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Lesson 1 : Angles and Their Measurements

1.1 Basic Concepts

An angle can be defined as the union of two rays with a common endpoint called vertex. Rotating
a ray about its vertex from one position, called the initial side of the angle to another called the
terminal side, forms an angle.
Figure 1.1

B In Figure 1.1, ray OA is the initial side while

ray OB is the terminal side, and the
common point O is the vertex.


The measure of an angle is determined by the amount of rotation of ray OB. If an angle is formed
by a counterclockwise rotation, its measure is positive. If an angle is formed by a clockwise rotation,
its measure is negative.

counterclockwise rotation clockwise rotation

Figure 1.2(a) Figure 1.2(b)

When the vertex of an angle is at the origin of the coordinate plane and its initial side coincides
with the positive side of the x-axis, the angle is said to be in standard position.

terminal side

initial side


Figure 1.3
There are different units for measuring angles. The definition of an angle suggests one revolution
from the position of the initial side. One unit of angle measure is the degree. If a rotation from the
initial side to the terminal side is 1/360O of a revolution, the angle is said to have a measure of one
degree (1O). One sixtieth of a degree is called a minute (1’), and one-sixtieth of a minute is called a
second (1”). These are the units of the degree system of angular measure.

1O (one degree) = 60’ (60 minutes)

1’ (one minute) = 60” (60 seconds)
360O (360 degrees) = 1 revolution

Table 1.1
Kinds of Angle and Their Measure

Illustration Name Measure

acute between 0O and 90O

right exactly 90O

obtuse between 90O and


straight exactly 180O

reflex between 180O and


Find the degree measure of the angle on each rotation. Sketch the angle in standard position.

a. ½ rotation, counterclockwise b. ⅔ rotation, clockwise

180O - 240O

If an angle is in standard position, it is said to terminate in the quadrant in which its terminal side
falls. Angle AOB in example (b) terminates in quadrant II.
If we are going to connect the three non-collinear points of an angle, the figure determined by the
three points is called a triangle. Thus, a triangle is a closed figure with three sides, three angles, and
three vertices.
In figure 1.4, the angles of the triangles are A , B, and
C. Since C measures 90O, then it is a right triangle. The line
segments AB, BC, and AC are the sides of ABC and points
A, B, and C are vertices. Based on the given figure, segments
AC and BC are the legs of the right triangle, and segment AB is
called the hypotenuse.

Figure 1.4

Triangles may be classified according to their sides.

1. Equilateral All sides are congruent

(the length of all sides are equal).

2. Isosceles Two sides are congruent

(two sides have equal lengths).

3. Scalene No two sides are congruent.

If the triangles will be classified according to the angles they contain; then the following are the

1. Equiangular All angles are congruent.

2. Right One angle measures 90O, the other

two angles are complementary.

3. Obtuse One angle measures between 90O

and 180O, and the other two angles
are acute.

4. Acute All the angles are acute.

The sum of all the angles of any triangle is 180O. In the case of a right triangle, the sum of two
other angles is 90O. If C = 90O, then A + B = 90O. If the sum of the measures of two angles is
90O, the angles are said to be complementary.


Given: ΔABC, if A = 95O, B = 45O, find C.

Solution: A + B + C = 180O
C = 180O – ( A + B)
C = 180O – 140O
C = 40O


Given: ΔABC is a right triangle, if C is the right angle, and B =46O20’, find A.

Solution: A + B = 90O
A = 90O - B
A = 89 60’ - 46O20’

A = 43O40’

By checking, the sum of the three angles is 180O.

1.2 Angle Measure in Degrees and Radians

If a ray makes a complete 360O rotation about its endpoint, the path of a point on that ray forms a
circle. An angle whose vertex is at the center of the circle and whose sides intersect the circle is
called a central angle. The sides of angle Ꝋ intercept arc AP with length s.



Figure 1.5

Angles and arcs can be measured in different ways. One common unit of measure is the degree.
An arc of 1 degree is 1/360 of the circumference of a circle. The degree measure of a central angle is
equal to that of its intercepted arc. Thus, a central angle that intercepts an arc of 1O also has a
measure of 1O.

There are cases when the given angle measures are not exact, thus, the following examples will
illustrate how angle measures can be converted.

Express each angle measure using degrees, minutes, and seconds.

a. 10.5O b. 13O3⅓’ c. 42.72O


a. 10.5O = 10O + (0.5O) (60O/1’) canceling degree units

= 10O + 30’
= 10O30’

b. 13O3⅓’ = 13O + 3’ + (⅓’)(60”/1’) canceling minute units

= 13O + 3’ + 20”
= 13O3’20”

c. 42.72O = 42O + (0.72O)(60’/1O) canceling degree units

= 42O + 43.2’
= 42O + 43’ + (0.2’)(60”/1’) canceling minute units
= 42O + 43’ + 12”
= 42O43’12”

Angle measures can also be expressed in radians. When a central angle intercepts an arc equal
in length to the radius of a circle, the measure of this angle is defined to be one radian (1 rad).

Suppose a circle has a central angle which intercepts an arc of length r, regardless of the length of
the radius r of the circle, once r = s, then the measure of the central angle is equal to one radian.

Let r be the radius of a circle and s the length of an arc intercepted by central angle Ꝋ .

r s


Figure 1.6

The radian measure Ꝋ can be found by dividing s by r. That is,

s s
Ꝋ = • 2π =
2πr r

We may find a simple relation among the radius r of a circle, a central angle of measure Ꝋ , and
the length s of the intercepted arc.

