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A. Signals , Signs, Symbols

Although speech is generally accepted as the most advanced form of communication, there
are many ways of communicating without using words. In every known culture, signals, signs,
symbols, and gestures are commonly utilized as instruments of communication. There is a great deal
of agreement among communication scientists as to what each of these methods is and how
each differs from the others. For instance, the basic function of any signal is to impinge upon the
environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as, for example, the dots and dashes that can be
applied in a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for communication through
these dots and dashes—short and long intervals as the circuit is broken—is very great. Less
adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain agreed upon meaning; that is, they convey
information in and of themselves. Two examples are the hexagonal red sign that conveys the
meaning of stop, and the red and white swirled pole outside a shop that communicates the meaning
of barber.
Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of
their intricate relationship with the receiver’s culture perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a
theater provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. In other cultures, if done
in unison, applauding can be a symbol of the audience’s discontent with the performance. Gestures
such as weaving and handshaking also communicate certain culture messages.
Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they also have a major
disadvantage in communication. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender
being directly adjacent to the receiver. Without an exchange of ideas, interaction comes to a halt. As
a result, means of communication intended to be used across long distances and extended periods
must be based upon speech. To radio, television, and the telephone, one must add fax, paging
systems, electronic mail, and the internet, and no one doubts but that there are more means of
communication on the horizon.
  Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
 Commonly =          Umumnya
 Differs =                 Berbeda
 Impinge =              Menimpa
 Codification =        Kodifikasi
 Intricate =              Rumit
 Unison =               Serentak
 Adjacent =            Berdekatan

 Speech is generally accepted as the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways
of communicating without using words. In every known culture, signals, signs, symbols, and
gestures are commonly utilized as instruments of communication. There is a great deal of
agreement among communication scientists as to what each of these methods is and how each
differs from the others.
 Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of
their intricaterelationship with the receiver’s culture perceptions.
 Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they also have a major
disadvantage in communication

Translate the passage into Indonesian language

Meskipun pidato umumnya diterima sebagai bentuk komunikasi paling maju, ada banyak
cara berkomunikasi tanpa menggunakan kata-kata. Dalam setiap budaya yang dikenal, sinyal, tanda,
simbol, dan gerakan umumnya digunakan sebagai instrumen komunikasi. Ada banyak kesepakatan
di antara para ilmuwan komunikasi tentang masing-masing metode ini dan bagaimana masing-
masing berbeda dari yang lain. Misalnya, fungsi dasar dari sinyal apa pun adalah untuk bergeseran
dengan lingkungan sedemikian rupa sehingga menarik perhatian, seperti, misalnya, titik dan garis
yang dapat diterapkan dalam rangkaian telegraf. Dikodekan untuk merujuk pada ucapan, potensi
komunikasi melalui titik-titik dan garis putus-putus ini – interval pendek dan panjang ketika sirkuit
rusak – sangat besar. Kurang mudah beradaptasi dengan kodifikasi kata, tanda juga mengandung
makna yang disepakati; yaitu, mereka menyampaikan informasi dalam dan tentang diri mereka
sendiri. Dua contoh adalah tanda merah heksagonal yang menyampaikan arti berhenti, dan tiang
merah dan putih diaduk di luar toko yang mengkomunikasikan arti tukang cukur.
Simbol lebih sulit untuk digambarkan daripada sinyal atau tanda karena hubungan mereka
yang rumit dengan persepsi budaya penerima. Dalam beberapa budaya, bertepuk tangan di sebuah
teater memberi para pemain simbol pendengaran persetujuan. Dalam budaya lain, jika dilakukan
bersamaan, bertepuk tangan bisa menjadi simbol ketidakpuasan penonton dengan pertunjukan.
Gerakan seperti menenun dan berjabat tangan juga mengkomunikasikan pesan budaya tertentu.
Meskipun sinyal, tanda, simbol, dan gerakan sangat berguna, mereka juga memiliki
kelemahan utama dalam komunikasi. Mereka biasanya tidak mengizinkan ide untuk dibagikan tanpa
pengirim berbatasan langsung dengan penerima. Tanpa pertukaran ide, interaksi terhenti. Akibatnya,
sarana komunikasi yang dimaksudkan untuk digunakan melintasi jarak jauh dan periode yang
panjang harus didasarkan pada ucapan. Untuk radio, televisi, dan telepon, seseorang harus
menambahkan faks, sistem paging, surat elektronik, dan internet, dan tidak ada yang meragukan
tetapi ada lebih banyak sarana komunikasi di cakrawala.

Reread the text and answer the questions given

1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Signs and Signals                             C.  Communication
B. Gestures                                          D.  Speech
  2. What does the author say about speech?
A. It is the only true form of communication
B. It is dependent upon the advances made by inventors
C. It is necessary for communication to occur
D. It is the most advanced form of communication
3. The phrase impinge uponin paragraph 1 is closest in meaning
A. to intrude     B. improve                       C.  Vary D.  prohibit
4. The word itin paragraph 1 refers to
A. function                                            C.  environment
B. signal                                              D.  way
5. The word potentialin paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
A. range                                              C.  organization
B. advantage                                     D.  possibility
  6. The word intricatein paragraph 2 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. inefficient                                        C.  historical
B. complicated                                    D.  uncertain
7. Applauding was cited as an example of
A. a signal                                          C.  a symbol
B. a sign                                             D.  a gesture
8. Why were the telephone, radio, and TV invented?
A. People were unable to understand signs, symbols, and signals
B. People wanted to communicate across long distance
C. People believed that signs, signals, and symbols were obsolete
D. People wanted new forms of entertainment

B. The San Andreas Fault

The San Andreas Fault line is a fracture at the congruence of two major plates of the
Earth’s crust, one of which support most of the North American continent, and the other of which
underlies the coast of California and part of the ocean floor of the Pacific Ocean.
The fault originates about six hundred miles south of the Gulf of California, runs north in an
irregular line along the western coast to San Francisco, and continues north for about two hundred
more miles before angling off into the ocean. In places, the trace of the fault is marked by a trench,
or, in geological terms, a rift, and a small ponds dot the landscape. Its western side always move
north in relation to its eastern side. The total net slip along the San Andreas Fault and the length of
time it has been active are matters of conjecture, but it has been estimated that, during the past
fifteen million years, coastal California along the San Andreas Fault has moved about 190 miles in a
northwesterly direction with respect to the North American plate. Although the movement along the
fault averages only a few inches a year, it is intermittent and variable. Some segments of the fault do
not have move at all for long periods of time, building up tremendous pressure that must be released.
For this reason, tremors are not unusual along the San Andreas Fault, some of which are classified as
major earthquakes. Also for this reason, small tremors are interpreted as safe, since they are
understood to be pressure that releases without causing much damage.
It is worth nothing that the San Andreas Fault passes uncomfortably close to several major
metropolitan areas, including Los Angeles and San Francisco. In addition, the San Andreas Fault  
has created smaller fault systems, many of which underlie the smaller towns and cities along the 
California coast. For this reason, Californians have long anticipated the recurrence of what they
refer to as the “Big One,” a chain reaction of destructiveearthquakes that would measure near 8 on
the Richter scale, similar in intensity to those that occurred in 1857 and 1906. Such a quake
would wreak devastating effects on the life and property in the region. Unfortunately, as pressure
continues to build along the fault, the likelihood of such an earthquake increases substantially.
Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
 fracture: break or cause to break: patah
 congruence: agreement or harmony: compatibility: kesesuaian
 fault: (of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults: patahan
 angling: turn: membelok
 conjecture: form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete
information: dugaan
 intermittent: not continuous or steady: berputus putus
 recurrence: the fact of occurring again: perulangan
 destructive: causing great and irreparable harm or damage: merusak
 wreak: cause (a large amount of damage or harm): merusak
 devastating: highly destructive or damaging: menghancurkan

Reread the text and answer questions given

1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To describe the San Andreas Fault
B. To give a definition of a fault
C. To explain the reason for tremors and earthquakes
D. To classify different kinds of faults

2. How does the author define the San Andreas Fault?

A. A plate that underlies the North American continent
B. A crack in the Earth’s crush between two plates.
C. Occasional tremors and earthquakes
D. Intense pressure that builds up

3. The word originates in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ?

A. Gets wider B. Changes direction C. Begins D. Disappears

4. In which direction does the western side of the fault move?

A. West B. East C. North D. South

5. The word it in the paragraph 1 refers to ?

A. San Francisco B. Ocean C. Coast D. Fault

6. The word intermittent in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which one of the following?
A. Dangerous B. Predictable C. Uncommon D. Occasional

7. Along the San Andreas Fault, tremors are ?

A. Small and insignificant C. Frequent events
B. Rare, but disastrous D. Very unpredictable

8. The phrase “the Big One” refers to which of the following?

A. A serious earthquake B. The San Andreas Fault
C. The river scale D. California

9. Which of the following words best describes the San Andreas Fault?
A. Straight B. Deep C. Wide D. Rough

Translate the passasage into Indonesian language

Lempengan San Andreas adalah patahan yang bertemu pada dua lempeng utama kerak bumi,
piringan  yang pertama menyanggah benua Amerika Utara, dan yang lain nya mendasari pantai
California dan bagian dari dasar lautan Pasifik Samudra. Patahan tadi sekitar enam ratus mil selatan
Teluk California, membentang ke utara dalam garis tidak beraturan di sepanjang pantai barat ke San
Francisco, dan berlanjut ke utara sekitar dua ratus mil lagi sebelum meluncur ke laut. Di beberapa
tempat, jejak patahan ditandai oleh parit, dalam istilah geologis, keretakan, dan kolam kecil ke arah
alam. Sisi baratnya selalu bergerak ke utara sampai menembus ke sisi timurnya. jumlah keseluruhan
panjang patahan dari San Andreas dan lama aktif nya masih belum pasti, tetapi telah diperkirakan
bahwa, selama lima belas juta tahun terakhir, pesisir California sepanjang Patahan San Andreas telah
bergerak sekitar 190 mil ke arah barat laut sehubungan dengan lempeng Amerika Utara. Meskipun
pergerakan di sepanjang patahan rata-rata hanya beberapa inci per tahun, ia terkadang berhenti dan
berubah-ubah. Beberapa bagian dari lempengan tidak bergerak sama sekali untuk jangka waktu yang
lama, tapi ketika dia berhenti dia akan mengumpulkan tenanga atau suatu saat akan meletus. Karena
alasan ini, getaran tidak biasa terjadi di sepanjang Patahan San Andreas, beberapa di antaranya
diklasifikasikan sebagai gempa bumi besar. Dan untuk alasan ini, getaran nya dikatakan aman,
karena guncangan nya dipahami sebagai tekanan yang terlepas dan tidak menyebabkan banyak
Tidak berdampak apa-apa ketika San Andreas Fault melewati dan mendekati beberapa area
metropolitan utama , termasuk Los Angeles dan San Francisco. Selain itu, Patahan San Andreas
telah menimbulkan patahan yang lebih kecil, banyak di antaranya mendasari kota-kota kecil di
sepanjang pantai California. Karena alasan ini, orang California telah mengantisipasi terulangnya
yang mereka sebut sebagai “Yang Besar”, sebuah reaksi berantai dari gempa bumi yang merusak dan
mendekati 8 skala Richter, serupa dengan yang terjadi pada 1857 dan 1906. Gempa seperti itu akan
menimbulkan efek yang menghancurkan kehidupan dan persediaan di wilayah tersebut. Sayangnya,
ketika tekanan terus meningkat di sepanjang patahan, kemungkinan gempa bumi seperti itu
meningkat secara substansial.

C. Fertilizer

Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical elements
essential for plant nutrition so that the yield can be increased. Natural substances such as animal
droppings, ashes from wood fires, and straw have been used as fertilizers in fields for thousands of
years, and lime has been used since Romans introduced it during the Empire. It was not until the
nineteenth century, however, that chemical fertilizer became widely accepted as
normal agricultural practice. Today, both natural and synthetic fertilizers are available in a variety
of forms.
A complete fertilizer is usually6 marked with a formula consisting of three numbers, such as
4-8-2 or 6-6-4, which designate the percentage of content of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash in
the order stated. Synthetic fertilizers, produced by factories, are available in either solid or liquid
form. Solids, in the shape of chemical granules, are in demand because they are not only easy to
store but also easy to apply. Recently, liquids have shown as increase in popularity, accounting for
20 percent of the nitrogen fertilizer used throughout the world. Formerly, powders were also used,
but they were found to be less convenient than either solids or liquids.
Fertilizers have no harmful effects on the soil, the crop, or the customer as long as they are
used according to recommendations based on the result of local research. Occasionally, however,
farmers may use more fertilizer than necessary, in which case the plants do not need, and therefore
do not absorb, the total amount of fertilizer applied to the soil. The surplus of fertilizer thus can
damage not only the crop but also the animals or human beings that eat the crop. Furthermore,
fertilizer that is not used in the production of a healthy plant is leached into the water table.
Accumulations of chemical fertilizer in the water supply accelerate the growth of algae and,
consequently, may disturb the natural cycle of life, contributing to the death of fish. Too much
fertilizer on grass can cause digestive disorders in cattle and in infants who drink cow’s milk.
Fertilizer must be used with great attention to responsible use or it can harm the environment.
Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
 Fertilizer : pupuk
 Substances : Zat
 Agricultural : Pertanian
 Granules : butiran
 Formerly : sebelumnya
 Convenient : mudah
 Occasionally : kadang kala
 Necessary : perlu

Read the text and answer the questions given

1. With which of the following topics in the passage primarily concerned?

A. Local research and harmful effects of fertilizer
B. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer
C. A formula for the production of fertilizer
D. Content, form, and effects of fertilizer

2. The word essential in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Limited B. Preferred C. Anticipated D. Required

3. Which of the following has the smallest percentage content in the formula 4-8-2?
A. Nitrogen B. Phosphorus C. Acid D. Potash

4. What is the percentage of nitrogen in a 5-8-7 formula fertilizer?

A. 3 percent B. 5 percen C. 7 percent D. 8 percent

5. The word designate in the paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ?

A. Modify B. Specify C. Limit D. Increase

6. Which of the following statements about fertilizer is true?

A. Powders are more popular than ever.
B. Solids are difficult to store.
C. Liquids are increasing in popularity.
D. Chemical granules are difficult to apply.

