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Fire and Gas Mapping

Services / Fire and Gas Mapping

F&G mapping study service from MEC

Prior to the release of a risk-based standard for the design of Fire & Gas System (FGS) in 2010, designs were traditionally
implemented using rules of thumb, engineering heuristics and experience. However, they often had the main mistake which was that
F&G system are often unable to detect gas cloud and fires due to an insufficient number of or poorly located detectors due to the lack
of logical methods for evaluating coverage of detectors. In 2010, International International Society of Automation published
 Technical Report No. ISA-TR84.00.07-2010 “ Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire, Combustible Gas and Toxic Gas System
Effectiveness” for guiding F&G system implement. The ISA Technical Report provides guidelines for the design of fire and gas
systems in process areas in accordance with the principles given in IEC 61511 standards. These methods are statistical in nature and
are used to assign and verify targets for the performance metrics (detector coverage and safety availability) of gas detection systems.

The F&G mapping study using a D3 modelling simulation software as a scientific way of locating the detectors to ensure that the
current F&G arrangement is good enough to perform their functions as required by F&G philosophy F&G performance requirement
specification. A F&G mapping study is mainly based on the comparison of detector coverage versus the coverage target.

Your Benefits
F&G system typically equiped for reducing the magnitude and severity of the consequence for accident. F&G system effectiveness in
detecting gas leak and fire is one of the most importance factors for preventing severe consequence through generating alarms,
suppression actions, shutting down and other emergency funtions.
F&G mapping study is usually carried out to ensure effective design and implementation F&G system, which actually plays an
important role to prevent the severe consequences from an initial event such as gas leak, loss of containment. If a F&G detectors is
properly located, then:
It helps to ensure gas leakage and fire detection at an early stage.
With high performance of toxic, combustible gas and fire detection system as an  protective layer the risk is considerably reduced
to As Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP) level.
Reduce project cost by optimization detector number.

When F&G Mapping Study is needed?

Normally, the F&G mapping study should be conducted in:
FEED design stage as a basic requirement for F&G system.
Detail design stage after all 3D model of equipments and structures are arranged clearly to assure that the detector coverage
targets are met 1/4
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targets are met.

During the normal operation, the F&G mapping study should be performed after each 5 years on best pratice or when changes or
modifications are applied to the facilities. F&G mapping review shall confirm whether the current F&G detector locations are
suitable for continuous operating. If it is not, recommendations shall be provided to improve the FGS performance.

Our Approach
Depend on cuscomer’s requirements, MEC are able to carry out both Geographic and Scenario based F&G mapping.
Geographic based F&G mapping – is generally defined as the fraction of the geometric area of a defined monitored process area
that would be detected by the detector considering the defined voting arrangement (if a release were to occur) in a given
geographic location.
Scenario based F&G mapping – For each defined release scenario, an area of gas dispersion is defined. Detector Scenario
Coverage is defined as the fraction of the area that can be detected by the detector considering the defined voting arrangement in
the area of gas dispersion.

We begin our F&G mapping study with a review of the available design document such as F&G philosophy and F&G performance
requirement specification, process safety information, equipment layout, 3D Model for plant, datasheet for detectors support our analysis.
Depend on customer’s choice between scenario based or geographical based method, MEC’s F&G mapping study service shall be as
Geographical based F&G mapping study steps:
Step 1: Review F&G philosophy if it is available.
Step 2: Zones definition
Step 3: Review F&G performance target required by customer.If the target requirements are not available then depend on
cuscomer’s choice, MEC shall proposed optional F&G Performance Target Determination Service for customers or shall assume
performance target base on industrial practices.
Step 4: Subzone definition to target critical equipment;
Step 5: Evaluation of detectors arrangement by using Detect3D simulation software;
Step 6: Optimization of detectors quantity and arrangement (the coverage targets are achieved with the minimum number of
detectors)c by using Detect3D simulation software;
Step 7: Modify the detector arrangement as per step 6.
Step 8: Issue F&G mapping study report.

Scenario based F&G mapping study steps:
Step 1: Review F&G philosophy if it is available.
Step 2: Zones definition.
Step 3: Review F&G performance target required by customer.If the target requirements are not available then depend on
cuscomer’s choice, MEC shall proposed optional F&G Performance Target Determination Service for customers or shall assume
performance target base on industrial practices.
Step 4: Identification of leak scenario;
Step 5: Toxic/combustible gas dispersion modelling using in:Flux CFD software;
Step 6: Evaluation of detectors arrangement by using Detect3D simulation software;
Step 7: Optimization of detectors quantity and arrangement (the coverage targets are achieved with the minimum number of
detectors) by using Detect3D simulation software;
Step 8: Modify the detector arrangement as per step 7.
Step 9: Issue F&G mapping study report.

Detect3D and in:Flux 3D simulation software will be used to perform our F&G mapping study take into account the obstruction of
equipment, structure.

Why MEC?
We are EXIDA Certified Functional Safety Professionals and ISA Certified Automation Professional with  many years experience
of F&G engineering.
We know the local regulations, standards and cultures.
We have pooled our knowledge of funtional safety engineering and process safety data, giving us a unique expertise in the 2/4
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SIL Verification

Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)


Functional Safety Assessment- FSA


Hazard and operability (HAZOP) study


Maintenance Services

Control System Integration


Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Classification


Control Hazard and Operability (CHAZOP)


Fire and Gas Mapping


Safety Requirements Specification- SRS


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