Since a central angle of measure 1 radian intercepts an arc equal in length to the radius of the
circle, a central angle of measure Ꝋ radians intercepts an arc of Ꝋ times the radius. That is,
The relation among the quantities s, r, Ꝋ may be used to compute the value of any one of them if
the values of the other two are known. It is essential in applying the formula that the radius and the
arc be measured in the same linear units, and that Ꝋ be the measure of the central angle in radians.
When the radius has a measure of one unit, the formula s = r Ꝋ becomes s = Ꝋ .

If Ꝋ is a complete counterclockwise revolution, s = 2πr and thus,

Ꝋ =

Ꝋ = 2π

The Greek letter π (pi) represents the ratio of the circumference of any circle toits diameter. Its
numerical value is approximately 3.1416.

Since one revolution is equal to 360O and is also equal to 2π rad,

2π rad = 360O or π rad = 180O.

1 =
1O = 0.0174533 rad

1 rad = 1 rad = 57.2958O
To convert degrees to radians, multiply the given number of degrees by .
180 O

To convert radians to degrees, multiply the given number of radians by .


Express each angle measure in radians.

a. 60O c. 135O

b. -120O d. 220O

60O π 135O π
a. 60O = rad c. 135O = rad
180 O 180 O

π 3π
60 = O
rad 135 =
3 4
-120O π 220O π
b. -120O = rad d. 220O = rad
180 O 180O

- 2π 11π
-120O = rad 220 =
3 9


Express each measure in degrees.

π 2π
a. rad c. rad
12 3

b. - 3π rad d. rad


π π 180O 2π 2π 180O
a. = • c. = •
12 12 π 3 3 π

π 2π
= 15 O = 120O
12 3

180O 4π 4π 180O
b. - 3π = - 3π • d. = •
π 3 3 π

- 3π = - 540O 4π
= 240O

1. In which quadrant does the terminal side of each angle lie when it is in standard position?

a. 35O f. 182O15’12”

b. 85O g. – 48O

c. 110O h. 210O18”

d, 240O i. 300O30’

e. 305O j. – 190O

2. Find the measure of the missing angle of triangle ABC.

a. A = 40O, C = 90O

b. C = 90O, A = 48O30’

c. B = 35O, C = 112O

d. A = 92O45’32”, B = 15O24’35”

e. C = 90O, A = 49O15’15”

3. Express each angle measure in degrees..

4π -π
a. d.
9 4

2π 25π
b. e.
3 18

11π - 4π
c. f.
9 3

4. Express each angle measure in radians.

a. 300O

b. – 120O

c. 85O

d. 150O30’

e. – 240O
TOPIC : Angles and Their Measurements

1.3 Application of Angle Measures

1.3.1 Length of an Arc

There are many applications of angle measure in our daily life. In order to solve problems
involving rotary motion, it is often necessary to find arc length. In our previous discussion, we learned
that the radian measure of a central angle Ꝋ can be found by dividing the length s of the intercepted
arc by the radius r of the circle.
Ꝋ =
r Ꝋ

where: Ꝋ = measure of the central angle

s = length of the intercepted arc r
r = radius of the circle

Figure 1.7

Using the same formula, you can also find s if you know the measure of the central angle and
radius. It is important to express the central angle Ꝋ in radian measure before performing an
operation. Thus, by derivation, the length of an arc s is the product of the central angle Ꝋ (in radians)
and the radius of the circle r.


Also, if you wish to find the radius of a circle, simply divide the length of the intercepted arc s by
the measure of the central angle Ꝋ (in radians). In symbols,

r =


Find the length of the arc intercepted by a central angle of measure 2.5 radians in a circle whose
radius is 15 cm.

Solution: Since the unknown value of the circle is the length of the arc, we can use the formula
s = r Ꝋ to solve.

s = (15)(2.5)
s = 37.5 cm

Thus, the length of the arc intercepted by 2.5 radius is 37.5 cm.

A central angle of 38O intercepts an arc of 5 meters. Find the radius of the circle.
Solution: In order to apply the relation r = , we have to express first 38O in radian measure

Thus, 38 = 38 (π/180 ) = 0.6632 radian.

s 5m
r= = = 7.54 m
Ꝋ 0.6632

The radius of the circle is approximately 7.54 meters.


Find the central angle subtended by an arc of length 5 m if the radius is 2 m.

Solution: Substituting the given values in the formula

s 5m
Ꝋ = = = 2.5 radians
r 2m

The central angle has a measure of 2.5 radians or 143O14.4’


1. Find the number of radians in the central angle that subtends an arc of 6 m on a circle of diameter
5 m.

2. Find the radius of a circle on which a central angle of 3π/2 radians subtends an arc of 60 ft.

3. If a locomotive wheel with a diameter of 15 meters rolls 11.25 meters, through how many degrees
and minutes does it turn?

4. The end of a pendulum of length 40 cm travels an arc length of 5 cm as it swings through an

angle α. Find the measure of the central angle.

40 cm

5 cm

5. An automobile tire has a diameter of 36 in. How many revolutions will the wheel make as the
automobile travels 5 280 ft.
1.3.2 Linear and Angular Velocity

Consider a point, say P, moving along the circumference of a circle O with radius r. If P travels
a distance of s linear units in t time units, then v = is called the linear velocity of P.

