation END
5.4 acceptab
Responsible Party Responsible Party Responsible Party le?
? Generate Site
Analysis Model or
Corridor Model
Responsible Party
Information models

Site Analysis Model Site Analysis Model Site Analysis Model


SUB Use: Engineering Analysis

A process in which intelligent modeling software uses the BIM model to determine the most effective engineering method based on design
specifications. Development of this information is the basis for what will be passed on to the owner and/or operator for use in the building's systems
(i.e. energy analysis, structural analysis, emergency evacuation planning, etc.). These analysis tools and performance simulations can significantly
improve the design of the facility and its energy consumption during its lifecycle in the future.

Potential Value:
• Automating analysis and saving time and cost
• Analysis tools are less costly than BIM authoring tools, easier to learn and implement and less disruptive to established workflow
• Improve specialized expertise and services offered by the design firm
• Achieve optimum, energy-efficient design solution by applying various rigorous analyses
• Faster return on investment with applying audit and analysis tools for engineering analyses
• Improve the quality and reduce the cycle time of the design analyses

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Tools
• Engineering analysis tools and software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model
• Ability to assess a model through engineering analysis tools
• Knowledge of construction means and methods
• Design and construction experience


Information models
SUB Use: Sustainabiliy (6D)
A process in which a BIM project is evaluated based on LEED or other sustainable criteria. This process should occur during all stages of a facilities life including planning,
design, construction, and operation. Applying sustainable features to a project in the planning and early design phases is more effective (ability to impact design) and
efficient (cost and schedule of decisions). This comprehensive process requires more disciplines to interact earlier by providing valuable insights. This integration may
require contractual integration in planning phase. In addition to achieving sustainable goals, having LEED approval process adds certain calculations, documentations, and
verifications. Energy simulations, calculations, and documentations can be performed within an integrative environment when responsibilities are well defined and clearly

Potential Value:
• Facilitates interaction, collaboration and coordination of team members early in the project process are considered to be favorable to sustainable projects.
• Enables early and reliable evaluation of design alternatives.
• Availability of critical information early helps problem resolution efficiently in terms of cost premium and schedule conflicts.
• Shortens the actual design process by the help of early facilitated design decisions. Shorter design process is cost effective and provides more time for other projects.
• Leads to delivery better project quality.
• Reduces documentation load after design and accelerates certification because concurrently prepared calculations can be used for verification.
• Reduces operational costs of the facility due to the energy performance of the project. It optimized building performance via improved energy management.
• Increases the emphasis on environmentally friendly and sustainable design.
• Assists project team with potential future revisions throughout the life cycle.

Resources Required:
• Design authoring software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to create and review 3D Model
• Knowledge of up-to-date LEED Credit Information
• Ability to organize and manage the database


Information models
SUB Use: Code Validation
A process in which code validation software is utilized to check the model parameters against project specific codes. Code validation is currently
in its infant stage of development within the U.S. and is not in widespread use. However, as model checking tools continue to develop, code
compliance software with more codes, code validation should become more prevalent within the design industry.

Potential Value:
• Validate that building design is in compliance with specific codes, e.g. IBC International Building Code, ADA Americans with Disabilities Act
guidelines and other project related codes using the 3D BIM model.
• Code validation done early in design reduces the chance of code design errors, omissions or oversights that would be time consuming and more
expensive to correct later in design or construction.
• Code validation done automatically while design progresses gives continuous feedback on code compliance .Â
• Reduced turnaround time for 3D BIM model review by local code officials or reduced time that needs to be spent meeting with code
commissioners, visiting the site, etc. or fixing code violations during punch list or closeout phase.
• Saves time on multiple checking for code compliance and allows for a more efficient design process since mistakes cost time and money.

Resources Required:
• Local codes
• Model checking software
• 3D Model manipulation

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to use BIM authoring tool for design and model checking tool for design review
• Ability to use code validation software and previous knowledge and experience with checking codes is needed.


