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Task 3: (45s/ each answer)

(1) Tell me about what you see in the two pictures.

Looking at the picture I see: In the picture on the left there is a man in a yellow shirt sitting in a field
in the countryside, in front of him is a village scene with a few small houses, in the distance, there
are small houses. a lake, around the lake there are many trees and the horizon has high mountains,
the weather is sunny and warm.

In the picture is a blurry photo of a busy street with a lot of people passing by, many people are
crossing the street using a pedestrian divider, there are many cars and buildings on both sides of the
road. high level.

(2) What are the differences between living in these two areas?

The difference of life in the two places is that one side is the peaceful, simple countryside with small
houses and green fields, and the other picture depicts a rather bustling life with tall buildings. floors
and means of transport.

(3) What do you think are the characteristics of a great city?

In my opinion, the characteristics of a big city will be skyscrapers, shopping malls, entertainment and
many means of transportation. The atmosphere is hectic, noisy, and busy. People will be bustling
and full of energy. Finally, the price of life services will be expensive with many luxuries.

Task 4 - 1m prep + 2m speaking

✓ Q1: Please talk about a time when you had to solve a problem.

✓ Q2: How did you feel when you couldn't think of any solutions?

✓ Q3: Technology has created more problems than it solved. What do you think about this

Today I will tell you about a time I lost my house key and how I got it back.

It happened two weeks ago when my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy things. We plan
to buy a few things there, then we go to a restaurant for dinner. About nine o'clock when we got
home I found that I had lost my keys. Because the time was pretty late at that time, and we went to
several places, it was quite difficult to find the key. At that time I was thinking about the places we
passed: first the supermarket, then the restaurant. Although there are two locations, they are both
places crowded and difficult to track objects. At that time, although I lost my temper, I thought
about going online to get the number of the restaurant and calling them to ask. As for my mother,
she asked an acquaintance who works at the supermarket to send out a notice of lost items to ask
security for help. And luckily when I called the restaurant they confirmed that we had left the key at
the checkout counter then we went to the restaurant to get the key back. We both breathed a sigh
of relief after receiving the house keys. Thanks to the Internet, everything is quick and convenient.

So I think it can be denied that technology creates more problems and it will solve them. In one way
or another, with technology, we all have obvious solutions because they are specifically
programmed. So it is also easy to find the cause and the solution.


Task 4: Dear members, As you all know, all members of our club have been very active on our
website and make their own comments and express their thoughts. Unfortunately, some members
have recently sent out extremely negative comments on other members. At the moment, every
member is active anonymously. Therefore, we are thinking of changing our online system to be
more public and we can know exactly who sends out which comment. We would like to receive your
suggestions on this problem. Can you come up with some solutions? The manager.

Question 1: Write an email to your friend, who is also a member of the club. Tell your friend how
you feel and what suggestions you will make and why. Write about 50 words. Recommended time:
10 minutes.

Dear Tom.

Hello, Have a good day Tom. I just received a letter from the club manager about changing the
comment system. From my point of view, I am completely in favor of leaving comments in
anonymous form instead of entering the name as before. Also, I would like to give a solution that is
to set the comment filter mode. This will help filter out negative comments about others. What do
you think about this solution? I looking forward to your reply.



Question 2: Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your ideas and what you think
about the situation. Write 120-150 words. Recommended time: 20 minutes

Dear Sir or Madam,

First of all, thank you for your announcement about this intention to change the commenting
system. I am contacting you regarding the matter of negative comments made by some members on
the web about other members.

Actually, as a student, I often use social networks, so I think we should call on members should not
to make negative comments unrelated to the domain of the web

Besides, as a member of a club, I feel that I am very unhappy to know that. I think this is not good
and it will psychologically affect the recipients who have to comment negatively on them. So I think
we should add a comment filtering mode so that bad people don't have a chance to make malicious
comments on the web. What do you think about this approach?

I would appreciate a prompt reply to this letter

Yours faithfully,

Le Uyen.

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