7. The word they in the paragraph 2 refers to?

A. Powder B. Solids C. Liquids D. Fertilizer

8. The word convenient in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to?

A. Effective B. Plentiful C. Easy to use D. Heap to produce

Translate the passasage into Indonesian language

Pupuk adalah zat apa saja yang dapat ditambahkan ke tanah untuk menyediakan unsur-unsur
kimia yang penting bagi nutrisi tanaman sehingga hasilnya dapat ditingkatkan. Zat alami seperti
kotoran hewan, abu dari api kayu, dan jerami telah digunakan sebagai pupuk di ladang selama ribuan
tahun, dan kapur telah digunakan sejak orang Romawi memperkenalkannya selama Kekaisaran.
Namun, baru pada abad ke-19 pupuk kimia diterima secara luas sebagai praktik pertanian normal.
Saat ini, baik pupuk alami maupun sintetis tersedia dalam berbagai bentuk.
Pupuk lengkap biasanya 6 ditandai dengan formula yang terdiri dari tiga angka, seperti 4-8-2
atau 6-6-4, yang menentukan persentase kandungan nitrogen, asam fosfat, dan kalium dalam urutan
yang disebutkan. Pupuk sintetis, diproduksi oleh pabrik, tersedia dalam bentuk padat atau cair.
Padatan, dalam bentuk butiran kimia, sangat diminati karena tidak hanya mudah disimpan tetapi juga
mudah diaplikasikan. Baru-baru ini, cairan menunjukkan peningkatan popularitas, menyumbang 20
persen dari pupuk nitrogen yang digunakan di seluruh dunia. Dulunya, bubuk juga digunakan, tetapi
ternyata lebih tidak nyaman dibandingkan dengan zat padat atau cairan.
Pupuk tidak memiliki efek berbahaya pada tanah, tanaman, atau pelanggan selama mereka
digunakan sesuai dengan rekomendasi berdasarkan hasil penelitian lokal. Namun, kadang-kadang,
petani dapat menggunakan lebih banyak pupuk daripada yang diperlukan, dalam hal ini tanaman
tidak perlu, dan karena itu tidak menyerap, jumlah total pupuk yang diterapkan ke tanah. Kelebihan
pupuk dengan demikian dapat merusak tidak hanya tanaman tetapi juga hewan atau manusia yang
memakan tanaman. Selain itu, pupuk yang tidak digunakan dalam produksi tanaman yang sehat akan
larut ke dalam tabel air. Akumulasi pupuk kimia dalam pasokan air mempercepat pertumbuhan
ganggang dan, akibatnya, dapat mengganggu siklus kehidupan alami, berkontribusi pada kematian
ikan. Terlalu banyak pupuk pada rumput dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan pada sapi dan
pada bayi yang minum susu sapi. Pupuk harus digunakan dengan penuh perhatian untuk penggunaan
yang bertanggung jawab atau dapat membahayakan lingkungan.

Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph
 First Paragraph : Fertilizer is any substance that can be added to the soil to provide chemical
elements essential for plant nutrition so that the yield can be increased.
 Second Paragraph : A complete fertilizer is usually6 marked with a formula consisting of
three numbers, such as 4-8-2 or 6-6-4, which designate the percentage of content of nitrogen,
phosphoric acid, and potash in the order stated.
 Third Paragraph : Fertilizer must be used with great attention to responsible use or it can
harm the environment.

D. Noise
Although noise, commonly defined as unwanted sound, is a widely recognized form of
pollution, it is very difficult to measure because the discomfort experienced by different individuals
is highly subjective and, therefore, variable. Exposure to lower levels of noise may be slightly
imitating, whereas exposure to higher levels may actually cause hearing loss. Particularly
in congested urban areas, the noise produced as a byproduct of our advancing technology causes
physical and psychological harm but it also detracts from the quality of life for those exposed to it.
Unlike the eyes, which can be covered by the eyelids against strong light, the ear has no lid,
and is, therefore, always open and vulnerable; noise penetrates without protection.
Noise causes effects that the hearer cannot control and to which the body never becomes
accustomed. Loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism,
including human beings. In response, heartbeat and respiration accelerate, blood vessels constrict,
the skin pales, and muscles tense. In fact, there is a general increase in functioning brought about by
the flow of adrenaline released in response to fear, and some of these responses persist even longer
than the noise, occasionally as long as thirty minutes after the sound has ceased.
Because noise is unavoidable in a complex, industrial society, we are constantly responding
in the same ways that we would respond to danger. Recently, researchers have concluded that noise
and our response may be much more than an annoyance. It may be a serious threat to physical and
psychological health and well-being, causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the
heart and stomach. We have long known that hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health
problem, but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of
noise as well. Fetuses exposed to noise tend to be overactive, they cry easily, and they are more
sensitive to gastrointestinal problems after birth. In addition, the psychological effect of noise is very
important. Nervousness, irritability, tension and anxiety increase, affecting the quality of rest during
sleep, and the efficiency of activities during waking hours, as well as the way that we interact with
one another.
Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
 congested ; blocked up with or too full of something, in particular ; padat
 vulnerable ; susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm ; mudah diserang
 penetrates ; succeed in forcing a way into or through (a thing) ; menembus
 lid ; a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed ; penutup
 vessels ; a ship or large boat ; kapal
 ceased ; bring or come to an end ; berhenti
 Fetuses ;  in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception ; janin
 anxiety ; a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or
something with an uncertain outcome ; kegelisaha

Translate the passasage into Indonesian language

Meskipun bising , biasanya dikenal sebagai suara yang tidak diinginkan, ini adalah bentuk
pencemaran udara yang dikenal luas, sangat sulit untuk diukur karena sangat subjektif dan, oleh
karena itu, beragam. Paparan terhadap tingkat kebisingan yang lebih rendah mungkin sedikit,
sedangkan tingkat yang lebih tinggi dapat menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran. Khususnya di
daerah perkotaan yang padat, teknologi kebisingan yang menyebabkan kemajuan teknologi
menyebabkan kerusakan fisik dan psikologis, tetapi juga mengurangi kualitas hidup bagi mereka
yang terpapar.
Tidak seperti mata, yang dapat ditutupi oleh kelopak mata terhadap cahaya yang kuat,
telinga tidak memiliki penutup, dan karena itu selalu terbuka dan rentan; menembus tanpa suara
Kebisingan menyebabkan efek yang tidak dapat dikontrol oleh pendengar dan tubuh mana
yang tidak pernah menjadi terbiasa. Suara nyaring secara naluriah menandakan bahaya, termasuk
manusia. Sebagai tanggapan, detak jantung dan percepatan pernafasan, pembuluh darah menyempit,
kulit pucat, dan otot tegang. Bahkan, ada peningkatan umum dalam fungsi yang dibawa oleh
pelepasan respons terhadap rasa takut, dan beberapa tanggapan bahkan lebih dari kebisingan,
kadang-kadang selama 30 menit setelah suara berhenti
Karena kebisingan tidak dapat dihindari dalam masyarakat industri yang kompleks, kami
terus-menerus menanggapi dengan cara yang sama bahwa kami akan menanggapi bahaya. Baru-baru
ini, para peneliti telah menyimpulkan bahwa kebisingan dan respons mungkin jauh lebih
menyebalkan. Ini bisa menjadi ancaman serius terhadap kesehatan dan kesejahteraan fisik dan
psikologis, menyebabkan kerusakan tidak hanya pada telinga dan otak tetapi juga ke jantung dan
perut. Kami telah lama mengetahui bahwa gangguan pendengaran merupakan masalah kesehatan
non-fatal nomor satu, tetapi sekarang kami belajar bahwa beberapa dari kami yang menderita
penyakit jantung dan bisul mungkin juga menjadi korban kebisingan. Janin yang terkena kebisingan
cenderung terlalu aktif, mereka mudah menangis, dan mereka lebih sensitif terhadap masalah
gastrointestinal setelah lahir. Selain itu, efek psikologis dari kebisingan sangat penting. Gugup, lekas
marah, ketegangan dan kecemasan meningkat, mempengaruhi kualitas istirahat selama waktu tidur,
serta cara kita berinteraksi satu sama lain.

Reread the text and answer questions given

1.Which of the following is the author’s main point?
Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health

2.According to the passage, what is noise? Unwanted sound

3.Why is noise difficult to measure? All people do not respond to it in the same way

4.The word congested in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ? crowded

5.According to the passage, people respond to loud noise in the same way that they respond to?

6.The phrase as wellin paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following? also

7.It can be inferred from this passage that the eye? enjoys greater protection than the ear

8.With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
Noise is an unavoidable problem in an industrial society

E. Photosynthesis
It has long been known that when the green parts of plants are exposed to light under
suitable conditions of temperature and moisture, carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plant from the
atmospheric CO2, and oxygen is released into the air. This exchange of gases in plants is the
opposite of the process that occurs in respiration. In this plant process, which is called
photosynthesis, carbohydrates are synthesized in the presence of light from carbon dioxide and water
by specialized structures in the cytoplasm of plant cells called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts
contain not only two types of light-trapping green chlorophyll but also a vast array of protein
substances called enzymes. In most plants, the water required by the photosynthesis process is
absorbed from the soil by the roots and translocated through the xylem of the root and stem to the
chlorophyll-laden leaves. Except for the usually small percentage used in respiration, the oxygen
released in the process diffuses out of the leaf into the atmosphere through stomates. In simple
terms,carbon dioxide is the fuel, and the oxygen is the product of the chemical reaction. For each
molecule of carbon dioxide used, one molecule of oxygen is released. Here is a summary chemical
equation for photosynthesis :
6CO2 + 6H2O ® C6H12O6 + 6O2
As a result of this process, radiant energy from the sun is stored as chemical energy. In turn,
the chemical energy is used to decompose carbon dioxide and water. The products of their
decomposition are recombined into a new compound, which successively builds up into the more
and more complex substances that comprise the plant. These organic substances, that is, the sugars,
starches, and cellulose, all belong to the class of organic molecules. In other words, the process of
photosynthesis can be understood as an enzyme-induced chemical change from carbon dioxide and
water into the simple sugar glucose. This carbohydrate, in turn, is utilized by the plant to generate
other forms of energy, such as the long chains of plant cells or polymers that comprise the cellular
structures of starches or cellulose. Many intermediate steps are involved in the production of a
simple sugar or starch. At the same time, a balance of gases is preserved in the atmosphere by the
process of photosynthesis.
Read again & now use your dictionary to look for the meaning of your difficult words. Then
make list of those new vocabulary with their meanings. And gist ideas of each paragraph.
Respiration : breathing; single act of breathing, i.e. Breathing in and breathing out.
Exposed to: open; to come into contact with
Moisture : humidity; dumpness; kelembaban
Absorbed : taken in; diserap
Released : set free; dibebaskan
Occur : terjadi; going on
Diffuses out : menyebar keluar
Stomates : mulut daun
Fuel : bahan bakar
Decompose : separate
Induced : caused
Successively : membentuk
In simple terms : singkat kata
Translocated : dipindahkan
Vast array : susunan
Synthesized : digabungkan
Chemical energy : energi kimia

Reread the passage and answer questions given

1. Which title best expresses the ideas in this passage?
A. A Chemical Equation C. The Parts of Vascular Plants
B. The Process of Photosynthesis D. The Production of Sugar

2. The combination of carbon dioxide and water to form sugar results in an excess of
A. water B. Oxygen C. Carbon D. chlorophyll

3. Which process is the opposite of photosynthesis?

A. Decomposition B. Synthesization C. Diffusion D. Respiration
4. In photosynthesis, energy from the sun is
A. changed to chemical energy
B. conducted from the xylem to the leaves of green plants
C. not necessary to the process
D. released one to one for each molecule of carbon dioxide used

5. The word stored in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. Retained B. Converted C. Discovered D. specified

6. The word their in paragraph 2 refers to

A. radiant energy and chemical energy
B. carbon dioxide and water
C. products
D. complex substances

7. The word successively in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. with effort B. In a sequence C. Slowly D. carefully

8. Besides the manufacturer of food for plants, what is another benefit of photosynthesis?
A. It produces solar energy
B. It diffuses additional carbon dioxide into the air
C. It maintains a balance of gases in the atmosphere
D. It removes harmful gases from the air

9. Which of the following is NOT true of the oxygen used in photosynthesis?

A. Oxygen is absorbed by the roots
B. Oxygen is the product of photosynthesis
C. Oxygen is used in respiration
D. Oxygen is released into the atmosphere through the leaves

Translate the passage into Indonesian language

Telah lama diketahui bahwa ketika bagian-bagian hijau tanaman terpapar cahaya di bawah
kondisi suhu dan kelembaban yang sesuai, karbon dioksida diserap oleh tanaman dari CO2
atmosferik, dan oksigen dilepaskan ke udara. Pertukaran gas dalam tanaman ini adalah kebalikan
dari proses yang terjadi dalam respirasi. Dalam proses tanaman ini, yang disebut fotosintesis,
karbohidrat disintesis di hadapan cahaya dari karbon dioksida dan air oleh struktur khusus dalam
sitoplasma sel tanaman yang disebut kloroplas. Kloroplas ini tidak hanya mengandung dua jenis
klorofil hijau yang memerangkap cahaya tetapi juga sejumlah besar zat protein yang disebut enzim.
Pada sebagian besar tanaman, air yang dibutuhkan oleh proses fotosintesis diserap dari tanah oleh
akar dan ditranslokasi melalui xilem akar dan batang ke daun yang sarat klorofil. Kecuali untuk
persentase yang biasanya digunakan dalam respirasi, oksigen yang dilepaskan dalam proses berdifusi
keluar dari daun ke atmosfer melalui stomate. Secara sederhana, karbon dioksida adalah bahan
bakar, dan oksigen adalah produk dari reaksi kimia. Untuk setiap molekul karbon dioksida yang
digunakan, satu molekul oksigen dilepaskan. Berikut ini adalah ringkasan persamaan kimia untuk

6CO2 + 6H2O ® C6H12O6 + 6O2

Sebagai hasil dari proses ini, energi radiasi dari matahari disimpan sebagai energi kimia.
Pada gilirannya, energi kimia digunakan untuk menguraikan karbon dioksida dan air. Produk
dekomposisi mereka digabungkan kembali menjadi senyawa baru, yang berturut-turut menumpuk
menjadi zat yang semakin kompleks yang membentuk tanaman. Zat organik ini, yaitu, gula, pati, dan
selulosa, semuanya termasuk dalam kelas molekul organik. Dengan kata lain, proses fotosintesis
dapat dipahami sebagai perubahan kimia yang diinduksi enzim dari karbon dioksida dan air menjadi
glukosa gula sederhana. Karbohidrat ini, pada gilirannya, digunakan oleh tanaman untuk
menghasilkan bentuk energi lain, seperti rantai panjang sel tanaman atau polimer yang terdiri dari
struktur seluler pati atau selulosa. Banyak langkah perantara terlibat dalam produksi gula sederhana
atau pati. Pada saat yang sama, keseimbangan gas dipertahankan di atmosfer oleh proses fotosintesis.

