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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Grade Level Grade 5

Learning Area Science
Learning Resource Type Text-Based / Digital Based
Material Type Supplementary Learning Resources (SLRs)
Quarter #, Week # (If applicable) Quarter 2 – Week 3
Describe the different modes of reproduction in
Learning Competency &
animals such as butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs,
LC Code
cats and dogs
Science Beyond Borders – Department of
Source Education by Vibal Group. pp. 60, 61, 64, 65, 71

Illustrator/ Media Resource Creator
Evaluation Management Committee
Content Evaluator
IPR Review
Technical Review
Language Review
District LRMDS Chairperson
District LRMDS Co-Chair

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro

Competencies covered:
Describe the different
modes of
reproduction in
animals such as
mosquitoes, frogs,
cats and dogs

How do Animals

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Describing the different modes of reproduction in animals such as
butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and dogs

Get Started

Let us get fascinated as we enter the world of animals today. You are about to
learn the ways of animals on how they reproduce.

Our lesson will let you learn to describe the different mode of reproduction of
animals such as dogs, cats, frogs, mosquitoes and butterflies.

At the end of this lesson, you are anticipated to:

- determine whether certain animals was hatched from egg or born alive

- describe the mode of animal reproduction

1. Sexual Reproduction (internal and external fertilization)
2. Asexual Reproduction (binary fission and budding)

You are going to be amazed to learn all these. Move on to the next pages and
get going until you finish this lesson.

Happy learning and Good luck!

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Get Refreshed – Day 1

Let us find out how well you know the animals.

Fill out the table. Find the name of the young of each animal in the word box
and describe if they are born alive or hatched from egg.

hatchling fawn calf puppy duckling

foal piglet gosling cub

Animal Young Born Alive / Hatched Egg


Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Get Acquainted – Day 2

Read the statements below then answer whether it is a Fact or a Bluff.

1. Love birds pine for each other. If a mate dies or gets separated from its
partner, the other one will get depressed or lonely.


2. Sea anemone is a salt water animal. It has an ability to reproduce its

kind without needing a mate or partner.


3. Worm needs a partner to reproduce its own kind.


4. Cat can have a kitten without a mate.


5. Jellyfish can split themselves. If a jellyfish is cut into halves, the two
halves become new organisms.


Comprehension Questions: (based on Fact or Bluff activity)

What animals need a partner to reproduce its kind?

What animals are able to have an offspring without needing a partner or

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Get Involve – Day 3
Read and describe the different mode of reproduction of animals.

Reproduction of Animals

Reproduction is the ability of a living thing to make copies of itself or to have

an offspring.

Reproduction of animals is different from that of humans.

Some animals can only reproduce its young when it has a partner or mate.
Sexual Reproduction takes place. As sex cells from two parent animals (male and
female) unite to form a new animal. In this reproduction, fertilization takes place
when a sperm cell unites with the egg cell. Fertilization may be internal or external.
Internal fertilization happens when the male animal releases sperm cells into the
body of the female animal to fertilize the egg cell. The embryo can either develop
inside the female body until it is born alive or develop inside an egg laid by the
female. External Fertilization occurs outside the bodies of the parents. The female
release eggs into the water or attaches them to a plant or rock. The male then
releases sperm cells over the eggs to fertilize them.

Other animals are able to reproduce its own kind which does not need one
male or one female parent. A single parent organism simply makes identical copies
of itself. In this, animals undergo Asexual Reproduction. In asexual reproduction,
animals that are able to divide itself into two and each half turns out to grow into a
new individual is in the method of Binary Fission. A Sea anemone is a salt water
animal that undergoes binary fission. While in the method of Budding, the parent
animal outgrowths itself to develop a new individual. A bulge appears on the parent’s
body, grows into a bud, and eventually becomes a miniature copy of the parents, a
hydra is an example.

Complete the concept map by filling information from the word list to
describe the mode of animal reproduction.