• P • P
O r O r

Figure 1.8 (a) Figure 1.8 (b)

If radius OP swings through Ꝋ angular units in t time units, then ω = is called the
angular velocity of P.

The Greek letter ω (omega) is usually used to represent angular velocity.

The angular velocity of a rotating body is quite often expressed in revolution per minute (rpm).
This can be easily converted into radians per minute by remembering that one revolution represents
2π radians.

Since the linear velocity v of a point on a revolving ray is defined to be the linear distance
traveled by the point per unit of time, v = s / t, and recall that s = r • Ꝋ and the angular velocity
ω = Ꝋ / t, the linear velocity can be expressed as a product of the angular velocity ω and the radius r.


r•Ꝋ Ꝋ
v= = r•
t t



A flywheel 6 ft. in diameter makes 40 rpm.

a. Find its angular velocity.

b. Find the speed of the belt that drives the flywheel.


a. Since 40 rpm represents 40 (2π) = 80π radians per minute.

rad rad 1 min 4π
Ω = 80π = 80π • = radians per second
min min 60 sec 3
b. The speed of the built if it does not slip is equal to the linear velocity of a point on the rim of
the flywheel. Using the formula:


v=3• = 4π ft. per second or 12.6 ft. per second


Find the angular velocity ω in radians per second of a wheel turning at 25 revolutions per minute

25 revolutions 2π radians
ω= •
1 minute 1 revolution

50π radians 1 minute

ω= •
1 minute 60 seconds

5π rad
6 sec


1. Calculate the linear velocity of an object rotating at an angular velocity ω at a distance r from the
center. Express the answers in centimeter per second.

a. r = 10 cm.; ω = 20π rad / sec

b. r = 30 cm; ω = 8π rad / sec

c. r = 12 cm; ω = 5π rad / sec

2. Calculate the angular velocity of a point for the given number of revolutionsand time. Express
the answers in radians per minute.

a. Ꝋ = ½ ; t = 2 min.

b. Ꝋ = ¼ ; t = 5 min.

c. Ꝋ = ⅔ ; t = 10 min.

3. Calculate the angular velocity in radians per minute of a Ferris wheel 250 ft. in diameter that
takes 45 seconds to rotate once. Express the answer in terms of π.

4. Calculate the linear velocity v of a point located 12 inches from the center of a disk rotating at 7π
rad / sec.
TOPIC : Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles

2.1 The Meaning of Trigonometry

The word trigonometry is derived from the two Greek words trigon and metron which mean
triangle measurement. The principal concern of the subject is the measurement of triangles (e.g.
sides and angles), or more specifically, with the indirect measurement of line segments and angles. It
is also concerned in the different properties and applications of solving triangles.

2.2 Trigonometric Functions of an Acute Angle

Let us consider the right triangle ABC with right angle at C. Angles A and B are acute angles
which are complementary. The sides opposite angles A, B, and C will be denoted by the
corresponding small letters a, b, and c, respectively. Then by taking ratios of the sides of the triangle,
we define the three trigonometric functions of acute angle A as follows:

side opposite A
sine A =
c a
side adjacent to A
cosine A =

side opposite A
A b C tangent A =
side adjacent to A
Figure 2.1

By using the abbreviations of the three trigonometric functions and the corresponding sides of
the triangle with reference to angle A, the corresponding equations are:

sin A =

cos A =

tan A =
The other three trigonometric functions that can be derived from triangle ABC are as follows:

hypotenuse a
cosecant A = csc A =
side opposite A c

hypotenuse c
secant A = sec A =
side adjacent to A b

side adjacent to A b
cotangent A = cot A =
side opposite A a

It will be noted that these three functions are the reciprocals of the other three, thus we may

1 1
csc A = sin A =
sin A csc A

1 1
sec A = cos A =
cos A sec A

1 1
cot A = tan A =
tan A cot A

Let us consider triangle ABC where angle C is a right angle, and sides a and b have lengths of
3 and 4 units, respectively. To find the value of side c which is the hypotenuse of triangle ABC, we
may use the Pythagorean theorem which states that: “the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
equals the sum of the squares of its legs.” In symbols: c2 = a2 + b2 or c = √ a2 + b2. If one leg is
unknown, we may use the following formula:

a = √ c2 – b2 b = √ c2 – a2

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we may get the value of c as:

B c = √ a2 + b2

c = √ 32 + 42
a=3 c = √ 9 + 16

c = √ 25

c = 5 units
A b=4 C
Figure 2.2
Based on triangle ABC where A is the reference angle, we may derive the six trigonometric
functions as follows:

a 3 c 5
sin A = = csc A = =
c 5 a 3

b 4 c 5
cos A = = sec A = =
c 5 b 4

a 3 b 4
tan A = = cot A = =
b 4 a 3


Draw the right triangles whose sides have the following values and find the six trigonometric
functions of angle A and solve the unknown part using the Pythagorean theorem.

1. a=2 b=4

2. a=4 c = √ 52

3. a=5 b = 12

4. b=2 c=3

5. a=1 c=√2

For numbers 6 to 10, solve for the unknown using the Pythagorean theorem.

6. A wire 20 ft. long is fastened to a point 15 feet above the foot of a vertical pole, which stands on
level ground. Find the sine of the angle that the wire makes with the horizontal.

7. A 5 m street post standing vertically on a level surface casts a shadow of 6 meters. Find the
tangent of the angle that the rays of the sun make with the horizontal.

