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Anna Carven

Dark Planet Warriors Series

Book 1.1

Dark Planet Warriors: Invasion

by Anna Carven

Some scary looking aliens have just boarded Fortuna Tau, our little asteroid mining station. Kordolians, by the looks
of things. What the hell do they want with this floating rust bucket? What are they even doing here?
In the grand scheme of things, Earth is a total backwater, and the Solar System is the galactic equivalent of
Hicksville. That’s why aliens rarely bother to come to this corner of the universe. And Kordolians are usually too
busy conquering the important parts of the nine galaxies to bother with us.
But it looks as if their battle cruiser is broken. Probably shot up in a firefight. They’re going to use every means
necessary to fix it, even if it means putting Fortuna Tau on lockdown. I just hope they don’t decide to enslave us and
ship us off to some remote alien planet.
Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a Kordolian up close before. They’re huge, with strange, silver skin and pointed
ears. They have freaky nano-armor. And they’re packing a serious arsenal. Our human technology has no chance
against their weapons.
When I encounter their General, I find him insufferable. Arrogant. Domineering. He won’t tell me anything.
I guess that’s what happens when your race is kicking ass across the nine galaxies. You get pigheaded.
So why do I keep running into him? Why is he looking at me funny? And what’s with this weird feeling I get when
he’s around?
I really hope these guys fix their ship and go away soon, because I get the feeling they could be major trouble.
Sucked into a wormhole during a fierce skirmish with an enemy ship. Spat out near a human mining station in a
remote corner of the nine galaxies. Stuck with weak humans who operate with inferior metals and technology.
This mission couldn’t get any worse.
We need to fix our craft before the wormhole collapses.
We need to hunt the cursed Xargek monsters that have infiltrated this human rust-bucket.
And these infernal headaches of mine are getting worse.
I don’t really care about these humans. Their existence makes no sense to me. All I care about is killing Xargek and
getting back to my home planet, Kythia.
This situation is tiresome. The light of the star humans call the Sun burns my eyes. I crave Kythia’s darkness.

So why has this crazy human female captured my attention? She’s messy, awkward and she babbles nonsense half
the time.
These humans are crazy. I don’t understand them at all. Especially this female. Why do I keep coming back to her?

I need to leave this place before I go insane.
Book 1.2

Dark Planet Warriors: Taken

by Anna Carven

So I wake up and find myself on a Military Space Station, just off Kythia, the home planet of the Kordolians.
General Tarak wants me to stay put, but there’s no way I’m sitting around in his claustrophobic quarters.
I need to be looking for a way to get back home.
Fortuna Tau is being overrun by disgusting, oversized insects, and I’m stuck here, at the other end of the universe.
On the upside, at least my injuries are healed.
The General is being a big, arrogant jerk. He won’t tell me anything. He’s walking around his quarters half-dressed,
unaware that his bare, sculpted torso is a bit too distracting. And the food on this station leaves a lot to be desired.
Kordolians obviously haven’t discovered the glory of nachos yet. At this rate I don’t know if I’ll ever get to taste
chocolate again.
When I ask when he’s going to take me back, he gets evasive.
I don’t like that.
So when he has to leave me alone to attend to some official business, I decide to explore.
Sneaking around this huge, floating station, I soon realize that not all Kordolians are as, uh, friendly as the General.
To some of them, I’m nothing more than a giant, walking lab rat.
I really have to find a way to get back home. Before I end up on a dissection table.
To my relief, the nanograft is a success. The female has healed, and she’s probably even physically stronger than
It’s too bad the High Council have been informed of her presence. Apparently, Humans are reproductively
compatible with our species. They want her. They demand I hand her over.
Absolutely not. She’s mine. The infernal High Council can go rot in one of Kaiin’s hells, for all I care.
When I return to the Fleet Station, I find she hasn’t obeyed my orders. I told her to stay in my quarters.
Stubborn female.
I need to find her before those idiotic scientists get to her.
And if any Kordolian dares to harm her, they will answer to me.
Book 1.3

Dark Planet Warriors: Escape

by Anna Carven

Ever since we left the Fleet Station, Tarak has been his usual cryptic self. For some reason, he’s keeping everything
very low-key, to the extent that we’re trying to sneak in to Kythia. Something’s up, and he’s not telling me
Every time I try to get answers, he distracts me with his stupid sexiness.
Stupid sexy, silver, stubborn, insistent alien. Why can’t he just keep his damn hands to himself? And why do I suck
at resisting his advances?
There’s something he’s not telling me. He’s up to something shady, and I don’t like it.
I guess I have no choice but to stick with him for now, because half of Kythia is out to get me, and who better to
have by your side than the most lethal soldier in the Kordolian military?
We’ll just have to work on his communication skills, a little, that’s all.
Kythia is a dangerous place for a Human, but I must go there. The safest place in the universe for Abbey right now
is by my side, so she comes with me.
She will not enjoy the trip, but I aim to keep it brief.
Besides, I cannot keep my hands off her. She mystifies and perplexes me, and yet I find myself addicted to her
warmth, her scent, and her sweet taste.
She does not know the extent of the danger facing us. The High Council want my head. They may send assassins
after us. The barren wastelands of the Vaal, where we must go, are cold and harsh and completely disconnected
from civilization.
But I must find the tortured Prince, and drag him back to reality.
There are plans I wish to put in place to ensure the survival of our race, and he, just like my precious Human, is an
integral part of them.
We may be returning to Earth sooner than she thinks.
Book 1

Dark Planet Warriors: The Complete Serial

by Anna Carven

Some scary looking aliens have just boarded Fortuna Tau, our little asteroid mining station. Kordolians, by the looks
of things. What the hell do they want with this floating rust bucket? What are they even doing here?
In the grand scheme of things, Earth is a total backwater, and the Solar System is the galactic equivalent of
Hicksville. That's why aliens rarely bother to come to this corner of the universe. And Kordolians are usually too
busy conquering the important parts of the nine galaxies to bother with us.
But it looks as if their battle cruiser is broken. Probably shot up in a firefight. They're going to use every means
necessary to fix it, even if it means putting Fortuna Tau on lockdown. I just hope they don't decide to enslave us and
ship us off to some remote alien planet.
Come to think of it, I've never seen a Kordolian up close before. They're huge, with strange silver skin and pointed
ears. They have freaky nano-armor. And they're packing a serious arsenal. Our human technology has no chance
against their weapons.
When I encounter their General, I find him insufferable. Arrogant. Domineering. He won't tell me anything.
I guess that's what happens when your race is kicking ass across the nine galaxies. You get pigheaded.
So why do I keep running into him? Why is he looking at me funny? And what's with this weird feeling I get when
he's around?
I really hope these guys fix their ship and go away soon, because I get the feeling they could be major trouble.
Sucked into a wormhole during a fierce skirmish with an enemy ship. Spat out near a human mining station in a
remote corner of the nine galaxies. Stuck with weak humans who operate with inferior metals and technology.
This mission couldn't get any worse.
We need to fix our craft before the wormhole collapses.
We need to hunt the cursed Xargek monsters that have infiltrated this human rust-bucket.
And these infernal headaches of mine are getting worse.
I don't really care about these humans. Their existence makes no sense to me. All I care about is killing Xargek and
getting back to my home planet, Kythia.
This situation is tiresome. The light of the star humans call the Sun burns my eyes. I crave Kythia's darkness.
So why has this crazy human female captured my attention? She's messy, awkward and she babbles nonsense half
the time.
These humans are crazy. I don't understand them at all. Especially this female. Why do I keep coming back to her?
I need to leave this place before I go insane
Book 2

Dark Planet Falling

by Anna Carven
The Prince
Prince Xalikian Kazharan has a dilemma on his hands. Now that the Kordolians have landed on Earth, he somehow
has to convince an entire planet of Humans that his people mean them no harm. It's easier said than done, especially
when one's race has a reputation for brutally conquering the Nine Galaxies. Perhaps this stubborn female journalist
called Sera Aquinas, who thinks she can just walk up to his front door and ask for an interview, might be able to
help him.
But first, he has to gain her trust, and that's not so easy when her presence drives him to distraction.
The Journalist
Sera Aquinas doesn't trust the charming amber-eyed Prince when he says he doesn't want to take over her planet. As
a hardened journalist, she's seen her share of duplicity and corruption. So when Xal tells her the Kordolians are
looking for Human females, she thinks he's messing with her. Seriously? Who would believe that lame excuse?
She has to admit however, that Xal is one fine looking alien, and a part of her is curious.
It's absolutely far fetched, but what if he's telling the truth?

What if Humans and Kordolians are compatible?
And when it comes to Xal, why does her body keep betraying her when her head is telling her to get the hell out of
Dark Planet Falling is Book Two in the Dark Planet Warriors Series. It will probably make more sense if you've
read the other three books first, although that's probably not absolutely essential.

Book 3

Into the Light

by Anna Carven

When your mate is a Kordolian General who's betrayed the most vicious Empire in the Universe, things tend to get
a little heavy from time to time. For the last six months, Tarak's had to divide his time between Earth and space,
dealing with various... problems.
But he's home now, and he tells me he's not going anywhere.
That's good news, because our baby's on the way, and I'm dying to get out of this boring, stifling limbo they call the
Diplomatic Zone.
Now that Earth is surrounded by my warships and the Kordolian Empire has been held at bay, I can give my full,
undivided attention to my mate.
Pregnancy has made Abbey even more beautiful, and I am in awe of the growing life she carries inside her.
But I must be ever-vigilant, because the shadow of the Empire lingers, and I must protect what is mine, at all costs.
Book 4

Out of Darkness by Anna Carven

The Kordolians are loose on the asteroid mining station Fortuna Tau, and first-rank mechanic Jia Morgan has
become caught up in the thick of things. Under the careful watch of these steely-eyed silver warriors, Jia and her
team have been tasked with repairing the hull of the Kordolians’ Alpha-Class battle cruiser, Silence.
The problem is, their alien technology is far, far beyond anything she’s seen before, and whatever they try to weld
to Silence’s black hull just won’t stick.
When Jia goes in search of a tool that might actually penetrate the warship’s impossibly strong Callidum exterior,
she find herself being aided by a most unlikely source. The hard-faced warrior who’s decided to accompany her
walks on silent feet and carries a big, big gun. He’s equal parts scary and attractive, in an otherworldly sort of way.
But although Jia finds this Kordolian fascinating, she’s not even going to try and get close to him, because, well,
he’s a freaking Kordolian, and Kordolians aren’t exactly known throughout the Nine Galaxies for being nice and
warm and fuzzy.
Instead, she’s going to do her job and fix their warship, because that’s the only way these intimidating warriors are
ever going to leave Fortuna Tau. Hopefully, they won’t break anything, or anyone, on the way out.
Oh, and there’s also the small matter of these flesh-eating insect-aliens called Xargek. Apparently, they bite.
Book 4.5

Darkside Blues

by Anna Carven

Be careful in Darkside, because its darkness is seductive. Once you feel its allure, you won’t be able to resist.
Zyara al Sirian has devoted most of her adult life to the art of healing. As the First Division’s medic, she’s seen
more than her fair share of war wounds and trauma. And ever since the Kordolians arrived on Earth, she’s had her
hands full tending to a motley group of survivors.
She hasn’t had a break in longer than she can remember.
A break? What’s that again?
After much persuasion, she finally agrees to take some well-deserved time off to explore the city with Sera, Arin,
Jia, and their Kordolian mates.
You need to relax. It’ll be fun, you’ll see. Darkside comes alive at night.
When she crosses paths with a mysterious, charming Human called Kainan, she realizes there’s more to this lawless
place than meets the eye. The Federation holds no sway here. Beneath Darkside’s glittering facade, Humans rule
hidden empires from the shadows through secrecy and violence.
Zyara gets a taste of their world when Human conflict spills out onto the street. She can’t help but intervene. It’s
what she was trained to do.
Her actions save a life. In return, Kainan says he will give her anything she desires.
Oh dear. What’s a Kordolian to do?
Book 5