F. Wright brothers

This question has often been posed: Why were the Wright brothers able to succeed in
aneffort at which so many others had failed? Many explanations have been mention, but three
reasons are most often cited. First, they were a team. Both men worked congenially
and cooperatively, read the same books, located and shared information, talked incessantly about
the possibility of manned flight, and served as a consistent source of inspiration and encouragement
to each other. Quite simply, two geniuses are better than one.
Both were glider pilots. Unlike some other engineers who experimented with the theories of
flight. Orville and Wilbur Wright experienced the practical aspects of aerodynamics by building
and flying in kites and gilders. Each craft they built was slightly superior to the last, as they
incorporated knowledge that they had gained from previous failures. They had realized from their
experiments that the most serious challenge in manned flight would be stabilizing
and maneuvering the aircraft once it was airborne. While others concentrated their efforts on the
problem of achieving lift for take off, the Wright brother were focusing on developing a three-axis
control for guiding their aircraft. By the time that the brothers started to build an airplane, they were
already among the word’s best glider pilots; they knew the problems of riding the air first hand.
In addition, the Wright brothers had designed more effective wings for the airplane than had
been previously engineered. Using a wind tunnel, they tested more than two hundred different wing
designs, recording the effects of slight variations in shape on the pressureof air on the wings. The
data from these experiments allowed the Wright brothers to construct a superior wing for their
In spite of these advantages, however, the Wright brothers might not have succeeded had
they not been born at precisely the opportune moment in history. Attempts to achieve manned
flight in the early nineteenth century were doomed because the steam engines that powered the
aircrafts were too heavy in proportion to the power that they produced. But by the end of the
nineteenth century, when the brothers were experimenting with engineering options, a relatively
light internal combustion engine had already been invented, and they were able to bring the ratio of
weight to power within acceptable limits for flight.
List new vocabulary with their meaning:
Posed : n. Present or constitute (a problem, danger, question, etc.).
Effort : n. A vigorous or determined attempt. Strenuous physical or mental exertion.
Cited : v. Quote (a book or author) as evidence for an argument. Mention as an example.
Cooperatively : adj. Involving cooperation.
Engineers : n. A person qualified in engineering.
Aerodynamics : n. The branch of science concerned with the properties of moving air and the
interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it.
Gliders: a person or thing that glides.
Craft : n. An activity involving skill in making things by hand.
Slightly : adv. To a small degree; inconsiderably
gained : n. Obtain or secure (something favourable).
Manned : an adult human male.
Maneuvering : a physical movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.
Achieving : v. Verb bring about or accomplish by effort, skill, or courage.
Addition : n. The action or process of adding. A person or thing added.
Pressure : n. Continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with
Superior : n. Higher in rank, status, or quality. Of high standard or quality.
Advantages : n. A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable position.
Precisely : adj. Adjective marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.
Opportune : adj. Adjective (of a time) especially convenient or appropriate
doomed : n. Noun death, destruction, or another terrible fate.
Combustion: n. Noun the process of burning.

Ideas of each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Both men worked congenially and cooperatively, read the same books, located and
shared information, talked incessantly about the possibility of manned flight, and served as a
consistent source of inspiration and encouragement to each other.
Paragraph 2: Both were glider pilots. Unlike some other engineers who experimented with the
theories of flight.
Paragraph 3: In addition, the Wright brothers had designed more effective wings for the airplane than
had been previously engineered.
Paragraph 4: In spite of these advantages, however, the Wright brothers might not have succeeded
had they not been born at precisely the opportune moment in history.

Answer the questions given

1.Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A. The reasons why the Wright brothers succeeded in manned flight.
B. The advantage of the internal combustion engine in the Wright brothers’ experiments.
C. The Wright brothers’ experience as pilots.
D. The importance of gliders to the development of airplanes.

2. The word cited in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A. Disregarded B. Mentioned C. Considered D. Proven

3. The word incessantly in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Confidently B. Intelligently C. Constantly D. Optimistically
4. What kind of experience did the Wright brothers have that distinguished them from their
A. They were geniuses. C. They were engineers.
B. They were gilder pilots. D. They were inventors.

5. Why does the author suggest that the experiments with the wind tunnel were important?
A. Because they allowed the Wright brothers to decrease the weight of their airplane to acceptable
B. Because they resulted in a three-axis control for their airplane
C. Because they were important in the refinement of the wings for their airplane
D. Because they used the data to improve the engine for their airplane

6. The word they in the paragraph 3 refers to ?

A. The Wright brothers B. Aircraft C. Engine D. Attempts

7. The word doomed in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ?

A. Destined to fail C. Taking a risk
B. Difficult to achieve D. Not well planned

8. In paragraph 4, the author suggests that the steam engines used in earlier aircraft had failed
because ?
A. They were too small to power a large plane.
B. They were too light to generate enough power.
C. They did not have internal combustion power.
D. They did not have enough power to lift their own weight.

9. The passage discusses all of the following reasons that the Wright brothers succeeded EXCEPT ?
A. They worked very well together.
B. They both had practical experience building other aircraft.
C. They made extensive tests before they completed the design.
D. They were well funded.

Summary of the passage

Why were the Wright brothers able to succeed in an effort at which so many others had failed? Many
explanations have been mention, but three reasons are most often cited. First, they were a team. Both
men worked congenially and cooperatively, read the same books, located and shared information,
talked incessantly about the possibility of manned flight, and served as a consistent source of
inspiration and encouragement to each other. Quite simply, two geniuses are better than one.

G. Organic architecture – that is, natural architecture

Organic architecture – that is, natural architecture – may vary in concept and form, but it is
always faithful to natural principles. The architect dedicated to the promulgation of organic
architecture rejects outright all rules imposed by individual preference or mereaesthetics in order to
remain true to the nature of the site, the materials, the purpose of the structure, and the people who
will ultimately use it. If these natural principles areupheld, then a bank cannot be built to look like
a Greek temple. Form does not follow function; rather, form and function are inseparably two
aspects of the same phenomenon. In other words, a building should be inspired by nature’s form and
constructed with materials that retain and respect the natural characteristics of the setting to create
harmony between the structure and its natural environment. It should maximize people’s contact
with and utilization of the outdoors. Furthermore, the rule of functionalism is upheld; that is, the
principle of excluding everything that serves no practical purpose.
Natural principles, the are principles of design, not style, expressed by means and modes of
construction that reflect unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and scale. Like a sculptor, the organic
architect views the site and materials as an innate form that develops organically from within. Truth
in architecture results in a natural, spontaneous structure in total harmony with the setting. For the
most part, these structures find their geometric shapes in the contours of the land and their colors in
the surrounding palette of nature.
From the outside, an organic structure is so much a part of nature that is often obscured by it.
In other words, it may be not easy, or maybe not even possible, for the human eye toseparate the
artificial structure from the natural terrain. Natural light, air, and view permeate the whole structure,
providing a sense of communication with the outdoors. From the inside, living spaces open into one
another. The number of walls for separate rooms is reduced to a minimum, allowing the functional
spaces to flow together. Moreover, the interiors are sparse. Organic architecture incorporates built-
in architectural features such as benches and storage areas to take the place of furniture.
List new vocabulary with their meaning:
Vary : differ in size, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class: the properties
vary in price.
Faithful : remaining loyal and steadfast. Remaining sexually loyal to a lover or spouse.
Promulgation : v. Verb promote or make widely known. Put (a law or decree) into effect by official
Principles : a fundamental truth or proposition serving as the foundation for belief or action.
Imposed : force to be accepted, done, or complied with.
Mere : that is solely or no more or better than what is specified: mere mortals.
Aesthetics : a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty
upheld : v. Verb (past and past participle upheld) confirm or support. Maintain (a custom or
Greek : a native or national of greece, or a person of greek descent.
Inseparably : unable to be separated or treated separately.
Furthermore : adv. Adverb in addition; besides.
Excluding : deny access to; keep out.
Rhythm : having or relating to rhythm. Occurring regularly.
Sculptor : an artist who makes sculptures.
Innate : inborn; natural.
Spontaneous : performed or occurring as a result of an unpremeditated inner impulse and without
external stimulus
surrounding : be all round; encircle.
Separate : forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself; not joined or united with others.
Sparse : adj. Adjective thinly dispersed or scattered.
Incorporates : adj. Take in or include as part of a whole.
Benches : a long seat for more than one person

Answer the questions given

1. According to this passage, what is another name for organic architecture?

A. Natural architecture C. Principle architecture
B. Aesthetic architecture D. Varied architecture

2. The word ultimate in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ?

A. Formulate B. Eventually C. Supposedly D. Obviously

3.The word upheld paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ?

A. Invalidated B. Disputed C. Promoted D. Perceived

4.The following examples are all representative of natural architecture EXCEPT ?

A. A bank that is built to look like a Greek temple
B. A bank built so that the location is important to the structure
C. A bank that is built to conform to the colors of the natural surroundings
D. A bank that is built to be functional rather than beautiful

5. Why does the author compare an organic architect to a sculptor?

A. To emphasize aesthetics
B. To give an example of natural principles
C. To make a point about the development of geometry
D. To demonstrate the importance of style

6. The word obscured paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ?

A. Difficult to see B. In high demand C. Not very attractive D. Mutually beneficial

7. With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
A. Form follows function
B. Function follows form
C. Function is not important to form
D. Form and function are one

8. Which of the following statements best describes the architect’s view of nature?
A. Nature should be conquered.
B. Nature should not be considered.
C. Nature should be respected.
D. Nature should be improved.

Summary of the passage

Organic architecture – that is, natural architecture – may vary in concept and form, but it is always
faithful to natural principles. The architect dedicated to the promulgation of organic architecture
rejects outright all rules imposed by individual preference or mere aesthetics in order to remain true
to the nature of the site, the materials, the purpose of the structure, and the people who will
ultimately use it. Natural principles, the are principles of design, not style, expressed by means and
modes of construction that reflect unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and scale. Like a sculptor, the
organic architect views the site and materials as an innate form that develops organically from
within. From the outside, an organic structure is so much a part of nature that is often obscured by it.
In other words, it may be not easy, or maybe not even possible, for the human eye to separate the
artificial structure from the natural terrain.

