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SNHU QH. 2021


Term : Fall 2021

Number of class hours/week : 20 hours (Monday to Friday) (50 minutes/ class hour)
Total number of class hours : 200 hours

The course provides students with intermediate to upper intermediate English language knowledge
and skills through different topics about social life such as communication, adventure, future and past life,
community, media and human senses. English language knowledge and skills will be gradually delivered to
the students through various activities, practice and exercises throughout the courses. This ensures that
students can go through a complete process of acquiring, practicing and producing in language learning.


By the end of the course, students will be able to have an ability to deal with simple, straightforward
information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts. At intermediate level, students can:
- understand the main points of clear standard input to complex on familiar topics regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
- deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
- produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest.
- describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and
explanations for opinions and plans.
- produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue
giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options
- fairly interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native
speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
- produce clear, detailed text on a certain number of subjects related to social life.


III.1 Required course books
1. Krantz, C. & Roberts, R. (2015). Navigate B2. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2. Folse, K.S. et al. (2014). Great Writing 3 - Great Paragraphs to Great Essays. 3rd Edition. Cengage
3. Mann, M., & Taylore-Knowles, S. (2008). Destination B2: grammar & vocabulary. with answer key.
Macmillan Education
4. Macintyre, P. & Bohlke, D. (2015). Reading Explorer 4. National Geographic Learning, Cengage

III.2 Supplementary materials

1. Richards, J. C. & Trew G. (3e, 2011). Expanding Tactics for Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


*** N. B.: Any other relevant materials selected by the teachers are welcome. Selected practice test is
recommended if appropriate


1. Eligibility for final exam:
Student is not allowed to take the final exam if he is absent over 10% of the total class hours.
GPA Policy
5.5 - 10: Pass
4.0 - 5.4: Re-take exams.
Under 4: Re-take the course

2. Participation
 Students should attend class regularly, arrive on time, and participate in English.
 Cell phones must be turned on silent mode in the classroom. Students may not make or take calls
during class.
 Active participation is a vital part of this class.

3. Assessment and Grading

Assessment Weight Task Description Task Objectives

Students attend
classes (5%)
Participation 10%
Complete homework
Students listen,
• Understanding interaction between native
transcribe, and
Listening underline key
15% • Listening as a member of a live audience
transcription structures and
• Understanding key structures and expressions
expressions of the
related to the topic
Mini- 15% For each theme, • Developing students’ ability to express

students work in viewpoints, passing on information about

groups to deliver different topics
presentation mini-presentations • Developing students’ ability to make a
about the related prepared presentation and answer clear
topics questions.
• Writing straightforward, detailed descriptions
A collection of first on a range of familiar subjects within your
and second drafts of fields of interest.
20% 3 entries with • Write accounts of experiences, describing
comments from peers feelings and reactions in simple connected
and teachers. text.
• Narrate a story.
Students take the
Final exam 40% exam of 4 skills at the
end of the course

 The Communicative and Learner-Centered Approach is used and aimed to develop students’
bulk of vocabulary and four skills of English.
 Feedback for students’ performance should also be given timely and regularly to build up their
confidence and improve their performance.
 Lessons should be planned basing on the student’s needs and their characteristics.
 Pronunciation practice should always be focused on during class hours
 Photocopiable activities from teacher’s books are to be made full use of
 Foster learners’ autonomy in general
 Pair and group-work activities are encouraged together with the individual on


Week Day Instructor Period 5
Coursebook Contents
Navigate Unit 1 The rule of conversation WB 1.1-1.2
1-3 (1.1 – 1.2) The letter is dead, long live the better!
Grammar Unit 1: Present perfect simple Instructor assigned
Unit 19: Questions
Navigate Unit 1 Vocabulary and Skills development
1 WB 1.3
Great Writing 3 - Unit 1 Instructor assigned
2-4 Writing Writing porfolio
Navigate Unit 1 Speaking & Writing
W1 1-2 WB 1.4
(1.4) Informal letter writing
06-10 3
Sep Unit 1: Small talk Instructor assigned
3-4 Listening
Unit 16: Phone messages
Navigate Unit 1
1 Video & Review Listening transcription
4 (1.5)
Mini presentation
2-4 Reading Unit 1: The power of image introduction
Navigate Unit 2 Out of comfort zone
1-3 An extraordinary escape WB 2.1-2.2
5 (2.1 – 2.2)
Instructor assigned
4 Grammar Unit 3: Past time

Navigate Unit 2
1 Vocabulary and Skills development WB 2.3
6 (2.3)
Great Writing 3 - Unit 2 Instructor assigned
W2 2-4 Writing
Writing porfolio
13-17 Navigate Unit 2 Speaking & Writing
Sep 1-2 WB 2.4
7 (2.4) Writing an email of complaint
Unit 11: Cities Instructor assigned
3-4 Listening
Unit 18: Vacations
Navigate Unit 2
1 Video & Review Listening transcription
Mini presentation
2-4 Reading Unit 5: Human journey
Navigate Unit 3 Invest in your future

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