Forged in Shadow

by Anna Carven

Sergeant Arin Varga has a problem on her hands. She's supposed to be in charge of a squad of peacekeepers. That's
something she would normally handle with ease, except that now her people are stuck in Earth's orbit on a doomed
superfreighter. To make things worse, they're being held hostage by a group of very threatening, very menacing
silver-skinned Kordolians, who are insistent that all they want is safe passage to Earth to kill oversized insects.
One particular alien, who goes by the name of Rykal, seems be constantly getting inside her personal space. He isn't
just threatening, he's friendly and threatening, and if Arin isn't careful, that could become a major problem.
Book 6

Infinity's Embrace

by Anna Carven

Rescued from captivity by a group of rather intimidating Kordolians, Noa finds herself recovering at a strange
facility in the middle of the desert. SynCorp's medical experiments have left her with an impossible ability she can't
control, and nobody really seems to know how to help her. She's fragile and shattered, a mere shadow of her former
self, and she has nowhere else to go.
She doesn't know what to make of the Kordolians, especially when she can't stop their thoughts from leaking into
her mind. The silver-skinned warriors are both terrifying and protective, and when she encounters a dark,
mysterious presence in the most unlikely of places, she realizes that at least one of them might possess abilities
similar to her own.
The question is, does this intimidating being intend to help her, or harm her?
Book 7

Electric Heart

by Anna Carven

Electric Heart is Book 7 in the Dark Planet Warriors Series. It will make more sense if you've read the other books
in the series beforehand. Chronologically, it picks up where Forged in Shadow (Book 5) left off.
Riana's terrified of these fierce Kordolians. They fight like demons and possess strange alien technology which
makes them damn hard to kill. After her nerve-wracking experience on the superfreighter Hendrix II, she wants
nothing to do with them.
All she wants to do is live a peaceful Kordolian-free life back on Earth.
Too bad the Board of Corrections is on her case over past misdemeanors.
Too bad someone's trying to kill her. She has no idea why.
Too bad the only one who can keep her safe is a scary-hot, silent alien with coldfire eyes and a very sharp sword.
But hey, at least she doesn't have to deal with flesh-eating insectoid monsters anymore. The only monster she has to
deal with now is a silver-skinned one named Kail.
And he's more than a match for her attackers. That's reassuring... right?

Book 8

Brilliant Starlight

by Anna Carven

We're back on Silence, orbiting the Dark Planet while my husband handles unfinished business on Kythia. For some
reason, he seems a little bit tense. According to Tarak, Kythian politics can be complicated, especially when the
entire Kordolian Empire has just been destroyed. I hope things don't get too complicated, because I don't want to be
stuck here for too long. A warship isn't really the best place to raise a child.
The only way to ensure Abbey and Ami remained safe was to bring down the Empire. It is done. Now it is up to the
statesmen and scholars to rebuild our civilization from the inside out. I'm just here to provide the muscle, but above
all, I'm here to keep my mate and my child safe. If anything or anyone dares to threaten them...
They know how I will respond.
The problem is that not all enemies can be taken down by force.
Book 8.1

Earth Files: Book 1

by Anna Carven

As much as Rykal thought she was sheer perfection in that outfit, he wanted to flick out a claw and gently slice the
garment from top to bottom so he could pay homage to her naked form.
She wouldn’t escape his tender clutches.
But he would behave himself for now, because this particular outing was apparently an important event in Human
He was about to meet the mother of his mate.
The Earth Files are short stories (novella-length) set in the world of the Dark Planet Warriors. You can expect
sweet, steamy, and offbeat stories about the colorful characters from the main series. They are intended as
accompaniments to Dark Planet Warriors, and may contain the occasional spoiler.
Book 8.5


by Anna Carven

Abbey goes shopping.

Tarak learns an important fact about human female biology.
Ami develops new (and somewhat scary) abilities.
Oh, and it's Christmas soon.
It's just another day in the life of our fearsome Kordolians and their human mates. A light-hearted peek into Tarak
and Abbey's new life on Earth.

Darkstar Mercenaries Series

3 primary works • 4 total works

Spin off of the bestselling series, Dark Planet Warriors Series ! Although these books are stand alone, consider
reading the "Dark Planet Warriors" (in the author's suggested reading order) for maximum enjoyment.

Book 0.5

A Darkside Interlude

by Anna Carven

Commander Iskar Gar-Kurai isn't impressed by humans or their backwater planet. If he had his way, he'd be
working closer to home, on a planet where it wasn't so infernally hot...
But orders are orders, especially when they come from the very top.
If he's going to be on Earth for the long term, Iskar needs to learn more about its strange inhabitants. That's why he's
reluctantly agreed to hit the streets of Darkside. It's an observational visit, nothing more.
So why has this blue-haired temptress targeted him of all people, and what is he going to do about it?
Criminals must be punished, and Iskar has always done things by the book.
Book 1

Taming Chaos

by Anna Carven

Torin Mardak came to Zarhab Groht to hunt. Some idiot's been selling Callidum weapons on the black market, and
he's been tasked with finding the traitor.

The illegal trading station isn't exactly Torin's favorite place in the Nine Galaxies. It's dirty, chaotic, and full of
thieves and murderers, but as an elite Kordolian First Division warrior, he's the most dangerous thing on this
floating cesspit, and he won't let anything stand in his way.
But when he encounters a group of humans who really, really shouldn't be here, his priorities might just have to
change, because one of them is about to get betrayed in the worst possible way...
And she just so happens to be exactly his type.
Taming Chaos is Book 1 in the Darkstar Mercenaries series. It features a lethal silver-skinned alien hero, a curvy
human heroine, and the usual action, violence, steamy sex scenes, and HFN ("happy for now") ending.

Book 2

Shattered Silence

by Anna Carven

Enki Zakanin just wants peace and quiet. He's completed his mission, and on the journey back to the Kordolian
Fleet Station, he'd prefer to be left alone so he can manage the literal demon inside his head.
So when a strange distress call breaks the silence, his first instinct is to ignore the signal. Why would anyone be
foolish enough to broadcast an open signal in the Ninth Sector?
My name is Layla dela Cruz. I need your help.
A human? What in Kaiin's Hells is she doing this far into Sector Nine?
Now, somehow, he has to go and get her.
After all, he's given her his word.
Shattered Silence is Book 2 in the Darkstar Mercenaries series. It features a lethal silver-skinned alien hero, a
human heroine, and the usual action, violence, steamy sex scenes, and HFN ("happy for now") ending.

Book 3

Fractured Souls

by Anna Carven

Alexis Carter is a long way from home, and she doesn't quite understand how she got here. All she knows is that she
died once, and now she's alive.
She's woken into a nightmare, trapped on a dark ship full of terrifying aliens. With their silver skin and fire-colored
eyes, they look a lot like the monsters that once attacked her on Earth.
One Kordolian in particular stands out... he's huge, he doesn't talk much, and his job is to guard her.
From what, exactly?
The voices inside her head?
Fractured Souls is Book 3 in the Darkstar Mercenaries series. It features a lethal silver-skinned alien hero, a
human heroine, and the usual action, violence, steamy sex scenes, and HFN ("happy for now") ending. It will
probably make more sense if you read Book 2 (Shattered Silence) first.

Hidden Planet Series

2 primary works • 2 total works

Book 1


by Anna Carven

A hair-raising ambush.
A malfunctioning ship.
A distant, uncharted part of the Universe.
Calexa Acura and her crew of misfits are lost, and their ship is in desperate need of repairs. When a massive
spacecraft appears in their radius, they're helpless to resist its magnetic pull.
The terrifying ship is bigger than any craft she's seen in her life, and somehow, she doubts its occupants will turn
out to be the friendly sort.
First Encounters are always better when they're amicable, but if necessary, Calexa and her crew will fight.
It's what they've always done.
Book 2


by Anna Carven

Stranded on a remote planet with no hope of escape.

Stuck in the unforgiving wilderness, where monsters hunt in the skies above.
No signal, no spacecraft, no translator.
Esania thought she and her people were escaping to the sanctuary planet of Torandor. Instead, she's ended up on a
wild, uncharted nightmare called Khira, where the violet-skinned savages who guard them are just as poisonous as
the deadly flora and fauna.
And the pale-winged demon who's just dropped from above might be the most dangerous of them all.

Dark Scions Series

3 primary works • 4 total works

Book 1


by Anna Carven

They took my world from me.

It wasn't much of a world to begin with, but the forest village where I was born and raised is everything to me.
They took me away from there, wrapped me in silks, and pierced my flesh with their glittering trinkets.
They made me an object of desire, to be given to a man who has terrorized and subjugated my people.
He thinks he can defy the gods, but I have other ideas.
I don't care what happens to me anymore. Nobody's going to save me.
I just want to make him pay.

Book 2


by Anna Carven

He stole me away from certain death.

First, it was for his own selfish purposes.
But then it became something more.
He's ruthless and powerful, and I don't even really know what he is.
But he saved my people, and with every passing day, I'm falling deeper and deeper under his spell.
I don't fear death anymore. I've already seen his face.

Book 3


by Anna Carven

They took her from me.

She is precious to me above all else, and they took her from me.
And now I am a prisoner at the hands of my old enemy; bound and stripped of my power, with corrosive magic
running through my veins.

I need to get out of here. I will do anything to get her back. Anything.
Even if it means I have to surrender to darkness himself.
Soon they will understand that they never should have touched what is mine.

Book 1-3

Vengeance, Chaos, Power

by Anna Carven

They took my world from me.

It wasn't much of a world to begin with, but the forest village where I was born and raised is everything to me.
They took me away from there, wrapped me in silks, and pierced my flesh with their glittering trinkets.
They made me an object of desire, to be given to a man who has terrorized and subjugated my people.
He thinks he can defy the gods, but I have other ideas.
I don't care what happens to me anymore. Nobody's going to save me.
I just want to make him pay.
The Hades Trials Series

3 primary works • 3 total works

Book 1

The Power of Hades

by Eliza Raine

I've been kidnapped by Zeus. Plucked from the streets of Manhattan and frightened half to death by a freaking
Olympian god.
And now I'm trapped in the Underworld, being forced to compete in a series of deadly trials for the position of
Queen of the Underworld. Which would mean marrying Hades, the utterly terrifying Lord of the Dead. Who the hell
wants a husband at all, let alone one made of smoke and riddled with death?
I have to get back home, to New York and my brother. But I can't leave without completing the trials and they've
been designed for a godly Queen, not Persephone - barista and botanical garden enthusiast.
I'm surrounded by lethal, all-powerful maniacs. Sexy-as-hell maniacs, sure, but as dangerous as they come. And I'm
going to have to prove to all of them that there's a goddess of hell inside me. It's the only way I'll survive the Hades
Trials. But then what? And why, why, why am I so desperate to see under Hades smoky exterior and find out what
he's hiding from me?
If I win the trials, I have to marry the devil himself. But losing might mean losing my life.

