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Module in

Final Period
Activity 5.3 Reflect and Act

 Were you surprised at some of the insights of the author? What surprised you?

Yes, the conception of the authors are well-crafted, it contains subject that
is significant to any employees or management. Furthermore, what made me
really surprise is the impressive content of the two authors about their designated
specific topics that would be useful and serves as an advantages to any
business-owner and management who will be able to read this. It is because
aside from it was useful inside the organization, the information can somehow
help the small businesses to grow and develop.

 Why is persuasion needed in the corporate world?

In the corporate world where everybody even your organization leader
seems to be your rival, there is a substantial need of persuasion to target
customers. There are lots of reasons why persuasion is needed in the corporate
world, and the primary reason is that it helps develop the scope of your
capabilities and responsibilities to relatively increase personal income. It also
helps, achieve one’s professional goal in order to grow your respective firms and
convince customers to obtain your company’s product.

 What are the differences between persuasion in the academe and persuasion
in business?
The difference between the persuasion in the academe and persuasion in
business is the manner and purpose of the person who persuades the other. In
the setting of persuasion in the academe it is the art of influencing youth to
change their perspective about universities and play as an active youth in
schools. Moreover, in the form of persuasion in the business, it is to convince the
staff members to work in unity by their company’s goals and strategy, however,
for the customers it is needed to patronize the product presented by the person
who convince for the sake of sale or for the achievement of goals within the

 What are the similarities?

Persuasion is persuasion no matter what context, despite its differences

being mentioned, there are still lots of similarities between the two given subject.
The primary role of persuasion is to convince the potential target and change its
perspective towards anything. It is also the same by means of examining the
background of their potential buyer to study how they can successfully deliver the
persuasive communication.

 Why do you think the audience is so important?

Given the said issue, I think audience is so important because the
audiences are the one who will respond for the specified transaction. Whenever
in a certain organization have meetings or you have any proposals for the new
products, audiences are the one you can share your ideas with. They are the one
who will open for any suggestions and any reactions whenever there is
something that needs to be corrected in your ideas. However, in business, the
audiences are the potential customers for the product.

 What are the best ways to get to know one’s audience?

Communication is the most indispensable way to get to know your

audiences in the matter of business. Because in communication, this is where the
employees in a firm or the marketing professionals used the opportunity to let
their customers build trust to them regarding to their specific product. Before all of
that, it is necessary to examine or do a background check to your potential
customers by that you will find if your products are fit to their wants or needs.

 How are ethos, pathos, and logos translated in the corporate world?

In the corporate world, the essential elements following the advice of

Aristotle which is to convey an effective persuasive communication is also
needed in business. The three elements should be balance, because in the first
element which is ethos, the character of the person persuading the audience is
highly rated, it increases its credibility in the perspective of the customers. During
having a persuasive argument, it is a must that you need to stick with your
coherent statement in which it organizes your various points in a sequence to
your general thought that would make the customer agree.
Good day! As the population in the Philippines continues to balloon, we are
facing worse water shortage situations. For that reason, the Kaliwa Dam is one of
the several projects proposed by the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
System (MWSS) that aim to provide enough water source and supply from the Angat
Dam. As we all succumb to the fact that the world is progressive and ever-changing,
may we not forget that developments are not tantamount to the destruction of
environment and other natural resources. Despite its expected benefits, the Kaliwa
Dam would affect the ecosystem in Rizal including some threatened and endangered
species of animals and trees and the ancestral domain rights of the Dumagats and
Remontados. Moreover, it is immoral and illegal as it violates the right of every
Filipino to a sound environment and disdains the rights of all affected local
The project is controversial not just because of the outrageous amount
needed for its construction but because of its environmental and socio-cultural
consequences. It is more than needed to oppose the Kaliwa Dam Project for there
still are other resorts that have been proposed to solve the water crisis in Metro
Manila that are not as damaging to the environment. Let us stand with the IPs
defending their ancestral lands and protect the environment by saying ‘No to Kaliwa

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