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Quarter 1 Module 1: Kinetic Molecular Theory of Liquids and Solids

Pre-learning Homework
Ganilyn D. Ponciano. STEM 12 – A GENERAL CHEMISTRY 2

1. What are the assumptions of the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases?

 Any gas is a collection of innumerable number of minuscule particles which are known as
molecules according to Avogadro’s law.
 There are no forces of attraction or repulsion among the particles or between the molecules
and the surroundings.
 The gas particles are always at straight, rapid, fast & random motion resulting in inevitable
collisions with other particles and the surroundings that changes direction of motion.
 Since the particle are spherical, solid and elastic the collisions involving them are elastic in
nature as well i.e their kinetic energy is conserved even after collisions.
 The total kinetic energy of the particles is proportional to the absolute temperature.

In some books two other assumptions are given as well:

 The size or area of each particle is negligible compared to that of the container.
 Pressure of gas is result of the continuous clash of the particles with the wall of the

2. Fill in the blanks with the characteristics of solid, liquid, and gas in terms of certain properties:

State of Shape Volume Density Compressibility Motion of

Matter Particles
Gas Has no definite Has no definite is equal to its about ten times the continual straight-
shape or volume shape or volume mass divided diameter of the line motion
by its volume molecules
Liquid liquid has no Has definite a measure of Liquids are non- quite close
definite shape and volume how heavy it is compressible and together and
takes a shape for the have constant move with
dictated by its amount volume but can random motion
container measured change shape. throughout the
Solid Have a definite solid has high densities non-compressible particles do
shape. Some definite volume and have constant vibrate about
examples are: volume and constant their position in
Cone, Cuboid, shape the structure
Sphere, Cube and

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