Information models

SUB Use: Space Management and Tracking

A process in which BIM is utilized to effectively distribute, manage, and track appropriate spaces and related resources within a facility.
A facility building information model allows the facility management team to analyze the existing use of the space and effect ively apply
transition planning management towards any applicable changes. Such applications are particularly useful during a project's renovation
or extend where existing segments are to remain occupied. Space Management and Tracking ensures the appropriate allocation of
spatial resources throughout the life of the facility. This use benefits from the utilization of the record model. This application often
requires integration with spatial tracking software.

Potential Value:
• More easily identify and allocate space for appropriate building use
• Increase the efficiency of transition planning and management
• Proficiently track the use of current space and resources
• Assist in planning future space needs for the facility

Resources Required:
• Bi-directional 3D Model Manipulation; software and record model integration
• Space mapping and management input application (Mapguide, Maximo, etc.)

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review record model
• Ability to assess current space and assets and mange appropriately for future needs
• Knowledge of facility management applications
• Ability to effectively integrate the record model with the Facility Management's Application and appropriate
software associated with the client's needs.


Information models

SUB USE: Disaster Planning (PSS, TSR, CSM)

A process in which emergency responders would have access to critical building information in the form of a model and information system.
The BIM would provide critical building information to the responders that would improve the efficiency of the response and minimize the
safety risks. The dynamic building information would be provided by a building automation system (BAS), while the static building
information, such as floor plans and equipment schematics, would reside in a BIM model. These two systems would be integrated via a
wireless connection and emergency responders would be linked to an overall system. The BIM coupled with the BAS would be able to
clearly display where the emergency was located within the building, possible routes to the area, and any other harmful locations within the

Potential Value:
• Provide police, fire, public safety officials, and first responders access to critical building information in real-time
• Improve the effectiveness of emergency response
• Minimize risks to responders

Resources Required:
• Design review software to view Record Model and components
• Building Automation System (BAS) linked to Record Model
• Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) linked to Record Model

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review BIM model for facility updates
• Ability to understand dynamic building information through BAS
• Ability to make appropriate decisions during an emergency


Information models

SUB Use: Building Systems Analysis

A process that measures how a building's performance compares to the specified design. This includes how the mechanical system operates
and how much energy a building uses. Other aspects of this analysis include, but are not limited to, ventilated facade studies, lighting
analysis, internal and external CFD airflow, and solar analysis.

Potential Value:
• Ensure building is operating to specified design and sustainable standards
• Identify opportunities to modify system operations to improve performance
• Create a "what if" scenario and change different materials throughout the building to show better or worse performance conditions

Resources Required:
• Building Systems Analysis Software(Energy, Lighting, Mechanical, Other)

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to understand and manipulate CMMS and building control systems with Record Model
• Ability to understand typical equipment operation and maintenance practices
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model
Sensor Data Other Performance Data Performance Targets Performance Costs Weather Data
Basis data

Interpret Data for


Facility Manager NO NO
Adjust BIM for Validate

Is model Prepare/Adjust Prepare/Adjust Perform

Performance Equipment Results
START ready for YES Schedule Schedule Maintenance acceptab YES
PROCESS Analysis simulatio Performance END PROCESS

n? le?
Responsible Party Responsible Party Responsible Party Facility Manager Facility Manager

Interpret Data for


Facility Manager
Information models

Energy Analysis Model Record Model Building Performance Building Performance

Analysis Model Analysis Output

SUB Use: Construction System Design

A process in which 3D System Design Software is used to design and analyze the construction of a complex building system
(e.g. form work, glazing, tie-backs, etc.) in order to increase planning.

