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Submitted to fulfill one of the requirements of the DCS / SCADA Practicum course

By :
Alief Kurniawan 1641170015
Erlyta Maya P 1641170033
Brigita Audhy C 1641170018
Ferdion Adi Lukas 1641170047
Hamzah Maulana 1641170052
Jevin Febriantoro 1641170118



1.1 Background
Along with advances in hardware and software technologies in the world of industry
adaptation also perform the transformation process to obtain the ease, flexibility in system
monitoring, control, data acquisition and data processing. To obtain the above then a lot of
influence in the decision to do investatsi the SCADA system in the industry.

In the current condition and there is no doubt that in all industries-industries requires an
automation to control a machine that can be operated easily, efficiently, and yield can be
increased then made an automation system for controlling the machine. Therefore, for a media
controller that can work automatically is used controlling the PLC (Programmable Logic
Controller) which can be controlled and monitored with a SCADA system.

Automation industry on water companies cover almost all parts of the production, including
parts of the work fill the water into the bottle. PLC (Programmable Logic Cotroller) is a tool that
is used to replace a series of relay circuits are closely related with industrial automation (Son,
2004). Drinking water bottle filling machines automatically using PLC (Progammable Logic
Controller) is the right solution for the company to produce practical, efficient, fast and accurate.
PLC will work out a program embedded in him. PLC used in this implementation to download
ladder diagrams on Siemens S7-200 PLC modules that have previously been designing ladder
diagram in MicroWIN.

The development of an industrial beverage filling plant makes engineered water filling into
bottles using the help of sensors with processing unit is a PLC. The sensor used is a proximity
sensor to determine the water charging is full or not. The core work of this system, the water in
the bottle filling valve will continue to open (pours water) until the weight (volume) of water in a
bottle has been as expected. Additional engineering is to use the timer feature of PLC in filling
the bottle too often done. This method determines the length of time the filler valve the water for
some time with the assumption that water flows from the filler valve considered is always the
same (stable).
1.2 Formulation of the problem
Based on the above background, formulated the issues discussed in this project is how to
optimize the performance of the charging system of bottled water from the side of the control
system uses PLC as the control unit in order to obtain the results of proper charging and have a
fast system response. The use of PC-Acces and MOVICON on SCADA as a liaison between the
PLC by making the implementation of filling water bottles.

1.3 Scope of problem

1. Automatic bottle filler machine manufacture in the small scale.
2. The volume of fluid that is collected in this system is 600 ml.
3. SCADA software used is PC-Acces and MOVICON.
4. The placement of the bottle in the process of filling the water bottles starting from the
start (before filling the water) manually.
5. Making bottles in the final process manually.
6. The placement of the cap on the bottle closure device manually.

1.4 Aim
1. Facilitate the work, improve competitiveness and productivity of small business units
2. Designing system aids the simple production of low cost, but has a maximum capacity.
3. Increase understanding of the workings between the PLC and PC-Access MOVICON on

2.1 Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) is an electronic computer that is easy to use (user
friendly) which has a control function for the various types and levels of difficulty are diverse.
Definition Programmable Logic Controller according Capiel (1982) are: electronic systems that
operate digitally and is designed for use in industrial environments, where the system uses a
programmable memory for storage internally instructions to implement specific functions such
as logic, sequence , perwaktuan, counting and arithmetic operations to control machines or
processes through modules I / O digital and analog.

Based on PLC concept name is as follows:

1. Programmable, showed the ability in terms of memory to store programs that have been
created that can easily be altered function or usage.

2. Logic, Demonstrated the ability to process input arithmetic and logic (ALU), which perform
operations compare, add, multiply, divide, subtract, negation, AND, OR, and so forth.

3. Controller, demonstrated the ability to control and regulate the process so as to produce the
desired output. PLC is designed to replace a sequential relay circuits in a control system. In
addition it can be programmed, the tool can also be controlled, and operated by people who do
not have knowledge in computer operations in particular. This PLC has a programming language
that is easily understood and can be operated while a program that was created by using software
appropriate to the type of PLC used is dimasukkan.Alat work based on inputs that exist and
depend on circumstances at any given time which then would be to -On or update kan OFF
outputs. 1 shows that the state is achieved while 0 means the state is expected is not met. PLC
can also be applied to the control system which has an output deal.

