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In 1804, after the revolution Haiti was left in utter confusion and great losses.

Economically, it
brought forth changes not only in Haiti but also in the Caribbean. “Haiti lacked diplomatic and
trade relations with other nations”Colin McKey(2016 pg.iii).Haiti was broken down beyond
repair and caused other nations to stop trading with them because of fear of an unintended
consequence occurring while doing business with Haiti. “The haitian revolution destroyed the
capital and infrastructure of the economy” Colin Mckey (2016 pg.iii).Due to the destruction of
these components other countries were able to gain great opportunities in slave trade and the
exporting of goods because Haiti was no longer seen as competition. According to Colin
McKey“Western nations boycotted Haiti and placed a cargo on them” this made Haiti unable to
do any form of trading and had to pay a huge amount of money which made the economy even
poorer,the former “Pearl of the Antilles” was no longer able to do business and as such they
began to focus on growing sufficient crop to feed each person's individual family.

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