8. A 10 m ladder is placed against a vertical wall while the other end of the ladder reaches a point
on the floor 7 m from the base of the wall. Find the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle that
the ladder makes with (a) wall, (b) floor.

9. A rectangular prism is 3 meters by 4 meters by 12 meters. Find the sine of the angle that a
diagonal of the box makes with its longer side.

10. A yardstick held vertically on a level surface casts a shadow 1 feet 6 inches long. Find the
tangent of the angle that the rays of the sun make with the horizontal.
2.3 Trigonometric Functions of Complementary Angles

Two angles are said to be complementary if the sum of their measures is equal to 90O (e.g. A
+ B = 90O). By referring to the definitions of the trigonometric functions, we can derive the six
functions of acute angle B, as follows:

b c
sin B = csc B =
c b

a c
cos B = sec B =
c a

b a
tan B = cot B =
a b

Let us make some observations on the values of the six trigonometric functions of angle A and
angle B.
a b
sin A = sin B =
c c
b a
cos A = cos B =
c c
a b
tan A = tan B =
b a
c a
c c
csc A = csc B =
a b
c c
sec A = sec B =
b a
A b C
b a
cot A = cot B =
Figure 2.3
a b

Comparing these formulas and making use of the fact that A + B are complementary angles
(e.g., A + B = 90O); we can make the following generalizations:

sin B = sin (90O – A) = cos A

cos B = cos (90O – A) = sin A
tan B = tan (90O – A) = cot A
csc B = csc (90O – A) = sec A
sec B = sec (90O – A) = csc A
cot B = cot (90O – A) = tan A
In any pair, either function may be called the cofunction of the other. We can have a single
statement to generalize the six equations. The function of the complement of an angle is equal to the
cofunction of the angle.

2.3 Finding the Other Functions of an Acute Angle When One Function is Given

The following examples will illustrate how the remaining functions of an acute angle can be
found if the value of one function is given.


Given sin A = 12 , A is acute; find the other trigonometric function values of A.



Since sin A = a, we have a = 12 . Construct a right triangle with a = 12, and c = 13.
c c 13

To find the value of side b, we will use Pythagorean theorem. Thus, we have

a2 = b2 + c2 b2 = 169 – 144 b = 5 units

b2 = c2 – a2 b2 = 25

b2 = 132 - 122 b = √ 25

The remaining functions can be derived from the figure. Thus,

cos A = 5/15

tan A = 12/5
a csc A = 13/12

sec A = 15/5

cot A = 5/12
A b C
Figure 2.4


If tangent A = 5, what are other trigonometric function values of A, given A is acute?


tan A = 5 = a , since a = 5 and b = 1, construct a right triangle. Using the Pythagorean theorem
we have c = a + b2 ; c2 = 52 + 12 ; c2 = 25 + 1; c2 = 26; c = √ 26.
2 2
The other trigonometric function values of angle A are as follows:

B 5 √ 26 5 √ 26
sin A = • • = 0.9806
√ 26 √ 26 √ 26

1 √ 26 √ 26
cos A = • = = 0.1961
c a √ 26 √ 26 26

√ 26
csc A = = 1.0198

√ 26
sec A = = 5.0990
A b C 1

Figure 2.5 1
cot A = = 0.20


Find the other five trigonometric function values of the acute angle A given that:

4 2√ 10
1. cos A = 6. tan A =
5 7

2. sin A = 7. c = 7; a = 2√ 10

3. sec A = √ 2 8. a = 3; b = 4

4. a = 10; b = 12 9. b = 3√ 5; c = 8√ 5

5. b=√7; c=9 10. sec A =
TOPIC : Solutions of Right Triangles

3.1 Two Cases in Solving Right Triangles

The three sides and the three angles of a right triangle are called its parts. The process of
finding the unknown parts from the given parts is called solving the triangle. In this section, we shall
consider the problem of solving right triangles. It is possible to find the remaining parts of a right
triangle if, in addition to the right angle, one side and any other part are known. The key principle in
solving right triangles is the fact that a trigonometric function of an acute angle yields an equation
involving three quantities, namely two sides and the value of the function formed by the ratio of the
sides. Thus, a right triangle is determined by:

a. Two of its sides, or

b. One side and an acute angle

In either case, it is also possible to find the value of the other acute angle since the acute
angles of a right triangle are complementary.

For any triangle, we shall use the small letters a, b, and c to denote the lengths of the sides that
are opposite angles A, B, and C, respectively. In any right triangle, we shall always reserve the letter
c for hypotenuse, which is the longest side.

In solving triangles, we make use of the six trigonometric functions, namely;

a b a
sin A = , cos A = tan A =
c c b

c c b
csc A = sec A = cot A = ,
a b a

and the Pythagorean theorem, a2 + b2 = c2.

For the acute angles: A + B = 90O and the fact that the trigonometric functions of B are equal,
respectively, to the corresponding cofunctions of A.

From the foregoing relations we select one, which contains the two given or known parts, and
the part which we wish to find.


Solve the right triangle having an acute angle of 38O50’ if the leg adjacent to this angle
measures 311 m.


