Gen Physics Module 1

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Ganilyn D. Ponciano. STEM 12 – A GENERAL PHYSICS 2


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C – wrong B
5. D – wrong A

Activity 1


1. What is your height in meters? 1.55 m

in centimeters? 15500 cm
2. What is your mass in kilograms? 5.714
in pounds? 112 lbs
3. How many hours do you spend in sleeping in a day? 4 hours
What is its equivalent in minutes? 240 minutes

Did you get the same answer? Try to answer the problems below by following the step-by-step process
of dimensional analysis. Show your solution on a separate paper.

1. The recommended amount of carbohydrates intake of an average person is approximately 300

g/day. Express this in kilograms per week.

(30 g/day) (1kg/1000g) (7days/1week) = 300/1000 (7) = 2.1 kg/wk

2. The density of element gold is 19.3 g/cm 3. What is this value in kg/m3? Express your
measurement in scientific notation.

(19.3 g/cm3) (1kg/1000g) (1, 000, 000 cm3/1 m3)

= 19.3/1000 (1, 000, 000)

= 19,300 kg/m3

= 1.93 x 10 = 1.93 x 104 kg/m3

3. The speed of light is rounded to 3.0 x 10 8 m/s. What is the equivalent of this in mi/h? Express
your measurement in scientific notation.

(300, 000, 000 m/s) (1 mi/1609.344 m) (3,600 s/1 hr)

= 300, 000, 000 m/s/1609.344 x 3,600

= 671, 080, 888 mi/h

= 6.71080888 x 108 mi/h

Activity 2

1. Accuracy is how close the measurement to the true value. Who among the three students
obtained the most accurate measurement of density? Explain why.

- Student A obtained the most accurate measurement of density. As we can see in table 1,
Student A got an average of 8.02 density which is very near to 8.05 g/cm3, the density of the
unknown material steel. Student A used analytical balance to measure the mass and graduated
cylinder to measure the volume and correctly followed the procedure.

2. Precision is how close the measured values to each other. Who is/are the student/s with
précised measurements? Explain using the given data on Table 1.

- Student A and Student C are the students with précised measurements. Based on the data in
Table 1, Trial 1, we can see that Student A got a precise measurement of 7.90 (g/cm3) while
Student C got 4.60 (g/cm3) because based on the observations recorded by their teacher,
Student C used analytical balance to measure mass but the device was shaking on the first trial.
But on the 2nd and 3rd trials, the measurement of Student A and C was very close to each other
already. That's why when the average is calculated from the first to 3rd trial, Student A and
Student C got precise measurements.

3. Two students obtained average densities quite far from the given true value. What could be the
reasons of them getting such measurements?

- Student B and Student C obtained average densities quite far from the given true value. Student
B used a spring weighing scale to measure the mass and graduated cylinder but read the upper
meniscus for the volume measurement instead of using analytical balance to measure the mass
and graduated cylinder to measure the volume. Student B also read the procedure only once
that's why I think that's the reason why he/she didn't get the right measurement because
Student B didn't perform the activity and didn't follow the procedure correctly. However,
Student C used a graduated cylinder to measure the volume, followed the procedure, and used
analytical balance to measure mass but the device was shaking on the first trial that's why
he/she got the wrong measurement on the first trial which affect the total average of density
he/she got.

4. Student B made some systematic errors in measurement. What are these errors? How do you
describe a systematic error?

- used spring weighing scale to measure the mass, used graduated cylinder but read the upper
meniscus for the volume measurement, read the procedure once
- Systematic errors are biases in measurement which lead to a situation wherein the mean of
many separate measurements differs significantly from the actual value of the measured
attribute in one direction. A systematic error makes the measured value always smaller or larger
than the true value, but not both.

5. Based from the observation of the teacher, student C made a random error. What do you think
is this particular error?

- used analytical balance to measure mass but the device was shaking on the first trial.

How do you describe a random error?

- Random errors are errors that affect the precision of a measurement. Random errors are —two-
sided errors, because, in the absence of other types of errors, repeated measurements yield
results that fluctuate above and below the true or accepted value.

6. What do you think are the ways to minimize errors in measurement?

- Double check all measurements for accuracy. For example, double-enter all inputs on two
worksheets and compare them.
- Double check your formulas are correct
- Make sure observers and measurement takers are well trained.
- Make the measurement with the instrument that has the highest precision.
- Take the measurements under controlled conditions.
- Pilot test your measuring instruments. For example, put together a focus group and ask how
easy or difficult the questions were to understand.
- Use multiple measures for the same construct. For example, if you are testing for depression,
use two different questionnaires.

A. Based from the two sets of quantities, how do you differentiate SCALAR from VECTOR? Use the
terms magnitude and direction.

- A quantity that has magnitude but no particular direction is described as scalar.

- A quantity that has magnitude and acts in a particular direction is described as vector.
- Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vectors
are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.

B. To further understand scalar and vector quantities, study the given situation below about
distance and displacement. Refer to the illustration.

Suppose an object moved from point A to B with a distance of 30 meters. Then it moved
backwards from point B to point C covering 10 meters.
Given: d1 = 30 m; d2 = 10 m

Answer the following questions. Use the given formula.

1. What is the total distance (dT) covered by the object?

dT = d1 + d2
dT = 30 m + 10 m
dT = 40 m

2. What is its displacement (dR)?

dR = (d1) + (-d2)
dR = (30 m) + (-10 m)
dR = 20 m


Not yet discussed

Direction: Answer the following questions constructively. Write your answer in one to two
sentences only.


1. How the Dimensional Analysis useful in conversion of units?

- Dimensional analysis is the process of converting between units. Dimensional analysis involves
using conversion factors, which are ratios of related physical quantities expressed in the desired

2. Why is it important to know the equivalents of one measurement expressed in other units?

- Knowing the units of measurement that correspond with a number can give you so much more
information than a digit sitting there by itself.


3. When do the measurements both accurate and précised?

- Precision refers to how close measurements of the same item are to each other. Precision is
independent of accuracy. That means it is possible to be very precise but not very accurate, and
it is also possible to be accurate without being precise. The best quality scientific observations
are both accurate and precise.

4. How to minimize random and systematic errors in measurement?

- Systematic error arises from equipment, so the most direct way to eliminate it is to use
calibrated equipment, and eliminate any zero or parallax errors.

Random error can be reduced by:

- Using an average measurement from a set of measurements, or. Increasing sample size.


5. What is the difference between scalar and vector quantities?

- Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vectors
are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.

6. What are the ways to get the resultant vector?

- In summary, the resultant is the vector sum of all the individual vectors. The resultant is the
result of combining the individual vectors together. The resultant can be determined by adding
the individual forces together using vector addition methods.

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D


What particular topic in this module you want to explore more? Share how you will do it.

- I want to explore more about dimensional analysis that’s why I will watch a lot of videos in
YouTube about it.

How will you apply what you have learned in this module to your everyday life?

- Well, I will apply what I have learned in this module to my everyday life by participating in our
General Physics online class and discussion.

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