Group Survival People Worksheet

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Names: Jaymi Brenneman

Hannah Brunner
Victoria Sansone

Six Choices and Rationale:

Natasha, age 27. The main reason for Natasha is since the goal will be to repopulate the earth, she has
the most potential being the youngest to reproduce for a long time. Having a miscarriage early on is not
a predictor for further issues. She also has a great deal of knowledge about the experiments on the flight
and that would be helpful in the remaining months especially if they need any of them to prolong their
time in space. Her nationality is Russian so her European heritage would bring a strong culture to future

Adrienne, age 34. We felt that again being younger in her childbearing years in important. Also, since
it would be good to have a mixture of races, it would be important to include someone from Zimbabwe.
Further, since the biggest challenge the survivors will facing is breathing both while on the flight and
then back on earth, her background as a botanist will be very important.

Caroline, age 31. She is young and of childbearing years, so she should be able to help reproduce the
planet. Further, she is the co-pilot on the space shuttle and her experience keeping the shuttle in space
and then landing it will be invaluable. She is the only American in the group.

Sumiyo, age 48. She is the oldest woman. However, we decided that she would be useful to have part
of the team being a physician, as she would be able to help the women with their birthing needs. She
has had one son and even though she is older, she still may be able to bear more children. Lastly, she is
Japanese and this would add to the cultural diversity of the population.

Rahim, age 38. We choose him as he obviously has the ability to father children already having five
others. Equally important is that he is the pilot of the shuttle to the space station. Along with Caroline,
the co-pilot of the space shuttle they could be the best option to help the crew get back to Earth. He is
Iranian again helpful for diversity.

Angelo, age 43. We chose him as we believed that although he currently had not fathered any children
that he would be able to do so for many years since he did not have any major health issues. He also has
a background in raising crops which will be very important to survival back on earth. His background
as a cartographer will also be helpful in looking at the land and determining the best way to plan out the
rebuilding on Earth. He is from Italy and that would provide the European influence into the mix.

Ethical Viewpoint/Framework and Rationale from Text Context:

Our rationale for choosing the six members of the crew to survive is based on these main goals: the need
to stay alive, the ability to get those alive back to Earth, then for those who survived space to also
survive on Earth, and then repopulate Earth. Their usefulness to the group to achieve these goals is high
and therefore the best moral choice.
Our ethical viewpoint is based on the theory of Utilitarian Ethics, which bases ones worth or selection
on the individual’s overall contribution or benefit to the group. The author contends that by maximizing
utility, that happiness increases and suffering decreases. By using this theory, the moral worth is judged
on “doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people”. (Pozgar, 2020, p. 7).

We also agreed that when faced with extreme circumstances such as this meteor strike, Situational
Ethics comes into play. The usual choices and actions that an individual or a group may have made are
now skewed based on a life-or-death decision. Selecting these six members of the crew and sacrificing
the others is justified based on the circumstances. (Pozgar, 2020, p. 44).


Pozgar, G. D. (2020). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (5th ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones
& Barlett Learning

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