H. Vote Women

During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a
large number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve
education, ban the sale of alcohol, grant rights to people who were denied them, and, most
importantly, free slaves. Some women saw similarities in the social status of women and slaves.
Women like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucy Stone were not only feminists who fought for the
rights of women but also fervent abolitionists who fought to do away with slavery. These brave
people were social leaders who supported the rights of both women and blacks. They were fighting
against a belief that voting should be tied to land ownership, and because land was owned by men,
and in some cases by their widows, only those who held the greatest stake in government, that is the
male landowners, were considered worthy of the vote. Women did not conform to the requirements.
A number of male abolitionists, including William LloydGarrison and Wendell Phillips, also
supported the rights of women to speak and to participate equally with men in antislaveryactivities.
Probably more than any other movement, abolitionism offered women a previouslydenied entry into
politics. They became involved primarily in order to better their living conditions and improve the
conditions of others. However, they gained the respect of those they convinced and also earned the
right to be considered equal citizens.
When the civil war between the North and the South ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and
Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship
and suffrage to blacks but not to women. Discouragedbut resolved, feminists worked tirelessly to
influence more and more women to demand the right to vote. In 1869, the Wyoming Territory had
yielded to demands by feminists, but the states on the East Coast resisted more stubbornlythan
before. A women’s suffrage bill had been presented to every Congress since 1878, but  it continually
failed to pass until 1920, when the Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote
  Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
 grant : Hibah
 denied : Ditolak
 fervent : Sungguh-sungguh
 slavery : Perbudakan
 cases : Kasus
 landowners : Pemilik tanah
 abolitionists : Perbudakan
 equally : Sama
 tirelessly : Tanpa kenal lelah
 yielded : Menghasilkan
 suffrage : Hak pilih

Translate the passasage into Indonesian language

Selama abad kesembilan belas, perempuan di negara-negara bersatu yang diorganisasikan

dan berpartisipasi dalam gerakan reformasi dalam jumlah besar, termasuk gerakan untuk mengatur
kembali sistem penjara, meningkatkan pendidikan, melarang penjualan alkohol, memberikan hak
kepada orang-orang yang ditolak, dan yang paling penting, pembebasan budak. Beberapa wanita
melihat kesamaan dalam status sosial wanita dan budak. Seperti Elizabeth Cady Stanton dan Lucy
Stone tidak hanya feminis yang berjuang hak asasi untuk para wanita tetapi juga berjuang untuk
menyingkirkan perbudakan. Orang-orang pemberani ini adalah pemimpin sosial yang mendukung
hak-hak perempuan dan kulit hitam (orang negro). Mereka berjuang melawan keyakinan bahwa
pemungutan suara harus dikaitkan dengan kepemilikan tanah. Karena tanah dimiliki oleh laki-laki,
jadi hanya suara laki-laki yang dianggap layak sedangkan perempuan tidak sesuai dengan
Sejumlah pembebasan budak laki-laki, termasuk William Liyod Garrison dan wendell
Phillips, juga mendukung hak-hak perempuan untuk berbicara dan berpartisipasi secara setara
dengan laki-laki dalam kegiatan anti-perbudakan. Mungkin lebih banyak gerakan lain, pembebasan
budak menawarkan perempuan yang sebelumnya ditolak masuk ke dalam politik. Mereka menjadi
terlibat terutama untuk memperbaiki kondisi kehidupan mereka dan memperbaiki kondisi orang lain.
Namun, mereka mendapatkan rasa hormat dari mereka yang mereka yakini dan juga mendapatkan
hak untuk dianggap sebagai warga negara yang setara.
Ketika perang saudara antara Utara dan Selatan berakhir pada 1865, Amandemen keempat
belas dan kelima belas ke Konstitusi yang diadopsi pada 1868 dan 1870 diberikan kewarganegaraan
dan hak pilih untuk orang kulit hitam tetapi tidak untuk perempuan. Gagal tetapi terselesaikan,
feminis bekerja tanpa lelah untuk mempengaruhi semakin banyak perempuan untuk menuntut hak
memilih. Pada tahun 1869, Wilayah Wyoming telah berubah menjadi permintaan oleh kaum feminis,
tetapi negara-negara di Pantai Timur melawan dengan lebih keras kepala daripada sebelumnya.
Undang-undang hak pilih perempuan telah dipresentasikan kepada setiap Kongres sejak 1878, tetapi
terus gagal hingga 1920, ketika Amandemen Kesembilan Belas memberikan hak kepada kaum
perempuan untuk memilih.

Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph

Paragraph one :
During the nineteenth century, women in the United States organized and participated in a large
number of reform movements, including movements to reorganize the prison system, improve
education, ban the sale of alcohol, grant rights to people who were denied them, and, most
importantly, free slaves.

Paragraph two :
A number of male abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips, also
supported the rights of women to speak and to participate equally with men in antislavery activities.

Paragraph three :
When the civil war between the North and the South ended in 1865, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth
Amendments to the Constitution adopted in 1868 and 1870 granted citizenship and suffrage to
blacks but not to women.

Reread the text and answer questions given

1.  With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A.   The Wyoming Territory C.   Abolitionists
B.   The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments D.   Women’s suffrage

2.  The word ban in paragraph 1 most nearly means to

A.   Encourage B.   Publish C.   Prohibit D.   limit

3.  The word primarily in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A.   above all B.   Somewhat C.   Finally D.   Always

4.  What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?

A.  The Wyoming Territory was admitted to the Union
B.   A women’s suffrage bill was introduced in Congress
C.   The eastern states resisted the end of the war
D.   Black people were granted the right to vote

5.  The word suffrage in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A.   pain B.   Citizenship C.   freedom from bondage D.   the right to vote

6.  The word it in paragraph 3 refers to

A.   bill B.   Congress C.   Nineteenth Amendment D.   vote

7.  What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?

A.   Voting rights for blacks
B.   Citizenship for blacks
C.   Voting rights for women
D.   Citizenship for women

8.  When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?
A.   After 1866 B.   After 1870 C.   After 1878 D.   After 1920
Make a summary of the passage
During the nineteenth century in United States, women find no right to vote and black find
themselves as slaves. A few people like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, William Lloyd
Garrison, and Wendell Phillips fought hard for the rights of them being able to vote and end slavery.
The slave of black then end in 1865, where the women’s right to vote was not yet approved until
1920 after the nineteenth Amendment was written.

I. Opera
Although stage plays has been set to music since the era of the ancient Greeks, when the
dramas of Sophocies and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usual accepted date
for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600. As a part of the celebration of the marriage of King
Henry IV of France to the Italian aristocrat Maria De Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri
produced his famous Euridice, generallyconsidered to be the first opera. Following his example, a
group of Italian musicians, poets, and noblemen called the Camerata began to revive the style of
musical story that had been used in Greek tragedy. The Camerata took most of the plots for their
operas from Greek and Roman history and mythology, beginning the process of creating an opera by
writing a libretto or drama that could be used to establish the framework to the music. They called
their compositions opera in musical or musical works. It is from this phrase that the word “opera”
was borrowed and abbreviated.
For several years, the center of opera was Florence in Northern Italy, but gradually, during
the Baroque period, it spread throughout Italy. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and
performed in many aces throughout Europe, especially in England, France, and Germany. However,
for many years, the Italian opera was considered the ideal, and many non-Italian composers
continued to use Italian librettos. The European form deemphasized the dramatic aspect of the Italian
model. New orchestral effects and even ballet were introduced under the guise of
opera. Composers gave in to the demands of singers, writing many operas that were little more than
a succession of brilliant tricks for the voice, designed to showcase the splendid voices of the singer
who had requested them. It was thus that complicated arias, recitative, and duets evolved. The aria,
which is a long solo, may be compared to a song in which the characters express their thoughts and
feelings. The recitative, which is also a solo of sorts, is a recitation set to music, the purpose of
which is to continue the story line. The duet is a musical piece written for two voices, a
musical device than may serve the function of either an aria or a recitative within the opera.

List new vocabulary with their meaning

Revive:v. verb restore to or regain life, consciousness, or strength.

Establish: v. set up on a firm or permanent basis. initiate or bring about (communication).
Framework:n. noun an essential supporting or underlying structure.
Gradually: adj. taking place in stages over an extended period.
Thus: adv. as a result or consequence of this; therefore.
Splendid: adj. magnificent; very impressive.
Recitation: v. repeat aloud (a poem or passage) from memory before an audience.
Device: n. a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of equipment
mechanical or electronic.
Several: adj. separate or respective.
Throughout:adv.preposition & adverb all the way through.
Composers:n. noun a person who writes music.
Aristocrat:n. noun a member of the aristocracy.
Considered: v. think carefully about. believe to be. take into account when making a judgement.

Ideas of each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Although stage plays has been set to music since the era of the ancient Greeks, when
the dramas of Sophocies and Aeschylus were accompanied by lyres and flutes, the usual accepted
date for the beginning of opera as we know it is 1600.

Paragraph 2: For several years, the center of opera was Florence in Northern Italy, but gradually,
during the Baroque period, it spread throughout Italy.

Answer questions given

1.This passage is a summary of?

A. Opera in Italy B. The Camerata
C. The development of opera D. Euridice

2. According to this passage, when did modern opera begin?

A. In the time of the ancient Greeks
B. In the fifteenth century
C. At the beginning of the sixteenth century
D. At the beginning of the seventeenth century

3. The word it in paragraph 1 refers to?

A. Opera B. Date C. Era D. Music

4. According to the author, what did Jacopo Peri write?

A. Greek tragedy B. The first opera
C. The opera Maria de Medici D. The opera The Camerata

5. The author suggests that Euridice was produced?

A. In France B. Originally by Sopocles and Aeschylus
C. Without much success D. For the wedding of King Henry IV

6. What was The Camerata?

A. A group of Greek musicians
B. Musicians who developed a new musical drama based upon Greek drama
C. A style of music not known in Italy
D. The name given to the court of King Henry IV

7. The word revive in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by?

A. Appreciate B. Resume C. Modify D. Investigate

8. The word plot in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to?

A. Locations B. Instruments C. Stories D. Inspiration

9. From what did the term “opera” derive?

A. Greek and Roman history and mythology
B. Non-Italian composers
C. The Italian phrase that means “musical works”
D. The ideas of composer Jacopo Peri.

Summary of the passage:

As a part of the celebration of the marriage of King Henry IV of France to the Italian
aristocrat Maria De Medici, the Florentine composer Jacopo Peri produced his famous Euridice,
generally considered to be the first opera. By the late 1600s, operas were being written and
performed in many aces throughout Europe, especially in England, France, and Germany.

J. The Body of an Adult Insect

The body of an adult insect is subdivided into three sections, including a head, a three-
segment thorax, and segmented abdomen. Ordinarily, the thorax bears three pairs of legs and a single
or double pair of wings. The vision of most adult insects is specialized through two large compound
eyes and multiple simple eyes.
Features of an insect’s mouth parts are used in classifying insects into types. Biting mouth
parts, called mandibles, such as the mouth parts found in grasshoppers and beetles,
are common among insects. Behind the mandibles are located the maxillae, or lower jaw parts, which
serve to direct food into the mouth between the jaws. A labrum above and one below are similar to
another animal’s upper and lower lips. In an insect with a sucking mouth function, the mandibles,
maxillae, labrum, and labium are modified in such a way that they constitute a tube through which
liquid such as water, blood, or flower nectar can be drawn. In a butterfly or moth, this coiled
drinking tube is called the proboscis because of its resemblance, in miniature, to the trunk of an
elephant or a very large nose. Composed chiefly of modified maxillae fitted together, the insect’s
proboscis can be flexed and extended to reach nectar deep in a flower. In mosquitoes or aphids,
mandibles and maxillae are modified to sharp stylets with which the insect can drill through surfaces
like human or vegetable skin membranes to reach juice. In a housefly, the expanding labium forms a
spongelike mouth pad that it can use to stamp over the surface of food, sopping up food particles and
Insects, the most numerous creatures on our planet, are also them most adaptable. They
require little food because they are small. They easily find shelter and protection in small crevices in
trees and surface geological formations. Species of insects can evolve quickly because of their rapid
reproduction cycle; they live in every climate, some making their homes in the frozen Arctic regions
and many others choosing the humid, warm, and nutrient-rich rain forest environment. An active part
of the natural food cycle, insects provide nutrition for animals and devour waste products of other
life forms.
Subdivided         : to divide the parts of into more parts
Thorax               : the parts of mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen
Abdomen            : the parts of the body between the thorax and the pelvis
Ordinarily            : adj. normal; usual; average
Bears                  : have; show; ~ the make (signs, traces) of blows (wounds, punishment).
Compound         : mix together (to mat sth. New or different)
Multiple               : having many parts or elements.
Biting                  : cut into with the teeth.
Mandibles           : either half of the upper pair of jaws used for biting and seizing.
Grasshopper      : n. jumping insect which makes a shrill, chirping noise.
Upper                 : higher in place.
Sucking                 : into the mouth by the use of the lip muscles.
Nectar                  : sweet liquid in flowers.
Drawn                   : move by pulling.
Coiled                   : length of wire wound in a spiral t0 conduct electric current.
Proboscis             : elongated part of the mouth of some insects.
Resemblance     : likeness; similarity
Trunk                    : long nose of elephant.
Chiefly                  : above all; mostly; mainly.
Fitted                    : be in a suitable time or place for;
Extended            : make longer.
Membranes       : soft; thin; skin-like covering or lining.
Expanding           : spread out.
Sponge like         : soft, porous, and elastic.
Pad                        : container filled soft material.
Stamp                   : put down with force.
Numerous          : adj. great in number: very many.
Shelter                 : sth. That gives safety or protection.
Crevices               : n. narrow opening or crack (in rock, wall)
Evolve                   : (cause to) unfold; develop; naturally and gradually.
Climate                 : n. weather conditions of a place or area.
Frozen                  : see freeze.
Regions                : area or division with or without.
Humid                   : adj. (esp. of air, climate).
Devour                 : eat (fly. Look at, hear, read) hungrily or greedily.
Waste                   : (of land) that is not used for any purpose.

1. What is the best title for this passage?
a. An Insect’s Environment b. The Structure of an Insect
c. Grasshoppers and Beetles d. The Stages of Life of an Insect

2. How are insects classified?

a. By the environment in which they live b. By the food they eat
c. By the structure of the mouth d. By the number and type of wings

3. The word common in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

a. normal                  b. rare              c.  Important d.  necessary
4. The author compares labrum and labium to
a. an upper and lower lip                  c.  maxillae
b. mandibles                                   d.  jaws

5. What is the proboscis?

a. Nectar
b. A tube constructed of modified maxillae
c. A kind of butterfly
d. A kind of flower

6.Which of the following have mandibles and maxillae that have been modified to sharp stylets?
a. Grasshoppers                                C.  Mosquitoes
b. Butterflies                                      D.  Houseflies

7. The phrase drill through in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by

a. penetrate                                       C.  explore
b. saturate                                          D.  distinguish

8. The word it in paragraph 2 refers to

a. pad                                                 C.  housefly
b. food                                               D.  mouth

9. What is the purpose of this passage?

a. To complain                                   C. To entertain
b. To persuade                                  D. To inform

K. Alchemy
Although its purpose and techniques were often magical, alchemy was, in many ways,
the predecessor of the modern science of chemistry. The fundamental premise of
alchemy derived from the best philosophical dogma and scientific practice of the time, and the
majority of educated persons between 1400 and 1600 believed that alchemy had great merit.
The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English monk Roger
Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus. In their treatises they maintained that gold
was the perfect metal and that inferior metals such as lead and mercury were removed by various
degrees of imperfection from gold. They furtherasserted that these base metals could be transmuted
to gold by blending them with a substance more perfect than gold. This elusive substance was
referred to as the “philosopher’s stone.” The process was called transmutation.
Most of the early alchemists were artisans who were accustomed to keeping trade secrets
and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the progress of their work. The term sun was
used for gold, moon for silver, and the five known planets for base metals. This convention of
substituting symbolic language attracted some mystical philosophers who compared the search for
the perfect metal with the struggle of humankind for the perfection of the soul. The philosophers
began to use the artisan’s terms in the mystical literature that they produced. Thus, by the fourteenth
century, alchemy had developed twodistinct groups of practitioners-the laboratory alchemist and the
literary alchemist. Both groups of alchemists continued to work throughout the history of alchemy;
but, of course, it was the literary alchemist who was more likely to produce a written record;
therefore, much of what is known about the science of alchemy is derived from philosophers rather
than from the alchemists who labored in laboratories.
Despite centuries of experimentation, laboratory alchemists failed to produce gold from
other materials. However, they gained wide knowledge of chemical substances, discovered chemical
properties, and invented many of the tools and techniques that are used by chemist today. Many
laboratory alchemists earnestly devoted themselves to the scientific discovery of new compounds
and reactions and, therefore, must be considered the legitimate forefathers of modern chemistry.
They continued to call themselves alchemists, but they were becoming true chemists.

