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Name: Salido, Alannah Bliss E.


In designing a curriculum thing, we also need to consider is the steps to make it. there are 6
steps of curriculum designing starting with, Step 1: Principles and purpose – Set out the
intent of your curriculum, Step 2: Entitlement and enrichment – Develop your pupil
entitlement, Step 3: Breadth and balance – Curate the content of your curriculum, Step 4:
Teaching narrative – Plan the delivery of your curriculum, Step 5: Resources – Source high-
quality resources to deliver your curriculum and Step 6: Review and evaluate – Decide what
works well and where there is room for improvement. Considering this step, it a good start to
begin with, also according to the research findings, inadequate resources, skills and
knowledge and lack of pre-planning on new curriculum development adversely affect the
teaching and learning of science in schools. Also, it is important to have functional
curriculum support forums at school, circuit and district levels.
In own perspective, kind of the curriculum that we consider is type of curriculum who
can give us a clarity of learning provides ample opportunity for students to apply their
knowledge in a variety of contexts and conditions. This helps us to transfer the learning to
new situations and better prepares us for future learning, therefore an effective curriculum
provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable
plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The curriculum identifies the learning
outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must demonstrate before advancing
to the next level. Nor, the ultimate goal for curriculum design is to deepen learning and
support students in gaining important core competencies such as critical and creative
thinking, skillful communication, and demonstrating care for self and others.

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