A. Self Study 1.1 Task Sheet 1

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1.1 Task Sheet 1

1. Match the answers in the box with the greetings

a) Yes, nice to meet you. b)Hello Dave c)My Name’s Peter.
d)....... morning! e) Hello Tomoko. Nice to meet you.
f) Hi Jake. Fine thanks, and you?

Ex: Hello, I’m Diana. What’s your name? My name’s Peter

1. Good Morning! Good morning

2. Hello Tom. Hello Dave

3. Are you Andy Green? Yes, nice to meet you

4. Hi Maria. How are you? Hi Jake. Fine tanks, and you

5. Jhon, this is Tomoko. Hello Tomoko. Nice to meet you

1.2 Task Sheet 2

2. Fill in the gaps! Isilah gaps/ titik-titik dengan ekspresi (vocab) yang tepat
a) Hi, I’m Jake. b) Good morning, Dave
Hello, .my name is Maria Morning, Pete. How are you?
Hi, Maria. nice to meet you I’m fine thanks, and you?
c) Hi, Susana. d) Are you Marta?
Hi Nicolas. How are you? No, I’m not Marta my name’s Laura.
Fine, and you?
e) Tanya, ........this... is Marc. f) Hello, ...this....... Anna, your teacher.
.................. Marc. Nice to meet you What’s your......?
Hello, I’m Katya.
Short form short form short form
My name’s = my name is I’m = I am what’s = what is

Language note: it’s more natural to use the ‘short form’ in spoken English and in infomal

1.3 Task Sheet 3

(f )Russia ( g ) Mexico ( e ) China ( a ) Japan ( b ) Brazil

( h ) Italy ( d ) Spain ( c ) South Korea

2. Put the correct word in the space

I’m Where am from I’m not

a) Are you from Brazil? Yes, I,m

b) Are you from China? No, I’m not . I’m from Japan
c) Where are you from? I,m from, Mexico
d) Are you from Spain? Yes. am Spain. Are you from?
e) Where are you from? I’m from Taiwan
f) Are you from England? No, where not.

3. Put the words in the right order!

a. name your What’s? what,s your name?

b. are from you Where? Where are you from?

c. from I’m Japan I,m from Japan

d. from you Are Russia? Are you from Russia?

e. I’m No not Not. I,m not

f. nice Hello, you meet to Hello nice to meet you

1.4 Task Sheet 4

Language note!

if you know what country someone is from and want to know what city,
you can use an expression “Whereabouts”
1. Put is or are in the gaps!
My name is Rita b)is your name Anton. My name c)is
What a) are their name> Lee
Their names are Alex and Julia Yes, nice to meet you Lee
Where d)are you from?
I’m from South Korea
Oh Whereabout?
I’m from Soul


You are going to make a short video about conversation with your classmate/friend. To
submitted you may share the file or link of the video that you put into your social media/

Conversation procedure!
 Introduce yourself to your conversation patner
 Ask their name and other key information using the questions below
 Listen to your conversation patner and answer their question
 Then you ask the question
 If possible, write down their answer

Vocabullary in use!
 Hello, My name is
 What’s your name?
 Nice to meet you/ how are you?
 Where are you from?
 Whereabout?

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