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Astudy on the


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
The award of the Degree of




ANKAN GUPTA (BBA/15061/18)

2020 - 2021

This is to certify that the work presented in the project report entitled “A
ELECTRONICS IN PATNA, BIHAR” in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of Degree of ‘Bachelor ofBusiness
Administration’ of‘Birla Institute of Technology, Patna’ is an authentic
work carried out under my supervision and guidance.
To the best of my knowledge, the content of this report does not form
a basis for the award of any previous Degree to anyone else.

Date: (Signature)
Department of Management
Birla Institute of Technology
Patna Campus, Patna
Dr. Vijay Agarwal sir
Head of Department
Department of Management
Birla Institute of
Technology Patna Campus,

The foregoing projectreport entitled “A STUDY ON THE

PRODUCT IN PATNA, BIHAR”, is hereby approved as a creditable
study of research topic and has been presented in satisfactory manner to
warrant its acceptance as prerequisite to the degree for which it has been
It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do not necessarily
endorse any conclusion drawn or opinion expressed therein, but approve
the On-Job Training report for the purpose for which it is submitted.

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)


Presentation inspiration and motivation have always played a key

role in the success of any venture.
We express our thanks toDr. Arbind Kumar, Director, Birla
Institute of Technology, Patna.
We pay our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Sultan Khan Sir of
management department, Birla Institute of Technology, Patna to
encourage us to the highest peak and provide us the opportunity to prepare
the project. Weare immensely obliged our elder brothers for their
elevating inspiration, encouraging guidance and kind supervision in the
completion of our project.
We feel to acknowledge our indebtedness and deep sense of gratitude
to our guide Mr. Sultan Khan Sirwho’s valuable and kind supervision
given to us throughout the course which shaped the present work as it
Last, but not the least, our parents are also an important inspiration
for us. So with due regards, we express our gratitude’s to them.



1. Introduction to the Study 6-8

2. Company profile 9 - 15

3. Review of Literature 16 - 18

4. Research Methodology 19 - 23
A- Objectives of the study
B- Scope of the study
C- Research Design
D-Limitations of the study

5. Data Analysis and Interpretation 24 - 33

6. Recommendations & Findings 34

7. Conclusions 35

8. References 36

9. Appendices 37 - 40

Customer satisfaction is generally understood as the sense of satisfaction that a consumer feels when comparing
his preliminary expectations with the actual quality of the acquired product. Thus, satisfaction is closely linked
with the quality of the product (service). The quality of services is extremely difficult to assess, because services
is are intangible and heterogeneous. It is not feasible to develop well-defined quality standards that will allow
the manufacturer to exercise full control and reject "unsuitable" services before they are sold to the consumer.
The direct involvement of consumers in the provision of services leads us to talk about quality not as the
recruitment of certain objective characteristics corresponding to stated standards, but as quality conceived by
the consumer.


This definition of quality implies a close relationship between the product or service and the consumers. In
current market conditions, the consumer plays the role of arbiter, so failure will result if customer satisfaction is
not taken into account. The above defined concept of customer satisfaction has been understood with respect to
L.G. ELECTRONICS, products. In the survey conducted, we came across many factors that influence the
consumers’ perception of the product and their subsequent shopping and buying decisions. Here, we present a
culmination of the findings gathered and the suggestions based on the data gathered and analyzed. If set in
descending order of influence as indicated by the consumers, the factors can be listed as: Quality, Affordability,
Brand name, All products under one roof, Proximity, Fashion, Loyalty, Service, Variety and Store atmosphere.
These are the factors influencing the satisfaction level of the customers.

According to Philip Kotler, “satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pressure or disappointment resulting

from product’s perceived performance (outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. Customer
satisfaction is the level of a person’s felt state resulting from comparing a product’s perceived
performance (outcome) in relation to the person’s expectations”.