We first draw the triangle and label numerically the parts that known. Then, we will solve for the
complement of the given angle.
1. B = 90O – A B
B = 90O – 38O50’
B = 51O10’

2. To find a, we observe that the given side and

the required side are related to the 38O50’ angle
a a
using the equation tan 38 50’ =
‘ c

Multiply both sides of the equation by 311;

a = 311 tan 38O50’

a = 311 (0.8050)
a = 250.36 m O

3. To find c, we notice that the given parts 38O50’ and 311 are related to the required part
through the cosine of the angle.
cos 38 50’ =

Multiplying both sides by c c cos 38O50’ = 311

Divide both sides by cos 38 50’, O
cos 38O50’

c = 399.23 m

Thus, the hypotenuse denoted by c has a measure of 399.23 m.

Values of sides a and c can be checked using the cofunction values, thus,

b b 311
tan B = sin B = c=
a c 0.7790

311 311
tan 51 10’ =
sin B = c = 399.23 m
a c
a= c sin 51O10’ = 311
tan 51O10’

311 311
a= c=
1.2423 sin 51O10’

a = 250.34 m

Solve the right triangle whose hypotenuse is 20 m and one of whose legs is 16.40 m.

Find the values of the acute angle and the other leg.


Draw the triangle and label numerically the given parts. Since hypotenuse and the side
opposite A are given, then

sin A =
c = 20 m a = 16.40 m
sin A =

A C sin A = 0.8200

By interpolation or transposition, we find

1. A = 55O5’ and since A and B are complementary angles, then

B = 90O - A
B = 89O60’ – 55O5’
B = 34O55’

2. To find the value of side b, we use

cos A =

cos 55 5’ =


Multiplying both sides by 20.00

20 cos 55O5’ = b
b = 20 (0.5724)
b = 11.45 m

3. Hence, b = 11.45 m.
b a
The value of b can be checked by sin B = , tan A = , or simply by using the
c b
Pythagorean theorem.

b = √ c2 – a2
b = √ 202 – 16.402
b = √131.04
b = 11.45 m

Although the preceding examples show how to solve right triangles, we list some important
1. Use the given parts and construct a right triangle approximately to scale. Mark the known
parts in the figure and indicate the unknown parts with letters. Use capital letters for
unknown angles and small letters for unknown sides.

2. For each unknown part, choose a trigonometric function which will yield that part. It is
better to find the an unknown part from the given parts rather than from computed parts.
This method tends to give more accurate results and avoids carrying forward an erroneous

3. Arrange the work in a neat and orderly way.


In solving the following exercise, construct the right triangles and solve the unknown sides and

1. A = 66O30’ c = 700 cm

2. B = 43O40’ c = 60.00 m

3. a = 314 cm b = 200 cm

4. B = 11O28’ a = 7,014 mm

5. a = 304 m c = 800 m

6. A = 38O40’ b = 555 cm

7. B = 81O c = 90 m

8. A = 65O30’ b = 185 m

9. a = 41 m b = 17 m

10. a = 3,872 cm c = 4,105 cm

3.2 Applications of Right Triangle

There are problems which are practical in nature and require knowledge in solving right
triangles. New terms arise as solving right triangles is applied in different areas of specialization. At
this point, we define some terms pertaining to angles to avoid confusion.

Suppose A stands for the position of an observer’s eye and B for the object being observed
(Figure 3.1). The line from A to B is called the line of sight. Let AC be a horizontal line in the vertical
plane containing AB. Then, if B is above AC, then the angle ACB is called the angle of elevation. If
B is lower than AC, then CAB is called the angle of depression.

B A horizontal C

angle of depression

angle of elevation
A horizontal C B

Figure 3.1

In the figure below, lines N and P are parallel. Therefore, the angle of elevation from the
person on the ground to the airplane is equal in measure to the angle of depression from the plane to
person on the ground.

angle of depression

line of sight

angle of elevation

Figure 3.2

In plane surveying and marine navigation, the direction from one point to another is indicated in
a special way. The angle measured clockwise from north to the line of travel is the course of the
plane or ship. The angle is considered positive even though it is in the clockwise direction. The
clockwise angle from north to the line of sight to a point of reference is called the bearing of the point.
See Figure 3.3.

course 100O

line of travel
line of sight bearing 262O

Figure 3.3

The bearing of the a line in a horizontal plane is the acute angle made by this line with north-
south line. In giving the bearing of a line , write first the letter N or S, then the letter E or W. Thus in
figure 3.4, the bearing of line OA is N 70O E, or the bearing of point A from point O is N 70O E. The
bearings of some points are also indicated.

N 40O W

N 70O E
50 O


Figure 3.4


A bridge is being built across a river from B to C. A surveyor using a transit determines that
angle A is 43O20’. It is also known that the distance from A to C is 475 m. Find the distance across
the reiver.


The given angle is A which is 43O20’ and the given side is adjacent to A with a length of 475 m.
The unknown side is a which is opposite the given angle. Thus, by definition, tan A = . Let a
be the distance across the river.
tan 43 20’ =
475 475 m
a = 475 tan 43O20’
a = 475 (0.9435)

a = 448.16
The distance across the river is 448.16 m


A ship is passing through the island of Corregidor. At its closest point of approach, Corregidor
radar determines that it is 2,400 m away. Later the radar determines that is 2,650 m away.

a. By what angle did the ship’s bearing from Corregidor change?

b. How far did the ship travel between the two observation points?