Book 2

The Passion of Hades

by Eliza Raine

I’m trapped in actual hell. And just about everything here is trying to kill me. Even the god who claims he once
loved me has come pretty close to ending my life.
But things are about to change. I’m fed up of being Persephone - human underdog in the Hades Trials. I’ve
managed to awaken a little bit of goddess inside me, and now I have power, I’m not afraid to use it.
Although I don’t actually have a clue how to. Nor do I know what I did to get cast out of Olympus twenty-six years
ago, or why strangers are seeking to punish me for it. All I know for sure is that I survived the first round of the
Hades Trials, and now I need to survive another. One step at a time I will get back to New York.
Because I can’t stay here. Olympus is filled with monsters, and ruled by monsters, and I do not fit in.
The trouble is, the more I discover about the mysterious King of the Underworld, the less sure I am that he fits in
either. My connection to him is undeniable, and it’s not escaped the other gods' notice. They don’t want me to stay
in Olympus, and now that I have my power back, they’re going to make the next three Trials even more lethal.
If I can survive, I’m a step closer to getting home. But if I spend much more time with Hades, I’m not sure I’ll ever
be able to leave.

Book 3

The Promise of Hades

by Eliza Raine

The Greek God of the Underworld has turned my life completely upside-down and made me question everything I
thought I knew about my life.
And now I don’t even know who I am anymore. An internal war rages inside me, as I try to balance my need for
more magic with the knowledge of what power does to people in Olympus. What it may have done to me in the
The one thing I do know though, is that my feelings for Hades are real. The Lord of the Dead is so much more than
I ever realized, and something inside me knows that I need him as much as he needs me. But between the Hades
Trials, the other Olympians, and whoever it is that’s trying to kill me, I may not survive long enough to find a way
for us to be together.
Hades says a light so bright can’t live in the dark. But I’m not sure a life without him is worth living.

Viki Storm - MM Romance Audiobook

Zalaryn Raiders Series

3 primary works • 3 total works

Book 1

Sold to the Alien Prince

by Viki Storm

When I see her groped and humiliated at the auction house, I have no choice but to buy her. Even if a virgin human
female costs as much as all the minerals on Fenda.
I don’t care if it’s against the rules, if the healers say our DNA isn’t compatible. I’m the Crown Prince. I make the
rules. I take what I want. And I want her.
She’s my proper mate. I can feel it.
But first, I must claim her. I’ll try to be gentle with my delicate little creature, but I don’t know if I can…
I’m a Marked human female, bought and paid for. He can do anything he wants to me. This gigantic, muscled alien
has total mastery over my body.
I’ve never done this before… with human or alien. I'm frightened, alone and trembling but I can't help but imagine
what it will feel like when this hulking creature takes me...
Why would I desire this brute? Even if he’s the one who saved me. The only one to show me kindness.
All that stuff he said about bonding and mates, that’s just alien superstition. It’s not what’s happening. Is it?
Book 2

Captured by the Alien Warrior

by Viki Storm

A warrior owns what he is able to take. And I take her.
She’s trembling in a closet, hiding from the raiding party invading her human settlement. Hiding from me.
I collar her. I own her. She’s mine by law.
As the Captain of the Imperial Guard, I’ve sworn a solemn oath to have no mate, sire no offspring.
Oath-breakers are traitors, executed without a second thought. Let them try. I’ll beat them all for a chance to claim
my mate.
I just want to go home. Except, I don’t have one. These alien bastards burned it to the ground.
And the biggest bastard of them all put a collar around my neck. He parades me around on the end of a leash like
I’m his newest pet.
My clothes are torn and my body is exposed and there’s about a hundred alien warriors looking at me like they can’t
wait to have a turn.
He keeps me safe from the horde. I’m his lawful captive, his property—and he doesn’t want to share.
But will he fight this hard to protect me when he finds out who I really am?
Book 3

Claimed by the Alien Mercenary

by Viki Storm

One more job and I'm out. I'm done with this lousy planet. Deliver the human female to the Imperator of Fenda so
he can have an exotic new addition to his royal harem.
But I can't get enough of her. This feisty little human has the spirit of a true Zalaryn warrior.
Just my luck. I've been blessed with a bonded mate--and she's the property of another male.
I don't care what the law says: she's mine.
I've got a plan. And I can't wait to claim my prize...
I suppose this spaceship is better than rotting in an Earth jail cell. Because that's where I belong. I'm a thief. A killer.
Trust means nothing to me... unless I can use it to get what I want.
This alien mercenary thinks he can tame me, thinks he can use me as a pawn in this intergalactic war? Let him try.
He's making me sweet promises, but too bad for him, I know how this game is played. I know the rules. And I know
how to win.
If I want to get off this planet, I have no choice but to trust him.
But when he tells me that I'm his bonded mate, I realize that maybe this isn't a game after all. Maybe it's something
much, much more... 

Anna Hackett > Series

Galactic Gladiators Series

12 primary works • 18 total works

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy's lawless outer rim. Join gladiator Raiden Tiago and the
toughest gladiators of the House of Galen as they fight to protect the fierce women they love on the blood-soaked
sands of the Kor Magna Arena.
The story continues in Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone series

Book 1


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…
When Earth space marine Harper Adams finds herself abducted by alien slavers off a space station, her life turns
into a battle for survival. Dumped into an arena on a desert planet on the outer rim, she finds herself face to face
with a big, tattooed alien gladiator…the champion of the Kor Magna Arena.
A former prince abandoned to the arena as a teen, Raiden Tiago has long ago earned his freedom. Now he rules the
arena, but he doesn’t fight for the glory, but instead for his own dark purpose—revenge against the Thraxian aliens
who destroyed his planet. Then his existence is rocked by one small, fierce female fighter from an unknown planet
called Earth.
Harper is determined to find a way home, but when she spots her best friend in the arena—a slave of the evil
Thraxian aliens—she’ll do anything to save her friend…even join forces with the tough, alpha male who sets her
body on fire. But as Harper and Raiden step foot onto the blood-soaked sands of the arena, Harper worries that
Raiden has his own dangerous agenda…
Book 2


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…
It was supposed to be an exciting job on a space station, but instead, scientist Dr. Regan Forrest finds herself
fighting for her life when she’s kidnapped by alien slavers. Far from Earth and forced into a violent gladiatorial
arena on the outer rim, she finds herself swept into the brawny arms of a big, wild alien gladiator.

Weapon, brute, gladiator, warrior… Sirrush warrior Thorin has been called many things. As a warrior of his people,
he was a dark, dangerous weapon until even his own family were too afraid of him. Sold into slavery in the Kor
Magna Arena, he has long ago earned his freedom. Now he enjoys the violent but rewarding life he’s carved out for
himself. Until he rescues one small, smart, and perplexing female from alien slavers.
Regan is determined to make a place for herself in her new home. She may not have the skills to fight in the arena,
but she’s smart and knows she can help...even as she fights her attraction to the big, bold, and fascinating Thorin.
She knows he’ll never be interested in her. But when Regan catches a glimpse of her cousin across a crowded
market, she needs help to mount a rescue, and it comes in the form of the gladiator she desperately wants. A
gladiator hiding a dark, uncontrollable secret with the power to destroy them both.

Book 3


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…
Raised from birth to be a soldier, Kace Tameron is a disciplined, military-trained gladiator. He is on contract to the
Kor Magna Arena to hone his fighting skills on the blood-soaked arena sand and then return to the military. He lives
for one thing: to protect his planet, and on his world, love is forbidden. But then he collides with a feisty redhead
from Earth who threatens to shatter his legendary control.
One moment, Rory Fraser was an engineer on a space station circling Jupiter and the next, she is abducted by evil
alien slavers. After suffering at the hands of the Thraxians, she is rescued by her friends—with the help of the tough
gladiators of the House of Galen. Rory finds herself outrageously attracted to straight-laced Kace. He is a skilled
fighter, ultra-disciplined, and a hero at heart—but she knows passion beats within him, if only he’ll let it loose.
Rory is obsessed with finding another fellow abducted female from Earth, but as she asks questions, she finds
herself ducking bullets and explosions. Someone wants Rory dead. Kace steps in as her protector, and together, they
embark on a dangerous mission that will take them deep into the bowels of the arena, and deep into a scorching
desire…both of which could lead them to lose not only their guarded hearts, but their lives as well.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough
gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen) and a steamy romance (between a feisty engineer and a disciplined,
uptight gladiator). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Marcus, the first book in the Hell Squad series.
Book 4


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…
Cool and driven Madeline Cochran made a successful career for herself as civilian commander of a space station
orbiting Jupiter…until the day it was attacked and she was abducted by alien slavers.
Her organized existence shattered, Madeline suffered during her captivity, but since her rescue by the tough
gladiators of the House of Galen, she’s struggling to assimilate to her new life. As she navigates the desert world of
Carthago and the gladiator city of Kor Magna, she desperately misses her teenage son back on Earth and throws
herself into finding another human, space marine Blaine, still kept captive by the slavers. She also finds herself
working harder than ever to avoid a certain charming showman gladiator who is far too attractive and far too
Gladiator Lore Uma-Xilene is a protector at heart and a sucker for a damsel in distress…although he’s well aware
that the hard-shelled and sad-eyed Madeline wouldn’t appreciate the title. He knows what it feels like to be ripped
from the family you love and have your life destroyed, and he wants to help Madeline heal. As the two of them go
undercover into the dangerous world of underground gambling, Lore knows he’ll need all his patience, passion, and
a whole lot of stubbornness to not only keep Madeline safe but to melt the icy shell around her heart.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough
gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen) and a steamy romance (between a cool, driven woman and a
charming showman gladiator). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a sneak peek of Champion, Galactic Gladiators #5.

Book 5


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…
Space marine Blaine Strong enjoyed being a composed, controlled member of space station security…until he was
abducted by alien slavers. Forced into underground fight rings and pumped full of drugs, he’s now seething with
anger and out for revenge.
Rescued by gladiators and fellow humans on the desert world of Carthago, Blaine is fighting to be the man he once
was. But when the House of Galen is attacked, he must focus on joining the gladiators to fight back. That means
teaming up with a tough, competitive female gladiator who not only challenges him at every turn, awakens a fierce
desire he’s never felt before, but a woman who can sense the churning emotions inside him.
Gladiator Saff Essikani is the best net fighter in the Kor Magna Arena. Raised from young to fight, she bows to no
man and uses her empathic abilities to win at whatever cost. With her House targeted and people under their care
threatened, she’ll stop at nothing to find those responsible. But then she finds herself face to face with a big, tortured
man from Earth who affects her like no man before. As Saff and Blaine head into the desert to uncover a
conspiracy, their incendiary desire flares hotter than the desert suns. But as Blaine’s angry emotions rage out of

control, Saff knows that unless he learns to embrace the man he is now, he has no chance of survival.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough
gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen) and a steamy romance (between a tough female gladiator and a
tortured space marine). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!

Book 6


by Anna Hackett

Abducted by alien slavers, experimented on, and left blind, the last thing doctor Winter Ashworth needs is a big
barbarian gladiator in her life, especially an annoying one who thinks she’s small and weak.
Rescued by gladiators on the desert world of Carthago, Winter is doggedly working to embrace her new life. But
two of her friends are still missing and she’ll do anything to help get them back…even if she has to work alongside
Nero Krahn: hunter, barbarian, gladiator. The scowly, brooding man is too big, has too many muscles, and pushes
all her buttons.
Nero is the House of Galen’s best hunter and tracker. Raised on a barbarian world, where strength and might are
prized, he was bred to hunt and fight. Now the arena is his home and his loyalty is to his imperator. He knows he
can use his skills to find the two lost women, even if that means protecting a small blind woman who takes every
chance to misjudge his words and lash him with her sharp tongue.
But as they follow a dangerous trail to save their friends, a new enemy emerges—one who wants Winter. The pair
find themselves reluctantly attracted to each other, uncovering a scorching desire that shocks them both. As Nero
fights to protect Winter, the barbarian gladiator will discover the true meaning of strength from the small Earth
woman he wants to claim as his.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough
gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen) and a steamy romance (between a scowly barbarian gladiator and a
determined doctor). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Marcus, Book 1 of Hell Squad.

