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Distance barriers could affect the successful delivery of education. Education has

to find ways and means to be able to reach and cater to every student from far-away

places. It is for this reason that a new type of teaching method emerged which would later

be known as “Technology-based Learning.” Before the Technology-based Learning we

know today came to be, early forms of Technology-based Learning were created. The

first one was created by Ohio State University Professor, Sidney Pressey. He invented the

electronic device called the “Automatic Teacher” back in 1924. It was designed to give

drills and tests. It was then followed by the “Teaching Machine” created by Harvard

Professor BF Skinner in 1954. It gave out a curriculum of programmed instruction. Then

in the 1960’s PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations) was

created by the University of Illinois which functioned to give out coursework.

Technology-based learning (TBL) constitutes learning via electronic technology,

including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing,

bulletin boards, chat rooms, webcasts, and CD-ROM. TBL also encompasses related

terms, such as online learning and web-based learning that only include learning that

occurs via the Internet, and computer based learning that is restricted to learning through

the use of computers. E-learning is synonymous with TBL and has largely replaced it in

scholarship and industry as the term of choice. (“The History of E-learning Infographic

2012”, Christopher Pappas, 2012) Those were just some of the few examples of the

primitive forms of e-Learning and the list goes on. Another interesting fact is that the

term “e-Learning” was first conceived in 1999 during a CBT convention (“The history of

e-learning” 2013-2014).

While e-Learning has its own problems, there are also external factors that can

interfere with one’s learning experience. The first one is Adaptability. Some students still

carry a traditional mindset where they are used to face-to-face instruction. It is a rather

serious issue since the student may not like the new system of teaching and in turn he/she

may be forced to say that they understood the lesson so as to blend in with the rest. The

next one is Internet Connection. Internet connection is essential to access e-Learning

although not everyone has it most especially those who are in the less privileged areas.

Without Internet access they would not be able to access the information uploaded online.

They would also lag behind their peers academically.

The following one would be Equipment. For some people, Internet connection is

not the major problem but the computer itself. Some students are born into impecunious

families where owning a computer is sadly a luxury they cannot afford.

The final problem is Computer Literacy. Some people do not know how to use

computers. It is then up to the instructors to teach them. Their time is being used up

teaching them how to operate the computer instead of teaching the students their lessons

(Kumar, 2015).

Since, TBL is a different method of teaching. It has a different impact to students

who are traditional-learners. The comparison between the two would also bring out the
advantages and disadvantages of the given teaching methods, there are upsides and

downsides to both. TBL holds the promise of substantially transforming the way learning

takes place because of its numerous advantages. Among these, TBL fosters greater

accessibility to learning by offering anytime and anywhere delivery. It is readily scalable

to both large and small groups since it can accommodate larger numbers of learners at

little extra cost and smaller groups of learners that otherwise would not be able to

participate in traditional classroom training for lack of enrollments. Further, the content

of TBL courses, especially those that are delivered online, can be centrally developed and

updated whenever the need arises; therefore, the cost of replacing outdated course

materials and retraining teachers and instructors drops significantly. From the learners’

point of view, TBL can be self-paced and matched to the learner’s needs, and, building

on pedagogy that emphasizes the merits of discovery learning, it offers the prospect of

promoting greater comprehension and retention, particularly for complex materials,

because of its clear opportunities for the hands-on manipulation of course materials and

the use of simulations and game-playing. Perhaps for these reasons, TBL has witnessed

marked growth in the training marketplace in government, industry, and education.

Discipline is both an advantage and disadvantage for e-Learning. It is an

advantage since it can help build discipline where there is no supervision needed so it is

up to the student whether or not he/she would study. Traditional Learning may have an

edge here however, but as stated earlier there is no supervision needed. Students may also

use the computer for personal entertainment. In Traditional Learning, they are supervised

by a teacher.

Social Interaction is an advantage of Traditional Learning and a disadvantage

Technology-based learning. In online education he/she cannot interact with other people

so social skills are not being developed whereas in a classroom setting they are free to

talk to each other and ask questions (“Online vs Traditional Education”, Kendall Bird,


With all that said above, the researchers wanted to test whether or not Technology-

based learning would be an effective teaching method for traditional and non-traditional

learners. This study aim to find the difference between the Online and Traditional

affected to the social interaction of a students. Also, in traditional learning he/she can free

interact to others on their surrounding while Online education he/she only learn but

cannot interact to others in person that’s why it can affects his/her social life.

At the end of the day, both are effective teaching methods since a person’s ability

to absorb new information varies from person to person. Quality education is quality

education regardless of the way it is taught be it in a traditional sense or the new one.

Also, it is the problem to the learning of the person because it depends on how they can

handle their personal, how they can choose between Online or Traditional learning that

may can help to boost their abilities and to absorb new information person to person or


Statement of the Problem

Lots of people still believe in the traditional way of studying like going to school,

reading books, and more. They fail to take into account the existence of online schooling,

together with its advantages. As long as they refuse to try other methods of studying, e-

Learning will never be recognized as an instrument for academics. One solution would be

implementing it to more schools.

It explored the answers through the following questions:

1. How effective is the Technology-based learning method for the students from

General Academic Strand?

2. With Technology-based learning implemented in Sablayan National

Comprehensive High School Senior High School, do traditional learners consider it as an

academic tool?