List new vocabulary with their meaning:

alchemy : the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned particularly with attempts to convert base
metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.
predecessor : a person who held a job or office before the current holder.
fundamental : n. adjective of or serving as a foundation or core; of central importance.
premise : a previous statement from which another is inferred.
derived : obtain something from (a specified source).
philosophical : relating to or devoted to the study of philosophy.
scientific : relating to or based on science.
treatises : n. noun a written work dealing formally and systematically with a subject.
inferior : lower in rank, status, or quality. Of low standard or quality.
lead : cause (a person or animal) to go with one by drawing them along. show (someone) the way to
a destination by preceding or accompanying them.
asserted : v. state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.
elusive : adj. adjective difficult to find, catch, or achieve
cryptic : adj. mysterious or obscure in meaning.
struggle : n. make forceful efforts to get free.
terms : n. a word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept.
thus : adv. as a result or consequence of this; therefore.
distinct : adj. recognizably different in nature; individual or separate.
record : n. a piece of evidence about the past, especially a written or other permanent account
despite : prep. without being affected by
gained : n. obtain or secure (something favourable).
wide : n. of great or more than average width.
forefathers : noun an ancestor or precursor

Ideas of each paragraph

Paragraph 1: Although its purpose and techniques were often magical, alchemy was, in many ways,
the predecessor of the modern science of chemistry.
Paragraph 2: The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English monk Roger
Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus.
Paragraph 3: Most of the early alchemists were artisans who were accustomed to keeping trade
secrets and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the progress of their work.
Paragraph 4: Despite centuries of experimentation, laboratory alchemists failed to produce gold from
other materials.

Answer the questions given

1. Which of the following is the main point of the passage?
A. They were both laboratory and literary alchemists.
B. Base metals can be transmuted to gold by blending them with a substance more perfect than gold.
C. Roger Bacon and St. Albertus Magnus wrote about alchemy
D. Alchemy was the predecessor of modern chemistry.

2. The word authentic in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ?

A. Valuable B. Genuine C. Complete D. Comprehensible

3. According to the alchemists, what is the difference between base metals and gold?
A. Perfection B. Chemical content C. Temperature D. Weight

4. According to the passage, what is the “philosopher’s stone”?

A. Lead that was mixed with gold B. An element that was never found
C. Another name for alchemy D. A base metal

5. The word cryptic in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. Scholarly B. Secret C. Foreign D. Precise

6. Why did the early alchemists use the terns sun and moon?
A. To keep the work secret
B. To make the work more literary
C. To attract philosophers
D. To produce a written record

7. Who were the first alchemists?

A. Chemists B. Writer C. Artisans D. Linguists

8. In paragraph 3, the author suggests that we know about the history of alchemy because ?
A. The laboratory alchemists kept secret notes
B. The literary alchemists recorded it in writing
C. The mystical philosophers were not able to hide the secret of alchemy
D. The historians were able to interpret the secret writings of the alchemists

9. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
A. Alchemy must be considered a complete failure.
B. Some very important scientific discoveries were made by alchemists.
C. Most educated people dismissed alchemy during the time that it was practiced.
D. The literary alchemists were more important than the laboratory alchemists.

Summary of the passage

The fundamental premise of alchemy derived from the best philosophical dogma and scientific
practice of the time, and the majority of educated persons between 1400 and 1600 believed that
alchemy had great merit. The earliest authentic works on European alchemy are those of the English
monk Roger Bacon and the German philosopher St. Albertus Magnus. In their treatises they
maintained that gold was the perfect metal and that inferior metals such as lead and mercury were
removed by various degrees of imperfection from gold. Most of the early alchemists were artisans
who were accustomed to keeping trade secrets and often resorted to cryptic terminology to record the
progress of their work. The term sun was used for gold, moon for silver, and the five known planets
for base metals. Many laboratory alchemists earnestly devoted themselves to the scientific discovery
of new compounds and reactions and, therefore, must be considered the legitimate forefathers of
modern chemistry.

L. Television Has Transformed Politics

Television has transformed politics in the United States by changing the way in which
information is disseminated, by altering political campaigns, and by changing citizen’s patterns of
response to politics. By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television diminished
the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates. By centering politics on
the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizen’s focus on character rather than issues.
Television has altered the forms of political communication as well. The messages on which
most of us rely are briefer than they once were. The stump speech, a political speech given by
traveling politicians and lasting 11/2 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political
discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the 10 second “sound bite” in
broadcast news. Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician
but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news.
In these abbreviated forms, much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of
earlier ages has been lost. In 15 or 30 seconds, a speaker cannot establish the historical context that
shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine
alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others. In snippets, politicians assert but do
not argue.
Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it require a changed political
style that was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old-style stump
speech.Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable
pictures rather than memorable words. Schools teach us to analyze words and print. However, in a
word in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.
Recognizing the power of television’s pictures, politicians craft televisual, staged
events,called pseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage. Much of the political activity we see
on television news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relations
advisers for televised consumption. Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates
increasingly sound like advertisements.

1. What is the main point of the passage ?
(A) Citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issues because of television
(B) Citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead of in person.
(C) Politics in the United States has become substantially more controversial since the introduction
of television.
(D) Politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television.

2. The word “disseminated” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) analyzed
(B) discussed
(C) spread
(D) stored

3. It can be inferred that before the introduction of television, political parties

(A) had more influence over the selection of political candidates
(B) spent more money to promote their political candidates
(C) attracted more members
(D) received more money

4. The word “accelerated” in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) allowed
(B) increased
(C) required
(D) started

5. The author mentions the “stump speech” in line 7 as an example of

(A) an event created by politicians to attract media attention
(B) an interactive discussion between two politicians
(C) a kind of political presentation typical of the nineteenth century
(D) a style of speech common to televised political events

6. The phrase “given way to” in line 10 is closest in meaning to

(A) added interest to
(B) modified
(C) imitated
(D) been replaced by
7. The word “that” in line 12 refers to
(A) audience
(B) broadcast news
(C) politician
(D) advertisement

8. According to the passage , as compared with televised speeches, traditional political discourse
was more successful at
(A) allowing news coverage of political candidates
(B) placing political issues within a historical context
(C) making politics seem more intimate to citizens
(D) providing detailed information about a candidates private behavior

9. The author states that “politicians assert but do not argue” (line 18) in order to suggest that
(A) make claims without providing reasons for the claims
(B) take stronger positions on issues than in the past
(C) enjoy explaining the issue to broadcasters
(D) dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens

10. The word “Reliance” in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) abundance
(B) clarification
(C) dependence
(D) information

11. The purpose of paragraph 4 is to suggest that

(A) politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizens
(B) politicians who are considered very attractive are favored by citizens over politicians who are
less attractive
(C) citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who does not
(D) citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political images in order to become better

12.According to paragraph 5, staged political events are created so that politicians can
(A) create more time to discuss political issues
(B) obtain more television coverage for themselves
(C) spend more time talking to citizens in person
(D) engages in debates with their opponents

13. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage ?

(A) Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past.
(B) Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizens than in the past.
(C) Citizens today are less informed about a politician’s character than in the past.
(D) Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past.

M. Sunspot
According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms or eruptions on the surface of the
sun hurl streams of solar particles into space and eventually into the atmosphere of our planet,
causing shifts in the weather on the Earth and interference with radio and television communications.
A typical sunspot consists of a dark central umbra, a word derived from the Latin word for
shadow, which is surrounded by a lighter penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the
center like the spokes of a wheel. Actually the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere,
which may account for their apparently darker color. Typically, the temperature in a sunspot umbra
is about 4000 K, whereas the temperature in a penumbra registers 5500 K, and the granules outside
in the spot are 6000 K.
Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for
billions of square miles. About 5 percent of all sunspots are large enough so that they can be seen
from Earth without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been recorded for
thousands of years.
Sunspot has been observed in arrangements of one to more than one hundred spots, but they
tend to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to have opposite
magnetic polarities. Furthermore, the strength of the magnetic field associated with any given
sunspot is closely related to the spot’s size. Sunspots have also been observed to occur in cycles,
over a period of eleven years. After the beginning of a cycle, the storms occur between 20 and 40
degrees north and south of the equator on the sun. as the cycle continues, some of the storms move
closer to the equator. As the cycle diminishes, the number of sunspots decreases to a minimum and
they cluster between 5 and 15 degrees north and south latitude.
Although there is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspot,
several models show scientist’ attempts to relate the phenomenon to magnetic field lines along the
lines of longitude from the north and south poles of the sun.

Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning

sunspot : garis matahari
hurl : melemparkan
streams : sungai
interference : gangguan
shadow : bayangan
surrounded : terkepung
spokes : jari-jari
wheel : roda
granules : butiran
square miles : meterpersegi
pairs : berpasangan
diminishes : mengecil
longitude : garis bujur

Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph
First Paragraph : Great storms or eruptions on the surface of the sun hurl streams of solar particles
into space and eventually into the atmosphere of our planet, causing shifts in the
weather on the Earth and interference with radio and television communications.
Second Paragraph : Actually the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may
account for their apparently darker color.
Third Paragraph : About 5 percent of all sunspots are large enough so that they can be seen from
Earth without instruments; consequently, observations of sunspots have been
recorded for thousands of years.
Fourth Paragraph : As the cycle diminishes, the number of sunspots decreases to a minimum and
they cluster between 5 and 15 degrees north and south latitude.
Fifth Paragraph : There is no theory that completely explains the nature and function of sunspot.

Reread the text and answer questions given

1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage? To describe the nature of sunspots
2. The word controversial in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to? Open to debate
3. Solar particles are hurled into space by ? Disturbances of wind
4. The word particles in paragraph 1 refer to ? Small pieces of matter from the sun
5. How can we describe matter from the sun that enters the Earth’s atmosphere? Very small
6. What does the author mean by the statement Actually, the sunspots are cooler than the rest of the
photosphere, which may account for their apparently darker color?
The color of sunspots could be affected by their temperature.
7. The word they in the paragraph 2 refers to ? Spots
8. The word consequently in the paragraph 2 could best be replaced by? As a result
9. In which configuration do sunspots usually occur? In a configuration of two spots
10. How are sunspots explained? Sunspots may be related to magnetic fields that follow
longitudinal lines on the sun.
11. The sunspot theory is ? Subject to disagreement

Make a summary of the passage

According to the controversial sunspot theory, great storms or eruptions on the surface of the
sun hurl streams of solar particles into space and the atmosphere of Earth causing shifts in the
weather and interference with radio and television communications. A typical sunspot consists of a
dark central umbra, a word derived from the Latin word for shadow, which is surrounded by a lighter
penumbra of light and dark threads extending out from the center like the spokes of a wheel.
Sunspots range in size from tiny granules to complex structures with areas stretching for billions of
square miles. About 5 percent of all sunspots are large enough so that they can be seen from Earth
without instruments. Sunspot has been observed in arrangements of one to more than one hundred
spots, but they tend to occur in pairs. There is also a marked tendency for the two spots of a pair to
have opposite magnetic polarities. Scientist’ attempts to relate the phenomenon to magnetic field
lines along the lines of longitude from the north and south poles of the sun.

Translate the passage into Indonesian

Menurut teori sunspot yang kontroversial, badai besar atau letusan di permukaan matahari
melemparkan arus partikel matahari ke angkasa dan akhirnya masuk ke atmosfer planet kita,
menyebabkan pergeseran cuaca di Bumi dan gangguan pada komunikasi radio dan televisi.
Sebuah bintik matahari yang khas terdiri dari umbra tengah yang gelap, sebuah kata yang
berasal dari kata Latin untuk bayangan, yang dikelilingi oleh penumbra ringan dari benang terang
dan gelap yang membentang keluar dari pusat seperti jari-jari roda. Sebenarnya bintik matahari lebih
sejuk daripada sisa fotosfer, yang mungkin menjelaskan warnanya yang tampaknya lebih gelap.
Biasanya, suhu di umbra sunspot adalah sekitar 4000 K, sedangkan suhu dalam penumbra mencatat
5500 K, dan butiran di luar di tempat adalah 6000 K.
Ukuran berjemur bervariasi dari butiran kecil hingga struktur kompleks dengan luas
peregangan hingga miliaran mil persegi. Sekitar 5 persen dari semua bintik matahari cukup besar
sehingga bisa terlihat dari Bumi tanpa instrumen; Akibatnya, pengamatan bintik matahari telah
tercatat selama ribuan tahun.
Sunspot telah diamati dalam pengaturan satu sampai lebih dari seratus titik, namun
cenderung terjadi secara berpasangan. Ada juga kecenderungan yang ditandai untuk dua titik
pasangan memiliki polaritas magnet yang berlawanan. Selanjutnya, kekuatan medan magnet yang
terkait dengan bintik matahari tertentu terkait erat dengan ukuran spot. Sunspot juga telah diamati
terjadi dalam siklus, selama periode sebelas tahun. Setelah awal siklus, badai terjadi antara 20 dan 40
derajat utara dan selatan khatulistiwa di bawah sinar matahari. Seiring siklus berlanjut, beberapa
badai bergerak mendekati ekuator. Seiring dengan berkurangnya siklus, jumlah bintik matahari
menurun seminimal mungkin dan mereka berkelompok antara 5 dan 15 derajat di utara dan lintang
Meskipun tidak ada teori yang benar-benar menjelaskan sifat dan fungsi bintik matahari,
beberapa model menunjukkan usaha ilmuwan untuk menghubungkan fenomena tersebut ke medan
magnet sepanjang garis bujur dari kutub utara dan selatan matahari.

