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Panda : Oh! Hey, Grizz! - How 'bout this one?

Grizzly : O-ho ho! Nice view, front yard, looks good! Let's just see what the
ol' real estate guide has to say about it.Looks like it's only - Oh.
Panda : Well? Do we finally have a home? Oh.That's a lot of zeroes.How many
zeroes do we have?
Grizzly : Zero.
Panda : Ohhhhh! We're never gonna find somewhere to live!
Grizzly : Hey, don't give up, Pan! We're still doin' okay! I've got this nice
book and you have
Panda : Hope?
Grizzly : Atta boy, Pan Pan. And lil bro has - Where is he?
Ice bear : Huh?
Both: Food! - Yeah! Whoo-hoo! - Yeah! Yeah! [Laughs.] Bread! Bread! Bread!
Grizzly : Well?! What're you waiting for?! C'mon! Pop open that bread! Yeah!
Panda : We're pretty lucky people just leave their garbage - out where anyone
can take it.
Grizzly : I'll toast to that! [Pelican squawks.]
Panda : Aaaaagh! It's not fair! We still don't have a home.
Now we can't even eat our bread in peace! Why can't we be like those
kids? They probably have homes.Probably full of bread.
Mother: Kids! Lunchtime! - Come back to the house!
Kids : Coming! Wha Hmm.
Grizzly : Well, maybe we can't buy a house.But we can still build one!
Panda : I dunno, Grizz, you want us to live in a sandcastle?
Grizzly : This won't be just any sandcastle, Panda. This will be the
Sandcastle of Kings.
Panda : Well, I guess we can give it a shot. Whoo!
Grizzly : Yeah! It's gonna be great, guys!
Panda : It's so beautiful!
Grizzly : Yeah. Almost makes you wanna cry, huh? - [Sniffles.]
Panda : Yeah, almost
Grizzly : Let's go home, bros.
Panda : Uhh, you guys go on ahead. I'll catch up! There's just one last thing.
Both: Huh?
Panda : Oh, uh, sorry I, uh, uh - Oh! Uh, hi!
Darla : My name is Darla! - Huh? - Where'd you learn to draw?
Panda : Uh, I guess I just copy a lot?
Darla : Oh, yeah, I guess that's how I started out, too. But now I'm working
on an original manga! It's about this girl, and she has powers.
Panda: What? What is this feeling? It's like she's from a dream. The world
just looks different all of the sudden.How do I deal with all these
Darla : Hey, are you okay?
Panda : Huh?
Darla : I was asking you about that castle, did you build it?
Panda : Um, my brothers did, and, uh
Darla : That's amazing! You gotta show me, come on! - Aah! [Knocking.]
Relax, lil bro, it's just huh? [Chuckles.]
Hey, what's going on here? Is this what I think it is? Haha, well, I'm not
putting any labels on anything.
Hi! I'm here for the tour! Hmm, any friend of Panda's is a friend of ours!
Raise the gate, bro! [Wheels squeaking.]
Wow! [Music.]
Welcome to our home! Come with me! I'll show you the crib.
All of our plumbing is one 100% sand, so please don't use anything.
The sand banquet, you could technically eat it, but don't! The sand gallery.
Pan Pan's latest.
Wow, so pointy! [Chuckles nervously.]
And finally, the sand secret trap door! I'm not actually sure where this goes.
[Stomach gurgles.]
Ugh, I'm starving.
Do you guys have anything to eat? Together: [Gasps.]
Boy, do we! - Bread sandwiches! - Yay! [Munching.]
This bread is from the garbage! - Cool! - I propose a toast! To Darla and
Panda, whose love is rare and true.
- Welcome to the family! - Aw, thank you, Grizz, I really - Liz: Darla?! -
Jade: Come out, Darla! [Gasps.]
Oh, no, I didn't think they'd find me here.
- Who are they? - I'm sorry.
I should have told you sooner.
I have sisters.
[Both gasp.]
Liz: Darla, get down here now! You can't hide from us! We know you're hanging
out with those gross dogs! - Leave me alone, Liz! - Come home now! People are
gonna think we all play in giant piles of trash! Hey! It's a nice pile of
trash! Ugh.
