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Exercise 9 Activity 2
Anggota Kelompok
1. Sellyn Angelina Margaretha 022011133053
2. W Kusuma Annisaa Alfi Prasetya 022011133054
3. Naufal Ikbar Yaasir 022011133055
4. Secha Amelia 022011133056
5. Sasha Aprilia Rochmat 022011133057
6. Shindyloken Juni Artha Tarigan 022011133058
7. Artanti Kusumaningsih 022011133059
8. Keysha Auryn Azalia 022011133060
9. Muhammad Febriano Sugiarso Suwarto 022011133061
10. Maudiva Tasya Putri 022011133063
11. Amanda Paramitha Putri Aryandhita 022011133064
12. Faiza Mahira Rusdi 022011133065
13. Ovin Gabriella Notonugroho 022011133067
14. Nurshiffa Hanifatul Amrina Jaelani 022011133068
15. Dhaifa Ghaisani Rizkia Amalina 022011133069
16. Jan Victor Santoso 022011133070



Renal System
The urinary system, also known as the renal system or
urinary tract, consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
the urethra. The purpose of the urinary system is to
eliminate waste from the body, regulate blood volume and
blood pressure, control levels of electrolytes and
metabolites, and regulate blood pH.
Pretest 1
1. Which of the following forces promotes

a. Blood pressure in the pretibular

b. Filtrate pressure in Bowman’s capsule
c. Blood pressure in the glomerular
d. Filtrate pressure in the renal tubule
Pretest 2
2. The glomerular filtration rate can be altered by

a. changing the blood pressure in the

peritubular capillaries.
b. changing the afferent arteriole
c. changing the blood pressure in the
proximal convoluted tubule.
d. changing from boxers to briefs.
Pretest 3
3. In 24 hours human glomerular capillaries can filter as much as __________ liters of filtrate.

a. 1.8
b. 18
c. 180
d. 1800
Pretest 4
4. Which of the following statements about the filtrate in the renal corpuscle is false?

a. The filtrate is devoid of blood cells

b. The filtrate is essentially protein free
c. The filtrate contains a concentration of
salts and organic molecules similar to
that in blood
d. Normally, more than 40% of the blood
that enters the glomerular capillaries
becomes filtrate
Cara Kerja Praktikum
1. Pastikan gelas kiri penuh dengan darah. Jika
tidak, klik Refill.
2. Sesuaikan pengukur tekanan menjadi 70
mmHg. Atur radius aferen pada 0,50 mm dan
radius eferen di 0,45 mm.
3. Klik Start. Perhatikan tekanan glomerulus dan
filtrasi glomerulus yang ditampilkan di bagian
atas kanan layar.
4. Setelah selesai, klik Record Data.
5. Klik Refill, untuk mengisi tabung kembali.
6. Ulangi langkah 1-5, terus naikkan tekanan 5
mm serta mengulangi percobaan sampai
mencapai maksimum tekanan 100 mmHg.
Cara Kerja Praktikum
7. Turunkan tekanan darah menjadi 70 mmHg.

8. Klik valvula antara saluran pengumpul dan

kandung kemih untuk menutupnya. Lalu klik
start. Perhatikan tekanan glomerulus dan
filtrasi glomerulus yang ditampilkan di bagian
atas kanan layar.

9. Setelah selesai, klik Record Data dan klik


10. Naikkan tekanan darah menjadi 100

mmHg kemudian klik start.

12. Setelah selesai, klik Record Data.

Experiment Data
Post Test 1
1. In Humans, the glomerular filtration rate normally range from

B. 80 to 140 ml/min
Post Test 2
2. Which of the following does not have a significant impact on the glomerular filtration rate?

D. Renal tubule lenght

Post Test 3
In the absence of any regulatory mechanisms, what do you think would happen to the
glomerular filtration rate of a person who experiences an increase in blood pressure?

a. The glomerular filtration rate could increase.

Post Test 4
What would happen to the glomerular filtration rate of a person who experiences
a large hemorrhage?

The glomerular filtration rate would increase

The glomerular filtration rate would decrease

The glomerular filtration rate would remain the same value

Review Sheet No. 1
As blood pressure increased, what happened to the glomerular capillary pressure and the
glomerular filtration rate? How well did the results compare with your prediction?

Based on data, when the blood pressure increased, the glomerular capillary pressure and the
gromerular filtration rate will increased. So, the result prove my prediction (both pressure and
filtration rate will increase)
Review Sheet No. 2
Compare the urine volume in your
baseline data with the urine volume as
you increased the blood pressure. How
did the urine volume change?

Compared to the baseline data, increasing

blood pressure also increased the urine
Review Sheet No. 3
How could the change in urine volume with the increase in blood pressure be viewed as being
beneficial to the body?

An increase in urine volume can be beneficial for the body because that means waste is
getting filtered out of the body faster than it would normally. The more frequent urination
causes a loss in water, resulting in a higher consumption of fluids to replace the fluid lost
from urination. Which is also increases the urine volume, creating a beneficial cycle in
filtering out waste at a fast rate from consuming fluids at an increasing rate to replace what
was lost. However an increase in blood pressure may lead to hypertension, which is a risk factor
for many other diseases.
Review Sheet No.4
When the one-way valve between the collecting duct Ketika katup satu arah antara duktus kolektivus dan
and the urinary bladder was closed, what happened to kandung kemih ditutup, apa yang terjadi dengan
the filtrate pressure in Bowman's capsule (this is not tekanan filtrat di kapsula Bowman (ini tidak diukur
directly measured in this experiment) and the secara langsung dalam percobaan ini) dan laju filtrasi
glomerular filtration rate? How well did the results
glomerulus? Seberapa baik hasil dibandingkan dengan
compare with your prediction?
prediksi Anda?
Your answer: My prediction was that the pressure
would increase and the filtration rate would decrease. Jawaban Anda: Prediksi saya adalah bahwa tekanan
The results show that the filtrate pressure in the akan meningkat dan laju filtrasi akan menurun. Tekanan
bowmans capsule remained the same, while the filtrat di kapsula bowman tetap sama, sedangkan laju
glomerular filtration rate decreased . filtrasi glomerulus menurun.

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