N. Americans Live In Urban

The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the
center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in
the cities themselves.
The Bureau of the Census regards any area with more than 2500 people as an urban area,
and does not consider boundaries of cities and suburbs. According to the Bureau, the political
boundaries are less significant than the social and economic relationships and the transportation and
communication systems that integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated
metropolis is an MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any
area that contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.
At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for 75
percent of the US population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes eighteen megapolises, that is,
continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious megapolises includes a chain of
hundreds of cities and suburbs across the states on the East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia,
including Boston, New York, and Washington, D. C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a
population of 45 million inhabitants is concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is
the California coast from San Francisco through Los Angels to San Diego.

Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning

urban: perkotaan
boundaries: batas
suburbs: pinggiran kota
adjacent: berdekatan
consider: mempertimbangkan
inhabitants: penduduk

Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph
Paragraph 1: more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas than in the cities
Paragraph 2: According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the social and
economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that
integrate a locale. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an
MSA, which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Paragraph 3: At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account
for 75 percent of the US population.

O. Storm
Many of the most damaging and life-threatening types of weather-torrential rains,severe
thunderstorms,and tornadoes-begin quickly,strike suddenly,and dissipate rapidly,devastating small
regions while leaving neighboring   areas untouched. One such event,a tornado,stuck
the northeastern section of Edmonton,Alberta,in july 1987.
Total damages from the tornado exceeded $250 million,the highest ever for any Canadian
storm. Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short-lived
local storms like the Edmonton tornado,because the available weather data are generally not detailed
enough to allow computers to discern the subtle atmospheric changes that precede these storms.In
most nations,for example,weather-balloon observations are taken just once every twelve hours at
locations typically separated by hundreds of miles.With such limited data,conventional forecasting
models do a much better job predicting general weather conditions over large regions than they do
forecasting specific local events.
Until recently,the observation-intensive approach needed for accurate,very short-range
forecasts,or "Nowcasts,"was not feasible.The cost of equipping and operating many thousands of
conventional weather stations was prohibitively high,and the difficulties involved in rapidly
collecting and processing the raw weather data from such a network were insurmountable.
Fortunately, scientific  and technological advances have overcome most of these problems. Rader
systems,automated weather instruents,and satellites are all capable of making detailed, nearly 
continuous observation over large regions at a relatively low cost. Communications satellites can
transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously,and modern computers  can quickly
compile and analyzing this large volume of  weather information. Meteorologists and computer
scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable of
transforming raw weather data into  words,symbols, and vivid graphic display that forecasters  can
interpret easily and quickly.As meteorologists begun using these new technologies in weater
forecasting offices,Nowcasting is becoming a reality.

1.What does he passage mainly discuss?

    a.Computers and weather c.Weather forecasting
    b.Dangerous storms d.Satelites

Key word:conventional models

Pembahasan:bacaan di atas membahas prakiran cuaca serta teknologi-teknologinya.

2.Why does the author mention the tornado in Edmonton,Canada?

    a.To indicate that tornadoes are common in summer
    b.To give an example of a damaging storm
    c.To explain different types of weather
    d.To show that tornadoes accur frequently in Canada

Key word: the highest ever for any Canadian srorm

Pembahasan:Tornado di Edmonton,Alberta,pada bulan juli 1987 mengakibatkan kerusakan
lebih dari $250 juta,jumlah tertinggi yang pernah ada dari badai yang menerpa Kanada

3.The word"subtle"in line 9 is closest in meaning to

    a.complec b.regular c.imigined d.slight

Key word:halus
Pembahasan:subtle=tajam,nyata=imagined,complex=kompleks , regular=biasa, slight=sedikit

4.Why does the author state in line 10 that observations are taken"just once every twelve
  a.To indicate that the observations are timely
     b.To show why the observations are on limited value
    c.To compare data from balloons and computer
    d.To give an example of international cooperation

Key word:With such limited data

Pembahasan:data cuaca yangtersedia umumnya tidak cukup rinci.di sebagian besar
negara,misalnya,pengamatan balon cuac diambil hanya sekali setiap dua belas jam di lokasi
yang biasanya dipisahkan oleh ratusan mil.

5.The word"they"in line 13 refers to

    a.models b.conditions c.regions

Key word:conventional forecasting models

Pembahasan:Model peramalan konvensional melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik
memprediksi kondisi cuaca umum atas daerah besar daripada jika meramalkan peristiwa
local yang spesifik

6.Which of the following is not mentioned as an advance in short-range weather forecasting?

    a.Weather balloons b.Radar systems
c.Automated instruments d.Satellites

Key word:Radar systems,automated weather instruments,and satelites

Pembahasan:sistem radar,instrumen cuaca otomatis,dan satelit mampu membuat rinci
pengamatan secara hampir terus menerus atas daerah besar dengan biaya yang relatif

7.The word"compile"in line 21 is closest in meaning to

    a.put together b.look up c.pile high over

Key word:menghimpun
Pembahasan:compile=mengimpun=put together,look up=mencari , pile high=tumpukan
tinggi,work over=mengolah lagi

8.With Nowcasting,it first became possible to provide inforation about

    a.short -lived local storm b.radar networks
    c.long-range weather forecasts d.general weather conditions

Key word:the observation-intensive approach needed for accurate,very short-range

forecasts. Pembahasan:Nowcasting mampu menyediakan informasi tentang perkiraan cuaca
dalam ruang terbatas dan dalam jangka pendek

9.The word"raw" in line 25 is closest in meaning to

    a.stormy b.inaccurate c.uncooked d.unprocessed

Key word: mentah; Pembahasan:raw=mentah =unprocessed ,stormy=ribut ,

inaccurate=tidak kurat,uncooked=tidak dimasak

10.With which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree?
    a.Communications satellites can predic severe weather
    b.Meteorologists should standardize computer programs
    c.The observation-intensive approach is no longer useful
    d.Weather predictions are becoming more accurate

Key word:Until recently,the observation-intensive approach needed for accurate

Pembahasan:Penulis sepakat dengan pernyataan bahwa prakiran cuaca semakin lama
semakin akurat

11.Which of the following would best illustrate Nowcasting?

     a.A five-day forecast b. A warning about a severe thunderstorm
     c.The avarage rainfall for each month d. A list of temperatures in major cities

Key word:very short-range forecasts

Pembahasan:Nowcasting dapat memprakirakan cuaca dalam jangka waktu yang pendek,dan
dalam pilihan ganda tersebut,yang paling pendek adalah pilihan A) ramalan selama 5 hari. 

P. Houses in colonial North America 

Seventeenth-century houses in colonial North America were simple structures that were
primarily functional carrying over traditional designs that went back to the Middle Ages. During the
first half of the eighteenth century, however,house began to show a new elegance. As wealth
increased,more and more colonists built fine houses. Since architecture was not yet a specialized
profession in the colonies,the design of buildings was left either to amateur designers or to
carpenters who undertook to interpret architectural manuals imported from England. Inventories of
colonial libraries show an astonishing number of these handbooks for builders,and the
houses erected during the eighteenth century show their influence.
            Nevertheless,most domestic architecture of the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century
displays a wide divergence of taste and freedom of application of the rules laid down in these books.
Increasing wealth ad growing sophistication throughout the colonies resulted in houses of improved
design,whether the material was wood, stone,or brick. New Englad still favored wood,though brick
houses became common in Boston and other towns, where the danger of fire gave an impetus to the
use of more durable material. A few houses in New England were build of stone ,but only in
pennsylvania and adjacent areas was stone widely used in dwellings. An increased use of brick in
houses and outbuildings is noticeable in Virginia and Maryland, but wood remained that most
popular material even in houses built by wealthy landowners. In the Carolinas,even in closely
packed Charleston,wooden houses were much more common than brick houses.
Eighteenth-century houses showed great interior improvements over their
predecessors.Windows were made larger and shutters removed large, clear panes replace the
small leaded glass of the seventeenth century. Doorways were larger and more decorative.Fireplaces
became decorative features of rooms. Walls were made of plaster or wood,sometimes elaborately
paneled.White paint began to take the place of blues, yellows, greens, and lead colors, which been
popular for walls in the earlier years. After about 1730, advertisements for wallpaper styles in scenic
patterns began to appear in colonial newspapers.

1.What does the passage mainly discuss?

     a.The improved design of eighteenth century colonial houses
     b.A comparison of eighteenth-century houses and modern  
     c.The decorations used in eighteenth-century houses
     d.The role of carpenters in building eighteenth-century houses

Key word:During the eighteenth century houses began to show a new elegance
Pembahasan:di awal bacaan disebutkan pada awal abad kedelapan belas,terjadi perubahan desain

2.What was one of the main reasons for the change in architectural styte in eighteenth-century North
     a.More architects arrived in the colonies
     b.The colonists developed an interest in classical architecture
     c.Bricks were more readily available
     d.The colonists had more money to spend on housing

Key word:Increasing wealth and growing sophistication

Pembahasan:pada paragraf ketiga disebutkan bahwa peningkatan kekayaan dan teknik yang didapat
koloni menghasilkan berkembang pula desai-desain rumah 

3.According to the passage,who was responsible for designing 

   houses in eighteenth-century North America?
     a.Professional architects b.Customers c.Interior decorators d.Carpenters

Key word:the design of buildings was left either to amateur designers or to carpenters
Pembahasan:pada paragraf kedua disebutkan bahwa desain bangunan diserahkan kepada desainer
amatir atau tukang kayu

4.The passage implies that the rules outlined in architectural manuals were
a.generally ignored b.legally binding
c.not strictly adhered to d.only followed by older builders

Key word: displays a wide divergence of taste and freedom of application

Pembahasan: aturan yang digariskan dalam arsitektur manual tidak benar-benar dipatuhi dengan
adanya penerapan yang bebas 

5.The word"divergence"in line 12 is closest in meaning to

    a.description b.development  c.difference d.display

Key word:perbedaan
Pembahasan:divergence=perbedaan=difference,Description=deskripsi,Development =
perkembangan, display=pameran

6.The word"durable"in line 16 is closest in meaning to

    a.attractive   b.expensive c.refined d.long-lasting

Key word:tahan lama

Pembahasan:durable=tahan lama,awet=long-

7.Where was stone commonly used to build houses?

    a.Virginia b.Pennsylvania c.Boston d.Charleston

Key word:only in pennsylvania was stone widely used Pembahasan:Pennsylvania adalah tempat

dimana batu biasa digunakan untuk bahan bangunan rumah

8.The word"dwellings"in line 18 is closest in meaning to

    a.houses b.towns c.outbuildings d.rural areas

Key word:tempat tinggal

Pembahasan:dwellings=tempat tinggal,rumah=houses,Towns=kota-kota outbuidings=bangunan
lain,rural areas=area pedesaan

9.The word"predecessors"in line 24 refers to

    a.colonist who arrived in North America in the seventeenth 
    b.houses constructed before the eighteenth century
    c.interior improvements
    d.wooden houses in charleston

Key word:Eighteenth-century houses

Pembahasan:pada awal kalimat disebutkan rumah-rumah sebagai subjek,sehingga"pendahulu"di sini
dimaksudkan rumah-rumah yang dibangun sebelum abad kedelapan belas.

10.The author mentions elaborately paneled walls in line 26 as an example of the interior design of colonial houses was improved
    b.Why walls were made of wood or plaster
    c.How walls were made stronger in the eighteenth century
    d.What kind of wood was used for walls after 1730

Key word:Eighteenth-century houses showed great interior improvements over their predecessors
Pebahasan:kalimat pertama pada paragraf terakhir menyebutkan bagaimana rumah di abad kedelapan
belas berkembang daripada para pendahulunya

11.The word"elaborately"in line 27 is closest in meaning to

     a.done in great detail b.put together carefully
     c.using many colors d.reinforced structurally

Key word:rumit
Pembahasan:elaborately=rumit=done in great detail; put together carefully=disatukan dengan hati-
hati, using many colors=menggunakan banyak warna, reinforced structurally=diperkuat secara

12.What does the author imply about the use of wallpaper before 1730?
     a.Wallpaper samples appeared in the architectural manuals.
     b.Walpaper was the some color as the wall paints used
     c.patterned wallpaper was not widely used
     d.Wallpaper was not used in stone house.