3. Does Technology-based learning actually change how students absorb new


Significance of the Study

This research tends to develop a precise and useful information that highlighted

the effectiveness of the Technology-based learning program to the academic track of

every student. The researchers aim to supply the readers the knowledge they need to cope

with changes brought about by technology. The researchers delve into the importance of

this study not only to Sablayan National Comprehensive High School Senior High

students but also to other people:

For the Senior High School Students of Sablayan National Comprehensive High

School, General Academic Strand, who will serve as the major beneficiaries of this

study, their exposure to the newest trend which is the Technology-Based Learning will

equip them to compete globally for they are going soon to college and be professionals

years from now who will be doing more Technology-based task.

To the Teachers and Instructors. They can learn from this study by knowing how to

communicate well to their student through Technology-based learning. The result may

enlighten them that there is a great demand for improvement and innovation in teaching

using technology. Since they play an important role in shaping students, they should

work on how to get the interest of the students by providing a newest trend of ways of


To the Students. They can learn from this study by knowing how to use Technology-

based learning and how it helps them to be globally competitive.

Likewise, the study should be beneficial for the researchers himself. This study will

open them to new discoveries regarding Technology-based learning

To other Researchers. They could make this study as their guide, reference, and pattern

in making their own study which has the relation to the present one. Information and

materials imparted on this paper may guide them regarding the formation of their own

research study.

As this research is supported and was proven by different studies we believe that

this written material will be as useful as we believe it to be.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study was administered in Sablayan National Comprehensive High School

Senior High Students only. It focused mainly on the effectiveness of Technology-based

learning program to the academic strands of every student.

There were a group of students from each sections the GAS A and GAS B with a

total of _____ students as the respondents. The students represented their respective

institutes which aided the researchers track each way of the Technology-based learning.

The researchers conducted the study for at least a month and above. The findings and

data gathered was the basis for the conclusion of the study.

Definition of Terms

For clarify and better understanding of the readers, the following terms are defined

conceptually and operationally.

Chunking. It is a technique of making information into shorter one and arrange, compile,

and group them.

Computer Literacy. It is the ability to use electronic devices, the level of familiarity to

it, and knowledge how to use it.

Distance Learning. It is where students can learn through the use technology on their

own choice of time and place without face-to-face interaction to their instructors.

Gamification. It is a technique that add games elements in order to encourage the users

to accomplish their desired tasks.

Technology-based learning - constitutes learning via electronic technology, including

the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing, bulletin boards,

chat rooms, webcasts, and CD-ROM.

Massive online open courses (MOOCs). It is a course that can be run to an LMS but not

always. MOOCs can be run to other software or platform.

Online learning. It is a way of studying where students can interact to their instructors or

other students using variety of platforms through the use of internet.

Social media. It is where user can interact, express their ideas, and collaborate their ideas

through the use of internet.

Spacing. It is a strategy that involves break between the learning sessions and repletion

of the lessons.

Traditional Learning. It is a technique where it uses traditional learning tools like black

boards, visual aids, books, and others.

Virtual technologies. It is a technique in teaching that enhance students experience in

learning using electronic devices and internet.



This chapter presents the different literatures reviewed by the researcher which

amplified the results of the study. It contains facts, insight, and findings of accomplished

analysis about Technology-based learning Program to academic performances of Senior

High School Students of Sablayan National Comprehensive High School.

Conceptual Literature

The learning management system is basically a virtual learning tool to help

students in their studies. It is a powerful tool since teachers can upload modules, lessons,

seat works and others. It is convenient in a way that it can be used anywhere with access

to internet connection. It is imperative that school cope with the changes brought about

by technology. One such thing that they should make the most of is improving their

quality of education. Learning Management System is a way of getting out of the box or

improving the traditional way of learning. The school would benefit in the succeeding

years by having a flexible system that is highly adaptable to change. It is undeniably a

logical investment, not only for the school but also for their students (Walker, et. al,


E-Learning or Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application that

can used by collaborating with people online, managing curriculums and tracking

educational records. For example, it can store information about the attendance, tasks,

and the progress of the students. Instructors can notify the participants about various

announcements. They can also evaluate projects and assignments, post course outline,

distribute class lessons and perform classroom discussions. Students can participate in

class discussions, answer quizzes, and submit requirements. They are also kept updated

regarding announcements and the status of their grades. Teachers and students are not the

only ones who can see the events that will happen in the university but guardians or

parents may also be informed of the said events, if they are permitted.

In this modern age of rapid technology growth, countries are undergoing prompt

change by combining Technology-based learning into an existing educational system

which can be a major provocation. This transformation can change not only the

curriculum but also the thinking of a person that technology is a powerful tool that

anyone can use for a successful outcome. The blueprint for a good system is to suit the

preference that will open the opportunity for the growth of Technology-based learning

that will benefit individuals who place a high value on education in order to succeed.

When it comes to education, Filipino culture highly values it. For the majority of

the Filipinos, the only thing for a child to acquire and secure a better future is through

education. Good education has become increasingly hard to attain nowadays. There is an

increased demand for new and more convenient ways to obtain a post-secondary school

degree. Even the government has tried to change the formal school system by introducing

new methods in learning to improve the quality and content of education. Technology is

an essential tool for everybody, not only in schools, but also in different businesses and

government agencies. It makes our lives much easier. It is basically the reason why

Technology-based learning is being integrated in schools.