Potential Value:
• Increase constructability of a complex project
• Increase construction productivity
• Increase safety awareness of a complex building system
• Decrease language barriers

Resources Required:
• 3D System design software

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review 3D model
• Ability to make appropriate construction decisions using a 3D System Design Software
• Knowledge of typical and appropriate construction practices for each component


Information models
Why When What
By generating drawings from the During design, A process to generate drawings
model it ensures consistency in construction and based on the model throughout the
the drawing sets and enables fast operations. project. This ensures consistency of
extracts of 2D/3D sketches. geometry in all drawings and
reduces the need for manual
drawing updates. Simple 2D and 3D
sketches for specific purposes can
also be generated directly from the

Value examples
› Generation of coherent plans, elevations and sections for documentation

› Improves communication of design intent with additional 2D and 3D views and sketches

› Automatically updates drawing sets based on changes in the model

› Increases consistency between different type of drawings as the geometry and other information are
extracted from the same model

A process in which building information modeling and the model itself is used to create drawings and drawing sets. This inclu ding
Schematic, Design Development, Construction and Shop Drawing. "With building information modeling, each building object
instance - its shape, properties, and placement in the model - is defined only once." (Eastman et al. 2008). The same building
model can be used to create all drawing, reports, and analysis datasets. This eliminates the need to manully update each drawing
for each design change. Additionally standard construction details can be generated directly from the model, however it may b e
necessary to add additional information that is not contained within the facility model.

Potential Value:
• Quickly generate multiple views(plan, elevations, sections, and details) from a single facility model
• Improved quality of drawing that better explain design intent with additional views such as isometric and 3D views
• Automatically update drawing sets based on changes in the model
• Autopopulate schedules
• All data is extracted from the same model therefore increasing consistency between different views of the same data

Resources Required:
• Design authoring software with the ability to generate drawings

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model


Information models
Why When What
Model-based scheduling is a During design and A process in which the model is
powerful visualisation and construction. utilised to effectively plan and show
communication tool that gives the construction sequence and space
project stakeholders a better requirements on a construction site
understanding of project as a repeatedly task.
milestones and construction

Value examples
› Identifies scheduling, sequencing or phasing issues, enabling improved resource allocation

› Conveys the spatial complexities of the project and provides a better upfront understanding of the phasing
schedule by showing the critical path of the project

› Space and workspace conflicts are identified and resolved ahead of the construction process

› Detailed location-based scheduling in major projects to accurately understand the construction phase
A process in which a 4D model (3D models with the added dimension of time) is utilized to effectively plan the phased occupancy in a renovation,
retrofit, addition, or to show the construction sequence schedule update, workflow, space utilization and challanges on a building site. 4D modeling
is a powerful visualization and communication tool that can give planner, designer, contractor, operator including the owner a better understanding
of project milestones and live updates to avoid collision in same working area, to optimize cost and execution time schedule and increase

Potential Value:
• Better understanding of the phasing schedule by the owner and project participants and showing risk buffers including Critical Path of the project
• Risk analysis with mitigated or un-mitigated aspects
• Dynamic phasing plans of occupancy offering multiple options and solutions to site space conflicts
• Integrate planning of human, equipment, location and material resources with the BIM model to better schedule and cost estimate the projects
• Space and workspace conflicts identified and resolved ahead of the construction process
• Preliminary design assesment (black box) Early stage assumption of future elements allocation and proportions
• Avoiding collision in same working area or to follow chronological steps, such as earthworks, sewage system, sleepers and then catenary masts
• Control of quantity (removal, dispocal, intermidiate storage, reusage, incoming)
• Optimize location vs. time as much as possible
• Client has overview of planned vs. actual (real time) progress on site
• Early implementation of Facility Management to contribute data for optimization.
• Better method for tender/bidding procedure, and contractors will be able to see the complexity of individual task, and to influate the conditions
(turnkey contracts)
• Workshop for site planning with participants from all interface projects - optimizing Site Management
• Marketing purposes and publicity
• Weekly or regular Design update to project owner
• Weekly or regular site update based on progress, which show planned progress vs. actual progress and result of remaining works (depend on
• Animation showing execution possibilities (methods)
• Identification of schedule, sequencing or phasing issues
• More readily constructible, operable and maintainable project
• Monitor procurement status of project materials
• Increased productivity and decreased waste on job sites
• Conveying the spatial complexities of the project, planning information, and support conducting additional analyses


Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Software
• Scheduling software
• 4D Modeling Software required by the project owner
• Define a Common Data Environment platform for every phase and aggrements accross interface projects to use software and tools, that
meets requirements from masterplanner
• Implementation of the International Infrastructure standards
• Unlimited access to traffic planning and bindings including collaboration between them.
• Interviduaially determine LOD for each deliverance (discipline)
• Site map/logistics planning

Team Competencies Required:

• FM expertise must be included from early stage
• Knowledge of construction scheduling and general construction process. A 4D model is connected to a schedule,
and is therefore only as good as the schedule to which it is linked.
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, analyse, share and review a 3D model.
• Qualified employee appointed in early stage to define execution methods (best practise)
• Knowledge of 4D software: import geometry, manage links to schedules, produce and control animations,
appearence visibility, workflow, scripting etc.
Productivity Appendix for Appendix for
Information ICT report Lead Times ICT report
Basis data

Prepare schedule of the 3.9
execution process for Prepare schedule of the
4D execution process for
3.1 4D
All Disciplines Update/report 4D- All Disciplines
model of the execution
process NO
Prepare entire project 3.2 3.4 3.6
for production of 4D All Disciplines 3.10
Tender Prepare 3D-model for Tender
3.8 is result of 3.7 Prepare 3D-model for Model &
3.8 4D schedule
Consultant/Designer All available Disciplines Contractor correct?
As-built material All available Disciplines
All Disciplines 3.5 YES
All available Disciplines 3.11
Asset-/meta data for
4D Contractor biding/preparation Asset-/meta data for

Bygherre 4D
All available Disciplines
All available Disciplines
e Client/inspection

3.12 3.13 3.14
Link 3D Elements to Validation Accuracy Review 4D
YES Schedule YES
Activities of 4D Models Model Model/Schedule
optimize END
All Disciplines d?
4D Modeler All Disciplines
Information models

Simulations 4D Model (Draft)

Schedule (Draft) Schedule 4D Model 3D Model
3.1 Establish organisational workflow and define, which data to be used and whom to contribute all project related data/information
Select a 4D-coordinator in every project as a main contact
Overall early stage planning with known information to be added. This schedule is active throghtout entire process
Estabilish common 3D-model to be on right file-format and conditions regarding Common Data Environment and update time
schedule (developed early stage planning) based on this model
Update the common 3D-model and schedule according to upcoming details/information
Create sub tasks in the main schedule according to objects in main 3D-model
Q/A the 4D-model is coordinated by the project team (Reoccurence)
Prepare schedule of the execution process. If you later en the proces find out that the schedule is not optimized. You have to go
3.3 back to this part of the proces and make some adjustments to the schedule.
Create a new 3D model as a copy of the original 3D model. Spilt the new 3D model into elements that fits the diffent activities in
3.4 the schedule.
3.5 Make a link from the 3D element to the diffent activities in the schedule.
Check the model to see if all elements in the model is linked to the right activity in the schedule. If the model is correct, then
3.6 continue to the next step. If the model is not coorect, then you need to go back to process 3.5.
Make a review of the 4D model to beside if the schedule is optimezed. If it is optimezed, then you have a finish schedule and 4D
3.7 model. If not, then you need to go back to process 3.3/3.4 and adjust the schedule and the 3D model.
3.8 Automated system to synchrozize communication between contractors to clear their way for begin upcoming work
3.8 Proper 3D-model with required metadata to have complete 4D-procedure

Create competition between contractors while making complex tasks transperant

Forecast the schedule in advance of (delayed) tasks or clearing area for upcoming material delivery within
the nearest future
A process in which BIM is used to graphically represent both permanent and temporary facilities on site during multiple phases of the
construction process. It may also be linked with the construction activity schedule to convey space and sequencing requirements. Additional
information incorporated into the model can include labor resources, materials with associated deliveries, and equipment location. Because
the 3D model components can be directly linked to the schedule, site management functions such as visualized planning, short-term re-
planning, and resource analysis can be analyzed over different spatial and temporal data.