Corregidor Island

c = 2,650 m
2,650 m a=?
2,400 m

A b = 2,400 m C

a. If the triangle in the illustration is turned over, it can be placed in coordinate system
with Ꝋ in standard position so, b = 2,400 and c = 2,650. Thus, cos Ꝋ = cos A = ,
and we can solve for the unknown as:

cos A =

cos A = 0.9057

Therefore, A = 25O05’.
b. To find the distance the ship has traveled, you need to find side a. We can use the
a a
relationship sin A = or tan A = . Using the sine function:
c b

sin A =
sin 25 05’ =


Multiplying both sides by 2,650. a = 2,650 sin 25O05’

a = 2,650 (0.4239)

a = 1,123.33 m

Therefore, the ship traveled about 1,123.33 m.


Solve the following triangles in which C = 90O.

1. The angle of depression from a helicopter to its landing port is 64O. If the altitude of the
helicopter is 1,600 m, find the direct distance from the helicopter to the landing port.

2. An engineer wants to measure the height of the building. He stands at the top of a building
from point M and point N, which are 60 meters apart at the same horizontal line with the
building. The angle of elevation from point M is 45Oand the angle of elevation from point N is
60O. What is the height of the building in meters?

3. A tugboat is 36 km due north of the lighthouse C. Lighthouse B is directly east of lighthouse C.

The lighthouses are 53 km apart. Find the bearing and the distance of the lighthouse B from
the tugboat.

4. From the top of a cliff 126 m high, the angle of depression of a boat is 20.7O. How far is the
boat from the foot of the cliff.

5. Buildings A and B stand on a level plane. The angles of depression of the top and bottom of
building B viewed from the topof building A are 20O and 60O, respectively. Find the height of
building Bif the height of building A is 70 meters.
TOPIC : Solutions of Oblique Triangles

An oblique triangle is a triangle which does not contain a right angle. An oblique triangle is
either acute, if all the angles are between 0O and 90O, or obtuse, if one angle is between 90O and
180O. Such triangle contains either these aute angles or two acute angles and one obtuse angles.

Let A, B, and C denote the angles of triangle ABC and the lengths of the corresponding
opposite sides by a, b, and c. Figure 4.1 (a and b) illustrate both types.


c a b

A b C A c B

Acute Triangle (a) Obtuse Triangle (b)

Figure 4.1 Oblique Triangles

The objective in this section is to solve an oblique triangle given any three of the six parts as
indicated in Figure 4.1. A solution exists when three parts of a triangle, not all angles, are given. It is
convenient to divide the problem into five cases.
Case I. Given two angles and a side opposite one of them.
Case II. Given two angles and the included side between them.
Case III. Given Two sides and an angle opposite one of them.
Case IV. Given Two sides and the included angle between them.
Case V. Given Three Sides.

4.1 The Law of Sines

Let ΔABC be an oblique triangle. In Figure 4.2 (a), angles B and C are both acute while in
Figure 4.2 (b), angle B is obtuse. Draw BD perpendicular to AC and denote its length h.

h c c a

D A b C A D C
(a) (b)

Figure 4.2

In the right triangle BDA of either figure, (1) sin A = , while in the right triangle BCD,
(2) sin C = . Solving (1) and (2) for h, given h = c sin A and h = a sin C and by substitution
c sin A a sin C
we have =
sin A sin C sin A sin C

c a
(3) =
sin C sin A

In a similar way, by constructing the perpendiculars from either vertices, we obtain

a b b c
(4) = or =
sin A sin B sin B sin C

Combine the results in (3) and (4) to obtain the law of sines.

The Law of Sines

In any triangle ABC, the sides are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles.

a b c sin A sin B sin C

= = or the reciprocal form = =
sin A sin B sin C a b c

Case 1: Given two angles and a side opposite one of them.


Suppose angles A, C, and side c are given as illustrated in the figure. Find the unknown sides
and the third angle.

Given: A = 48O
C = 102O C
c = 25 cm
b 102O a
Find: B = ?
a=? 48O
A c = 25 cm B
a c
To find a, use =
sin A sin C

To find B, use B = 180O – (A + C).

b a b c
To find b, use = or =
sin B sin A sin B sin C

To solve for a, we use the formula:

a c
sin A sin C

c sin A
sin C

25 sin 48O
sin 102O

25 (0.74314425)

a = 18.99 cm

Solving for B, we get,

B = 180O – (A + C)
= 180O – (48O + 102O)
= 180O – 150O
B = 30O

To solve for b, we use the formula:

b a b c
= or =
sin B sin A sin B sin C

c sin B
sin C

25 (sin 30O)
sin 102O

25 (0.5)


b = 12.78 cm

Therefore, B = 30O, a = 18.99 cm, and b = 12.78 cm.

Case II. Given two angles and the included side between them.


Suppose angles A, C, and side b are given as illustrated in the figure, Find B, side a, and
side c.

To find B, use B = 180O – (A + C)
a b b = 10 cm 85O a =?
To find a, use =
sin A sin B
c b c a
To find a, use = or =
sin C sin B sin C sin A

Solving for B:

B = 180O – (A + C)
B = 180O – (48O + 102O)
B = 180O – 150O
B = 30O

Solve for a:

a b
sin A sin B

b sin A
sin B

10 sin 75O
sin 20O

10 (0.965925826)

a = 28.24 cm

Solve for c::

c b c a
= or =
sin C sin B sin C sin A

b sin C
c =
sin B
10 sin 85O
sin 20O

10 (0.996194698)

c = 29.13 cm

Therefore, B = 20O, a = 28.24 cm, and c = 29.13 cm.

Case III: Given two sides and an angle opposite one of them.