Technology-based learning (TBL) constitutes learning via electronic technology,

including the Internet, intranets, satellite broadcasts, audio and video conferencing,

bulletin boards, chat rooms, webcasts, and CD-ROM. The use of technology enhances

every learner’s experience in learning (Echavarria 2016). Back in 2010, the Philippines

was mentioned as one among the ten countries in the world using the e-learning system

as part of educating people in many subjects such as in agriculture, in fishery, and many

more (Mappala, 2013).

Technology-based learning is a comprehensive term that describes educational

technology. It supports learning and teaching and at the same time it can be easily

accessed by people all around the world. Distance is no longer a barrier to learning.

Thanks to the Learning Management System being within the Internet providing

education to faraway places. Distance education became readily available and accessible

to many (Westera, 2015).

Mehrotra, Hollister, and McGahey (2013), further enforced the statement above by

expressing that distance education is no longer just a dream or an aim for universities. It

is now a reality where they can provide more opportunities at a global scale. Aside from

providing distance education, it also provides an excellent learning environment for

students as asserted by Weaver, Spratt, and Nair (2015).

Even before the advancement of technology, people had an early form of e-

learning and it is by way of mail (“The history of e-learning”, 2013-2014). Way back in

the 1840’s, a teacher named Isaac Pitman used the mailing system as a way of imparting

knowledge to his students. He would send mails to them and in turn the students would

submit the assignment or the task that was assigned to them back also by form of mailing.

The use of Technology-based learning it only changed in appearance but the way

of learning which was at the comfort of their homes or wherever it may be for that matter

was still very much the same. Giving every student fair and equal education never

changed and remained consistent over the years (“Technology-based learning”, 2013-


If there is an online Learning Management System or E-Learning, there are also

people who feeds information to the learning system known as “E-Learning

Professionals.” According to Christopher Pappas, they have “insatiable thirst for

knowledge, self-starters, optimists, are not happy when they are not wearing many hats,

and have supernatural abilities.” They are the people who work their hardest to give out

high-quality courses which can help change lives (Pappas, 2015). They also must have

genuine initiative. They make things happen and do not wait to be instructed. According

to Nikos Andriotis (2016), “Being proactive is the secret weapon of all eLearning

professionals.” At the end of the day, these professionals are people and they too face a

lot of obstacles like deadlines, lack of learner motivation, designing courses, and others.

That is precisely the reason why it was mentioned that optimism is a must for these

professionals. Being optimistic allows them to give it their 100 percent effort. Thus,

giving the students an amazing learning experience (Leavoy, 2016).

According to Derek Stockley (2016), at the same time, TBL is not without its

challenges. Among the most important of these is the “digital divide,” caused by low

computer literacy rates and lack of access to technology among some learner populations.

Additional challenges include “social loafing,” characterized by students who work less

diligently than they otherwise might, or who become frustrated by course material or

technology and thus less engaged, because of the relative absence of instructor learner

and learner-learner interaction. Further, some TBL has been characterized by high

attrition rates among learners. Course developers face their own challenges, as they

grapple with problems related to technological incompatibility, and they must be certain

to make appropriate accommodations to promote access for learners with disabilities.

Finally, TBL still lacks credibility. Some employers and academicians view TBL

instruction as less credible than traditional face-to-face instruction and may be less likely

to hire someone with a TBL certificate unless provided by an accredited institution. E-

learning tools and delivery methods have expanded. It enables students to have

computers in their homes thus making it easier for them to learn about a particular subject

using the internet. E-learning is giving the students new choices and flexibility with their

own learning and development. The internet has allowed institutions to expand their

reach and offer courses virtually.

According to Dooley (2015), the features that diminish teaching or learning should

be kept at a minimum since it can have a negative impact to the student using the system.

He, however, suggests that they should add more features that can promote learning and

teaching. A thing to remember is, E-learning is not just a simple tool but it is a tool to

help support the students in their studies. Some samples of the must-have features are

Quality Content, Quick user integration, motivational triggers, personal approach and

finally diversity (Cenejac, 2016).

Jomah, Masoud, Kishore and Aurelia (2016) found that it helps to modernize the

education system. Monitoring process in schools, planning, making decisions and

developing educational practices are more accessible, since it provides data for teaching

and learning activities (Wang, 2017). Majority of the users pointed out positive effects

such as less time accessing the materials needed (Solomon & Makara, 2016). Accessible

course materials and announcements help the user to collaborate with contents. It allows

instructors to make interesting activities that increases learners’ interest to the course

(Wang, 2017). The capability of collaborating via web-based communication tools grants

us the ability to study beyond the walls of a classroom (Conrad & Donaldson, 2015).

Teachers can design learning activities to interact with their students by making use of

announcements and discussions boards. It allows students to submit and share their work

with each other to help correct each other’s work and make sure to produce high-quality

outputs. (Yang & Chang, 2014).

Massive online open courses (MOOCs) are a trend for creating courses online for

learning institutions to have a free and high quality teaching initiative with the help of the

internet (Johnson, Becker, Cummins, Freeman, Ifenthaler, & Vardaxis, 2013; Pellas,

2014). MOOCs refer to web stages that allow millions of learners to have an access on

the instructional materials and resources without the restrictions of time and place (Lin,

2017; Stoel & Lee, 2013).