A major goal of any enterprise is to create a ratings system of customer satisfaction, goods and services. It is
obvious that the company cannot change what is not measured. In order to get a clearer picture of the
preferences of the major consumer groups, this stage should be based on extensive research, including a variety
of interviews and surveys. It is necessary to know the key benefits, which determine customer satisfaction in the
market segment, of the properties of certain goods and services. It is important to estimate the terms of these
preferences from the viewpoint of the client. This article discusses the importance of customer satisfaction, and
ways of assessing it.
This satisfaction level is a function of difference between perceivedperformance and expectations. If the
product’s performance, exceed expectation the customer highly satisfied or delighted. If the performance
matches the expectations the customer is satisfied. If the products performance fall shorts of expectations the
customer isdissatisfied.

1. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction becausecustomers who are just satisfied still find it easy to
switch whena better offer comes along. High satisfaction or delight createsan emotional affinity with brand.

2. Variety of factors that affect customer satisfaction includes product quality, product availability and after
sales support suchas warranties and services. Customer satisfaction is seen as a proof of delivering a quality
product or service. It is believedthat customer satisfaction brings sales growth, and marketshare. A company can
always increase customer satisfaction bylowering its price or increasing its services but this may resultin lower
profits. Thus, the purpose of marketing is to generatecustomer value profitability.

3. India is on the threshold of a new millennium. India chose forglobal economy, exposing her to winds of
change in the market place, which has expanded vastly and become fiercelycompetitive. In the changed
environment, decision makers viewthe marketing concept as the key to success. Marketing in practice has to
manage products, pricing, promotion anddistribution.

4. A successful product can be developed by exploding theseopportunities. While delivering the value of the
consumer wemake use of marketing support. This support is based on theknowledge of consumers and
distribution. Marketing support both at the introduction of products and maturing is considered

5. Marketing, as suggested by the American MarketingAssociation is "an organizational function and a set of
processesfor creating, communicating and delivering value to customersand for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefitthe organization and its stakeholders"

6. The two major factors of marketing are the recruitment of newcustomers (acquisition) and the retention and
expansion ofrelationships with existing customers (base management).Marketing methods are informed by
many of the social, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics.Anthropology is also a small, but
growing, influence. Marketresearch underpins these activities. Through advertising, it isalso related to many of
the creative arts.

7. For a marketing plan to be successful, the mix of the four "Ps" i.e. product, price, place, promotion must
reflect the wants and desires of the consumers in the target market. Trying to convince a market segment to buy
something they don't want is extremely expensive and seldom successful. Marketers depend on marketing
research, both formal and informal, to determine what consumers want and what they are willing to pay for.
The most obvious reason why companies have to worry aboutcustomer satisfaction is that they need
customers to be ready torepurchase their services in future. A positive evaluation of productsthat have been
purchased helps to retain customers. People whoevaluate a product or service negatively are unlikely to use
them and pay for them again. It is usually cheaper to retain existing clients thanto attract new ones. Therefore,
companies focus on ensuring that theircustomers have a satisfactory experience of using their
products.Frustrated consumers not only have a negative experience and share itwith their friends and
relatives, but may even go to court to seekredress. Companies will receive negative publicity that will
affecttheir prestige and will require extra effort, time and money to beinvested in protecting the reputation of
the business, including dealingwith court cases and the press. In a tough competitive environment,rival firms
can take advantage of the situation.

“The gulf between satisfied customers and completely satisfied customers can swallow a business.”

If you don’t care about customers’ satisfaction, don’t expect them tocare about your services or products.
Sad, but true. The sooner youface it, the better you’ll perform.High standard customer service can be in your
client's heart and make you recognize within your target group.

LG Electronics is part of the fourth-largest chaebol in South Korea (LG Corporation) and in 2014 global sales
reached $55.91 billion, LG comprises four business units: Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications,
Home Appliances & Air Solutions, and Vehicle Components, with Starion Indiaas its main production
vendor for refrigeration and washing machines in the Indian sub-continent. LG Electronics owns Zenith and
controls 37.9 percent of LG Displayand since 2008, LG Electronics remains the world's second-
largest LCD television manufacturer.The company has 128 operations worldwide, employing approx. 90,000


In order to create a holding company, the former LG Electronics was split off in 2002, with the "new" LG
Electronics being spun off and the "old" LG Electronics changing its name to LG EI. It was then merged with
and into LG CI in 2003 (the legal successor of the former LG Chem), so the company that started as Goldstar
does not currently exist. In March 2017, LG Electronics was sued for its handling of hardware failures with
recent smartphones such as the LG G4.