Potential Value:
• Efficiently generate site usage layout for temporary facilities, assembly areas, and material deliveries for all phases of construction
• Quickly identify potential and critical space and time conflicts
• Accurately evaluate site layout for safety concerns
• Select a feasible construction scheme
• Effectively communicate construction sequence and layout to all interested parties
• Easily update site organization and space usage as construction progresses
• Minimize the amount of time spent performing site utilization planning

Resources Required:
• Design authoring software
• Scheduling software
• 4D model integration software
• Detailed existing conditions site plan

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to create, manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model
• Ability to manipulate and assess construction schedule with a 3D model
• Ability to understand typical construction methods
• Ability to translate field knowledge to a technological process
Construction Equipment
Schedule Libraries
Basis data

Add Construction

Analyze Site
Layout for Phase
NO Transition

Identify Determine Are all
phases Distribute Plan to
Construction Temporary YES Is plan YES
START analyzed acceptab Various Parties
PROCESS Phases Facilities (occurs END PROCESS

for each le?

Contractor Contractor phase)? Contractor
Analyze Site
Layout for Space
and Time Conflict
Insert Phased
Staging Areas

Information models

Design Model Existing Site Conditions Site Utilization Plan

Why When What
Cost estimates based on During planning, design A process in which a model can be
quantities from the model gives and construction. used to assist in the generation of
a precise estimate of quantities accurate quantity take-offs and cost
and the possibility to constantly estimates throughout the lifecycle of
verify that the design is on a project. This process ensures
budget. consistency between the actual
design and the budget and allows
one to see the cost effects of any
changes in the project.

Value examples
› Quick generation of quantities from the model for cost estimates
› Better visual representation of cost elements that must be estimated in the model
› Allows estimators to focus on more value-adding activities in estimating such as identifying construction
assemblies, generating pricing and factoring in risks, which are essential for high quality estimates
› Easier exploration of different design options and concepts based on project budget
› More accurate cost estimation from early stages to tendering
A process in which BIM can be used to assist in the generation of accurate quantity take-offs and cost estimates throughout the lifecycle of a project. This process allows the project team
to see the cost effects of their changes, during all phases of the project, which can help curb excessive budget overruns due to project modifications. Specifically, BIM can provide cost
effects of additions and modifications, with potential to save time and money and is beneficial already from early design stages to Facility Management stage of any project.

Potential Value:
• Precisely quantify modeled materials
• Earn Value Analyse graphs (EVA) to control the actual budget to follow the planned
• Resource utilization diagram within contractors - to control site safety measures
• Cost risk analysis and easy way to add values to the system, no matter of units
• Quickly generate quantities to assist in the decision making process
• Generate more cost estimates at a faster rate
• Better visual representation of project and construction elements that must be estimated
• Provide cost information to the owner during the early decision making phase of design and throughout the lifecycle, including changes during construction
• Saves estimator's time by reducing quantity take-off time
• Allows estimator's to focus on more value adding activities in estimating such as: identifying construction assemblies, generating pricing and factoring risks, which are essential for high
quality estimates
• Added to a construction schedule (such as a 4D Model), a BIM developed cost estimate can help track budgets throughout construction
• Easier exploration of different design options and concepts within the owner's budget
• Quickly determine costs of specific objects and processes
• Easier to strain new estimators through this highly visual process
• Real time budget/payment updates and billing process throughout all phases
• Lifecycle planning of components and its validity included to cost estimation
• FM overall budget specifies individual object/component based on FM system requirement (E.g. SAP S/4 HANA)
• Time schedule has an impact on cost estimation

Resources Required:
• Model-based estimating software (4D-model is prefered)
• Design authoring software
• Accurately built design model Accurately built design model combined with reduced level of information/models
• Cost data (Including Masterformat and Uniformat data)
• Access to asset data/pricebook for overall/detail price estimation

Team Competencies Required:

• FM expertise must be included from early stage
• •Ability to define specific design modeling procedures which yield accurate quantity take-off information
• Ability to identify quantities for the appropriate estimating level upfront
• Ability to manipulate models to acquire quantities usable for estimation
• Acces to knowhow (know-whom)/asset/experianced ressources and specialists
Cost Reports Analysis Method Cost Database 4D Model
Basis data

Prepare 4D-model
(Synchro file) for 5D
2.3 2.4 NO NO
All available Disciplines Request costs by 2.5 2.6
Establish Cost Incorporate
Tender objects/schedule/resou Review
Estimates to YES Contingencies/
rce Cost Adjust BIM for Takeoff Model
2.2 Overhead
objects/resource Estimate
Contractor Client YES ready
Asset-/meta data for Contractor accept Contractor

All available Disciplines



START Provide renewed

quantity details NO
2.7 2.8 2.9 2.12 NO
Compare actual vs. Contractor
Export BIM for Analysis Develop Quantities Review Quantities & Results YES
planned via Earn Value
Schedule cost acceptab Results YES
2.11 le? acceptab
Contractor Client Contractor Contractor le?
Provide renewed cost


2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17

Evaluate Methods for Organize Quantities to Calculate Costs from
Review Costs/Results Contingencies/
Assembly Construction Cost Data Quantities
Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
Information models

Simulations Quantity Takeoff for Cost Estimate for

Assemblies Assemblies
Why When What
Use of model information in the During construction and A process of taking all the collected
field gives project teams the maintenance. model information in the field and
ability to coordinate better, using it to drive accurate
communicate more effectively, construction out on site. It reduces
and resolve issues quickly, paperwork and supports better and
resulting in faster and more more effective communication, and
efficient project execution. the ability to resolve issues quickly
during construction.

Value examples
› Optimises and measures field performance of construction trends across progress and quality
› Allows the model to be used in daily inspections and to produce information take-off and 2D/3D views on the fly
› Supports daily reporting and communication of the construction progress directly in the model
› Improves construction quality control programs by creating and assigning issues directly in the model
› Provides accurate collection and documentation of asset data for commissioning and maintenance

SUB use: Digital Fabrication

A process that uses digitized information to facilitate the fabrication of construction materials or assemblies. Some uses of digital
fabrication can be seen in sheet metal fabrication, structural steel fabrication, pipe cutting, prototyping for design intent reviews etc. It
assists in ensuring that the downstream phase of manufacturing has minimum ambiguities and enough information to fabricate with
minimal waste. An information model could also be used with suitable technologies to assemble the fabricated parts into the final

Potential Value:
• Ensuring quality of information
• Minimize tolerances through machine fabrication
• Increase fabrication productivity and safety
• Reduce lead time
• Adapt late changes in design
• Reduced dependency on 2D paper drawings

Resources Required:
• Design Authoring Software
• Machine readable data for fabrication
• Fabrication methods

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to understand and create fabrication models
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model
• Ability to extract digital information for fabrication from 3D models
• Ability to manufacture building components using digital information
• Ability to understand typical fabrication methods


Information models

SUB Use: 3D Control and Planning

A process that utilizes an information model to layout facility assemblies or automate control of equipment's movement and lo cation.
The information model is used to create detailed control points aid in assembly layout. An example of this is automated mashine
excavations or layout of walls using a total station with points preloaded and/or using GPS coordinates to determine if prope r
excavation depth is reached.

Potential Value:
• Decrease layout errors by linking model with real world coordinates
• Increase efficiency and productivity by decreasing time spent surveying in the field
• Reduce rework because control points are received directly from the model
• Decrease/Eliminate language barriers

Resources Required:
• Machinery with GPS capabilities
• Digital Layout Equipment
• Model Transition Software (what software takes model and converts it to usable information).