This study is ecological to all students who wants to study even if they are not in

the school. This Massive online open courses is easy learning system to all people who

wants to study and it is also free to all and has a high quality of teaching. There are so

many sites that can visit when it comes to online school.

Regardless of the many features and capabilities of LMS, it is still in its early

stages. Although it has positive effects on improving the effectiveness of the tutors, sadly

more information must be gathered (Orfanou, Tselios, and Katsanos 2015).

Kim, Hong, Bonk, & Lim (2013); Jong, Lai, Hsia, & Lin (2013) suggested that

online discussions showed better results than those held in classrooms. Moreillon (2015)
states that online discussion helped the learners to develop a higher level of thinking.

Students should also discipline themselves since with online learning self-control is a

necessity. Shea and Bidjerano, (2013), Moreillon, (2015) added that instructors must

establish discussing creatively and motivating learners to think critically. They should

exert more effort on teaching fact oriented lessons rather than a sophisticated design

(Back, Behringer, Haberstroh, Ehlers, Sostmann, and Peters, 2016).

According to IBM, participants learned up to five times more materials while

spending less time. IBM also said that they saved up to $200 million after changing to e-

learning. The Research Institute of America also stated that retention rates went up by at

least 25-60% (Gutierrez, 2016).

Brown and Liedholm (2013) found that there was difference in students using

textbooks and students using course modules only. They concluded that using textbooks

would be more beneficial. Hickey, McAleer and KHalili (2015) stated that there is no

evidence to suggest that online learning is better for increasing knowledge. Nevertheless,

both of their existence would help enhance learners’ knowledge. They will remain a

substantial part to both educators and students.

As technology and E-learning benefit from the advancement of technology,

learners can now attract the attention of professors and other students by means of

communicating and creating policies, ideas and concepts. E-learning reduces time away

from the workplace, and eliminates the need for travel.

A’ny (2013) stated that developing traditional techniques with the new educational

system helps to enhance the educational productivity as E-learning become truly

prospered with its gaining access online. The number of users increased and identified as

the most cost-efficient and productivity enhancing. It reduced the cost of distance

learning, a saving that will benefit both student and professor.

Many academic institutions are using a variety of software options because of its

uses. It has benefits for the school system, for the professors and for the students.

Conventional learning has become advanced with the help of computers and online

technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the

most important advantage available.

Aside from the given advantages, flexibility is probably the LMS’ greatest

advantage. It is flexible in a sense that it can be used on a variety of platforms such as

laptops, desktops, tablets and even mobile devices taking in consideration the abundance

of students who are on their mobile phones 24/7. Now, there would be no more reason for

students to miss out on any lecture or assignment.

It is cost friendly, it helps save money as opposed to instructor-led training

(Legault). E-Learning is very convenient since it can be done asynchronously because the

user can pick their own time for studying (Kunts, 2013).

Although there are advantages, it also comes with disadvantages. For starters, it

lacks real human interaction, thus it eliminates the ability to ask and raise a question from

the teachers since only lecture notes are uploaded within the E-learning (Armstrong,
2013). Another one would be there is no supervision and is solely up to the student. It

received a bad feedback for others saying that using technology for education can remove

the human element to some learners. Garrison (2003) states that E-learning is controlled

by the learner itself. The student is in charge of his/her own learning, monitoring, and

managing the cognitive and contextual aspects of learning, which is why professors must

also have an eye out on students using the system because much of the decision-making

of how the devices should be used is their responsibility (Warner & Myers, 2013). There

is a silver lining to that however, it will help practice discipline and patience.

E-learning can also have negative effects on our physical health. Sitting for

extended periods of time every day, improper posture, computer eye strain, and others

(Benefits and Drawbacks of E-learning).

It is useless when it is not connected to the Internet, as Panda and Mishra (2013)

stated. Poor Internet access is one of the barriers when using E-learning. Another

downside to E-Learning is, it can be dull. Looking at a seemingly endless power point

module every after topic can cause a student to lose motivation since it would seem like a

routine every after lesson. Pacing is also a problem with E-learning since if by chance a

student did not get the lesson, he/she may feign comprehension of the lesson as to keep

face and “to belong.” In the end, they would just end up being drawn along with another

student’s learning curve and not really learning at all (McGrath). The approach of the

teacher about technology is one of the most important aspects of educational change

(Donovan & Green, 2014; Majid, 2015).

E-learning in the future will be taken to whole new level. Rosen (2014) said that e-

learning will have new trends in terms of the way it will be presented to its participants or

students. She states that massive open online courses will emerge and it will allow

millions of people across the world to enroll all at once in one class. People will be more

informed about m-learning or mobile-learning which is the revolutionized e-learning

program where people can use their mobile phones to its limit as proposed by De Angelis

(2014). In the near future, people will use the virtual technologies as part of the learning

process. Connor (2016) said that people can use the cloud-based systems to its full

potential which everyone can share their knowledge to the whole community or class. We

might see in the coming years the “Gamification” of courses. Here, instead of a lecture, it

will be converted to a game designed to teach you. (Rosen, 2014) Aside from

Gamification, there are also other trends that are shaping the future of E-learning like

Chunking, Spacing, Social media, and others (Leaman, 2013). There is no guarantee for

what the future holds. However, by taking a closer look at current technology trends, we

can get a glimpse at what is to come in the E-Learning Industry.