As the development of solid state technology, currently PLC has experienced tremendous
growth, both in the size, the density of components as well as of functional side. Some hardware
and software including:
 Getting smaller and compact size.
 The number of inputs or outputs are more numerous and dense.
 Several kinds and types of PLC is equipped with modules for the purpose of continuous
control, for example, the module ADC / DAC, PID, fuzzy module, and others.
 Programming is relatively easier.
 Communication and documentation the better.
 Type of instruction / function more and complete.
 Time very fast program execution.

Based on the number of inputs / outputs are possessed by, generally PLC can be divided into
three major groups, namely:

 Micro PLC, the PLC can be categorized as micro if the number of inputs / outputs on the
PLC is less than 32 terminals.
 Mini PLC, this is the mini size category if the PLC has a number of input / output
between 32 and 128 terminals.
 Large PLC, the size of the PLC is also known by the PLC and rack. PLC PLC
dikategorikn as large if the number of input / output mmiliki more than 128 terminals.

2.1.2 Ladder Diagram

Ladder diagram or diagram of the line is one how to menggambarkn sequential control
process which are common in the industry. This chart presents the interconnection between the
input and output device control system. Named the ladder diagram (ladder) because it is similar
to the ladder diagram. Just as a household that has a number of steps, this diagram also have
stairs where each piece of equipment connected.

At first, the ladder diagram is used to represent the control logic is hardwired rnagkaian for
machinery or equipment. Because the extent of the use of such diagrams into sequential control
programming standards that were encountered in the industry.

2.2 SCADA System

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition is a system that collects information or data from
the field and then sends them to a central computer which will organize, manage, control these
data. SCADA systems are used in various industries and system processes, particularly in the
electricity sector. The SCADA system is needed to handle a plant system to perform the control,
supervision, marking, recording and pengmabilan the data with a high degree of complexity can
even handle up to hundreds of thousands of I / O centrally.

A SCADA system consists of Master Terminal Unit (MTU), Human Machine Interface
(HMI), Front End Processor (FEP), Media Communications Data, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU),
and plant. All it into one system, the term SCADA refers to the overall central system. This
central system usually monitors data from various sensors on the ground or even from more
distant places.

2.2.1 SCADA System Components

SCADA systems are used to monitor and control the plant or equipment in the fields of
industry such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, minyal, gas purification,
transportation, and in the electricity sector. The SCADA system is formed by four components
that have synergy with each other functions, the components betweenother:

1) Transducer: Hardware instrumentation in the field on a plant in the form of a sensor

used to read Analog or Digital signal that is measured, while the actuator is used to
control equipment such as motors, switches, valves, and so on.
2) Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): Generally, in the form of a unit that is equipped with a
self-contained system such as a computer, which is placed on the site and certain places
in the field. RTU acts as the local data collectors obtain data from sensors and sends
orders directly to the equipment in the field that is used to control the actuator, read
signals from the sensors and communicate with the control center.
3) The communications network is used to connect RTU to MTU station controllers
momentum which can be either a wired network or radio.
4) Master Terminal Unit (MTU) is a computer that is used as a processing center of the
SCADA system. MTU provides a Human Machine Interface (HMI) for the user, and
automatically adjust the system in accordance with the inputs from the sensor is

2.2.2 SCADA System Application

SCADA is not a particular technology, but rather an application, SCADA systems are used
to process industrial complex automatically, replacing human labor, and usually is the processes
that involve factor-factor control are more, factors control the rapid movement more, and so
forth, where control by humans become uncomfortable again. For example, SCADA systems are
used worldwide, for example, among others:

a) Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, SCADA systems are used to

detect the amount of current and voltage, circuit breaker monitoring operations, and to
turn off or turn on the power grid.
b) Reservoirs and water distribution, SCADA systems are used to monitor and control the
water flow rate, high reservoir, pressure pipeline and a variety of other factors.
c) Buildings, facilities and environment, facility managers use SCADA to control the
refrigeration units, lighting and security systems.
d) Production, SCADA systems manage inventory components, set automation tools or
robots, process monitoring and quality control.
e) Railway transport electricity, can be done using SCADA monitoring and control of
electrical distribution, automation of railway traffic signals, track and locate KA, KA
control the gate and so forth.
f) Traffic lights, SCADA monitoring the traffic lights, control the rate of traffic and to
detect false signals.

