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Name : Putri Yulia

NPM : 2120019

Study Program : DIII Midwifery

Subject : English

Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself, my full name is Putri Yulia Hartati but you can
call me with “Putri”. I was born in Cikalong, but currently I live in Padalarang. I live in
Cimareme Street 02/01, Padalarang, West Bandung Region. Now I'm 18 years old. I have a
younger sister, her name is Desti. My father's name is Saiful Anwar, he is an architect and my
mother's name is Wiwin Kurniasih, she is a housewife. I'm a student at Institut Kesehatan
Rajawali. My favorite subject at school is English. I like watching Disney Movies and listening
to Coldplay's songs. My favorite food is dimsum. My favorite drink is all about green tea drink,
such as green tea latte. I have a lot of dreams, i want to be a success midwife and have my own
clinic. So i can reach my other dreams, such as my dream since my childhood, i want to go to my
dream city, it's Paris, a romantic city in West Europe. I love animals too, furthermore I hope I
can join volunteer activity in elephant's conservation in Way Kambas or orangutan's
conservation in Tanjung Puting. OK, I think that's all from me, I'm sorry if my pronounciation
isn't good because I also still learning. Thank you for all of your attention.

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