To sum it all up, E-Learning has good points and it also has its faults. The sources

gathered above shows how E-Learning can affect students. It also gave more detail to

what exactly is E-Learning and its purpose. E-Learning allows an individual to move at

their own pace and to absorb the information without lagging behind their peers. E-

learning is paving a bright future for the school system, for the professors and for the



Many studies showed that technology may affect negatively on students learning

especially in academic performance, as evidenced by the students who always using

technology to their study it can help them to be more intelligence and more competitive.

The researcher had researched comprehensive reading to generate some ideas and

concepts about using of technology in study. Sadly, some students have difficulty in

expressing their ideas, feelings, and thoughts with unity, coherence, and emphasis. This

study researched carefully which contribute significantly to the development of the

present study.

Despite the enormous growth of e-learning in education and its perceived benefits,

the efficiency of such tools will not be fully utilized if the users inclined to not accept and

use the system. Therefore, the successful implementation of e-learning tools depends on

whether or not the students are willing to adopt and accept the technology. Thus, it has

become imperative for practitioners and policy makers to understand the factors affecting

the user acceptance of web-based learning systems in order to enhance the students’

learning experience (Tarhini et al., 2014a). However, recent studies have shown that e-

learning implementation is not simply a technological solution, but also a process of

many different factors such as social factors (Schepers and Wetzels, 2014; Tarhini et al.,

2014b; 2015), and individual factors (Liaw and Huang, 2017), organizational such as

facilitating conditions (Sun and Zhang, 2013) in addition to behavioral and cultural

factors (Masoumi, 2016).Such major factors play an important role in how an information

technology is developed and used (Kim and Moore, 2016).

Fischer et al. (2015) studied how proceedings of scientific conferences can be used

for trend studies in the field of e-learning. They examined the abstracts of 427 scientific

articles of leading German-speaking e-learning conferences GesellschaftfürMedien in der

Wissenschaft and E-Learning-Fachtagungen der GesellschaftfürInformatik e. V. (GMW

and DeLFI) – published from 2013 to 2017. The study was conducted at German-

speaking conferences and, thus, reflects the situation in Germany, Switzerland and

Austria. Fischer et al. (2015) made an important contribution to the diffusion of digital

media in higher education. The researchers found that the detailed analysis of the

frequency distribution over the seven years reflects the intensity of scientific discussion

towards e-learning trends, and conclusions about the didactical or technical potentials of

innovations can be introduced. Specifically, they found the development potential of

learning management, mobile learning, virtual worlds, e-portfolio, social media and

Massive Open Online Courses are crucial for e-learning in German higher education.

Moravec et al. (2015) showed how e-learning tools impact students’ achievement.

The study was attended by nearly 2000 students. According to Moravec et al. (2015), the

study compares the results of questions from the area of law where the tool was provided

in a pilot version with the results of questions, where the e-learning tool was not

provided. The researchers found that the e-learning tools have affected the students’

results. Nevertheless, the belief of the e-learning tool may possibly have a negative effect

on students who will depend on given materials was disproved. By using the Cohen’s

model and based on data collected from 15 documents from relevant research studies

conducted on the effect of ICT based e-learning on academic achievement during2010-

2012, Mothibi (2015) examined the relationship between e-learning and students’

academic achievement in higher education. The researcher found that ICT had a

statistically significant positive influence on e-learning based students’ academic

achievements. The results also indicated that ICT had a significant positive influence on

students’ educational overall academic achievements.

Scholtzand Kapeso (2014) and Almajali et al (2016), Shannak (2013) explored the

factors of mobile learning (E-learning) approaches which can be used for enterprise

resource planning (ERP) system. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was applied

to assess the acceptance, usefulness and perceived ease of use of the E-learning. The

researchers found that the m-learning system was correlated positively for perceived ease

of use and perceived usefulness as such findings confirmed other studies which stressed

the importance of the quality of course content in e-learning and e-learning projects.

Pieri and Diamantini (2014) conducted their research based on the experience of e-

learning web 2.0 at the University of Milano-Bicocca in the academic year of 2011-2012.

The objective of the research was to make the implicit and tacit knowledge that the users

have, explicit, and therefore more accessible. Since the ICTs have become an essential

part of the learning experience for people all ages, so it’s become a concept that needs to

be explored, the researchers started elaborating the transition from Web 2.0 to e-learning

and the aggregation of the power of Web 2.0 with social networks in the learning process.

They used Think tag Smart, a new Web 2.0 platform; that mixes the learning

opportunities offered by the web 2.0 with the learning opportunities of social networks

for sharing knowledge, to train 137 students in two subjects (Tourism, and Sociology of

innovation), after this experience they gave them a questionnaire to evaluate the learning

experience, and then platform. Think tag Smart had some features that were most used in

the platform: (resources, shelves, and groups); where the least used were: (Wiki,

collections and chat), the strengths of the platform which made it generally appreciated,

were; the resources or the ability to exchange and share information with users of Think

tag Smart; support teaching as the portal was open to share notes and materials connected

to courses they need; and the interactivity feature of the platform provided for the users.