There are many other potential applications for SCADA system. SCADA is currently used
almost in all projects of industrial, manufacturing, and other infrastructure. Essentially SCADA
can be used in applications that require ease of monitoring as well as control, with a wide range
of media and communications interfaces available today.

2.3 Drinks Processing Theory

Beverage packaging production began in the 1880s and further expanded in the 2000s.
Indonesia's beverage packaging entry was first brought by the VOC in the 1920s. In the
production of beverage packaging system, there are several steps were needed, namely, mixing,
filling, sealing, and packing. Each stage has its own function to run topie good quality drinks.
Mixing stage is the stage of mixing the raw materials in order to become one. Furthermore
filling stage, this stage is the stage to perform charging mixes into bottles or containers. Once the
filling phase is complete it will be given a bottle or container lid, this process is a process of
sealing. After beverage packaging had already prepared the beverage packaging will go through
stages of packing to be ready to distribute.

2.4 Motor DC

Electric Motors is a device that converts electrical energy into kinetic energy.
MotorcycleDC can also be referred to as Direct Current Motor. DC Motor has two terminals and
requires voltage direct current or DC (Direct Current) to be able to move it

2.4.1 Working Principle Motor DC

Work principle of DC motors use traditional electromagnet, when the coils in the stator
motors fed by electric current then generate a magnetic field. When sattaor placed between the
north and south poles are stronger then the magnetic field of the conductor will interact with the
stator, which causes the rotating stator.

2.5 Solenoid Valve

Solenoid valve is a valve that is controlled by an electric current both AC and DC through the
coil / solenoid. The solenoid valve is a control element that is most often used in a fluid system.
As in the pneumatic system, hydraulic system or the system control machine that require
automatic control elements.

2.5.1 Working Principle

Solenoid valve works coil get a voltage electric current in accordance with a working
voltage when the corresponding coil voltage gain then sbuah pin interested because magnetic
force. This time the pin is pulled up then the fluid flow and pressure of the fluid that goes to lift
the diaphragm. Causing the main valve is open and fluid flows out to see the use of a solenoid
valve in the pneumatic system.
Figure 2.2 Valve Electric

2.6 Pneumatic Cylinders

Cylinder Pneumatic (AIR CYLINDER) - As we know, the cylinder Pnaumatic is an actuator

or a mechanical device that uses the power of compressed air (air which has been compressed) to
produce a force that moves forward - backward like a piston movement are linear (Movements
out - sign) , The use of pneumatic cylinders often encountered in industrial machines, the reason
for the use of pneumatic cylinders, namely, does not require high cost, easy to apply and care are
not complicated. many industries that use pneumatic system, namely the automotive industry,
packaging industry, Industrial Electronics and various industrial and other instasi definite use
pneumatic systems to aid the production process. In its application, pneumatic cylinders are
usually used to clamp an object, pushing objects on mowers, presses for stamping machines,
vibration dampers, door sorting on the separator goods and many applications. Indeed, many of
the functions obtained by using pneumatic cylinders. However, the basic function of the cylinder
has never changed, that the usageto mengkorversikan air pressures or potential energy of air into
motion or kinetic energy.

In mengoprasikan a cylinder, the cylinder requires a valve that can control the input to the
cylinder, which can control the passage of air pressure is a valve or valve controller. Control
valve serves to control the pressurized air is supplied to the cylinder. With the valve, then control
the mechanical movement forward or backwards (out or in) the piston cylinder that valve
controller (valve). Usually to control, control valves are controlled mechanically or manually by
hand, or electrically as Solenoid Valve.
2.7 Proximity Sensor

Proximity sensoris a sensor that serves as a detection object based on the distance the object is
already disensing or diataur distance that follows the specs of the proximity sensor

2.7.1 Principles of Proximity Sensor

Proximity sensors detect the magnetic loss due to the current generated in a conductive
surface by an external magnetic field. MagnetAC field generated at the detection coil and the
impedance changes due to the current generated in the metal object is detected. Other methods
include aluminum detection sensors, which detect the frequency and phase components of all
metals using the sensor coil which serves to detect only the components that change of
impedance. There is also a toll-response sensor which generates eddy currents in pulses and
detect changes in eddy current time with the voltage induced in the coil.


3.1 Equipment and Materials

System design tool for filling bottles of drinking water, the following is needed between

1. Computer or Laptop with MicroWIN software, PC-Access and MOVICON

2. Modules Siemens S7-200 PLC.
3, Cable Connection.

3.2 Step Trial

Here are the steps that can be done to make filling system design tool bottled water drink:

1. Opening Microwin software on a computer or laptop.

2. Make a ladder diagram in MicroWIN based project created that is filling the bottle

drinking water.