Key word:After 1730 advertisements for wallpaper styles i scenic patterns began to appear in
Pembahasan:setelah tahun 1730 mulai banyak iklan kertas dinding berpola di koran, yang
enunjukkan bahwa tahun-tahun sebelumnya mungkin masih jarang digunakan

13.Where in the passage does the author give a reason why brick was the preferred material for
houses in some urban areas?
     a.Lines 9-11 b.Lines 15-16 c.Lines 18-20 d.Lines 21-23

Key word:where the danger of fire

Pembahasan:penggunaan batu bata sebagai bahan dasar bangunan rumah lebih disukai terutama
untuk pewaspadaan terhadap bahaya kebakaran

Q. Rural Neighborhoods In Colonial North America

From their inception, most rural neighborhoods in colonial North America included at least
one carpenter, joiner, sawyer, and cooper in woodworking; a weaver and a tailor for clothing
production; a tanner, currier, and cordwainer (shoemaker) for fabricating leather objects; and a
blacksmith for metalwork, Where stone was the local building material, a mason was sure to appear
on the list of people who paid taxes. With only an apprentice as an assistant, the rural artisan
provided the neighborhood with common goods from furniture to shoes to farm equipment in
exchange for cash or for “goods in kind” from the customer’s field, pasture, or dairy.
Sometimes artisans transformed material provided by the customer wove cloth of yam spun
at the farm from the wool of the family sheep; made chairs or tables from wood cut in the customer’s
own woodlot; produced shoes or leather breeches from cow, deer, or sheepskin tanned on the farm.
Like their farming neighbors, rural artisans were part of an economy seen, by one historian, as “an
orchestra conducted by nature.” Some tasks could not be done in the winter, other had to be put off
during harvest time, and still others waited on raw materials that were only produced seasonally. As
the days grew shorter, shop hours kept pace, since few artisans could afford enough artificial light to
continue work when the Sun went down. 
To the best of their ability, colonial artisans tried to keep their shops as efficient as possible
and to regularize their schedules and methods of production for the best return on their investment in
time, tools, and materials, While it is pleasant to imagine a woodworker, for example, carefully
matching lumber, joining a chest together without resort to nails or glue, and applying all thought
and energy to carving beautiful designs on the finished piece, the time required was not justified
unless the customer was willing to pay extra for the quality— and few in rural areas were, Artisans,
therefore, often found it necessary to employ as many shortcuts and economics as possible while still
producing satisfactory products.

1.) What aspect of rural colonial North America does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) Farming practices
(B) The work of artisans
(C) The character of rural neighborhoods
(D) Types of furniture that were popular
Untuk mencari ide utama suatu paragraf, kita harus mencari kata kunci paragraf yang digunakan
untuk soal-soal tersebut. Biasanya, kata kunci merupakan kata-kata benda yang paling sering
digunakan didalam suatu paragraf. Disini, kata benda yang paling banyak digunakan adalah artisan.
Dengan demikian, jawabannya adalah (B). The work of artisans.

2.) The word “inception” in line 1 is closest in meaning to ….

(A) investigation (B) location (C) beginning (D) records

Disini kita harus mencari tahu apa sinonim dari ‘inception’ yang artinya ‘permulaan’. Investigation
(inestigasi), location (lokasi), dan records (catatan) tidak memenuhi ketentuan yang diinginkan soal
tersebut. Hanya (C) beginning (permulaan) saja yang memenuhi ketentuan soal.

3.) The word “fabricating” in line 3 is closest in meaning to ….

(A) constructing (B) altering (C) selecting (D) demonstrating

‘Fabricating’ bisa berarti dua hal:
- Membuat, membangun
- Memalsukan, meniru, mengarang
Disini kita bisa melihat bahwa secara kontekstual, yang diinginkan oleh penulis adalah
menggambarkan sisi-sisi positif dari para artisan yang membantu pembangunan dan pembuatan
banyak sumber daya olahan. Altering (mengubah) memang sesuai, akan tetapi konteksnya salah.
Selecting (memilih) tidak sesuai dengan jawaban kita). Demonstrating (mendemonstrasikan) juga
tidak tepat. Jadi jawabanya adalah (A) Constructing.

4.) It can be inferred from the passage that the use of artificial light in colonial times was ….
(A) especially helpful to woodworkers (B) popular in rural areas
(C) continuous in winter (D) expensive
Di teks, kita bisa mendapatkan informasi bahwa artisan-artisan banyak yang tidak bisa membeli
cahaya buatan. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah (D) expensive (mahal)

5.) Why did colonial artisans want to “regularize their schedules” (line 18)?
(A) To enable them to produce high quality products
(B) To enable them to duplicate an item many times
(C) To impress their customers
(D) To keep expenses low

Untuk soal ini, kita harus mengerti masalah yang diutarakan oleh soal. Soal ini meminta kita untuk
melihat ke baris nomor 18 dimana kita harus mengetahui mengapa artisan-artisan tersebut harus
‘meregulasi jadwal mereka’. Disitu kita bisa membaca bahwa untuk kerperluan mereka, artisan
mengeluarkan banyak biaya, jadi mereka harus berhemat. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah
(D) To keep expenses low.

R. Alfred Nobel

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of his

vwast fortune to a trust that he designated as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to
the individuals and organizations that had achieved through invention or discovery that which would
have the greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year. According to the legend, Nobel’s death had
been erroneously reported in newspaper, and the focus of the obituary was the fact that Nobel
had invented dynamite. He rewrote his will in 1895, thereby establishing, with the
original amount of nine million dollars, the Nobel Foundation as the legal owner and administering
agent of the funds, and instituting the prizes that are named after him. Statutes to govern the
awarding of the prizes were written, along with guidelines for operating procedures. Five years after
Nobel’s death, the first five prizes, worth about forty thousand dollars each, were to be awarded.
Originally the five classifications for outstandingcontributions designated in Nobel’s will
included chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace. These
prizes have been administered continually by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm since they were
first awarded in 1901. In 1969, a sixth prize, for accomplishments in the field of economics and
endowed by the Central Bank of Sweden, was added. Candidates for the prizes must be nominated in
writing by February 1 of each year by a qualified and recognized authority in each of the fields of
competition.  Recipients in physics, chemistry, and economics are selected by the Royal Swedish
Academy, whereas recipients in peace are chosen by the Norwegian Nobel Committee appointed by
Norway’s parliament. With the King of Sweden officiating, the prizes are usually presented in
Stockholm on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death. The value, fame, and prestigeof the
Nobel Prizes have continued to grow. Today the prize includes a medal, a diploma, and a cash award
of about one million dollars.
Originally: Semula
bequeathed : mewariskan
recognized : diakui
chemistry : kimia
physiology : fisiologi
establishing : membangun
Alfred Bernhard Nobel, seorang penemu dan filantropis Swedia, mewariskan sebagian besar
kekayaannya kepada sebuah kepercayaan yang ia tetapkan sebagai dana yang hadiah tahunan
darinya dapat diberikan kepada individu dan organisasi yang telah dicapai melalui penemuan atau
penemuan yang akan memiliki yang terbesar bermanfaat bagi kemanusiaan di tahun tertentu.
Menurut legenda, kematian Nobel telah dilaporkan secara tidak akurat didalam koran, dan fokus
obituari adalah fakta bahwa Nobel telah menciptakan dinamit. Dia menulis ulang surat wasiatnya
pada tahun 1895, dengan demikian menetapkan, dengan jumlah asli sembilan juta dolar, Yayasan
Nobel sebagai pemilik sah dan agen pengelola dana, dan melembagakan hadiah yang dinamai
menurut namanya. Peratutan untuk mengatur pemberian hadiah ditulis, bersama dengan pedoman
untuk prosedur operasi. Lima tahun setelah kematian Nobel, lima hadiah pertama, masing-masing
uang senilai sekitar empat puluh ribu dolar, akan diberikan.
Awalnya, lima klasifikasi untuk kontribusi luar biasa yang ditentukan dalam Nobel akan
mencakup kimia, fisika, fisiologi atau kedokteran, sastra, dan perdamaian internasional. Hadiah-
hadiah ini telah dikelola secara terus menerus oleh Nobel Foundation di Stockholm sejak mereka
pertama kali diberikan pada tahun 1901. Pada tahun 1969, hadiah keenam, untuk prestasi di bidang
ekonomi dan dianugerahkan oleh Bank Sentral Swedia, ditambahkan. Calon untuk hadiah harus
dinominasikan secara tertulis oleh 1 Februari setiap tahun oleh otoritas yang berkualitas dan diakui
di masing-masing bidang persaingan. Penerima dalam fisika, kimia, dan ekonomi dipilih oleh Royal
Swedish Academy, sedangkan penerima dalam damai dipilih oleh Komite Nobel Norwegia yang
ditunjuk oleh parlemen Norwegia. Dengan Raja Swedia memimpin, hadiah biasanya disajikan di
Stockholm pada 10 Desember, peringatan kematian Nobel. Nilai, ketenaran, dan prestasi Hadiah
Nobel terus tumbuh. Hari ini hadiahnya termasuk medali, ijazah, dan hadiah uang tunai sekitar satu
juta dolar.

Idea for Paragraph 1

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of his vast fortune
to a trust that he designated as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to the individuals
and organizations that had achieved through invention or discovery that which would have the
greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year.

Idea for Paragraph 2

Originally the five classifications for outstanding contributions designated in Nobel’s will included
chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, literature, and international peace. These prizes have
been administered continually by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm since they were first awarded
in 1901

1.   What does this passage mainly discuss?

A.  Alfred Bernhard Nobel
B.  The Nobel Prizes
C.  Great contributions to mankind
D.  Swedish philanthropy

2.   Why were the prizes named for Alfred Bernhard Nobel?

A.  He left money in his will to establish a fund for the prizes
B.  He won the first Nobel Prize for his work in philanthropy
C.  He is now living in Sweden
D.  He serves as chairman of the committee to choose the recipients of the prizes

3.   The word will in paragraph 1 refers to

A.  Nobel’s wishes                                C.  a future intention
B.  a legal document                           D.  a free choice

4.   How often are the Nobel Prizes awarded?

A.  Five times a year                           C. Twice a year
B.  Once a year                                  D.  Once every two years

5.   The word outstanding in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by

A.  recent                                            C.  established
B.  unusual                                          D.  exceptional

6.   A Nobel Prize would NOT be given to

A.  an author who wrote a novel
B.  a doctor who discovered a vaccine
C.  a composer who wrote a symphony
D.  a diplomat who negotiated a peace settlement

7.  What does the author mean by the statement :

These prizes have been administered continually by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm since they
were first awarded in 1901?
A.  The Nobel Foundation oversees the management of the money and the distribution of the
B.  The Nobel Foundation selects the recipients of the prizes
C.  The Nobel Foundation solicits applications and recommendations for the prizes
D.  The Nobel foundation recommends new prize classifications

8.  Why are the award presented on December 10?

A.  It is a tribute to the King of Sweden
B.  Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on that
C.  That date was established in Alfred Nobel’s will
D.  The Central Bank of Sweden administers the trust

Alfred Bernhard Nobel, a Swedish inventor and philanthropist, bequeathed most of his vast fortune
to a trust that he designated as a fund from which annual prizes could be awarded to the individuals
and organizations that had achieved through invention or discovery that which would have the
greatest benefit to humanity in a particular year.According to the legend, Nobel’s death had been
erroneously reported in newspaper, and the focus of the obituary was the fact that Nobel had
invented dynamite. He rewrote his will in 1895, thereby establishing, with the original amount of
nine million dollars, the Nobel Foundation as the legal owner and administering agent of the funds,
and instituting the prizes that are named after him.

S. Seismologists
Seismologists have devised two scales of measurement to enable them to describe and
record information about earthquakes in quantitative terms. The most widely
known measurement is the Richter scale, a numerical logarithmic scale developed and introduced
by American seismologist Charles R. Richter in 1935. The purpose of the scale is to measure the
amplitude of the largest trace recorded by a standard seismograph one hundred kilometers from the
epicenter of an earthquake. Tables have been formulated to demonstrate the magnitude of any
earthquake from any seismograph. For example, a one-unit increase in magnitude translates into an
increase of times thirty in released energy. To put that another way, each number on the Richter
scale represents an earthquake ten times as strong as one of the next lower magnitude. Specifically,
an earthquake of magnitude 6 is ten times as strong as an earthquake of magnitude 5.
On the Richter scale, earthquakes of 6.75 are considered great and 7.0 to 7.75 are
considered major. An earthquake that reads 4 to 5.5 would be expected to have caused localized
damage, and those of magnitude 2 may be felt.
The other earthquake-assessment scale, introduced by the Italian seismologist Giuseppe
Mercalli, measures the intensity of shaking, using gradations from 1 to 12. Because the effects of
such shaking dissipate with distance from the epicenter of the earthquake, the Mercalli rating
depends on the site of the measurement. Earthquakes of Mercalli 2 or 3 are basically the same as
those of Richter 3 or 4; measurements of 11 or 12 on the Mercalli scale can be roughly correlated
with magnitudes of 8 or 9 on the Richter scale. In either case, the relative power or energy released
by the earthquake can be understood, and the population waits to hear how bad the earthquake that
just passed really was.
It is estimated that almost one million earthquakes occur each year, but most of them are so
minor that they pass undetected. In fact, more than one thousand earthquakes of a magnitude of 2 or
lower on the Richter scale occur every day.
Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning
Devised : Dirancang
Measurement : Pengukuran
Represents : Mewakili
Considered : Dianggap
Dissipate : Menghilang
Scale : Skala
Occur : Terjadi

Translate the passage into Indonesian language
Ahli gempa telah menyusun dua skala pengukuran untuk memungkinkan mereka
mendeskripsikan dan merekam informasi tentang gempa bumi secara kuantitatif. Pengukuran yang
paling banyak dikenal adalah skala Richter, skala logaritmik numerik yang dikembangkan dan
diperkenalkan oleh seismolog Amerika Charles R. Richter pada tahun 1935. Tujuan skala ini adalah
untuk mengukur amplitudo jejak terbesar yang dicatat oleh seismograf standar seratus kilometer dari
episentrum gempa bumi. Tabel telah diformulasikan untuk menunjukkan besarnya gempa apa pun
dari seismograf apa pun. Sebagai contoh, peningkatan satu unit dalam besaran diterjemahkan
menjadi peningkatan kali tiga puluh dalam energi yang dilepaskan. Untuk menempatkannya dengan
cara lain, setiap angka pada skala Richter mewakili gempa sepuluh kali lebih kuat dari salah satu
magnitudo rendah berikutnya. Secara khusus, gempa bumi berkekuatan 6 adalah sepuluh kali lebih
kuat dari gempa berkekuatan 5.
Pada skala Richter, gempa bumi 6,75 dianggap besar dan 7,0-7,75 dianggap besar. Gempa
yang berbunyi 4 hingga 5,5 diperkirakan akan menyebabkan kerusakan lokal, dan gempa
berkekuatan 2 dapat dirasakan.
Skala penilaian gempa lainnya, yang diperkenalkan oleh seismolog Italia Giuseppe Mercalli,
mengukur intensitas getaran, menggunakan gradasi dari 1 hingga 12. Karena efek dari getaran
tersebut menghilang dengan jarak dari episentrum gempa, peringkat Mercalli bergantung pada situs
pengukuran. Gempa bumi Mercalli 2 atau 3 pada dasarnya sama dengan Richter 3 atau 4;
pengukuran 11 atau 12 pada skala Mercalli dapat dikorelasikan secara kasar dengan besaran 8 atau 9
pada skala Richter. Dalam kedua kasus, kekuatan relatif atau energi yang dilepaskan oleh gempa
dapat dipahami, dan populasi menunggu untuk mendengar seberapa buruk gempa yang baru saja
Diperkirakan hampir satu juta gempa bumi terjadi setiap tahun, tetapi kebanyakan dari
mereka sangat kecil sehingga mereka lewat tanpa terdeteksi. Bahkan, lebih dari seribu gempa bumi
berkekuatan 2 atau lebih rendah pada skala Richter terjadi setiap hari.