LG Electronics' products include televisions, home theatre systems, refrigerators, washing machines, and smart

 Home Entertainment
 Home Appliances


LG manufactures remote control models that use Hillcrest Labs' Free space technology to allow users to change
channels using gesturesand Dragon NaturallySpeaking technology for voice recognition.

As of 2014, LG is using webOS with a ribbon interface with some of its smart TVs. LG reported that in the first
eight months after release, it had sold over 5 million webOS TVs.
In 2016, exclusively to India, Indian arm of South Korea's LG Electronics Inc started selling a TV that would
repel mosquitoes. It uses ultrasonic waves that are silent to humans but cause mosquitoes to fly away. It was
released on 16 June 2016. The technology was also used in air conditioners and washing machines. The TV is
aimed for lower-income consumers living in conditions that would make them susceptible to mosquitoes. It was
reported that LG to sell big-screen televisions that have be rolled up and retract automatically with the push of a
button in 2019.

The product which was available in-HomeEntertainment inside the retail store where was I placed the product
are as follows: -

 Television (TV)

TV types available: -



3. 4K (UHD) TV


 Music System: -

1. Multimedia speaker

2. Party speaker

3. Home theatre

4. Sound Bar

Television: -

Television is the system of sending pictures and sounds by electrical signals over a distance so that people can
receive them on a television in their home. LG has introduced many types of TV like OLED TV, Nano cell Tv,
4K (UHD) TV, Full HD Tv, and HD Tv.

The product line-up is given below according to the features and the specifications: -

AIThinQOLED display
a9 Gen2 intelligent processor
Dolby Atmos
4K cinema HDR with Dolby Vision.

And the model is - 55C9 and 55B9

Nano Cell TV

Nano colour
Nano accuracy
Nano Bezel

And the models Are- 55UM9000 and 55UM8100


IPS 4K display
35W Built-in Woofer
DTS Virtual: X Sound
2Way Bluetooth
Magic Remote

And the model is- 75UM7600, 65UM7300, 55UM7300 and 43UM7780


LG manufactures home appliances including refrigerators, washing machines, tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners,
air conditioners, and microwave ovens. In June 2014, LG Electronics announced the launch of its smart
appliances with Home Chat messaging service in South Korea. Home Chat employs LINE, the mobile
messenger app from Korean company 'Naver', to let homeowners communicate, control, monitor and share
content with LG's smart appliances. Users can send simple messages, such as "start washing cycle," in order to
control their washing machines.
The product which was available in-Home Appliances inside the retail store where was I placed the product are
as follows: -

 Refrigerator
 Washing Machine
 Microwave Oven
 Water Purifier
 Air Conditioner
 Dishwasher


Electronic retailing is the sale of goods and services through the Internet. E-tailing can include business-to-
business and business-to-consumer sales of products and services. E-tailing requires companies to tailor their
business models to capture Internet sales, which can include building out distribution channels such as
warehouses, Internet Webpages, and product shipping centers.


The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries due to the entry of
several new players. It accounts for over 10 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product and around 8 per
cent of the employment. India is the world’s fifth-largest global destination in the retail space.


SWOT analysis of LG Electronics analyses the brand/company with its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities &
threats. In LG Electronics SWOT Analysis, the strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors whereas
opportunities and threats are the external factors.

SWOT Analysis is a proven management framework which enables a brand like LG Electronics to benchmark
its business & performance as compared to the competitors and industry. LG Electronics is one of the leading
brands in the consumer electronics sector.

