? Answer:: Wagon Wagon Buller - 2 Buller

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Momentum and impulse

A. The meaning of linier momentum and Impulse

Linier momentum ( often simply called momentum ) of a body is defined as the product of the
body’s mass and its velocity.

Momentum symbolized p, is a vector quantity . mathematically , it is written :

p = mv

where ; m is mass of the body ( kg ) and v is the velocity ( m/s )

the SI unit of momentum is kg m/s . The direction of momentum is the same as the direction of its

If force F is applied to a body with mass m, then Newton’s second law hold . F = ma. However a = , so
that we get

v v 2−v 1 mv 2−mv 1
F = ma = m
=m [
t 2−t 1
= ]
t 2−t 1

P 2−P1 p
F= = , P = F t
t 2−t 1 t

Impulse I is the product between F and t

I = F t , F = force ( N ) , t = change of time ( s )

I = p

From the definition , impuls has unit Ns

Note : Ns = kg m/s

Worked example

1. A wagon with 15 kg of mass moves at velocity of 0.25 m/s toward a concrete wall. At the same
time , a bullet with 10 g mass is fired at velocity 1000 m/s toward the wall. Calculate :
a. The momentum of wagon
b. The momentum of bullet

Given : mwagon = 15 kg , vwagon = 0.25 m/s, mbuller = 10 g = 10-2 kg , vbuller = 1000 m/s

Question : a. pwagon =? b. pbullet = ?

Answer :
a. Pwagon = mwagon vwagon = 15 x 0.25 = 3.75 kg m/s
b. Pbullet = mbullet vvullet = 10-2 x 1000 = 10 kg m/s
2. A circus player who has 70 kg of mass is falling freely from the height of 3 m.
a. Calculate the impulse experienced by the circus
b. Determine the average force given by his leg when he is landing which the bending kneeso
that the distance covered, which is measure from the first time he is touching the ground
until completely stop , is 50 cm.
Given : m = 70 kg, h = 3m
a. V = √ 2 gh = √ 2 x 10 x 3 = √ 60 = 7.7 m/s
When landing , his momentum change to zero , thus impulse is
I = p = p2 – p1 = mv2-mv1 = (70 X 0 ) – ( 70 X 7.7 ) = -539 KGM/S

b. Landing with the bending knee means that the body is decelerated from 7.7 m/s into
zero within the a distance d = 0.5 m. the average speed during that time interval is
V= = 3.8 m/s
d 0.5
t = = = 0.13 s
v 3.8
I = F t
I −539
F= = = - 4146.15 N
t 0.13

3. A force of 70 N is applied to a body for 0.8 second. Determine the impulse experienced by the
body .
Given : F = 70 N, t = 0.8 s
Question : I = ?
Answer : I = F t = 70 x 0.8 = 56 Ns

4. A golf ball with 0.25 kg of mass which initial idle and the this ball is hit and so the ball move with
the velocity 60 m/s. is the interval time the ball is hit by the stick and ball 0.05 s. determine :
a. Impulse which is experienced
b. The average force is done stick to ball

Given : m = 0.25 kg, v1 = 0 , v2 = 60 m/s , t = 0.05 s

Question : a. I = ? b. F = ?

Answer :

a. I = P = p2 – p1 = mv2 – mv2 = ( 0.25 x 60 ) – ( 0 ) = 15 kg m /s

I 15
b. I = F t , F = = = 300 N
t 0.05

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