As for the weaknesses, which didn’t allow for the complete satisfaction, they were; the

slowness in loading the pages, the unclearness/complexity, the lack of immediacy, and

intuitiveness. In sum the platform was a tool of great potential, but to be competitive;

realities need further improvements.

Salter et al. (2014) aimed to demonstrate the features and benefits of the practice

of e-education in general and in particular in the pharmacy, where e-education helps to

clarify the vehicles pharmaceutical and elements of Tagreed Kattoua et al | International

Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (IJBMER), in that it would

facilitate the process of analysis and helps to count the number of elements, a more

precise and faster, where there are a number of theories that help to clarify more broadly.

It is those theories to determine the effectiveness of the system and how to explain

overlaps that occur within complex e-education system and therefore the system’s

capacity for analysis and helps greatly stunning offers time and effort and cost. The

researchers found that e-learning to be effective at increasing knowledge immediately

after training for all topics and in all contexts’-learning in pharmacy education was a

highly suitable instructional format for pharmacists and pharmacy students. It is the

benefits that help their e-education system in the field of universities, where all the

students are taking the attendance and leave them through computer system due to the

student e-education, e-has to know the number of absence, as well as upon request duties

is due to send and receive the solution through e-education persist this system its ability

to sweep all organizations work accuracy and speed.

Teo (2014) aimed to clarify the extent of teacher satisfaction of the application of

e-learning program among persevere teachers. Teo (2014) investigated the key drivers of

teachers’ e-learning satisfaction. 387 participants in a postgraduate diploma in education

completed a survey questionnaire to measure 6 constructs (tutor quality, perceived

usefulness, and perceived ease of use, course delivery, facilitating conditions, and course

satisfaction). By using structural equation modeling, data analysis showed that, apart

from facilitating conditions, all other constructs were significant predictors of e-learning

satisfaction. Nevertheless, the facilitating conditions construct was found to be a

significant mediator of perceived ease of use and satisfaction.

The trend of using e-leaning as learning and teaching tools is now rapidly

expanding into education. Suri and Sharma (2014) examined the relationship between

disciplines of students and their response sand attitudes towards e-learning. The

researchers used computer and e-learning attitude scale by employing survey

questionnaires to 477 students enrolled in various courses across 6 major disciplines in

Panjab University Chandigarh, India. The researchers found a significant relationship

between discipline of student and the factors of scale on computer and e-learning attitude

which set impassions the role of department in learning and satisfaction level of students.

Arasteh et al. (2014) proposed a dynamic resource management model to develop

the availability and dependability of the e-learning services in the grid system. A dynamic

replication technique was employed to tolerate resource failure/unavailability during the

execution of an e-learning service in the economic grid system.

The researchers found that the availability of the e-learning services in the

proposed model was higher than those of the basic resource management services. This

model maintains a trade-off between cost and the degree of quality of e-learning services.

Ceobanu and Boncu (2014) investigated in a theoretical manner the challenges

associated with the use of mobile technology in adult education. They argued that mobile

learning (e-Learning) can be placed at the connection of eLearning and mobile

computing, which is differentiated by the capability to access learning resources

anywhere, anytime, through high capabilities of search, high interaction, high support for

effective learning and ongoing assessment based on performance. Also, e-Learning

considered to be as an extension of eLearning, but characterized by its independence

from a location in space and time. Furthermore, e-Learning comprises the use of mobile

technology in the service of the processes related to teaching and learning. The e-

Learning can be considered as the point where mobile computing and eLearning meet to

create e-learning experience that can be commenced anytime and anywhere.

Beurs et al. (2015) argued that randomized researches investigating the impact of

training of mental health professionals in suicide prevention guidelines are limited. The

researchers evaluated whether professional benefited from an e-learning supported train-

the-trainer program aimed at the application of the Dutch multidisciplinary suicide

prevention guideline. 45 psychiatric departments from all over the Netherlands were

clustered in pairs and selected randomized. All of the staff of psychiatric departments was

trained by peers with an e-learning supported train-the-trainer program. Multi-level

analyses were employed to find if variation between conditions was due to differences

between individual professionals or departments. The study found that the intervention

resulted in an improvement of individual professionals. At the three month follow up,

professionals who received the intervention demonstrated greater guideline adherence,

enhanced self-perceived knowledge and superior confidence as providers of care than

professionals who were only exposed to traditional guideline dissemination. Also, the

analyses showed that enhanced guideline adherence was found among nurses but not

among psychiatrists and psychologists, and there was no significant effect of the

intervention on team performance.

According to Judrups (2015), the development of knowledge management and e-

learning unsurprisingly are developed for years as both disciplines deal with knowledge

capture, sharing, application and generation; have vital technological components to

enhance learning; and contribute to building a continuous learning culture. Judrups

(2015) found that knowledge management and e-learning naturally brings both

disciplines closer and supports integration. Model analysis confirmed several integration

approaches. The more general approach is to base integration on common ground, which

is identified as learning. Nevertheless, these approaches are not implemented in

production environment and require necessary technical specification and application


Tagreed Kattoua et al | International Journal of Business Management and

Economic Research Jakobsone and Cakula (2015) aimed to get a new perspective on

knowledge sharing process, and better understand the future of automated learning

support system involving the use of new technological opportunities. The major study

question was how the automated learning support system could develop the efficiency

and quality of further knowledge flow and offer sustainable cooperation between

educational institutions and entrepreneurs. The researchers found that the analysis of their

formation system as an online learning support platform, improved quality of knowledge

flow, and recommendations for advancing work-based learning besides the

encouragement of efficient knowledge management technologies. Furthermore,

innovations in the learning process needs to be real and simple to help adults find how to

solve their problems; preparation of training is needed following a specific employer

demand and knowledge sharing has to be equally vigorous on both interested sides; and

needs have to be obtained; and accurate content and quality must be presented according

to merchant’s prospects.