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to create, manipulate, navigate and review 3D model
• Ability to interpret if model data is appropriate for layout and equipment control.
Design Specifications Schedule, Cost, and Construction Families and
and Intent Labor Info Libraries 3D Controls Report
Basis data

18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7

Determine Scope of Identify Alternative Model Alternative Analyze Various Compare and Select Coordinate Construc- constructi Generate Construction
Is model YES YES
Work to be Analyzed Construction Methods Methods Methods Options tion Sequences on Plans
START acceptab END
le? acceptabl
Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
Information models

Design Model Site Utilization Construction Model

Why When What
Collected data from design and During operation and A process in which an operational
construction in the model linked maintenance. system is linked to a model to
to the asset management system efficiently assist in the
automates the maintenance maintenance and operation of a
process and reduces time and facility and its assets. During
cost during operation. design and construction, the model
is enriched with product and
operation information that forms
the basis for asset management.

Value examples
› Exports as-built information for the model to be reused in an external asset management system
› Stores and maintains up-to-date facility and equipment data, including but not limited to maintenance schedules,
warranties, manufacturer’s data and equipment functionality
› Produces accurate quantity take-offs of current company assets to support financial reporting, tendering and
estimating the future cost
› The model allows users to visualise the asset before servicing it, potentially reducing service time
SUB Use: Record Modeling
Record Modeling is the process used to depict an accurate representation of the physical conditions, environment, and assets of a facility.
The record model should, at a minimum, contain information relating to the main architectural, structural, and MEP elements. It is the
culmination of all the BIM Modeling throughout the project, including linking Operation, Maintenance, and Asset data to the As-Built model
(created from the Design, Construction, 4D Coordination Models, and Subcontractor Fabrication Models) to deliver a record model to the
owner or facility manager. Additional information including equipment and space planning systems may be necessary if the owner intends
to utilize the information in the future.

Potential Value:
• Aid in future modeling and 3D design coordination for renovation
• Improve documentation of environment for future uses, e.g., renovation or historical documentation
• Aid in the permitting process (e.g. continuous change vs. specified code.)
• Minimize facility turnover dispute (e.g. link to contract with historical data highlights expectations and comparisons drawn to final
• Ability for embedding future data based upon renovation or equipment replacement
• Provide owner with accurate model of building, equipment, and spaces within a building to create possible synergies with other BIM
• Minimize building turnover information and required storage space for this information
• Better accommodate owner's needs and wants to help foster a stronger relationship and promote repeat business
• Easily assess client requirement data such as room areas or environmental performance to as-designed, as-built or as-performing data.

Resources Required:
• 3D Model Manipulation Tools
• Compliant Model Authoring Tools to Accommodate Required Deliverable
• Access to Essential Information in Electronic Format
• Database of Assets and Equipment with Metadata (Based upon Owner's Capabilities)

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review 3D model
• Ability to use BIM modeling application for building updates
• Ability to thoroughly understand facility operations processes to ensure correct input of information
• Ability to effectively communicate between the design, construction, and facilities management teams

SUB Use: Record Modeling

Additional Information:
In order to properly exhaust all opportunities for utilizing such a model, dialog must take place before the
project begins. The critical factor to the success of creating a record model comes with properly documenting
the owner's intended use of the information stored within the model. Once these uses are outlined, the
necessary parties can produce the required information and embed the necessary infrastructure into the
model to support this future information. Other resources such as a deliver/turnover strategy, comprehensive
implementation plan and level of detail documents must also be established. Â Furthermore, with the
continuous updating and improvement of the record model and the capability to store more information, the
model serves as a living document that contains an accurate snapshot of the completed space. The model
should contain necessary links to pertinent information such as serial codes, warranties, and operation and
maintenance history of all the components within the building. Subsequently, this model could be used to
monitor the efficiency of the building from an operating standpoint. The record model also contains information
linking pre-build specifications to as-built conditions as well as post-construction/operations/renovations. This
allows the owner to monitor the project relative to the specifications provided. Additionally, if the model
contains the systems described herein, the owner could potentially use the model to aid in future projects and
can effectively serve as an existing conditions model for any subsequent projects. This process should repeat
with every modification to the building in order to maintain an accurate depiction of the space and equipment
within. Finally, it is important that the owner views the facilities maintenance as beyond just a “glorified janitor”
while the A/E and CM/GC’s consider post-construction design issues just as much as early design phases and
pre-construction activities.
Project Submittal
Equipment Information Information COBIE Requirements
Basis data