The table below lists the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), top LG Electronics
competitors and includes LG Electronics target market, segmentation, positioning & Unique Selling Proposition
LG Electronics Brand Analysis

Parent Company LG Group

Category Home Appliances
Sector ConsumerElectronics
Tagline/ Slogan Life’s Good

USP Innovative Technologies and Cutting-edge Designs; Health (in Indian Consumer
Durables Market)

LG Electronics STP
Mobile Communications, Home Entertainment, Home Appliances, Air
LG Electronics
Conditioning, and Energy Solutions
Consumer Durables: Currently mass market, efforts are on to shift to a more
premium segment
LG Electronics Target
Mobile Phones: Youth/Generation

LG Electronics
Technology that offers you more and sets you free
LG Electronics SWOT Analysis
Below are the Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of LG Electronics:

1. Wide range of products to serve all categories and a strong focus on

technology and quality

2. Effective localization of product offerings for growth markets like India,

Brazil, China

3. Brand offers sound rational appeal – good product features and good value
LG Electronics Strengths for money

4. Good after sales service and wide distribution network

5. Subsidiaries enjoy independence in decision making and hence have

flexibility in adapting to the local market

6. Sponsorship of sports and entertainment events enhances visibility

7. It has nearly 100,000 employees and is one of the top mobile manufacturers

Here are the weaknesses in the LG Electronics SWOT Analysis:

1. Brand lacks influence in the opinionated segment of early adopters especially

LG Electronics
in the social media environment
2. Brand has limited market share compared to market leaders

Following are the Opportunities in LG Electronics SWOT Analysis:

1. Fast growth of home appliances, electronics goods market in

emerging economies
LG Electronics
Opportunities 2. Convert improved brand image and awareness in to market share

3. Increase the already Wide product portfolio

The threats in the SWOT Analysis of LG Electronics are as mentioned:

1. Price war with close Korean competitors like Samsung can disrupt growth
in price sensitive markets

2. Highly competitive industry dynamics

LG Electronics Threats
3. Stagnant urban demand

4. Instances of false green claims can erode brand value and consumer trust
LG Electronics Competition

Below are the top 5 LG Electronics competitors:

1. Samsung

2. Sony
3. Panasonic

4. Toshiba

5. Whirlpool

S. GOMATHIPRIYA., MCOM(CA)., M.Phil., MBA.(August 2019)



ABSTRACT: Goods service and customer satisfaction are very significant for companies for both tiny and large
Company, but particularly so for small companies. Today competition between companies is growing all the time is why
good service is becoming more and more essential. When a company manager serves its buyer well sufficient and market
them happy company can create long term buyer connection and possibly get free promotion at the same time when
satisfied. Customers tell about the good service they got satisfied customer has a positive impact on the company's
outcome and that is why it is significant and motivating to investigate this impact. When determine customer satisfaction
it’s possible to get useful information of the company buyer and the results can be used to get better the company and its
service. You get an exact idea what your buyer wants and you can start increasing the service. Measuring buyer
fulfillment should be a permanent process that is carried out repeatedly, not just one if it is done regularly results will be
more positive.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To examine the reasons this impacts the buyer while selecting a LG Television. To learn
out the outlook of the customers on LG Televisions and to determine the attitude of the customers on LG Televisions.

FINDINGS: A full awareness of customer behavior, preference, approaches and motivations is essential for market
division. The analysis of customer behavior is one of the basic on which the upcoming of marketing depends. Though
there is various publicity media that happen and are adopted by companies, publicity through television is one of the most
significant media which helps the firms visualize the article presentation and uniqueness about the products and services
to the public. This research is about the customer satisfaction.

Lakshmi and Kavida (2016)

In their study entitled. “Impact of Brand Equity on Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Intention of Air-
Conditioners in Chennai” suggested that the brand equity has a great significant impact of customer satisfaction
and purchase intention to Air conditioner. The Consumer purchase to the air-conditioner has a good cooling of
summer season and like to the home. The research paper aims to study user in Chennai. The study was carried-
out with the sample size 650 respondents adopted the sampling technique of proportionate random sampling
with in statistical tools used of the percentage analysis, descriptive method and hypotheses test using T-test, P-
test, one
way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The study concluded that the impact of brand equity on customer
satisfaction and purchase intention of Air conditioner selling as better having good knowledge about the brand
marketer do this by intense advertisement.