The conceptual and research literatures provided helpful viewpoints for the study,

as they comprise ideas and concepts about using technology on study. These correlated

research were necessary in the development of this study.

The studies of Tarhini et al., Schepers and Wetzels, Liaw and Huang, Sun and

Zhang, Masoumi, Kim and Moree which focused on the factors affecting the user

acceptance of web-based learning systems in order to enhance the students’ learning

experience. However, recent studies have shown that e-learning implementation is not

simply a technological solution, but also a process of many different factors such as

social factors, individual factors, organizational such as facilitating conditions in addition

to behavioral and cultural factors, those major factors play an important role in how an

information technology is developed and used. In this present study the researchers will

find the factors that can help the students to enhance their learnings when it comes to


Likewise, the study of Scholtzand Kapeso and Almajali et al., Shannak explored

the factors of mobile learning (E-learning) approaches which can be used for enterprise

resource planning (ERP) system. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was applied

to assess the acceptance, usefulness and perceived ease of use of the E-learning. In the

present study the researcher find out that the use of technologies was really applying in

terms of teaching.

Furthermore, the study of Moravec et al., Mothibi showed how e-learning tools

impact students’ achievement. They examined the relationship between e-learning and

students’ academic achievement in higher education. The researcher found that ICT had a

statistically significant positive influence on e-learning based students’ academic

achievements. The results also indicated that ICT had a significant positive influence on

students’ educational overall academic achievements.

In addition the study of Beurs et al. argued that randomized researches

investigating the impact of training of mental health professionals in suicide prevention

guidelines are limited.

Likewise, the study of Ceobanu and Boncu investigated in a theoretical manner

the challenges associated with the use of mobile technology in adult education. They

argued that mobile learning (e-Learning) can be placed at the connection of eLearning

and mobile computing, which is differentiated by the capability to access learning

resources anywhere, anytime, through high capabilities of search, high interaction, high

support for effective learning and ongoing assessment based on performance.(The e-

Learning can be considered as the point where mobile computing and eLearning meet to

create e-learning experience that can be commenced anytime and anywhere)

The study of Fischer et al. which show how proceedings of scientific conferences

can be used for trend studies in the field of e-learning. He also made an important

contribution to the diffusion of digital media in higher education. This present study will

depend on the surroundings and background of the students who will participating in this

study about the important contribution of digital media in a higher education.

The studies of Pieri and Diamantini conducted their research based on the

experience of e-learning web 2.0 at the University of Milano-Bicocca in the academic

year of 2011-2012. The objective of the research was to make the implicit and tacit

knowledge that the users have, explicit, and therefore more accessible. In sum the

platform was a tool of great potential, but to be competitive; realities need further


The study of Salter et al., aimed to demonstrate the features and benefits of the

practice of e-education in general and in particular in the pharmacy, where e-education

helps to clarify the vehicles pharmaceutical and elements of Tagreed Kattoua et al |

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research (IJBMER), in

that it would facilitate the process of analysis and helps to count the number of elements,

a more precise and faster, where there are a number of theories that help to clarify more

broadly, e-learning to be effective at increasing knowledge immediately after training for

all topics and in all contexts’-learning in pharmacy education was a highly suitable

instructional format for pharmacists and pharmacy students.

According to Teo aimed to clarify the extent of teacher satisfaction of the

application of e-learning program among persevere teachers, investigated the key drivers

of teachers’ e-learning satisfaction. By using structural equation modeling, data analysis

showed that, apart from facilitating conditions, all other constructs were significant

predictors of e-learning satisfaction. Nevertheless, the facilitating conditions construct

was found to be a significant mediator of perceived ease of use and satisfaction.

In addition, the study of Suri and Sharma examined the relationship between

disciplines of students and their responses and attitudes towards e-learning. The

researchers found a significant relationship between discipline of student and the factors

of scale on computer and e-learning attitude which set impassions the role of department

in learning and satisfaction level of students in this present study.

According Arasteh et al. proposed a dynamic resource management model to

develop the availability and dependability of the e-learning services in the grid system.

(The researchers found that the availability of the e-learning services in the proposed

model was higher than those of the basic resource management services. This model

maintains a trade-off between cost and the degree of quality of e-learning services)

In addition, the study of Judrups, the development of knowledge management and

e-learning unsurprisingly are developed for years as both disciplines deal with knowledge

capture, sharing, application and generation; have vital technological components to

enhance learning; and contribute to building a continuous learning culture.

Lastly, the study of Tagreed Kattoua et al | International Journal of Business

Management and Economic Research Jakobsone and Cakula aimed to get a new

perspective on knowledge sharing process, and better understand the future of automated

learning support system involving the use of new technological opportunities. The major

study question was how the automated learning support system could develop the

efficiency and quality of further knowledge flow and offer sustainable cooperation

between educational institutions and entrepreneurs. The researchers found that the

analysis of their formation system as an online learning support platform, improved

quality of knowledge flow, and recommendations for advancing work-based learning

besides the encouragement of efficient.