Book 7


by Anna Hackett

Abducted by alien slavers and taken to a lawless desert world, the last thing starship pilot Mia expects is to find
herself in the protective, brawny arms of a wild, blue-skinned alien! Rescued by gladiators on the alien world of
Carthago, Mia is working to find other abducted humans who are still lost. But someone else also needs her help--
the untamed alien who's saved her twice. Rescued from vicious fight rings he's fought in since he was a child, Vek
is prone to losing control in aggressive fits of rage...and Mia discovers that she is the only who can calm him. As
she finds herself drawn to the man beneath the beast, she knows that with his enhanced senses, Vek can help her
find her friends...For years, all Vek'ker has known is death, darkness, and killing. Despite his newfound freedom,
he is struggling to control his rages and withdrawal from the drugs his captors used on him. Only one scent soothes
him, one voice calms him, and one woman is his light in the dark. Vek will do anything to protect Mia and make her
happy... including vowing to find her friends...With the gladiators from the House of Galen, Vek and Mia follow
mysterious clues into a dangerous part of the desert on the trail of the missing humans. They are drawn closer
together but as they enter the deadly Illusion Mountains, they have no idea of the dangers lying in wait for them,
or how far they will both be pushed to their limits in order to survive!

Book 8

Rogue: Information Rogue / Desert Rogue

by Anna Hackett

Abducted by alien slavers and taken to a lawless desert world, the last thing she expects is to be claimed by a
handsome alien rogue... Rogue contains two action-packed novellas in the Galactic Gladiators series.

Novella #1: Information Rogue

Arrogant information merchant Zhim doesn't know what hits him when he collides with feisty human hacker
Ryan... Rescued by the humans and gladiators from the House of Galen, Ryan Nagano is working hard to piece her
life back together. Her priorities are conquering her anxiety, recovering from her captivity, and using her
exceptional computer skills to help the House of Galen decrypt alien data that could reveal the location of other
abducted humans. That's all she's focused on. But when she needs help, she finds herself having to work with
arrogant genius Zhim... and discovers that the two of them redefine the word explosive!Zhim thrives on the need to
uncover information and ensure his wealthy, carefully constructed life is exactly as he wants it. Then one infuriating
menace of a woman blasts into his life. Ryan matches him skill for skill, drives him crazy, and worms her way
under his skin. But forced to take her deep into Kor Magma's shadowy hacker underworld, Zhim soon learns
exactly what he's willing to risk to keep Ryan safe!

Novella #2: Desert Rogue

Prickly, independent human Neve doesn't want or need any help…

But a certain cocky desert rogue isn't taking no for an answer! Neve Haynes survived her abduction through grit
and determination. She's always made her own way through life, depends on no one, and is determined to achieve
her own personal mission. So, as she sneaks out of the House of Galen, the last thing she needs is help in the
form of a tawny-haired, lean-hipped caravan master with more confidence and swagger than any man she's met
before!Corsair is a man of the desert and leader of the Corsair Caravan. He listens to his gut and something about
Neve draws him in. He can't let her go off and get herself killed, but she's the most skittish, strongest woman he's
ever met. As they trek deep into the desert on a dangerous mission to find a map to an infamous desert arena, they
will fight side by side and be forced to depend only on each other to survive. And in Carthago's desert sands, they
will uncover a desire that burns hotter than the desert sun!

Book 9


by Anna Hackett

Rescued from alien slavers, former cop Dayna wakes to discover she’s host to a powerful alien symbiont, and the
only man who can help her is the mysterious and dangerous casino owner, Rillian. Dayna Caplan has dedicated her
life to protecting others… and now that she’s no longer a captive at the desert arena of Zaabha, she desperately
wants to help find the last of the other human women who were abducted by the Thraxians. But now she has to deal
with the intense hunger and powerful new abilities the alien living inside grants her… and the person forcing her to
confront her new reality is the cool, enigmatic, and far-too-attractive Rillian. Rillian has wheeled and dealed his way
to the top of the food chain on the lawless desert world of Carthago. He lets no one close and keeps iron-clad
control on his life…which vital to keeping the lethal power within him in check. But one human woman - tough,
stubborn, and fascinating Dayna - works her way under his skin, and he finds himself obsessed with protecting her.
But as dead bodies start appearing in his casino as a deadly warning, dangers are closing in on them. With their
allies, the gladiators from the House of Galen, Rillian and Dayna find themselves fighting for survival on every
front. On the hunt to find Zaabha and the lost humans, they will face murderers, slavers, and the deadliest of all
challenges… the aliens living within them.

Book 10


by Anna Hackett

Scientist Ever Haynes was shocked when she was abducted by alien slavers...but the last thing she expected
was to find herself pregnant with a cyborg's baby.
Ever has been fighting for her life since her abduction, and the only good thing to happen to her was one heated
night with a mysterious prisoner--a connection, a flash of light in the darkness. But then he was rescued and she was
left behind. Now, weeks later, she's been saved by the House of Galen gladiators...and by the man she shared the
hottest night of her life with. But cool, emotionless cyborg Magnus Rone has no memory of their night together and
finding out that she's expecting his baby is a shock to everyone.
Created in a military program, Magnus is genetically and cybernetically enhanced--emotionless, ruthless, focused.
He vows to protect Ever and the baby she carries, and despite his lack of memory, everything about tough,
levelheaded Ever draws him in. All his life, his emotional dampeners and training have limited his ability to feel
emotions...but one small Earth woman cuts through all that and leaves him feeling.
As they work together to hunt down the deadly desert arena of Zaabha and the final human woman trapped there,
Ever and Magnus find a stunning passion neither can resist or ignore. But in the dangerous desert sands of Carthago,
with the House of Galen gladiators by their sides, deadly enemies are closing in. Ever and Magnus will be dragged
back into the darkness, and Magnus will do anything and sacrifice everything to keep her safe.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think wild gladiatorial fights and daring rescues), tough
gladiators (the warriors of the House of Galen and the House of Rone) and a steamy romance (between a sexy,
emotionless cyborg and a resilient survivor from Earth). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Marcus, Book 1 of Hell Squad.

Book 11


by Anna Hackett

Space station security specialist Sam has done one thing since her abduction by alien slavers… fight to survive. But
now one strong alien gladiator stands at her side and Sam knows she is no longer alone.Thrust into a lawless desert
arena, Sam Santos has done terrible things in order to stay alive. As the Champion of Zaabha, she’s been fighting to
find a way out. Everything changes when the Imperator of the House of Galen sacrifices his freedom to help her.
The hard-bodied, fierce man has vowed to help her escape, but getting out of Zaabha is only the first deadly task
they face.Galen was bred to be a royal bodyguard and protect his prince. With his planet now destroyed, he’s grown
powerful and forged his wealthy gladiatorial House on the desert planet of Carthago. All Galen knows is honor,
service, and sacrifice. Now his life depends on working with one battle-hardened woman of Earth as they fight
together to survive. But Sam Santos is not what he expected. Tough, yes. A brilliant fighter, for sure. But there is a
softer side to the woman as well. And Galen finds himself irrevocably drawn to all of Sam’s captivating facets.Then
they uncover a devious plot by the Thraxians that could bring down the foundations of the Kor Magna Arena and all
they hold dear. Galen and Sam will stop at nothing to defeat the evil alien slavers, even if it means war. In amongst
the fighting, Sam may finally show a man who lives for everyone else, that he deserves more than just honor and
freedom, but love as well… if they survive the coming battle.

Book 11.5

A Glactic Gladiator Christmas

by Anna Hackett

A free Gladiator Christmas short story that can be found on the authors website.

Book 12 [11.25, 11.5, 11.75]

Hunter: Desert Hunter / Alien Hunter / Glactic Gladiator Christmas

by Anna Hackett

strong>From the dangerous desert sands to the deadly glitz of the city, the lawless desert planet of Carthago is filled
with lethal hunters risking it all for the women who capture their hearts.
HUNTER contains two novellas and one short story all set in the Galactic Gladiators series.
Desert Hunter: Desert Hunter Bren will do whatever it takes to protect the smart, beautiful Mersi from his
darkest secrets.
NOTE: previously released as part of the 2018 Pets in Space Anthology
Born, raised, and sold into servitude on the desert world of Carthago, Mersi Kassar has finally found her freedom
and her place on the Corsair Caravan, leading travelers from the gladiator city of Kor Magna through the desert. She
also works side by side with her friend—the big, silent Bren—a man she’s desperately in love with. But stubborn
Bren shuts down her every attempt to deepen the feelings they have for each other and Mersi isn’t sure she can take
the pain anymore.
Desert hunter Bren Hahn hides a terrifying darkness within, and will protect the few people he cares about. That
includes Mersi—a woman who sparks a simmering passion he finds harder and harder to ignore. On a perilous
journey in the heart of the desert, Mersi and Bren rescue a strange alien creature. Working together to heal the big,
shaggy canine, their smoldering desire ignites, but their feelings turn out to be the least of their concerns. A deadly
enemy is hunting their new pet. An enemy that threatens Bren’s darkest secret and all they hold dear.
Alien Hunter: head of security Tannon Gi lets no one get close, until a feisty cocktail waitress explodes into
his orderly life.
NOTE: this is a brand-new, never-before-published story
Mina Lan’Gar left the desert for a new life in the glitzy heart of Kor Magna known as the District. As a brand-new
cocktail waitress at the hottest casino, the Dark Nebula, she’s just trying to get ahead, but all she seems to do is lock
horns with the casino’s taciturn head of security, Tannon Gi. The man’s hard body, neat suits, and serious face make
her want to mess him up a bit. When she overhears people conspiring to strike a private gladiator party the casino is
hosting, she knows she needs to help Tannon stop the attack.
Once a deadly alien hunter assassin, Tannon finally left the life that was destroying him one kill at a time, and made
a life for himself at the Dark Nebula Casino. Nothing and no one causes trouble on his watch, and that includes the
mysterious woman from the desert who stirs feelings in him that he’s never felt before. When he and Mina find
themselves swept up in a fierce passion and a deadly plot, they will soon learn that nothing is quite what it seems…
Includes the short story: A Galactic Gladiators Christmas
NOTE: this is a free read on my website
Mistletoe, Santa Claus, and eggnog. Cyborg Imperator Magnus Rone finds himself in the middle of party filled with
rescued humans from Earth, gladiators, cyborgs, and children, trying to understand the strange traditions of

Hell Squad Series

20 primary works • 22 total works

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on… Join Marcus Steele and the toughest
commando team fighting for humanity’s survival—Hell Squad. Battle-hardened soldiers, men and women who
never give up. Heroes will rise…when they have someone to live for.

Book 1


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on…

In a world gone to hell, Elle Milton—once the darling of the Sydney social scene—has carved a role for herself as
the communications officer for the toughest commando team fighting for humanity’s survival—Hell Squad. It’s her
chance to make a difference and make up for horrible past mistakes…despite the fact that its battle-hardened
commander never wanted her on his team.
When Hell Squad is tasked with destroying a strategic alien facility, Elle knows they need her skills in the field. But
first she must go head to head with Marcus Steele and convince him she won’t be a liability.
Marcus Steele is a warrior through and through. He fights to protect the innocent and give the human race a chance
to survive. And that includes the beautiful, gutsy Elle who twists him up inside with a single look. The last thing he
wants is to take her into a warzone, but soon they are thrown together battling both the alien invaders and their
overwhelming attraction. And Marcus will learn just how much he’ll sacrifice to keep her safe.