S.Velvizhi Ph.D. and Dr.K.Srinivasan, M.Com., M.Phil., HDCA., Ph.D., (September 2018)

In their study entitled. “A Study on Consumer Satisfaction towards LG Product in Dharmapuri Town”.

From the analysis and research concluded in Dharmapuri town, it was made clear that the LG Product was the
market leader. Britannia has to come up with more innovative promotional campaigns in order to gain more
consumers. Since most of the respondents expressed a position note on factors like product image, price,
quality, taste, and energy. It is indeed the manufacturer’s duty to maintain the above factors at the same time
with a view to retain the top of the market. Because, all products are in need of the above five qualifications to
survive the market. Surprisingly LG Product are having the above three qualifications with a good reputation.
So, the manufacturer is required to concentrate on more of these. From the analysis and research concluded in
Dharmapuri town, it was made clear that the LG Product was the market leader. Britannia has to come up with
more innovative promotional campaigns in order to gain more consumers. Since most of the respondents
expressed a position note on factors like product image, price, quality, taste, and energy. It is indeed the
manufacturer’s duty to maintain the above factors at the same time with a view to retain the top of the market.
Because, all products are in need of the above five qualifications to survive the market. Surprisingly LG Product
are having the above three qualifications with a good reputation. So, the manufacturer is required to concentrate
on more of these.

Samindra Nath (2017)

in his research paper explores the impact of country-of-origin image on brand equity of branded generic drugs.
Brand equity of branded generics is examined from beginning to end analytical review. Nation of origin image
is hypothesized to influence components of brand equity. A research was conducted among efficiently
respondents, such as doctors of dissimilar categories in Kolkata, India. Outcome showed that country of origin
representation had a optimistic and important effect on components of brand equity, resulting from factor
analysis conducted on brand equity elements. The outcome also revealed that country of origin representation of
branded generics considerably, but not directly, exaggerated brand equity through the mediating variables.
Mary J. Priyadharisini, A. Visalatchi (August 2018)

In their study entitled. “A Study on Customer Satisfaction towards LG Tv With Special Reference to
Uthangareai Town”.

ABSTRACT: The report on consumer behavior of LG television, consumer psychology is most important to
study of consumer to know how people behave while purchasing, using and disposing the product and services.
it’s necessary for marketer to know the buying behavior of the consumer before marketing the product and
services in order to be a successful marketer. Customer studies are an ongoing process and it is difficult to bring
out a unified conclusion, this is because consumers vary by taste, design, colour, etc. Consumer behavior
reflects the totality of consumer’s decisions with respect to acquisition, consumption and disposition of goods,
services, time and idea by human decision-making units. It also includes whether, why, when, where, how, how
much and how often and how long consumer will use or dispose of an offering. The character, Satisfaction and
attitude of customer are the important dimensions in the decision-making process.


1.To identify the factors that influences the buying decision of LG TV.

2. To study about the performance of the product.

3. To study the customers’ interest towards the LG TV.

4. To identify the customers satisfaction regarding after sales service and availability of the parts.

5. To bring out the expectation from the customers about the selected

product FINDINGS:

The analysis based on the primary data collection from respondents’ various aspects of consumer’s preference
on LG TV in Uthangarai town are considered. It is seen that that the customers are seen interested towards the
product provided as well as the customer those who approaches they mainly belong to the average income
category they are satisfied by the purchase and as well as the performance of the product but service was
lagging a little it can be improved.


 To identify the level of customer’s satisfaction towards LG products and services.

 To critically examine the factors leading to customer satisfaction with respect to LG product and
services, and suggest recommendation if necessary.


The main aim is to examine the customers level of satisfaction on LG PRODUCTS with special reference to
Patna (Bihar). This study helps in understanding the needs and changes to be done in LG PRODUCTS. It will
also help in finding out the customers opinion on the technical and services support rendered by the LG
COMPANY. The survey focuses on the opinion of the respondents regarding the LG PRODUCTS.


Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions,
collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions to determine whether
they fit the formulating hypothesis.


In a descriptive design, a researcher is solely interested in describing the situation or case under their research
study. It is a theory-based design method which is created by gathering, analysing, and presenting collected
data. This allows a researcher to provide insights into the why and how of research. Descriptive design helps
others better understand the need for the research. If the problem statement is not clear, you can conduct
exploratory research.

This design establishes a relationship between the cause and effect of a situation. It is a causal design where one
observes the impact caused by the independent variable on the dependent variable. For example, one monitors
the influence of an independent variable such as a price on a dependent variable such as customer satisfaction or
brand loyalty. It is a highly practical research design method as it contributes to solving a problem at hand. The
independent variables are manipulated to monitor the change it has on the dependent variable. It is often used in
social sciences to observe human behaviour by analysing two groups. Researchers can have participants change
their actions and study how the people around them react to gain a better understanding of social psychology.


It is a non-experimental research design technique that helps researchers establish a relationship between two
closely connected variables. This type of research requires two different groups. There is no assumption while
evaluating a relationship between two different variables, and statistical analysis techniques calculate the
relationship between them.


Explanatory design uses a researcher’s ideas and thoughts on a subject to further explore their theories. The
research explains unexplored aspects of a subject and details about what, how, and why of research questions.


Descriptive research includes surveys, fact-findings enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose of this
research is description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present. The main character of this method is that the
researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has happened or what is happening. It also
includes attempts by researchers to discover causes even when they cannot control the variables. The method of
research utilized in descriptive research is survey methods of all kinds including comparative and co relational

RESEARCH METHOD: Data collection method.


In our project wehave classified the data into two specific types:


As it is known that primary data are collected a fresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in
character. So, in order to collect this type of data various methods are being used, such as:



Secondary data is the data that has already been collected through primary sources and made readily available
for researchers to use for their own research. It is a type of data that has already been collected in the past. So, in
order to collect this type of data various forms are being used, such as:

SAMPLE DESIGN: The sample technique adopted is random sampling method. Since sample is going to be
chosen from different areas so it is geographical sampling which is predefined so as to get maximum
information, which rare true and reliable without biasness.

SAMPLING METHOD:Convenience Sampling.


We have used sampling method for survey purpose. The sample size for questionnaire is 64.


This study is carried out for a period of 4 months. It commenced on 25thJanuary 2021 and completed on
30thApril 2021.


This research study work is carried out in PATNA(Bihar).


The research instrument for the purpose was questionnaire and some personnel interviews of some customers.

These are limitations with respect to the market survey and the instrument used for the market research: -

 The study is limited to the area of Patna (Bihar).

 Data collected is based on questionnaire and other secondary information.

 The information collected by the method adopted is limited.

 Non availability of adequate data also limited the scope of the study to some extent.

 Respondents were reluctant to go into details because of their busy schedule.

 The result would be varying according to the individuals as well as time.

 Some respondents hesitate to give the actual situation.

 The findings and conclusion are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may

subject to bias.

 Some respondents level of seriousness while filling the questionnaire is doubted (although effort was

made to make the process more interactive and interesting).

 Since there is no standard scale to measure level of satisfaction, therefore, the findings cannot be said to

be accurate.

 Due to time constant and other imperative work load during the time period it could not be made

possible to explore more area of concern pertaining to study.

 Due to fast pace of life and this pandemic situation, some customer was not able to do justification to the


1. WhichproductoftheLGdoyouown?

There are a whole range of reasons why customers buy a product or service. They usually buy to solve either real or
perceived problems. They want to feel better after having made the decision to buy a product or service than they did
before.Because people buy goods and services to satisfy their individual needs and wants. In other words, people
buy the benefits that goods and services offer benefits that fulfill their needs and wants. Keep in mind that benefits
are not the same as features.

53.1% of the respondents purchase television 37.5% purchased refrigerator, 25% purchased washing machine
14.1% purchase water purifier, 10.9% purchase music system, and 15.6% purchased sound bar, 23.4% purchase
air conditioner, 14.1% purchase microwave oven, 15. 6% purchase vacuum cleaner.