When two sides of a triangle and an angle opposite one of them are known, you can use the
law of sines to solve the triangle. However, there may be more than one solution. Thus, this is
known as the ambiguous case. Suppose a, c, and h are given, the possibilities are shown in the
table below.

Table 4.1
Two Sides and One Angle Possibilities

No. of
Angle (A) h = c sin A Triangle Figure

Acute a<h No Solution 0 c

Acute a=h One 1 C a=h


Acute h<a<c Two 2 a h a

c a
Acute a≥c One 1

Obtuse a<c No Solution 0 a


Obtuse a>c One 1 a


Solve for the unknown parts of triangle ABC, given a = 250 cm, b = 185 cm, and A = 60O.
Refer to the given figure. There is only one solution because a > b and A is an acute angle.

a = 250 cm b = 185 cm

B c A

a b
To find B, use =
sin A sin B


Solve for B:

a b
sin A sin B

b sin A
sin B =

185 sin 60O

sin B =

185 (0.866025403)
sin B =

sin B = 0.640858798

B = 39.86O

To find C, use C = 180O – (A + B).


C = 180O – (A + B)
C = 180O – (60O + 39.86O)
C = 180O – 99.86O
C = 80.14O

c a
To find side c, use =
sin C sin A

c a
sin C sin A

a sin C
sin A

250 sin 80.14O

sin 60O

250 (0.985229115)

c = 284.41 cm

Therefore, B = 39.86O, C = 80.14O, and c = 284.41 cm.

4.2 The Law of Cosines

When two sides and the included angle between them are given, or three sides are given, the
law of sines alone cannot be used to determine the other parts of the triangle. However, in cases
like these, the law of cosines will be used to determine the unknown parts.

b a
x y

In triangle ABC, A, B, and C represent the angles a, b, and c represent the length of the sides
opposite these angles, respectively. Notice that segment CD is perpendicular to segment AB, then it
divides triangle ABC into two right triangles with common side CD. Using the Pythagorean theorem
and the cosine ratio, we can derive a relationship among the sides, and the measure of B. In triangle
CAD, we have (1) h2 = b2 – x2 and in triangle CBD, (2) h2 = a2 – y2. Rearranging the terms and
equating (1) and (2), we have,

b2 – x2 = a2 – y2 or b2 – a2 = x2 – y2.

side c = x + y, so x = c – y

By substitution b2 – a2 = (c –y)2 – y2

Getting the square of (c – y)2 b2 – a2 = c2 – 2cy + y2 – y2

Simplifying b2 – a2 = c2 – 2cy
In triangle CBD, cos B = , so y = a cos B b2 – a2 = c2 – 2ac cos B
Rearranging the terms b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B

We can derive similar expressions for a2 and c2.

The Law of Cosines

For any triangle ABC, the law of cosines states that: the square of any side of a
triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides minus twice the product
of the other two sides times the cosine of their included angle.

a2 = b2 + c2 – 2bc cos A
b2 = a2 + c2 – 2ac cos B
c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C

b2 + c2 – a2
cos A =

a2 + c2 – b2
cos B =

a2 + b2 – c2
cos C =

Case IV. Given two sides and the included angle between them.


Solve the unknown part of tringle ABC, given a = 125 m, b = 145 m, and C = 65O. See the
given figure below.

a = 125 m

b = 145 m

To find the value of side c, use the law of cosines.

c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C
c2 = (125)2 + (145)2 – 2 (125) (145) cos 65O

c2 = 15,625 + 221,025 – 36,250 (0.422618261)

c2 = 21,330.08804

c = √ 21,330.08804

c = 146.05 m

To find the value of angle A:

b2 + c2 – a2
cos A =

(145)2 + (146.05)2 – (125)2

cos A =
2 (145) (146.05)

cos A =

cos A = 0.631115997

A = 50.87O

A = 50O52’12”

To find the third angle B, use the formula:

B = 180O – (A + C)
B = 180O – (50.87O + 65O)
B = 180O – 115.87O
B = 64.13O
B = 64O7’48”

Note that in any triangle, the larger the angle the larger is the side opposite it.
Case V. Given three sides.


Solve the angle of the triangle ABC when a = 12, b = 15, and c = 18.


To find the value of angle A:

b2 + c2 – a2
cos A = cos B = 0.75
B = 41.41O
(15)2 + (18)2 – (12)2
cos A =
2 (15) (18)

cos A =

Finding the value of angle B:

a2 + c2 – b2
cos B =

(12)2 + (18)2 – (15)2

cos B =
2 (12) (18)

cos B =

cos B = 0.5625

B = 55.77O

Finding the value of angle C:

a2 + b2 – c2
cos C = cos C = 0.125
C = 82.82O
(12)2 + (15)2 – (18)2
cos C =
2 (12) (15)

cos C =
4.3 The Area of a Triangle

Since a triangle is completely determined in different cases, its area can also be
determined. This lesson will show you how the area of a triangle can be computed using the
law of sines.
The area K of a triangle is given by the formula
K = ½ bh, where b is the length of one side and h
is length of the altitude to that side.

The formula K = ½ bh can be transformed into

a formula with the application of law of sines. c h a
Assume a and b are given, and that h is the
altitude to side AC. Consider the case in which
angle A is acute (see the given figure)

sin A = h = c sin A

Therefore by substitution of values we have,

K = ½ bc sin A

Similarly, we have,

K = ½ ac sin B and K = ½ ab sin C

We can also derive the same formula if the angle of a triangle is obtuse.