Book 2


by Anna Hackett

Battle-hardened soldier Cruz Ramos is running on empty. As second-in-command of the deadliest commando squad
fighting the invading aliens, he doesn't know why he's fighting anymore. He's seen too much destruction,
devastation, and far too much death. Still, every day he goes out to protect those humans left, and every day the
growing numbness threatens to take over.
Until a mysterious woman emerges from the ruins of destroyed Sydney and saves him from a pack of rampaging
Santha Kade has one goal: revenge. The raptors who have devastated the Earth have taken everything from her: her
team, her home, her beloved sister. Santha--a former police officer--has spent a year alone in the ruined city, waging
her own guerrilla war. Sure, she might get lonely sometimes, but she doesn't have room for anything but vengeance.
Not even for a sexy soldier with liquid brown eyes, a bone-melting accent, and a face designed to drive a woman
But as Cruz and Santha join forces to rescue human hostages from the aliens, their explosive attraction is impossible
to resist. Can these two warriors survive long enough to find something worth living for?
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think invading aliens, explosions and gunfights),
tough warriors (the sexy, battle-hardened soldiers of Hell Squad) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between
a warrior woman and a sexy soldier). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes preview of Book 3 of the Hell Squad, Gabe.

Book 3


by Anna Hackett

Hell Squad soldier Gabe Jackson has lost everything that mattered, including his twin brother. Now he just wants to
kill the invading aliens anyway he knows how…and he knows a lot of ways. Previously part of a secret Army
super-soldier project, he’s faster, stronger, deadlier…but on the inside, he’s a mass of rage, and pain, and grief—all
waiting for a chance to drag him under. Until he finds her.
Dr. Emerson Green had her life planned: thrive in the high-stress environment of the ER, build her career, have a
great life. Then the raptor alien invasion happened. Now she’s the head of the medical team for the secret base
sheltering human survivors outside of Sydney. She’s also in charge of patching up the soldiers who get too close to
raptor claws. She’d never planned for this…and she’d never planned for sexy, brooding Gabe Jackson.
As Emerson uncovers clues to the aliens’ secret plans for the human race, she and Gabe collide in a storm of volatile
passion. But the brooding soldier is as stubborn as he is silent, and Emerson knows she must convince him to reach
out to her…because Gabe is a ticking time bomb about to go off.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think invading aliens, explosions and gunfights), tough
warriors (the sexy, battle-hardened soldiers of Hell Squad) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between a
warrior woman and a sexy soldier). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes preview of Book 3 of the Hell Squad, Gabe.

Book 4


by Anna Hackett

As part of Hell Squad, former Coalition Navy SEAL Reed MacKinnon fights for humanity’s freedom from the alien
invaders. He also fights for his brown-eyed girl—the woman he rescued from the aliens’ secret laboratory. He
admires her quiet strength and will to survive, not to mention her elfin looks and curvy body…but he knows he has
to keep his distance. She’s nowhere near ready for what he has to offer and he’ll protect her from everything, even
his own powerful desires.
Energy scientist Natalya Vasin has lived through hell. Still struggling after her captivity, scarred by the aliens’
experimentation, all she wants is to be normal again...and she wants Reed MacKinnon. But the rugged soldier is
holding back, treating her like glass, and she won’t accept that from anybody.
As Reed and Natalya wage a sensual battle of desires, they also work together to decipher a mysterious alien energy
cube. Hell Squad needs Natalya’s expertise and they need her to go back into alien territory to use it. But on a
mission to destroy an alien outpost, secrets are uncovered—of what the raptors really did to Natalya. Secrets that
mean the future she wants with Reed is just an impossible dream.

Book 5


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on…

Roth Masters is a protector to the bone. Driven by the losses of his past, he fights side-by-side with Hell Squad to
protect the human survivors of the alien invasion. As leader of Squad Nine, he and his team are known for their
perfect timing in a firefight. But Roth knows they need more intel on the raptor invaders—something to turn the tide
of the battle. And he knows the woman he rescued from an alien facility is hiding secrets he desperately wants to
Former Coalition Central Intelligence Agent Avery Stillman is still adjusting to her new life. Left with terrible gaps
in her memory, she has vague recollections of failed negotiations with the aliens, the invasion, and after that…
nothing. Until a hard-bodied soldier pulled her from a tank in an alien lab. Now she’s trying desperately to
remember, to help fight back, and also battling the crazy attraction to the man who keeps pushing her for things she
can’t remember.
Soon Roth finds himself torn between his duty and keeping the strong woman he’s falling for safe. As the pair head
into alien territory to investigate, they are attacked and crash land alone, far from base. They have to work together
to survive the aliens, but when Avery finally remembers everything…her secrets could annihilate all they hold dear.

Book 6


by Anna Hackett

The battle of survival against the invading aliens heats up…but Hell Squad never quits.
Tech genius Noah Kim works day and night to keep the survivors at Blue Mountain Base with lights, power and hot
water. He’s also working on a top secret project to help keep them safe. He’s tired, stressed and under pressure—
and one woman adds to it all. An annoying, infuriating redhead he calls Captain Dragon.
Captain Laura Bladon lost everything she cared for in the alien invasion: her loving family, her Navy SEAL fiancé
and her military career. Since then, she’s been numb, her feelings encased in ice, and she’s dedicated herself to her
job as chief interrogator and running the base’s prison. But one person can get under her skin in an instant—
arrogant, brilliant Noah. He’s the one thing that makes her feel—and that makes her very afraid.

But as Laura helps Noah on his project, the two are drawn irresistibly together. As they head into the desert with
Hell Squad on a mission to a hidden alien outpost, sparks fly and a passionate desire is uncovered. Both are holding
onto past hurts, scared to take the risk of loving again…but when the unthinkable happens, it changes everything…
and Laura and Noah must find the power to save themselves, their friends and their love.

Book 7


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on... Hell Squad sniper Shaw Baird is a man
on a mission. His squad is his family and now the invading aliens have done the unforgivable... taken one of his
team. Claudia Frost - soldier, friend, and all-round badass - is running on borrowed time. Shaw has vowed to bring
her home, whatever it takes... and he’s only just realising now she’s been taken that Claudia is a vital piece of
him.Claudia Frost is surviving... barely. Kept in chains, made to fight for the aliens’ enjoyment, she can’t survive
much longer. But she knows her squad is coming for her... knows Shaw is coming. Only thoughts of the sexy,
charming sniper get her through the hell, and for the first time in forever, she wishes she hadn’t let the wounds
of her past stop her from taking a taste of the man who is her friend, her sanity and her secret obsession.But
rescuing Claudia is only the first dangerous step. The alien keeping Claudia prisoner is far more intelligent, far more
patient and a hell of a lot deadlier than any they’ve faced before. Not only is he hunting their band of human
survivors through the forests of the Blue Mountains, but he wants Claudia. And he’ll let nothing get in his way.

Book 8


by Anna Hackett

The battle of survival against the invading aliens heats up... but Hell Squad never quits. General Adam Holmes’
life is dedicated to keeping his small band of survivors alive. On the run, with only Hell Squad and the other
soldiers for protection, they are making their last dangerous drive to the secret stronghold of the Enclave. But there
are a lot of aliens between them and their destination, and the survivors are tired, worn, and at the end of their limits.
Adam feels the pressure dragging him down, but as their leader, he can’t be their friend and he can’t dump his
burden on anyone else.Long before the alien invasion, Liberty Lawler survived her own personal hell. Since then,
she’s vowed to enjoy everything life has to offer and she’s managed to do that, even in the middle of an apocalypse.
She does what she can to help the survivors in her convoy, but one man holds himself apart, working tirelessly for
them all. Liberty can see Adam is at his breaking point and she vows to tear through his rigid control and save
him from himself.But the aliens are throwing everything they have at the humans, trying to stop them from reaching
the Enclave. Adam will find his resolve tested and the pressure higher than ever. But it will be one beautiful woman
- one who won’t take no for an answer and who worms under his skin - who can save them all and give him the
strength to go on.
Book 9


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on... Mackenna Carides is tough, strong,
and excellent at her job as second-in-command of Squad Nine. She often works side by side with Hell Squad on
some of the toughest missions to fight back against the alien raptors. Now she's helping the survivors of Blue
Mountain Base settle into their new home at the Enclave. And that means working with the Enclave's sexy civilian
leader, Nikolai Ivanov, an artist who watches her with an intensity that is hard to ignore. A man she's seen in the
field and who she knows is hiding a mysterious past.Niko is dedicated to the people of the Enclave and to his art.
Once, his life was all about death and destruction, now it's about life and creation - even in the middle of an alien
apocalypse. As he welcomes the Enclave's new members, there is one newcomer he wants to get closer to... but
Mackenna is fighting their attraction. As something starts attacking their drones - vital technology for keeping them
all safe - Niko realizes that in order to battle this new danger, he'll have to return to the darkness of his past... and
risk Mackenna never looking at him the same way again.On a dangerous mission to save their drones from the
aliens, Niko will need all of his lethal skills and will wade into the fight with Mac by his side. They will be tested to
the brink, where nothing is black or white, and they will have to expose themselves and trust each other to fight,
live, and love.

Book 10


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on... For Hawk pilot Finn Erickson, flying
is in the blood. Since the aliens decimated the planet, he spends most of his time flying Hell Squad into combat.
With communication to other survivor bases cut off, he has no idea if his family is still alive and feels their loss
keenly. But helping to fight back sustains him, and his quadcopter is the only woman he needs. She doesn't argue
with him... unlike a certain redhead who is one hell of a kisser.Lia Murphy lost her mother and sister in the
invasion. She vows never to get emotionally involved with anyone again, and as head of the drone team, she's
always busy with work. But one cocky, arrogant pilot pushes all her buttons. When Finn issues a challenge, - a fly-
off in the flight simulator - she can't resist. However, she's not sure if she can accept what he demands as his prize if
he wins... her. In his bed for one night.But as Finn and Lia's fiery attraction heats up, so does the battle with the
aliens. The pair must work together to re-establish communications with other humans and discover what the aliens
are hiding in a mysterious area to the north. In the process, they will face the most dangerous alien creature yet,
and be tested to their very limits...

Book 11


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a spy and a soldier find themselves locked in an alien cage and told…
mate or die.
A covert mission gone horribly wrong. Cool, composed spy, Devlin Gray is used to bad situations, but locked in the
bowels of an alien facility with tough, sexy soldier Taylor and told to mate is bad. Very bad. During his career, he’s
had to lie and kill, he’s been betrayed, and he knows he works best on his own. Now he is forced to depend on
Taylor, and together they have to find a way to escape before it’s too late…
Taylor Cates has already been to hell once before. She lives to fight for others, just like her mother once fought for
her, and Taylor vows to do whatever it takes to escape the aliens. As she works with the sexy, suave Devlin, she
starts to see glimpses of the man beneath the cool exterior. An exterior she soon finds she wants to melt.
In the worst of circumstances, a passion is born. But on the run for their lives, Devlin and Taylor soon discover far
worse things in the alien facility: human prisoners and a weapon that could be the very downfall of the human race.
A weapon that will threaten their friends, their home, and everything they hold dear. <

Book 12


by Anna Hackett

Squad mates, best friends, and fighting to survive in the middle of an alien invasion. Can she make one
stubborn alpha male soldier see her as something else?
Sienna Rossi has always been a mix of contradictions. She loves ice cream, likes cooking, and is skilled at taking
down aliens with her squad. Sweet and tough, soldier and woman, most people can't seem to make sense of
her...even the loving family she lost in the invasion and especially men. One man accepts her as she is, her best
friend Theron. But the big, silent, muscled soldier has her firmly in the 'friends' zone...except that Sienna knows he
wants her, and she's determined to claim the stubborn man as hers.
Theron Wade lives to fight aliens. They killed his parents, his foster siblings, and his fellow Rangers. Now he has a
new team--the tough, mostly-female Squad Nine. But one certain female haunts his dreams and stars in his darkest
fantasies. Sienna is his sunshine in the darkness. He wants to her to be happy...and he knows that would never be
with a man like him. A man with darker, rougher tastes that would shock her.
As Squad Nine works to track and destroy a dangerous alien device, best friends collide. Theron introduces Sienna
to a world of rough, edgy passion that she craves. But as a mission goes off track, the two of them will risk
everything for love, for their lives, and to save the world.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (think climbing shattered skyscrapers and daring rescue
missions), tough warriors (the kickass ladies of Squad Nine and the badasses of Hell Squad) and a steamy romance
(lots of edgy sexy times between a quiet, stubborn soldier and his tenacious best friend). So if you like it fast, and
gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a sneak peek at Hemi (Hell Squad #13) and a preview of Gladiator, first book in Galactic Gladiators

Book 12.5

His Light in the Darkness

by Anna Hackett

A short story featuring a quiet moment between Marcus and Elle. This story fits into the Hell Squad timeline
between the books Theron and Hemi.