3. Label the adjusted address the design of the tool ..

4. Connecting a computer or laptop with Siemens S7-200 module.

5. Download the ladder diagram program that has been created.

6. Run the program in accordance with the ladder diagram.

7. Open the PC-Access, and then look at the data communication.

8. Make use MOVICON SCADA display.

9. Connecting MOVICON with PLC address label.

10. Save and run according to ladder diagrams.

3.2.1 Steps are to create a project using the software Movicon SCADA and PC-Acces

1. Opening the PC Access V1.0 software on a laptop or computer.

2. Appear early PC-Access

,then select and right click "MicroUSB", select New PLC, set the "PLC Properties"
(Name and Network address) as required
, click OK. Note: For additional PLC address, previously created in Ladder Diagram PLC
MicroWin software.
3. Select and right click on the project name that has been made in the "PLC Properties",
select New and Item

, it will come out to see "Item Properties" (replacing the Name, Address, click OK).
. Do not forget to on "Save". Note: According to project how many addresses need to be
4. Next, open the V11.3 Movicon software on a laptop or computer

5. Movicon initial display appears

, and select the file "New", select "Win32 / 64platform" click OK

, fill in the "Name" Project, click "Next"

, the Add Comm.I / O Driver, select "Siemens", click Next

, on the display screen in the "No. of Screens to Create "click the box to the left / checked
and set the figure to the right as needed, to its color can be adjusted as needed, and then
click" Next "until" Finish ".
6. After the process of setting the file creation project, will come out to see "Resources" on
the left

, and select "OPC Client DA COM"

, right click and choose "Add New OPC Item" and came out to see the Tag Browser, then
click the "+ Local (My Computer)" on the left, select "S7200 PC Access OPC Server and
click the + sign", select the menu again MicroWin and click the "+" and click 2x files
from PC Access has been saved, will be out item the address of the PC-Access, and select
all addresses and click Ok .

7. Next, select the menu screen, and under the sign "+", click 2x Screen 1
, it will display the screen, then select and edit images corresponding project desired by
using the menus of "Toolbox and Symbol Libraries".

8. After editing the design according to the project, and then insert various addresses that
have been made in the PLC to the design of each tool in accordance with its function
as shown motors, we click 2x will display the "Properties", select the menu "Execution
on Command top himself ", and then click 2x marks" ... "on the right side, select the
address in accordance with the function of images, then OK

. Note: continually adapted to the design.

3.2.2 Step Operation PC-Access and Movicon Siemens S7-200 PLC module to:

1. Setting up a Siemens S7-200 PLC module, we connect the USB cable to a laptop or
computer, and the cable connecting the terminal to the cable.
2. Launch viewing PC-Access software and Movicon and MicroWin
3. Previous do first download Ladder Diagram in Microwin to the PLC module.

4. Once downloaded, we open software PC-Access, select all the items that we have to edit,
then select it and click the "Add Currents items to Test Client" and the "Test Client
Status", then wait in the Test Client exit command "GOOD ".
5. View Screen has been created in software Movicon, then we choose "Run", then we try
or practice based on how it works.
3.3 Flowchart








3.4 Block Diagram


Push Button Relay

Proximity (1) Motor Conveyor

Sensor (2)

Proximity (3)

3.5 Working Principle System

The following Working Principle Project made on the implementation of SCADA Bottle
Filling include:

At the time of push button start is pressed then the system will start running. System starts by
turning on the motor, so that the conveyor will run. When the conveyor runs above the existing
bottle conveyor will come running. The charging process begins when the proximity sensor (1)
detects a bottle on the conveyor so as to stop the conveyors and start filling bottles with a liquid
opening the valve on the tank. Charging stops or full-time sensor (2) detects fluid and fluid tank
valve closes, so that the conveyor will be re-run. The next process will count bottles with
proximity sensor (3) until the count to 12/1 lusin.setelah count reaches 12 bottles will then be
directed to the second lane with a pneumatic cylinder, this process continues for the next process
to stop when the stop push button is pressed.

3.8 Ladder Diagram for Implementation of SCADA on Bottle Filling Machine

3.7 Design of the HMI in MOVICON

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