The area K of any triangle ABC is given by any one of the following formulas:

K = ½ bc sin A K = ½ ac sin B K = ½ ab sin C


In ΔABC, A = 49O, b = 30 cm, and c = 40 cm. Find the area of the triangle.

Solution: C

K = ½ bc sin A
b = 30 cm
K = ½ (30) (40) sin 49 O

K = 452.83 cm2
A c = 40 cm B
Another formula can be derived when at least two angles and one side are known. We
can assume that A, B, and side c are known. Recall that C = 180O – (A + B). Use the
law of sines to find b, then we have,
b c
sin B sin C

c sin B
sin C

Use the formula K =½ bc sin A, and substitute the value of b.

1 c sin B
K= • • c sin A
2 sin C

c2 sin A sin B
2 sin C
We can do the same derivation of formulas to prove that:

a2 sin B sin C b2 sin A sin C

K= and K=
2 sin A 2 sin B

are area formulas for ΔABC.


Consider ΔABC, where A = 64O, C = 82O, and b = 42 m.

Find the area of the triangle.

B = 180O – (A + C) b = 42 m
B = 180O – (64O + 82O)
B = 180O – 146O
B = 34O 64O
Use the formula:

b2 sin A sin C
2 sin B

(42)2 sin 64O sin 82O

2 sin 34O

K = 1,403.86 m2
Another way of solving the area of a given triangle when three side are given is through the
use of the formula

A = √ s (s – a) (s – b) (s – c)


The sides of a triangular field measure 20 m, 25 m, and 30 m, respectively. If each side is

doubled, find the area of the new triangle. Compare the area of the new triangle from the area of the
original triangle.
a = 20 m b = 25 m

20 m + 25 m + 30 m
c = 30 m
s = 37.5 m

Area of the original triangle:

A = √ s (s – a) (s – b) (s – c)
A = √ 37.5 (37.5 – 20) (37.5 – 25) (37.5 – 30)
A = √ 37.5 (17.5) (12.5) (7.5)
A = √ 61,523.4375
A = 248.04 m2

Find the area of the triangular field when each side is doubled.


40 m + 50 m + 60 m
s = 75 m

A = √ s (s – a) (s – b) (s – c)
A = √ 75 (75 – 40) (75 – 50) (75 – 60)
A = √ 75 (35) (25) (15)
A = √ 984,375
A = 992.16 m2

When the side of each triangle is doubled, the area becomes four times larger compared to the
original triangle.

A. Find the unknown parts of the triangle using the law of sines and the law of cosines given the

1. C = 40O, a = 43, b = 17

2. A = 51O, b = 95, c = 89

3. a = 15 cm, b = 25 cm, c = 30 cm

4. A = 38.5O, B = 69.5O, b =45.5 mi

5. A = 98O, B = 32O, a + b = 214

B. Determine the area of the given triangle.

1. A = 96O, B = 64O, b = 17 cm

2. B = 27O, C = 103O, b = 30 m

3. A = 110O, B = 34O, c = 49 km

4. B = 60O, C = 72O, a = 12 m

5. A = 48O, C = 42O, b = 52 m

4.4 Application of Oblique Triangle


A boat leaves the harbor and sails on a bearing of N 25O E. Another boat leaves the same
place at the same time and sails on a bearing of S 75O25’ E. If the first boat sails 30 mph and the
second boat sails at 35 mph, find the distance between the two boats after 6 hours.

N A 30 mph (6) = 180 mi

180 mi
35 mph (6) = 210 mi


210 mi B


(AB)2 = (180)2 + (210)2 – [2 (180) (210)] cos 79O5’

(AB)2 = 32,400 + 44,100 – 75,600 (0.189381075)

(AB)2 = 76,500 – 14,317.20927

(AB)2 = 62,182.79073

AB = 249.36 miles


A plane flies 2.5 hours at 150 mph in a bearing of 50O. It turns and flies 2.7 hours at the same
speed in a bearing of 120O. Find the distance of the plane from the starting point.

N 120O

375 mi 50O 60O

405 mi
50 O


X = 50O + 60O
X = 110O


Using the Law of Cosines, we have,

x2 = (375)2 + (405)2 – [2 (375) (405)] cos 110O

x2 = 140,625 + 164,025 – 303,750 (-0.342020143)

x2 = 304,650 + 103,888.6185

x2 = 408,538.6185

x = √ 408,538.6185

x = 639.17 miles
Exercise 4.2

Applications of Oblique Triangle

1. An airplane leaves airport P and flies 250 miles. At this time, its bearing from Q, 300 miles west
is 120O. How far is the plane from Q?

2. A boat leaves lighthouse P and sails 10 miles. At this time, it is sighted from lighthouse Q, 13
miles west of P. The bearing of the boat from Q is N 70O30’ E. Find the distance of the boat
from Q.

3. From a ship sailing due north at 1.8 kph, a wrecked ship P and M and the observation tower Q
are observed in a line due east. Two hours later the wrecked ship and the tower have bearings
S 38O E and S 63O E. What is the distance between the wrecked ship and the tower?

4. Three circles of radii 3.25 cm, 5.5 cm and 7.25 cm are tangent. (a) find the three angles formed
by lines joining their centers, and (b) find the perimeter of the triangle.

5. From P, a pilot flies 150 km in the direction N 42O10’ W and turns back. Through an error, the
pilot then flies 150 km in the direction S 49O20’ E. In what direction and how far must the pilot
fly to reach the intended ddestination.

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