This chapter deals with the method and procedures utilized by the researcher. This

includes the research design, subjects of the study, data gathering instrument, data

gathering procedures, and statistical treatment, which are important in interpreting and

gathering data.

Research Design

The researcher used the descriptive method to determine the Effects of

Technology-Based Learning program to academic performances of Senior High School

Students of Sablayan National Comprehensive High School.

As its name suggests, descriptive research seeks to provide an accurate description

of observations of phenomena. The object of the collection of cencus data is to accurately

describe basic information about a national population at a particular point in time. The

objective of descriptive research is to map the terrain of a specific phenomenon


According to Prieto (2017), the descriptive research design is commonly used to

gather information on current situations and conditions. It helps provide answers to the

questions of who, what, when, where, and how of a particular research study. It provides

accurate data after subjecting them to a rigorous procedure and using large amounts of

data from large numbers of samples. This method is designed for the researchers to

gather information about existing conditions. At the same time, all information are

gathered, data will be validated, with the aim of information dissemination.

Subject of the Study

The subjects of the study were the General Academic Strand Grade 12 Senior

High School Students of Sablayan National Comprehensive High enrolled during the

academic year 2019-20, covering ____students.

Table 1

Profile of the Respondents

Track Population Sample Size

Grade 12- Greatness

Grade 12- Gorgeous


From this, the researcher used the Slovin’s Formula with .05 margin of error to

determine the exact number of sample to measure the total of the students who was

affected of Technology-based Learning. It will cover ____ students as the respondents of

the study.

The situation of why the researchers made this is for the readers to understand that

how Technology-based Learning can affect the students on their academics in a good or

bad way.

Data Gathering Instrument

The main survey instrument used in gathering the data was the researchers made


Construction of the Test. The researcher read books and other reference materials

which are related to the topic. The researcher then conceptualized the needed items in the

test which would assess the problems presented in Chapter 1.

The researcher prepared the table of specification, item analysis, and validity and

reliability of the test to measure its accuracy and precision. The researcher also

considered the degree of difficulties in every test item.

Validation of the Test. The first draft of the test was prepared and presented to the

adviser for her comments, suggestions, and enrichment of contents. After such, all

comments were incorporated to the second draft. This was shown to the adviser for


The second was submitted to the five professionals who are knowledgeable on the

topic to be investigated. Their corrections, comments, and suggestions were considered

by the researcher for the improvement of the content. Then the researcher revised the test

as the final draft.

Administration of the Test. After the test was validated, the researcher prepared

and sent a letter to the principal or coordinator of Sablayan National Comprehensive

High School- Senior High School, requesting permission to administer the test. Upon the

approval, the researcher reproduced copies of the final drafty and distributed the test

among the respondents. The researcher administered the test by personality giving it to

the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher, with the help of adviser, formally sought approval from the

principal or coordinator of Sablayan National Comprehensive High School- Senior High

School, to conduct the study and distribute the researcher- made questionnaire to gather

data regarding the effectivity of Technology-based Learning in the students.

Upon approval, the researcher gathered the data by personally distributing the test

among the students. Guidelines and explanations were given to the respondents for them

to understand the mechanics of the activity.

Then, the researcher checked the answer of the students. After recording the test,

the result were tallied, tabulated, and interpreted. The researcher also sought help from a

statistician for the statistical treatment of the data in accordance with the patterns of the


The researcher also consulted his adviser from time to time for the direction and

progress of the study.


Name (Optional): _____________________________________

Direction: Please check the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which do you prefer to use when you’re studying?
 Books or Notebooks
 Electronic Devices
1.1 Depending on your answer in number 1. How many hours a day you spend on
using your mobile phone or devices/read books or notebooks?
 1-2 hours
 2-3 hours
 4-5 hours
 6-7 hours
 Others please specify _________

2. How technology-based learning does helps you in your studies?

 Lessons are easy to access
 Distance isn’t a barrier when it comes to submissions
 Class performance can be easily monitored
 Easily updated on events happening in the classroom
 Others please specify _________
3. Do you think you’ll learn more with the use of technology-based learning rather than
your lecture notes?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
4. When you’re studying technology-based earning it will require you to access your
mobile phones or devices, are you tempted to open or use other applications or social
media applications? If yes does it affect your focus on studying?
 Yes, and yes it affects
 Yes, and no it doesn’t affect
 No
5. What are the biggest barriers of using e-Learning in your classroom? (Check all that
 Too few computers or tablets per student
 Hardware and software problems with school computers
 Students without internet access at home
 Lack of wireless connection or Wi-Fi access in school
 Others please specify _________
6. Do you think using of technology inside every classroom is a good idea?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree

7. What subject does technology-based learning need to focus more? (Check all that
 Science
 Math
 English
 Filipino
 Others please specify _________
8. Do you think that technology-based learning would be more helpful to you if didn’t
require internet connection or can be accessible offline?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
9. Would you recommend technology-based learning to other schools or students?
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree
10. Do you agree in the implementation of technology-based learning
 Strongly Agree
 Agree
 Neutral
 Disagree
 Strongly Disagree


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