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Being a citizen is, in general, the person registered by the authorities, which is part of which entails
a series of duties and a series of rights that each citizen and society must respect. Membership in
such a community is known as citizenship, and they do their thing to be fulfilled as a citizen. As in
some countries such as Colombia, Mexico, a citizen is all that natural person who has rights and
obligations, according to the political constitution, citizenship is acquired from the age of 18.

But being a citizen is more than the simple fact of turning 18 and of legal age, of being born in a
country and being able to vote in elections to elect our representatives in the government or being
elected in popular elections, to be able to fully exercise what What we know as citizen rights and
duties such as obtaining the DNI (national identity document, it is like a unique password managed
by some countries for personal identification), entering into a civil marriage, being able to move 4.
3. freely through the national territory, etc. It is to feel part of a social and political structure, and
above all, to assume responsibilities and obligations in the construction of society.

Citizenship is power, understood as the ability to carry out activities with full autonomy, making
responsible decisions in the current social context. Likewise, it is the ability of people to make
commitments in a social and political environment with which we identify when we feel part of it,
managing to live together. We are all holders of power; therefore, we can influence and intervene
in decision-making in various spaces of our life. Citizenship is exercised through participation in the
different spaces in which we develop, in the family, at school, at work, in the neighborhood, etc.
how? giving opinions on issues that concern the environment in which they operate, makingdecisions
for the benefit of society or that imply an improvement in human quality, etc. Since, as previously
said, it is not enough to be born in a place or country to be considered a citizen, but to acquire the
age of majority and assert your rights for yourself. When is citizenship fully exercised?1

2.1. Read the text that you find below and find the meaning in English of the words that
are underlined. You can take notes in your notebook or laptop. Focus on the
pronunciation as well. To do so, you can use this online dictionary:

 Being a citizen: means actively participating in the social, political and economic life of
your community and society, as well as acting correctly in the face of injustice and
setting an example to change bad habits in society.
 Membership: refers to being part of a group or society.
 Fulfilled: satisfied because of fully developing one's abilities or character.
 Obligations: are the responsibilities we have to fulfill.
 Citizenship: is the identification as a citizen, before the world.

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 Representatives: a person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others.
 Duties: moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
 Freely: making decisions based on personal criteria only.
 Autonomous: making decisions on our own.
 Decisions: a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
 Commitments: it is a responsibility that you have as a person; it’s like an obligation to
 Neighborhood: are the people in your community.
 Environment: natural environment is the set of external physical, chemical and
biological components with which living beings interact.
 Yourself: refers to me as a person

4. It is time to make a stop and honestly perform the Self-Assessment of this session in
English. Analyseeach of the following criteria and answer yes or no.

 I feel that I have learned and can share with others the knowledge. yes
 I socialize / publish my creations in English and products to share them with other people
inside and outside the classroom. yes
 In my speech I contribute new ideas with arguments in English. yes
 I produce written texts that respond to various communicative needs in a second language
and following a strategic procedure for its preparation. yes
 I answer correctly what is asked in class in English. yes

 I show confidence in the answers in English to the teacher. yes

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