Book 13


by Anna Hackett

In the middle of an alien invasion, a big, tough, tattooed former mercenary is finally going to chase down his
Camryn McNab knows love is a lie. Okay, maybe not for everybody--her fellow soldiers on Squad Nine have
managed to fall in love in the middle of a vicious alien attack. But it's not for her. She comes from two people
incapable of love. For now, her life is about survival, fighting to protect others, and kicking some alien raptor butt.
What she doesn't need is a certain wild, bearded, tattoo-covered soldier always underfoot, messing with her things,
and driving her crazy. But no matter how hard she tries to outrun Hemi Rahia, she can't seem to shake him, and a
terrified part of doesn't even want to...
A member of the Squad Three berserkers, Hemi knows his squad has a reputation for not following the rules and
being a little wild. Former bikers, mercenaries, and...other less savory things, they fight hard and party harder. But
Hemi has known for a while now that there is only one woman for him. One courageous, sexy, attitude-filled
woman he wants to claim as his own. But he has to catch her first.
Tasked with a top-secret mission deep in alien creeper territory, Hemi and Cam will fight side-by-side to achieve
their dangerous goal. Their chemistry is off the charts, but persistent Hemi wants more than Cam's body...he wants
her heart and soul as well. As their battle with the aliens turns deadly, they will have to fight not only for their love,
but for their very survival.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (dangerous missions and deadly aliens), tough warriors
(the kickass ladies of Squad Nine and the badass berserkers) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between a

bearded wild man and his sexy soldier). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Gladiator, first book in Galactic Gladiators

Book 14


by Anna Hackett

In the middle of an alien invasion, will the bad boy berserker catch the geeky tech genius? Computer genius
Marin Mitchell is doing her part to help humanity survive the raptor invasion, working tirelessly to decrypt alien
data. She spends her days working and drooling over a certain tattooed, biker berserker from Squad Three. But
Marin knows the rules: geeks do not snag sexy bad boys. She spends her nights playing her favorite computer
game where she is a kick-butt badass, and a match for her mysterious online fight partner, SuperSoldier3...A
member of the Squad Three berserkers, Ash Connors knows that whenever he reaches for something good, life slaps
him back down. He gave up on his dreams a long time ago, and instead, focused on running his motorcycle club
with his best friend. But after the alien invasion, he does what he does best, fight and take down the aliens. When
cute, smart, and sweet Marin catches his eye, he tries to steer clear, but can't seem to stay away... online or in real
life!When Marin discovers information about a central alien data hub, her skills are needed to hack into the system.
That means a deadly mission deep underground, right into the heart of alien territory. That throws her right into
Ash's tattooed arms. As the sexy berserker fights to keep her safe, he also vows to show Marin that while she
might follow the rules, he likes to break them!

Book 15


by Anna Hackett

In the middle of an alien invasion, a bad boy berserker collides with a spunky mechanic on a dangerous sabotage
Levi King has always lived rough. Raised by a biker dad, he fought for everything he had—including being
president of the Iron Kings motorcycle club. But when the aliens invaded, he lost it all. Now he wades through the
muck with his fellow berserkers, fighting to protect the last of the human survivors. He fights hard and parties
harder, and follows no one’s rules but his own. But then he finds himself fascinated by a mouthy, auburn-haired
mechanic who isn’t afraid to give him a piece of her mind.
Chrissy Hagan survived months of alien captivity and now she’s found a purpose at the Enclave—as mechanic in
charge of the armored Hunter vehicles. She keeps her babies purring…and hates every scratch the soldiers put on
them, especially when a certain arrogant, cocky, and annoying biker is responsible. Did she mention annoying?
What about tattooed, man-bunned, and far too sexy? Chrissy and Levi do more than strike sparks of each other…

they start full blown infernos, and she isn’t afraid to use her wrench on his hard head when required.
But then a vital mission requires Chrissy to step out of the safety of the Enclave, and sabotage and steal an alien
vehicle. Working side by side, desire burns white-hot. Levi discovers he will give everything he’s got to keep
Chrissy safe and claim her as his…if they both get through the deadly mission alive.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (dangerous missions and deadly aliens), tough warriors
(the badass berserkers of Squad Three) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between a sexy former biker and a
spunky mechanic). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Gladiator, first book in Galactic Gladiators
Book 16


by Anna Hackett

As the battle against the invading aliens intensifies, a group of bad boy bikers and mercenaries will stand and fight
for humanity’s survival…
When former berserker Manu Rahia lost his leg on a mission, he was forced to leave his squad. He knows his new
role as head of the Enclave’s firing range and armory is important, but hates that he isn’t still out there fighting face
to face against the aliens and protecting his brothers’ backs. But then one woman catches his eye. A no-nonsense
woman dedicated to her job as head of security. A woman who seems cool on the surface, but who Manu is
convinced is hiding more under her business-like exterior.
Captain Kate Scott dedicated her life to her career in the Army. Now she works hard taking care of security for the
Enclave and its residents. She learned a long time ago that she isn’t a passionate woman, and that she’s better off
sticking to her work. But seeing one big, bronze-skinned, muscled man at the range every day has her hormones
going into overdrive. She’s never felt like this and she’s determined to get herself under control.
But when the aliens launch a viscous new attack, right on the Enclave’s doorstep, Kate and Manu must join forces
to stop the raptors before more people get hurt. Kate will fight fiercely to protect her team and the base, as well as
her heart. But Manu Rahia is a man who knows what he wants, will walk through fire to get it, and what he wants is

Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (dangerous missions and deadly aliens), tough warriors
(the badass berserkers of Squad Three) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between a sexy former berserker
and the head of Enclave security). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!
Includes a preview of Gladiator, first book in Galactic Gladiators

Book 17


by Anna Hackett

As the battle against the invading aliens intensifies, a group of bad boy bikers and mercenaries will stand and fight
for humanity’s survival…
Squad Three berserker Griff lived through hell long before the alien invasion. Once, he’d been a dedicated cop, but
then in a gut-wrenching betrayal, he ended up behind bars in a supermax prison. After the aliens invaded, he
managed to escape and join the soldiers fighting back…and came face to face with his best friend’s little sister—the
bold, vibrant, off-limits woman he’s always wanted. Now the beautiful, tattooed Indy is his squad’s comms
officer…and she hates his guts.
Indy Bennett lost her parents and brother in the alien attack, and every day, she vows to suck the marrow out of life.
She’s also doing her bit in the fight, as Squad Three’s comms officer, even if it means seeing the man who broke her
young heart. Griff was once her brother’s best friend, a boy she adored, but now she knows she needs to steer clear
of the hard-edged man who still draws her like a moth to a flame.
Griff vows to claim Indy as his. The only problem is, Indy is having none of it. As their fiery attraction explodes,
they find themselves embroiled in the hunt for the aliens’ unexplained octagon weapon, and a mysterious survivor
town where all is not what it seems. Both Griff and Indy will have to learn to let go of the hurts of the past if they
have any chance of not just surviving, but having a future.
Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (dangerous missions and deadly aliens), tough
warriors (the badass berserkers of Squad Three) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between a bold comms
officer and the berserker who once broke her heart ). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!

Book 18


by Anna Hackett

As the battle against the invading aliens intensifies, a group of bad boy bikers and mercenaries will stand and
fight for humanity’s survival… Squad Three berserker Dom Santora has an ugly past he can’t forget. Born and
raised in the darkness, he spent his life before the alien invasion as a Mafia enforcer. He’s found some meaning
fighting against the aliens with his fellow berserkers, but he knows his soul is too stained to ever find redemption.
And there is no way he’ll ever deserve the quiet beauty of a woman like Arden Carlisle.When the raptors invaded,
Arden lost her husband and children in the first horrible, bloody wave of the attack. Since that terrible night, she’s
survived, but she hasn’t been living. Hollowed out by her grief, she’s found a way to keep going as the comms
officer for Squad Nine. But lately, color has started to seep back into her world, and the person she sees most clearly
is the dark, handsome, and lethal Dom. Dom and Arden are two damaged souls who find each other in the darkness.
But the Gizzida are putting the final pieces of their endgame into place. The aliens want the Earth and to wipe out
the human survivors once and for all. As Dom, Arden, and the berserkers work to find a deadly alien bomb, they
uncover the true horror of the aliens’ plans. To have any chance at love, life, and survival, Dom and Arden will have
to fight harder than ever before.

Note to readers: This sci fi romance contains a lot of action (dangerous missions and deadly aliens), tough warriors
(the badass berserkers of Squad Three) and a steamy romance (lots of sexy times between an elegant comms officer

and a dark, lethal berserker). So if you like it fast, and gritty, and sexy, this is for you!

Book 19


by Anna Hackett

In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on…

Survivors contains three action-packed novellas in the Hell Squad series.
Nate – Long before the aliens invaded, former Marine Nate Caldwell came home a broken man. Going off-grid in a
cabin he inherited in Australia’s Blue Mountains, he survived the invasion with only his dog Blue for company. For
two years, he’s avoided the aliens and any survivors – he’s done his fighting and can’t go into battle again. But
when a young woman crashes into his lonely existence, with the aliens hot on her heels, she changes everything…
Dak – Captain Dak Vaughn only has room for his job as head of security for Groom Lake Base. His focus has to be
on keeping all the survivors alive, and not on the tough, attractive new recruit who gets under his skin. But when a
dangerous mission requires them to go deep into alien territory, Dak finds himself up close and personal with a
woman who is pure temptation.
Alexander – Marine engineer turned base leader, Alexander Erickson, leads a tiny base of survivors in the snowy
climes of Norway. Balancing the needs and safety of his group keeps him busy, and he longs for someone to share
the load, someone to call his own. The one independent woman he wants refuses to see him as anything more than a
leader and a younger man. But when mysterious alien activity encroaches on their safety, they will join forces to
investigate and Alexander might finally have his chance.

Book 20


by Anna Hackett

As the battle against the invading aliens reaches its endgame, a group of bad boy bikers and mercenaries will stand
and fight for humanity’s survival…
Tane Rahia is good at one thing—fighting. Before the alien invasion, he fought as a mercenary in the worst jungle
hellholes. Now, he’s the leader of Squad Three—aka the berserkers—and he’s fighting to protect his brothers, his
friends, and the last of humanity’s survivors. It doesn’t matter if he dies, he knows he belongs in the shadows, doing
the dirty work and taking dangerous risks so others don’t have to. There is no warm woman, no love, and no
redemption for him, and especially no small, sweet alien woman who he struggles to ignore.
Abducted from her homeworld by the Gizzida, Selena endured captivity and torture. Then she found herself on a
distant planet called Earth and rescued by tough, heroic humans. She’s recovered, made a new family for herself,
and come into a power that she never knew she possessed. She’s determined to experience everything life on vibrant
Earth has to offer and to protect her new home. And she discovers that one battle-hardened, intense man is the only
one who ignites a passionate desire that leaves her breathless.
The humans have fought hard, but now the Gizzida have created three deadly, humanity-ending bombs. Tane’s not
happy that Selena’s help is vital in the fight against the aliens, and nor is he ready to face her stubborn confidence
nor the white-hot desire flaring between them. But as they enter their final make or break fight, Tane and Selena
know they need to fight as one. They may not survive the final battle, but they have to try: for their friends, for the
planet, for humanity.