Identify Generate Additional Compile

Information Required Information in FM Is model YES
START Information acceptab
PROCESS Requirements Information Application END PROCESS
Owner Facility Manager Facility Manager Facility Manager
Information models

Design Model Coordination Model 4D Model Record Model


SUB Use: Maintenance Scheduling (7D)

A process in which the functionality of the project and equipment serving the project are maintained over the operational life of a facility. A
successful maintenance program will improve building performance, reduce repairs, and reduce overall maintenance costs.

Potential Value:
• Plan maintenance activities proactively and appropriately allocate maintenance staff
• Track maintenance history
• Reduce corrective maintenance and emergency maintenance repairs
• Increase productivity of maintenance staff because the physical location of equipment/system is clearly understood
• Evaluate different maintenance approaches based on cost
• Allow facility managers to justify the need and cost of establishing a reliability centered maintenance program

Resources Required:
• Design review software to view Record Model and components
• Building Automation System (BAS) linked to Record Model
• Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) linked to Record Model
• User-Friendly Dashboard Interface linked to Record Model to provide building performance information and/or other information to educate
building users

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to understand and manipulate CMMSÂ and building control systems with Record Model
• Ability to understand typical equipment operation and maintenance practices
• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model
Warranty and Specification
Sensor Information CMMS Information Information Productivity Information
Basis data


Interpret Data for Validate

Collect project Prepare/Adjust Perform Regenerate
Maintenance Equipment YES
START Data Needs Schedule Maintenance Correct? Maintenance Data

Facility Manager Facility Manager Facility Manager Responsible Party Responsible Party Facility Manager
Information models

Record Model Schedule

SUB Use: Asset Management (7D)
A process in which an organized management system is bi-directionally linked to a record model to efficiently aid in the maintenance and operation of a facility and its
assets. These assets, consisting of the physical building, systems, surrounding environment, and equipment, must be maintained, upgraded, and operated at an efficiency
which will satisfy both the owner and users in the most cost effective manner. It assists in financial decision-making, short-term and long-term planning, and generating
scheduled work orders. Asset Management utilizes the data contained in a record model to populate an asset management system which is then used to determine cost
implications of changing or upgrading building assets, segregate costs of assets for financial tax purposes, and maintain a current comprehensive database that can
produce the value of a company's assets. The bi-directional link also allows users to visualize the asset in the model before servicing it potentially reducing service time.

Potential Value:
• Store operations, maintenance owner user manuals, and equipment specifications for faster access.
• Perform and analyze facility and equipment condition assessments
• Maintain up-to-date facility and equipment data including but not limited to maintenance schedules, warranties, cost data, upgrades, replacements, damages/deterioration,
maintenance records, manufacturer's data, and equipment functionality
• Provide one comprehensive source for tracking the use, performance, and maintenance of a building's assets for the owner, maintenance team, and financial department
• Produce accurate quantity takeoffs of current company assets which aids in financial reporting, bidding, and estimating the future cost implications of upgrades or
replacements of a particular asset.
• Allow for future updates of record model to show current building asset information after upgrades, replacements, or maintenance by tracking changes and importing new
information into model.
• Aid financial department in efficiently analyzing different types of assets through an increased level of visualization
• Increase the opportunity for measurement and verification of systems during building occupation
• Automatically generate scheduled work orders for maintenance staff.

Resources Required:
• Asset Management system
• Ability to Bi-directional link facilities record model and Asset Management System.

Team Competencies Required:

• Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model (preferred but not required)
• Ability to manipulate an asset management system
• Knowledge of tax requirements and related financial software
• Knowledge of construction and the operation of a building (replacements, upgrades, etc.)
• Pre-design knowledge of which assets are worth tracking, whether the building is dynamic vs. static, and the end needs of the building to
satisfy the owner


Information models
Information models Process Basis data THE END

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