The condition according to the respondents is that most of the people around 50% have purchase television and
rest purchased other products so it is clear that they must come up with the idea so that the customer satisfaction
toward other products can also be increased.
2. Howlonghaveyoubeenusingourproduct?

Majority of the respondents 37.5% have the LG product with them is around 1 to 3 years whereas 28.1% have
the product with them is around 3 to 6 year, 15. 6% have the product with them is 6 year and above 18.8% have
the product with them is around 0 to 1 year this clarifies that most of the consumers uses the product and
services of LG for a long time.
3. Areyousatisfiedwiththeproductfeaturesprovidedbythecompany?

In today's time company are adding breakthrough features and technologies in their product as value
addition for the customer’s features has almost become synonymous to higher sales.

37.5% after respondents are highly satisfied with the features whereas as 40.6% are satisfied, 15.6% are neutral,
3.1% are dissatisfied and 3.1% are highly dissatisfied

The condition according to the respondents that most of the people are highly satisfied and satisfiedBut in the
same way adding neutral dissatisfied and high dissatisfied 21.8% are lagging behind.

Thus LG as a company must improve the feature a little bit so that at least the neutral can be converted to
satisfied and highly satisfied one.
4. Areyousatisfiedwiththeproductdesignbythecompany?

In today's time companies are adding breakthrough designs in their product as value addition for the customer
better design has almost become the part of higher sale.

42.2% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the designs provided by the company whereas 30 5. 9% are
satisfied, 17. 2 % are neutral, 1. 6% are dissatisfied, and 3. 1% are highly dissatisfied.

Condition according to the respondents are that most of the customers are satisfied with the product design
provided by the company only few percentage of the customer are not satisfied so we can say that only a little
bit of design can be improved so that the neutral and dissatisfied and Highly dissatisfied can be pushed toward
5. Whatimpressedyoumostabouttheproduct?

In today's time companies are trying various tactics to impress customers by uplifting various things a customer

76.6% of the respondents are impressed by the quality of the product 56. 3% are impressed by the price 31.3%
are impressed by the shopping experience 28.1% are impressed by the customer services 31.3% are impressed
with the features and 25% are impressed by the design and appearance.

The condition according to the respondents is that there is need of uplifting features customer service and
design and appearance of the product and services provided by the company.

LG as a company must uplift this features a little bit.

6. DidyourproductpurchasedfromLGrequiredInstallation/Demonstration?

Most of the product purchase required demonstration and installation and only fuel number of product doesn't
required any demonstration and installation.
7. AreyousatisfiedwiththeInstallation/Demonstrationprovidedbythecompany?

Installation and demonstration is the essential part so that the customer must understand how to use the product
and it must be installed properly so that the product doesn't malfunction.

50% of the respondents are highly satisfied whereas 32.8% are satisfied, 14.1% are neutral, 1. 6% are dissatisfied
and 1. 6% are highly dissatisfied.

The condition according to the respondents are that most of the customers are highly satisfied with the

LG as a company can slightly uplift installation and demonstration process so that the neutral and highly
dissatisfied can be highly satisfied.
8. Areyousatisfiedwiththeaftersalesservicesprovidedbythecompany?

In today's time after sales service plays an important role in customer satisfaction and customer retention. It
generates loyal customers and increase a brand value. Customers start believing in the brand and get associated
with the organization for a longer duration.

45.3% of the respondents are highly satisfied whereas 31.3% are satisfied, 20.3 % are neutral, 1. 6% are
dissatisfied and 1. 6% are highly dissatisfied.

The condition according to the respondents so that most of the customers are highly satisfied and satisfied.

LG as a company can slightly uplift ads after sales services so that neutrals and highly dissatisfied can
converted into satisfied one.
9. Whatistheprobabilityofyourecommendingtheproducttootherpeople?

The NPS assesses to what extent a respondent would recommend a certain company, product or service to
his friends, relatives or colleagues. The idea is simple: if you like using a certain pro duct or doing business
with a particular company, you like to share this experience with others.