You are not going to embarrass us like this.
We'll be back at sunset with the others.
- Ugh.
Roll out.
- You were warned.
I'm sorry.
I should go before you get dragged into all of this.
I'm just I'm just so sick of them bossing me around! I wish I could just stay
here with you! [Gasps.]
Then you will! We'll do whatever it takes to protect you, Darla! This is just
like in "Hyperspeed Heart Saga.
" - I know.
- That's it! You're family now! We're not letting them take you without a
fight! Prepare for battle! [Music.]
Hm! [Pelican squawks.]
Look! Here they come! Darla! This is your last chance! Ha! If this is a game
of numbers, we're 4-3! We can win easy! Hmph! We'll see about that! - I said
I'd bring others! - Wha huh? [Gasps.]
Wait a sec, who're those girls? They're cousins.
We can't allow Darla to tarnish our sisterhood any further! Charge! [All
Ha! Aah! To the seaweed slingshot! [Blows conch horn.]
[Both grunting.]
That's enough! Fire! - Ha! - Haha, take that! Dodge! [All yelling.]
Aah! My eyes! Anyone bring eye drops? They're breaching the gates! Guys, phase
two! Phase two! [Both grunting.]
- Ha! - Aah! Shields! Ha! We got 'em! [Scoffs.]
A little sand's not gonna work on us twice! Girls! The battering ram! - Will
the door be strong enough? - It'll hold! Both: Aah! [Clatter.]
Uh, I knew we should've gotten insurance.
Ah! Now we have to do hand-to-hand combat! It's okay! Our best man is on it!
All: Huh?! [Music.]
The silent one.
Aah! Ha! Brother! Not so fast, chica! Super star blinding doom! Aah! I can't
see! My eyes! Ahhh! I'm okay! No, wait, I'm not.
There's just too many sisters! - We gotta go! - Guys, guys! - Over here! This
way! - Hurry! C'mon! C'mon! We can't let them take you away from us! [All
breathing heavily.]
Aah! Dead end! Ugh, Darla! You're such a loser.
Are you really into this junk? Always running off, making us look bad.
Come home now! Wha Huh? Darla? What are you doing? I'm sorry, Panda.
It's just like the ending of "Kitty Night Vampire" - in Volume Eight.
- No! Darla! Don't leave us! It's been so much fun! Ugh! Come on, Darla! Don't
make me add chores to your list when we get home! [Sniffles.]
Forgive me, Panda.
Guys, thanks for showing me around your home.
It was fun.
No! There's gotta be another way! [Pelican squawks.]
Huh?! [Pelican squawks.]
That's it! Aah! Don't do it, Panda! Drop the bread! Huh? [Laughs.]
Pathetic, do you guys only know how to wave trash around? It's not trash! It's
bread! Ha! Whoa! [Music.]
- Ugh! Disgusting! - Ew! In my hair! [Growls.]
That's it, buster! - Uh, wha - Ugh, so gross, I'm covered in crumbs.
Why did you do that?! [Pelican squawks.]
Huh? [Girls screaming.]
Get away! Help! [Pelicans squawking.]
Get away from me! Retreat! - Yeah! - Whoo-hoo! Haha! It worked! [Girls
[Pelicans squawking.]
- Whoo! Yeah! - Yeah! Whoo-hoo! [Laughs.]
Panda, thanks for standing up for me back there.
- Oh, uh, well, uh - Liz: This isn't over, Darla! Just wait until I tell Mom
about this.
[Pelican squawks.]
Aah! Get away from me! Mom?! Oh, no! I can't get grounded! What if she takes
away the VCR again?! Wait! Liz! Please don't tell! Wha Darla? W-Where are you
going?! Huh? Oh.
I'm going home.
I don't want my mom to get mad at me.
I thought we were gonna be family.
We were just playing.
Okay! Bye, Panda! [Music.]
Bye, forever, Darla! Have a good life with your real family! Uh, I hope this
isn't the beginning of a pattern.
Cheer up, Panda, at least we've still got a roof over our heads! Right, lil
bro? Both: Huh? Aah! Easy come, easy go, I guess.
Is there any more bread left? [Laughter.]

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