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
require two-parent animals internal fertilization
budding external fertilization
binary fission can replicate itself alone
egg cell and sperm cell unites single parent



Get Informed – Day 4

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Reproduction is the ability of a living thing to continue the existence of its

Sexual Reproduction in animals occurs when the sex cells (egg cell and
sperm cell) of two parent animals unite to form a new organism.

Asexual Reproduction is the kind of reproduction with the involvement of

only one parent animal.

Get Ahead

A. Here are some animals. Identify if they reproduce through internal or

external fertilization. Fill your answers in the table.

Animal Type of Fertilization







B. Read the statement and underline the word that make the statement
incorrect. Change the word you underlined to make the statement correct.

1. Asexual reproduction is making a copy of the organism that requires

two parent animal. ______________________
Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
2. There are two methods on Asexual Reproduction. These are internal
fertilization and binary fission. __________________________

3. Budding happens when the parent animal divides itself into two.


4. Binary Fission happens when outgrowth of the parent animal develops

into a new animal. _________________________

5. Sea anemone reproduced by budding. ______________________

Get Assessed – Day 5

A. Here are some animals. Describe the reproduction it undergoes whether

sexual or asexual reproduction.

2. _________________


5. __________________
B. Identify the science concept being described in the following statements.
Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Takes place when egg cells and sperm cells unite.

A. Reproduction B. Fertilization C. Embryo D. Off spring

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
2. It is a method where an animal outgrowths itself to develop a new
A. Budding B. Binary Fission C. Sexual D. Asexual

3. A reproduction that an animal has an ability to make a copy of itself

without a partner or mate.
A. Internal Fertilization B. Sexual C. Asexual D. External fertilization

4. It is a fertilization that takes place when egg cells and sperm cells unite
outside the body of female animal.
A. Internal Fertilization B. Sexual C. Asexual D. External fertilization

5. It occurs when parent animal divide itself into two and eventually grows
into new individual.
A. Binary Fission B. Budding C. Fertilization D. Reproduction

Get Moving
Using the table, describe the mode of reproduction of animals listed
below. Write whether Sexual or Asexual. And check the column that corresponds
the method of reproduction.

Animal Reproduction Internal External Binary Budding

Fertilization Fertilization Fission
Cat Sexual √
Star Fish Asexual √
7.Sea Anemone

Answer Key
Get Refreshed Get Ahead

1. Fawn/Born alive A. 1. External Fertilization

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
2. Duckling/Hatched egg 2. Internal Fertilization
3. Gosling/Hatched egg 3. External Fertilization
4. Foal/Born alive 4. External Fertilization
5. Piglet/Born alive 5. Internal Fertilization
6. Calf/Born alive 6. Internal Fertilization
7. Cub/born alive B. 1. Asexual Sexual
8. Puppy/Born alive 2. Internal Fertilization Budding
9. Cub/Born alive 3. Budding Binary Fission
10.Hatchling/Hatched egg 4. Binary Fission Budding
5. Budding Binary Fission

Get Acquainted Get Assessed

1. Fact A. 1. Sexual Reproduction
2. Fact 2. Asexual Reproduction
3. Bluff 3. Asexual Reproduction
4. Bluff 4. Sexual Reproduction
5. Fact 5. Sexual Reproduction
Comprehension Questions B. 1. B 2. A

1. Love birds, Cat 3. C 4. D

2. Sea Anemone, worm, jelly fish 5. A

Get Involved Get Moving

Sexual Reproduction 1. Sexual - Internal
-require two parent animals 2. Sexual - Internal
-egg cell and sperm cell unites 3. Sexual - Internal
-internal fertilization 4. Sexual - External
-external fertilization 5. Sexual - Internal
6. Asexual – Binary Fission
Asexual Reproduction 7. Asexual – Binary Fission
-single parent 8. Sexual - Internal
-can replicate itself alone
-binary fission

Science Beyond Borders – Department of Education
by Vibal Group. pp. 60, 61, 64, 65, 71

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro

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