Eon Warriors Series

6 primary works • 6 total works

With deadly insectoid aliens threatening to invade Earth, the planet's only chance of survival is to get the attention
of the fierce Eon Warriors.
But the Eon want nothing to do with Earth, and three sisters find themselves blackmailed into some desperate
missions which start with abducting a fearsome alien war commander.

Book 1

Edge of Eon

by Anna Hackett

Framed for a crime she didn't commit, a wrongly-imprisoned space captain's only chance at freedom is to abduct a
fearsome alien war commander.
Sub-Captain Eve Traynor knows a suicide mission when she sees one. With deadly insectoid aliens threatening to
invade Earth, the planet’s only chance of survival is to get the attention of the fierce Eon Warriors. But the Eon
want nothing to do with Earth, and Eve wants nothing to do with abducting War Commander Davion Thann-Eon off
his warship. But when Earth’s Space Corps threaten her sisters, Eve will do anything to keep them safe, even if it
means she might not make it back.
War Commander Davion Thann-Eon is taking his first vacation in years. Dedicated to keeping the Eon Empire safe,
he’s been born and bred to protect. But when he’s attacked and snatched off his very own warship, he is shocked to
find himself face-to-face with a bold, tough little Terran warrior. One who both infuriates and intrigues him.
When their shuttle is attacked by the ravenous insectoid Kantos, Eve and Davion crash land on the terrifying hunter
planet known as Hunter7. A planet designed to test a warrior to his limits. Now, the pair must work together to
survive, caught between the planet and its dangers, the Kantos hunting them down, and their own incendiary
Includes a preview of Galactic Gladiators #1, Gladiator.
Eon Warriors

Edge of Eon
Touch of Eon (coming soon)

Book 2

Touch Of Eon

by Anna Hackett

She’ll do anything to free her sister and save the Earth from invasion, even if she’s blackmailed into stealing sacred
alien artifacts…and becomes the prey of the dark, deadly warrior sent to hunt her down.
Special Forces Space Marine Lara Traynor wants to save her sister and her planet from annihilation by the deadly
insectoid Kantos. Earth’s Space Corps give her one option: steal three gems sacred to the Eon Warriors. Lara has
never failed a mission and she doesn’t plan to start now. What she doesn’t expect is the big, hard-bodied warrior the
Eon sent to stop her.
Security Commander Caze Vann-Jad was born and raised to be the best Eon warrior in the empire. Honed by the
military academy, his years as a stealth agent, and by his hard warrior father, he has never failed. He knows one
weak, inferior Terran is no match for him. But when he finds himself face to face with the tough, skilled Lara, he
realizes he’s underestimated the female warrior.
When they are attacked by a Kantos kill squad, it soon becomes clear that the Kantos are planning something far
darker and dangerous. Caze and Lara are forced to change their dangerous battle of wits and skill into a fierce battle
for survival. Neither of these fighters believe in love, but on the trail of a stolen gem, they will ignite an unstoppable
desire, and discover that not only are their lives at stake, but their hearts as well.
Includes a preview of Galactic Gladiators #1, Gladiator.

Book 3

Heart of Eon

by Anna Hackett

Okay, maybe hijacking an alien commander’s warship wasn’t her best idea… Genius computer geek Wren
Traynor prefers her high-tech comp lab to socializing with people, and she definitely prefers it over crawling
through the bowels of the huge Eon warship she’s hijacked. When Earth’s Space Corps blackmails her into this
deadly mission, Wren will do anything to help her beloved sisters and save the Earth from invasion by the insectoid
Kantos aliens. That includes entering into a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the tall, hunky, and seriously
enraged Eon war commander who captains the Rengard...War Commander Malax Dann-Jad is a born protector
and has forged a successful career in service to the Eon Empire. Haunted by an early mission where he lost good
warriors, he’s dedicated to protecting his ship and its crew. Especially since his warship is carrying a special, top-
secret cargo. But one tiny, infuriating Terran puts all that at risk when she commandeers his ship and refuses to
listen to reason!When the ravenous Kantos set their sights on the Rengard - using sneaky, underhanded tactics -
Malax finds himself with an armful of curvy woman. He and Wren must join forces to fight back, and are shocked
at their improbable, intense attraction. But with lives at risk, both will learn that strength comes in more ways than
one, and love can hit when you least expect it, and that in order to survive, you have to put everything on the
line!Includes a preview of Galactic Gladiators #1, Gladiator.

Book 4

Kiss of Eon

by Anna Hackett

When the vital alliance between Earth and the Eon Empire depends on her playing war games with an arrogant,
infuriating Eon warrior, what could go wrong? Terran Captain Allie Borden has her orders. Take her ship, the
Divergent, and strengthen the alliance with the Eon by carrying out training exercises with the Eon warship, the
Desteron. The only problem… one annoying warrior who gets on her nerves like nobody else. Forced to work with
Second Commander Brack Thann-Felis, Allie finds her diplomacy skills stretched to the limit… and her body
betraying her with a white-hot desire that’s getting hard to ignore...Brack Thann-Felis is dedicated to his ship, his
warriors, and his job. Watching his parents’ disastrous marriage has ensured that he will never mate or fall in love.
Working with feisty, opinionated Allie tests his patience, but the more time he spends with the dedicated captain,
the more he finds he can’t stay away from her!As mysterious, dangerous sabotage events strike their ships, it
becomes evident that someone wants their alliance to fail. They might have traitors among their crew and they both
know it has to lead back to their enemy - the ravenous insectoid Kantos. Soon, Brack and Allie find themselves in
a fight for their lives, with only each other to depend on, and a growing desire that will not be denied!

Book 5

Mark of Eon

by Anna Hackett

Oil and water. Fire and ice. Terran space marine and rugged alien warrior.
Space marine Lieutenant Jamie Park has a reputation as tough as steel...just the way she likes it. A horrible
childhood and her marine training have forged her into a strong woman, and she's never seen a fight she'd back
down from. Taking on the voracious insectoid Kantos is her focus, even if that means being assigned to the Eon
warship, the Desteron, and working with the one arrogant alien warrior who's seen her vulnerable and weak.
Medical Commander Aydin Kann-Ath lives to be the perfect warrior and doctor. All his life, he's worked to restore
his family's tarnished honor. He has no room in his life for anything but his work, and that includes a headstrong,
battle-hardened Terran who -- even when injured -- refuses to follow orders. Yet every minute he spends with
Jamie, she ignites both his temper and his desire, and he can't seem to stay away.
With every interaction, Aydin finds himself fascinated by Jamie's courage and spirit, and Jamie finds herself

consumed by a fiery attraction that terrifies her. On a dangerous hunt to find symbiont lifeforms that have been
stolen by the Kantos, the pair can't ignore their passionate connection. But the evil Kantos threaten not only their
lives, but the fate of the galaxy, unless Jamie and Aydin sacrifice it all to stop them.

Book 6

Claim of Eon

by Anna Hackett

She’s an alien warrior dedicated to her job, but a tough, handsome Terran captain is a temptation she never
As a female Eon warrior, Second Commander Airen Kann-Felis has fought for her career and is proud of her work
aboard the warship, the Rengard. She has no time for men or frivolous pleasures, especially with the deadly
insectoid Kantos causing the Eon trouble at every turn. When the Eon Empire makes an alliance with the small
planet of Earth, she never expected to be working alongside a man like Sub-Captain Donovan Lennox. A good-
looking, smart, and tenacious man who tempts her in ways she’s never been tempted before.
Donovan Lennox was born for space, and he’s happy to be aboard a high-tech Eon warship and helping to take
down the Kantos. He’s even happier to work with the disciplined, independent female Eon warrior who is very easy
on the eyes. Donovan believes in respect and pleasure, but what he doesn’t believe in is the myth of love. It was the
one lesson his loser dad managed to teach him. As Donovan tries to tempt Airen into playing with him, she’s
keeping her walls up, even as every second they spend together draws them closer.
When Airen and Donovan are on a shuttle mission together, they find themselves under attack by the Kantos and
forced to crash-land on a deadly prison planet. With only each other to depend on, both of them will have to learn to
trust each other, or they stand no chance at winning the race to survive the Kantos, or the prison planet’s dangerous
creatures and bloodthirsty criminals.

Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone Series

6 primary works • 6 total works

Spin off series from the Galactic Gladiators series

Book 1


by Anna Hackett

Fighting for love, loyalty, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim… When Quinn Bennett’s exploration
ship is attacked, the security chief finds herself abducted by alien slavers. Unable to save her crew, she is taken
across the galaxy and sold to a desert scavenger on the lawless planet of Carthago. Driven by her guilt and failure,
she’ll do anything to escape and save the other abductees from her ship. Chained and forced into servitude, she’s
waiting for her chance to strike, when across a dusty trading post, she comes face to face with a big, cyborg
gladiator...Jaxer Rone’s loyalty is to his imperator - the man who saved him from a lethal cyborg military program.
Jax works tirelessly for his gladiatorial house and would die for his fellow cyborgs. His emotional dampeners have
never functioned well, but while he feels some emotion, he never lets it get in the way of his duty. Right now, his
mission is to find the stolen humans from Earth. But when he rescues the fierce, relentless Quinn, he starts feeling
a rush of emotion he’s never experienced before...Quinn and Jax join forces to track down the aliens holding the
other Earth women captive. Side by side, they venture into the desert and uncover a desire hotter than the desert
suns. But the aliens who captured Quinn want her back. In order to protect Quinn, will Jax embrace his newfound
feelings or shut them off to keep her safe?

Book 2


by Anna Hackett

Rescued from alien slavers, the only place she feels safe is in the brawny arms of a big, gruff cyborg...
Astrophysicist Dr. Jayna Lennox's life imploded the day her ship was attacked by aliens. Through months of
captivity, she's survived by shutting down and not feeling. Then she's freed by the House of Rone cyborgs and finds
herself in the arms of huge, tough Mace. Struggling to heal, Mace is the only thing that makes her feel safe. The
only person who makes her feel like she isn't broken. But there are more of her crew members imprisoned in
Carthago's desert, and Jayna will have to delve into her darkest memories to help save them!Born to fight and
bred for rage, Mace barely survived his gang-ridden homeworld. Thanks to Imperator Magnus Rone, he's found a
place at the House of Rone. Unlike the other cyborgs, he feels, but only anger and annoyance. When a small,
wounded human woman works her way under his skin, Mace finds himself feeling things he's never felt before...
along with a powerful need to keep her safe!Jayna vows to help find her fellow humans, even if it means revisiting
her nightmares and being part of a dangerous mission into the desert. But as the passion between her and Mace
explodes, she finds herself with two battles on her hands: the battle to free the humans from their captors, and the
war to win Mace's scarred heart!Includes a preview of Edge Of Eon (Eon Warriors #1)

