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Mixed emotions

This irrational feeling is one definite form of pride,the pride cast aside to bury
that which was lost.i race forth because I want to become stronger.

Forget the bottle...let your chaos explode.

Remaining corrupt as I wish for Paradise

Now I understand why this kid interests me,he opens his mind to everything that
impresses him, right or wrong.

Besides if you're lying that'll make things easier for me,I won't have to show you
any mercy.ill be free to destroy you.

A well nurtured ticking time bomb waiting for a reason to explode.

There so many fragile things,after all people break so easily and so do dreams and
heart-neil gaiman fragile things.

When someone judged you just say, your opinion is not my reality

They said I could be anything,so I became a disappointment

Some people enjoy being alone,but no one can bear solitude.

Even loners desire company, even if it is just one person.

Normal is boring

Trust vibes, energy never lies

One of the toughest battles are those we do not see or know nothing about.

You can be badass,but don't be a bad person.

How do we forgive ourselves for all of the things we did not become?

A brave girl who never need someone who doesn't need her

You're not obligated to serve anyone's feelings

Someone told me I'm a failure, I'll prove them wrong-naruto

Stand up for what you believe in,even if it means standing alone-mikasa

A life with no changes can't be called life,you only call it experience-anonymous

When I say it doesn't hurt me,that means I can bear it-killua

No matter how hard or impossible it is,don't lose sight of your goals-luffy

Be strong enough to be someone even demons would fear

We never realize how frozen

we are until someone starts to melt our ice(fragments of my mind)

Did I do something wrong?

Then why are you so displeased?
I'm plenty please
I'll be as displeased as I please

Seriously what is wrong with you people?

We're bad guys it's what we do

I want to become someone like him

Let see what you're made of

Let me put you on hold of a secret

He doesn't know the meaning of losing

“Dickmatized” my soul has left my body


I love you and what it means.

When I say I love you, it means I love all the parts you have that which makes you
you. The rough. The smooth. The one that stands out. The one you hide from others
but you allowed me to see. The part that hurts. The part that hugs. The version you
were. The version you are now. The version you want to become. The who you are to
others. The who you are to me. The who you are to yourself. The way you hate. The
way you love. The way you dream. The way you daydream.

I will not ever leave a part of you unloved. That's how I love you.

- Psychē

"By the way, Lord Jacques," the Marquess looked at him when he called his name,
"if I wanna fuck you, you'd be naked and writhing by now."

It's like he can't control his body from moving, his mind from wandering, and his
mouth from saying bullshit things.

It's okay — i'm okay. Whatever this is, It'll pass I guess."
"And if it don't?"
Cloud looked straight into the Marquess eyes. "Then you should get ready,
because I will eat you up in more ways than one."

"You and your dirty mouth, my lord."

"So what if I have a dirty mouth?" The Marquess was irritated again. Pinagkrus
nito ang mga braso sa harapan ng dibdib. "What's it to you?"
"I might kiss it clean.

Who would have thought that his definition of sexy will change? Before, for him,
sexy was soft skin, soft body, slim waist, big booty and breast.
But now, for him, sexy has a name. And that's Marquess Jacques Sotelo.

"Am I a fucking joke to you?!"

That's when Cloud lose his smile and sighed. "If I think you're a joke, I
wouldn't be this serious."

"Fuck you, Cloud." Jacques hissed.

Cloud chuckled, clearly unaffected. "Don't threaten me with a good time, my

No one is different just because they have a different sexual preference. It's the
feeling, not the gender."

Fuck! How could his definition of sexy changed into Cloud talking dirty? Fuck! No!

"I'm like a wolf ... i'm dangerous when provoked — so don't try me."

Zaccheus Cáceres

Well, love is love. It has no gender. It's an emotion people feel. A pure and true

I already lost count—I have been building a home in me for how many times now just
to be wrecked again by a catastrophe, but I won't get tired of doing it again from
the beginning until I can make its foundations and walls stronger than it was. The
hurricane didn't leave me with crushed bones; instead, its flood washed away the
pieces I no longer needed once I start again from establishing a new sanctuary in
me. I won't address myself as a cemetery just because parts of me died after the
chaos, no. I am my own refuge and harbor before the ruination; I will go back to
being my home again, and will never stay as the collateral damage of the storm.

—Ren Ednalig, The Storytellers

Illustration: Sina Shagrai

That light voice of yours that brushes past me Please call my name just one more
time Even though I’m standing still under the frozen glow of the setting sun I’ll
walk towards you step by step Still With You There isn’t a single light in this
dark room I shouldn’t get used to this But it becomes familiar again The low noise
I hear coming from the air conditioner If I didn’t have even this, I think I’d
actually fall apart Laughing together and crying together I guess these simple
emotions Were everything to me When will that day come? When I meet you again I
want to look you in the eyes and tell you I missed you In memories that felt like a
trance Even if I dance alone, it rains, doesn’t it? When the fog clears I will run
to you with drenched feet Give me a hug then Because the moon looked lonely Because
it seemed to be crying radiant tears in the night sky Even though I knew that
morning would come eventually I wanted to stay in your sky like a star Those days,
those moments, If I had known they would end up like this I would have gathered and
held onto more of them When will that day come? When I meet you again I want to
look you in the eyes and tell you I missed you In memories that felt like a trance
Even if I dance alone, it rains, doesn’t it? When the fog clears I will run to you
with drenched feet Give me a hug then I want to paint the beautiful purple light
Behind the faint smiles that gaze at me Even though our footsteps might not match I
want to walk this path together with you Still With .

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