39. 1 % of the respondents are highly probable whereas 42.2 % of the respondents are probable, 14.1 % are
neutral, 1.6% are not probable and 3.2% are not at all probable.

The conditions according to the respondent can be seen that most of the customer will recommend the product
and services they achieved to others.
10. WhatistheprobabilityofpurchaseofotherproductsofLG.?

The probability of purchasing the product of the company next time increases the potential buyers of the
company as its shows loyalty towards the company.

40.6% of the respondents are highly probable whereas 35.9% are probable, 17.1 % are neutral, 1.6% are not
probable and 4.7% are highly not probable.


 LG Company has to implement good customer relationship management strategy that enhances
customer satisfaction level.
 The company can for the undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which field help increase in the
customer satisfaction.
 The company should promote about theadditional features and offers provided simultaneously with the
 As majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied is the factor, featuresand design of the
product of the company should take not only maintain the existing standard but also enhance them.


Based on the data gathered by administrating schedules to customers the following observations are made.

 LG has excellent percentage of customer satisfaction according to the data shown in table 1 of the data
analysis and Interpretation topic.
 Most of the people are satisfied with its features, design, and quality and after sales service provided by
 Only 4% of the customer with problem complain.
 Satisfied consumers tell 10 to 15 other people about their good product and service achieved.
 Acquiring a new customer is usually 10 times greater than retaining current ones.

BIHAR”. The study was started so as toidentify the level of customer’s satisfaction towards LG products and
services whether the customers are satisfied with products and services and to critically examine the factors
leading to customer satisfaction with respect to LG product and services in Patna, Bihar.

The analysis was done based on the information collected in the form of questionnaire from the
customers of the L.G. Electronics. This has been done in Patna, Bihar. The major part of the analysis is based
upon thePrimary Data Collection Research, Convenience Sampling and percentage analysis.

After a brief analysis few findings were derived. Based on findings the suggestions and the
conclusion were made.Thus, the report says that theproduct and services by the L.G. Electronics was very
useful and it was satisfying the majority of the customers using it because LG offers a wide variety of products
of different prices and different qualities satisfying most of its customer not only that but also providing quality
at low prices and having different types of products for different income consumers is another advantage.As
noted, the price and offers in LG have been one of the main attractions and reason for its popularity the price
ranges and the product offered are very satisfying to the customers.Plus,the location of LG stores and its product
has been mainly in the heart of the city or in the outskirts giving a change to both the city and the people living
in the outside the city to shop. The smartest thing among all is that considering the fact that there are a lot
middle class timely in India LG has a huge impact on middle class section of India the price, quality and sales
strategy has helped in getting the middle-income group satisfied to the utmost level.


1. WhichproductoftheLGdoyouown?*


 Television.
 Refrigerator.
 WashingMachine.
 WaterPurifier.
 Music System.
 SoundBar.
 Airconditioner.
 Microwave Oven.
 VacuumCleaner.

2. Howlonghaveyoubeenusingourproduct?*


0 -1year.
1 -3years.
3. Areyousatisfiedwiththeproductfeaturesprovidedbythecompany?*





4. Are you satisfied with the product design by the company?

Mark only one oval.

Highly Satisfied.




Highly Dissatisfied.

5. What impressed you most about the product?

Check all that apply.



Shopping experience.

Customer service.


Design Appearance.
6. Did your product purchased from LG required Installation / Demonstration?

Mark only one oval.



7. Are you satisfied with the Installation / Demonstration provided by the company?

Mark only one oval.

Highly Satisfied.




Highly Dissatisfied.

8. Are you satisfied with the after sales services provided by the company?

Mark only one oval.

Highly Satisfied.




Highly Dissatisfied.
9. What is the probability of you recommending the product to other people?

Mark only one oval.

Highly Probable.



Not Probable.

Not At All Probable.

10. What is the probability of purchase of other products of LG.?

Mark only one oval.

Highly Probable.



Not Probable.

Not At All Probable.

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