Book 3


by Anna Hackett

Rescued from her alien captors, the only person who makes her feel safe is a cold, emotionless cyborg.
Abducted from her exploration ship, paramedic Sage McAlister has spent months locked in cells and labs belonging
to the Edull. Rescued by the cool, powerful cyborgs of the House of Rone, she finds herself among fellow human
survivors on the desert world of Carthago. But despite being free, Sage feels cold inside and is struggling to cope.
The only person she feels safe with—who she doesn’t feel the need to pretend with—is a deadly cyborg who feels
nothing.Forced into a military cyborg program as a teen, all Acton Vonn remembers of his past are violent missions
and the cybernetic enhancements forced on him before he broke free. His emotions have been dampened to nothing
for decades and he’s fine with that. It makes him an efficient member of the House of Rone. Yet the more time he
spends with the copper-haired woman he helped rescue from the Edull, the more unfamiliar, strange, and perplexing
things he starts to feel.When a tip reveals that more humans are being held captive at a mysterious desert lake, Sage
will stop at nothing to help rescue her crewmates. As she is drawn closer to Acton, she worries about risking her
heart. Being with Sage breaks down barriers inside Acton and he struggles with the emotions he doesn’t want to
feel. But deep in Carthago’s dangerous deserts, with the Edull hunting them, Sage and Acton will have to risk it all:
their lives, their hearts, their souls.Includes a preview of Edge of Eon (Eon Warriors #1)

Book 4


by Anna Hackett

A cyborg drowning in emotions and an abducted Earth woman trying not to feel.
Abducted, enslaved, and constantly worried for her daughter, scientist Dr. Simone Li has had a rough few months.
Now that she and her daughter, Grace, have been rescued by the fierce cyborgs of the House of Rone, she’s trying to
make a life for them on the desert world of Carthago. But guilt and worry are eating at her…Toren—a once-
emotionless cyborg—was injured rescuing them from the dangerous Edull aliens. Now, he’s inundated with
emotions and not coping. Drawn to the wounded cyborg, Simone must find a way to help him and still protect her
battered heart.
Bred to be a warlord’s personal cyborg, Toren has prided himself on being a cool, precise fighter dedicated to his
house and imperator. Now his entire life has been torn apart. He’s broken, useless, and sidelined as an elite House of
Rone cyborg. Every minute of every day, he struggles through a deluge of unfamiliar emotions and wants
revenge…and only one woman calms the storm.
Desperate to bring down the Edull and rescue another abducted woman, Toren and Simone go undercover in the
desert. Despite the dangers around them, these two tortured souls can no longer fight their intense attraction and the
pull of fierce, overwhelming emotion. But Toren will soon have a choice to make: risk it all for love or go back to
being the emotionless warrior he’s always been.

The Galactic Gladiators Science Fiction Romance Series: Science Fiction Romance, Action Adventure Romance,
Space Opera, Futuristic Romance, Fantasy Romance, Military Romance and Paranormal Romance

Book 5

Guard: Dark Guard / Cyborg Guard

by Anna Hackett

From the dangerous desert sands to the deadly glitz of the city, the lawless desert planet of Carthago is filled with
lethal cyborg gladiators risking it all for the women who capture their hearts. GUARD contains two novellas and
one short story all set in the Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone series.
Dark Guard: lethal cyborg Zaden will do whatever it takes to guard and protect beautiful, sweet Calla from
mysterious attackers.
NOTE: previously released as part of the 2019 Pets in Space Anthology
Abducted from her homeworld, Calla Ryss has spent months in a cell, surviving her captors—the metal-scavenging
Edull. Deep in the deserts of the lawless planet of Carthago, she knows that there is no chance of escape. The only
thing that gets her through is her friendship with a fellow abductee, a woman stolen from Earth. But everything
changes when they are rescued by the bone-chillingly dangerous cyborgs of the House of Rone, and Calla finds
herself staring into eyes of metallic silver.
Zaden lives for the House of Rone. His cyborg enhancements help him keep a ruthless hold on his emotions, and
loyalty is the only thing he allows himself to feel. And the rare spurt of annoyance at the cyborg hunting cat that
refuses to leave him alone. But when sweet, lovely Calla falls into his arms, Zaden starts to experience emotions
he’s never felt before…which is dangerous for a cyborg whose enhancements are in place not to increase his lethal
abilities, but leash them.
When mysterious attackers attempt to snatch Calla, Zaden vows to be her guard and keep her safe—with some
unsolicited help from a certain cyborg cat. But there is more at stake than just Calla’s safety, and as she and Zaden
are drawn into an intoxicating storm of emotion, they will risk their hearts, their lives, and their freedom to rescue
another innocent captive.
Cyborg Guard: on a dangerous mission into the desert, female cyborg loner Seren must act as bodyguard for
champion gladiator Xias—a man who pushes every one of her buttons.
NOTE: this is a BRAND-NEW, never-before-published story
Seren dan Stal was once the pride of the Dan Nonian Warrior Academy, but when her people were wiped out by a
virulent virus, she is the lone survivor. Now, her home is the desert world of Carthago, and she works hard to honor
her father and her planet by being the best cyborg fighter at the House of Rone. She has no time for fun or frivolity,
and that especially includes the always-smiling showman gladiator Xias.
Xias grew up on the streets of Kor Magna and lost the most important fight of all—protecting his sister. He vowed
to become a champion for her and to never lose again. He commands the sands of the desert arena, is loved by the
spectators, and would die for his imperator, Magnus Rone. But then he finds himself becoming far too fascinated by
a prickly, dangerous, and gorgeous female cyborg.
In the desert city of Kaffit, Xias and Seren must work together on a mission for Magnus. Xias pushes Seren to feel,
and she inspires his need to protect and pleasure. Together, they uncover a scorching-hot hunger that won’t be
denied. Now, they just need to survive long enough to see if that hunger can grow into love.
Includes the short story – House of Rone: Beginnings

Soldier 47 is the most lethal cyborg in the Orionix Military Program. But when a young cyborg, Jaxer, is slated for
deactivation, Soldier 47--also known as Magnus Rone--will risk everything he knows to save his friend.

Book 6

Weapons Master

by Anna Hackett

A grumpy cyborg weapons master collides with a feisty mechanic from Earth who turns his ordered
existence upside down.
Abducted from her exploration ship and enslaved on a desert world, mechanic Bellamy Walsh has fought for her
survival. She’s had to fight for everything in her life, and she doesn’t ever expect things to be easy. After being
rescued by the tough, deadly cyborgs of the House of Rone, she is shocked to find herself drawn to a grumpy beast
of a cyborg. A genius weapons master who prefers his solitude. A man with scars of his own. A man whose brawny
arms are the only thing that chase away Bellamy’s nightmares.
Maxon Shaye likes to be left alone to work. He doesn’t mind his fellow cyborg brethren, but he finds people
annoying and chaotic. He’s disconcerted by his growing need to keep Bellamy Walsh safe, and thinks she’s
irritating and brash. The woman keeps invading his workshop, getting in his space, and…the even more infuriating
thing is that he’s actually starting to like her there. What he doesn’t like is her burning need to throw herself back
into danger.
Bellamy is determined to help bring down her captors—the metal-scavenging Edull and their deadly desert battle
arena—and that makes her a target. She knows too much and the Edull will stop at nothing to silence her. Maxon
will do anything to keep her safe, even if that means threatening the growing bond between them. But in order to
destroy the Edull’s arena once and for, Maxon and Bellamy will put everything on the line—their desire, their love,
their lives.
Includes a preview of Edge of Eon (Eon Warriors #1)

Mates of the Kilgari Series

7 primary works • 7 total works

Book 1

Rescued by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

I woke from cryostasis a prisoner. My crime? I have no idea.

I was stuck with a hundred other women, all headed to who knows where. Captive in a dank, dirty cargo hold.
Then, out of the darkness, came Solair.
A handsome alien. Golden skinned. Horned. The dashing captain of a pirate ship. They rescued us--he gave my
people food, shelter, and promised us safety. In exchange?
He took me for himself.
But the people who captured us, haven’t given up. They want us back. They’re powerful and will do whatever it
takes to find us. The only thing stopping them?
He wants me. And what he takes…
He keeps.

Book 2

Treasured by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

I’m a wanted woman. In more ways than one.

I was arrested, then imprisoned in cryosleep, and finally rescued by a crew of horned, golden skinned aliens.
Now my government has branded me a traitor.
Whoever is after me is willing to kill--to destroy anything and anyone in their way.
They’re powerful and without mercy.
It’s enough to make me lose all hope.
Until Grantian.
He’s a dangerous man and he promises to protect me.
Former mercenary with the Hael Hounds--more blood on his hands than he cares to recount.
He’s experienced suffering. And pain. And loss.
I can tell that he sees something in me.
Something that makes him willing to kill again.
Yet with him, I feel safe.
And even if we travel to the ends of the galaxy,
With him...
I feel like I’m home.
Book 3

Charmed By The Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

Out in the fringes of known space, there’s one hope.

He’s got golden skin, horns, and eyes that say he wants only me.
I’m a greaser girl from Novaria. I know my way around an engine room.
And I never got close to anyone. Much less a serious relationship.
As for Swipt?
The handsome alien pirate that rescued me says I’m his mate.
Fated. Destined to be together.
Kind of a big commitment.
But he’s… different.
Swipt is strong. He challenges me. Excites me.
Pisses me off.
But maybe I need that kind of fire.
Maybe it’s what I’ve been missing.
Whoever kidnapped me isn’t giving up.
But with Swipt, I’m going to turn the tables.
We’re going to go after them.
Find out the answers to this mystery.
Or we’ll die trying.
At least we’ll do it together.

Book 4

Hunted by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

He’s one of the most skilled alien engineers in the galaxy.

And he’s got my motor running.

I can’t get enough of Montier.
Those broad golden shoulders and big arms that want to sweep me off my feet...
Those alien bedroom eyes that look into my soul...
Those abs that I want to feast on...
It’s enough to make any human woman swoon.
Except we don’t have time to swoon when we’re in constant danger.
The people who kidnapped me have chased me around the galaxy and they’re not giving up.
We don’t know why they want me and my friends so much.
Hell, we don’t even know who they are.
Until Montier finds something that could blow this thing wide open.
It’s a gamble, but we’re willing to wager everything.
It’s dangerous, but the alternative is death.
This gorgeous horned alien man is my fated mate.
He’s sworn to protect me till the last star vanishes.
And now he’s going to lay it all on the line to keep me safe.
Because otherwise we’re all gonna die.

Book 5

Tamed by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

Love isn’t real. It’s just a biochemical reaction. Right?

That’s what I’ve always believed.
All my friends falling in love with these gorgeous golden alien pirates?
I’m convinced they’re just experiencing biological impulses.
I mean, I get it.
I watch Zander stride through the hallways to me and my heart skips a beat.
I see him lean over to speak to me and my knees weaken.
When he touches me?
It’s like a supernova… down there.
I want to be with him.
To laugh with him. Satisfy him. Stay with him.
Who knows how long we have in this galaxy?
Our enemies are still as determined as ever.
I want my time with the deliciously muscular alien to count.
Except that means I was wrong about love.
It isn’t just physical. Not just chemicals.
It feels so true in my mind, body, and soul.
But that’s not science… I don’t know if I can trust that.

True love can’t be real.
Book 6

Seized by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

War shaped him into a soldier. His love for me transformed him into a protector.
Kintar has had a hard past.
I can see it in his eyes.
They speak of unbelievable loss and sadness.
The life of a soldier.
But his chiseled, muscled, alien body is more than a collection of his past.
He towers over me and pushes reality from my view--until there is only him.
His deep voice whispering in my ear, soothes me.
His eyes roaming my body, lure out my wild side.
His strong arms wrapped around me, protect me from the madness of the galaxy.
But it’s his heart that gives me hope.
His soul that brings me peace.
Kintar will fight for me. He’ll die for me.
Nothing will stop him from giving his last breath for me.
Nothing will stop him from forever freeing me from my enemies.
Because he is my mate he will do these things.
Because he is my love.
My heart.
My forever.

Book 7

Loved by the Alien Pirate

by Celia Kyle

He wanted her... He kept her... Now, what is he going to do with her?


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