Reread the text and answer questions given

1.Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A.Earthquakes B.The Richter scale C.Charles F. Richter D.Seismography
2.According to information in the passage, what does the Richter scale record?
A. The distance from the epicenter
B. The amplitude of the largest trace
C. The degree of damage
D.The location of the epicenter
3.The word standard in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by?
A. reliable B. Complex C. Conventional D. abandoned
4.What is the value of the tables?
A. They allow us to interpret the magnitude of earthquakes
B. They help us to calculate our distance from earthquakes
C. They record all earthquakes
D. They release the energy of earthquakes
5.How does each number on the Richter scale compare?
A. Each number is one hundred times as strong as the previous number
B. Each magnitude is ten times stronger than the previous magnitude
C. The strength of each magnitude is one less than the previous magnitude
D. The scale decreases by five or six for each number
6.What does the author means by the statement :
Because the effects of such shaking dissipate with distance from the epicenter of the earthquake, the
Mercalli rating depends on the site of the measurement?
A. The Mercalli rating will vary depending on the location of the measurement
B. The results of the Mercalli rating are less accurate at greater distances from the epicenter
C. The stronger shaking of the earthquake at the center is not detected by the Mercalli rating
D. The Mercalli rating is useful because it is taken farther away from the center of the earthquake
7.The word undetected in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to?
A. with no damage B. with no notice C. with no name D. with no problem
8.With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
A. Only the Richter scale describes earthquakes in quantitative terms
B. Both the Richter scale and the Mercalli Scale measure earthquakes in the same way
C. Most earthquakes are measurable on either the Richter or the Mercalli scale
D. The Mercalli and the Richter scales are different but they can be compared
9.The passage discusses all of the following in the explanation of the Richter scale EXCEPT?
A. It was introduced in 1935
B. It was developed by an American seismologist
C. It has a scale of 1 to 12
D. It measures the magnitude of earthquakes

T. The Federal Reserve Syste

The Federal Reserve System, as an independent agency of the United Statesgovernment, is
charged with overseeing the national banking system. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve System,
commonly called the Fed, has served as the central bank for the United Stated. The system consists
of twelve District Reserve Bank and their branchoffices, along with several committees and
councils. All national commercial banks are required bay law to be members of the Fed, and all
deposit-taking institutions like credit unions are subject to regulation by Fed regarding the amount of
deposited funds that must be held in reserve and that by definition, therefore, are not available
for loans. The most powerful body is seven-member Board of Governors in Washington, appointed
by the President and by the Senate.
The System’s primarily function is to control monetary policy by influencing the costand
availability of money and credit through the purchase and sale of government securities. If the
Federal Reserve provides too little, money, interest rates tent to be high, borrowing is expensive,
business activity slows down, unemployment goes up, and danger of recession is augmented. If
there is too much money, interest rate decline, and borrowing can lead to excess demand, pushing up
prices and fueling inflation.
The Fed has several responsibilities in addition to controlling the money supply. In
collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Fed puts new coins and paper currency
into circulation by issuing them to banks. It also supervises the activities of member banks abroad,
and regulates certain aspects of international finance.
It has been said that the Federal Reserve is actually a fourth branch of the United States
government because it is composed of national policy makers. However, in practice, the Federal
Reserve does not stray from the financial policies established by the executive branch of the
government. Although it is true that the Fed does not depend on Congress for budged allocations,
and therefore is free from the partisan politics that influence most of the other governmental bodies,
it is still responsible for frequent reports to the Congress on the conduct of monetary policies.

List new vocabulary with their meaning:

government : n. the governing body of a state.
District : n. an area of a town or country.
branch : n. a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or a bough.
law : n. a rule or system of rules recognized by a country or community as regulating the actions of
its members and enforced by the imposition of penalties
funds : n. a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose.
loans : n. a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be paid back with
primarily : adv. for the most part; mainly.
influencing : n. the capacity to have an effect on the character or behaviour of someone or
something, or the effect itself.
cost : n. verb require the payment of (a specified sum) in order to be bought or obtained.
recession : n. a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are
fueling : n. material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or power.
stray : n. verb move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place.
depend : v. be controlled or determined by.
allocations : v. assign or distribute (resources or duties).

Ideas of each paragraph

Paragraph 1: The Federal Reserve System, as an independent agency of the United States
government, is charged with overseeing the national banking system.

Paragraph 2: The System’s primarily function is to control monetary policy by influencing the cost
and availability of money and credit through the purchase and sale of government securities.
Paragraph 3: The Fed has several responsibilities in addition to controlling the money supply.

Paragraph 4: It has been said that the Federal Reserve is actually a fourth branch of the United States
government because it is composed of national policy makers.

Answer the questions given

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?
A. Banking B. The Federal Reserve System
C. The Board Of Governors D. Monetary Policies
2. The word overseeing in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to?
A. Supervising B. Maintaining C. Financing D. Stimulating
3. The word confirmed in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by?
A. Modified B. Considered C. Examined D. Approved
4. According to the passage, the principal responsibility of The Federal Reserve System is?
A. To borrow money B. To regulate monetary policies
C. To print government securities D. To appoint the board of Governors
5. The word securities in the paragraph 2 is intended to mean?
A. Debs B. Bonds C. Protection D. Confidence

6. What happen when The Federal Reserve provides too little money?
A. Demand for loans increases B. Unemployment slowa down
C. Interest rates go up D. Business expand

7. In paragraph 2, the author suggests that inflation is caused by?

A. High unemployment rates B. Too much money in the economy
C. Very high fuel prices D. A limited supply of goods

8. What does the author mean by the statement “However, in practice, The Federal Reserve does not
stray from the financial policies established by the executive branch of the government”?
A. The Fed more powerful than the executive branch of the government
B. The policies of the Fed and of the executive branch of the government are not the same
C. The Fed tends to follow the policies of the executive branch government
D. The Fed reports to the executive branch of the government

9. All of the following statements could be included in summary of the passage EXCEPT:
A. The Federal Reserve is an independent agency of the United States government
B. The Federal Reserve controls the flow of money and credit by buying and selling government
C. The Federal Reserve issues new coins and currency to banks
D. The Federal Reserve receives its yearly budget from Congress

Summary of the passage

The Federal Reserve System, as an independent agency of the United States government, is charged
with overseeing the national banking system. Since 1913 the Federal Reserve System, commonly
called the Fed, has served as the central bank for the United Stated. The System’s primarily function
is to control monetary policy by influencing the cost and availability of money and credit through the
purchase and sale of government securities. The Fed has several responsibilities in addition to
controlling the money supply. In collaboration with the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Fed
puts new coins and paper currency into circulation by issuing them to banks.

U. Horse
The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all of its
evolutionary stages to the modern form. It is, in fact, one of the most complete and well-documented
chapters of paleontological history. Fossil finds provide us not only with detailed information about
the horse itself but also with valuable insights into the migration of herds, and even evidence for
speculation about the climatic conditions that could have instigated such migratory behavior.
Geologists believe that the first horses appeared on Earth about sixty million years ago as
compared with two million years ago for the appearance of human beings. There isevidence of
early horses on both the American and European continents, but it has been documented that, almost
twelve million years ago at the beginning of the Pliocene Age, a horse about midway through its
evolutionary development crossed a land bridge where the Bering Strait is now located, from Alaska
into the glasslands of Asia, and traveled all the way to Europe. This early horse was a hipparion,
about the size of a modern-day pony with three toes and specialized cheek teeth for grazing. In
Europe, the hipparion encountered another less advanced horse called the anchitheres, which had
previously invaded Europe by the same route, probably during the Miocene Period. Less developed
and smaller than the hipparion, the anchittheres was eventually completely replaced by it.
By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had
becomeextinct in North America, where they had originated, as fossil evidence clearly indicates. In
Europe, they evolve into the larger and stronger animal that is very similar to the horse as we know it
today. For many years, the horse was probably hunted for food by early tribes of human beings.
Then the qualities of the horse that would have made it a good servant were noted – mainly its
strength and speed. It was time for the horse to be tamed, used as a draft animal at the dawning of
agriculture, and than ridden as the need for transportation increased. It was the descendant of this
domesticated horse that was brought back to the Americas by European colonists.

List new vocabulary with their meaning:

development: n. the process of developing or being developed. a specified state of growth or
paleontological:noun. the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants
herds: a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live or are kept together.
evidence:n. information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
climatic: n. the general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period.
behavior:n. the way in which someone behaves. the way in which an animal or person responds to a
situation or stimulus: the feeding behaviour of predators
appearance: n. the way that someone or something appears. an impression given: she read it with
every appearance of interest.
extinct: adj. (of a species or other large group) having no living members. no longer in existence. (of
a volcano) not having erupted in recorded history.
increase: verb ɪn’kri:s make or become greater in size, amount, or degree.
descendant: a person, animal, etc. that is descended from a particular ancestor.

Ideas of each paragraph

Paragraph 1: The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all of its
evolutionary stages to the modern form.
Paragraph 2: Geologists believe that the first horses appeared on Earth about sixty million years ago
as compared with two million years ago for the appearance of human beings.
Paragraph 3: By the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had become
extinct in North America, where they had originated, as fossil evidence clearly

Answer questions given:

1.What is this passage mainly about?
A. The evolution of the horse B.The migration of horses
C. The modern-day pony D. The replacement of the anchitheres by the hipparion
2. According to the author, fossils are considered valuable for all of the following reasons
A. They suggest how the climate may have been
B. They provide information about migration
C. They document the evolution of the horse
D. They maintain a record of life prior to the Miocene Age

3. The word instigated in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ?

A. Explained B. Caused C. Improved D. Influenced
4. What does the author mean by the statement “Geologists believe that the first horses appeared on
Earth about sixty million years ago as compared with two million years ago for the appearance of
human beings”?
A. Horses appeared long before human beings according to the theories of geologists
B. Both horses and human beings appeared several million years ago, if we believe geologists
C. The geological records for the appearance of horses and human beings are not very accurate
D. Horses and human beings cannot be compared by geologists because they appeared too long ago

5. Which of the following conclusions may be made on the basis of information in the passage?
A. The hipparions migrated to Europe to feed in developing grasslands
B. There are no fossil remains of either the anchitheres or the hipparion
C. There were horses in North America when the first European colonists arrived
D. Very little is known about the evolution of the horse

6. According to this passage, the hipparions were?

A. Five-toed animals B. Not as highly developed as the anchitheres
C. Larger than the andhitheres D. About the size of a small dog

7. The word it in paragraph 2 refers to?

A. Anchitheres B. Hipparion C. Miocene period D. Route

8. The word extinct in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ?

A. Familiar B. Widespread C. Nonexistent D. Tame

9. It can be concluded from this passage that the ?

A. Miocene Period was prior to the Pleistocene
B. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Miocene
C. Pleistocene Period was prior to the Pliocene
D. Pliocene Period was prior to Miocene

Summary of the passage

The development of the horse has been recorded from the beginning through all of its evolutionary
stages to the modern form.Geologists believe that the first horses appeared on Earth about sixty
million years ago as compared with two million years ago for the appearance of human beings.By
the end of the Pleistocene Age both the anchitheres and the hipparion had become extinct in North
America, where they had originated, as fossil evidence clearly indicates.

V. Human Memory
Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really much
more sophisticated than that of a computer. Researchers approaching the problem from a variety of
points of view have all concluded that there is a great deal more stored in our minds than has been
generally supposed. Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their
brains electrically, he could elicit the total recall of complex events in his subjects’ lives. Even
dreams and other minor events supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in detail.
The memory trace is the term for whatever forms the internal representation of the specific
information about the event stored in the memory. Assumed to have been made by structural
changes in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but
is rather a theoretical construct that is used to speculate about how information presented at a
particular time can cause performance at a later time. Most theories include the strength of the
memory trace as a variable in the degree of learning, retention, and retrieval possible for a memory.
One theory is that the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the result of an almost unlimited
combination of interconnections between brain cells, stimulated by patterns of activity. Repeated
references to the same information support recall. Or, to say that another way, improved
performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory.
Psychologists generally divide memory into at least two types, short-term and long-term
memory, which combine to form working memory. Short-term memory contains what we are
actively focusing on at any particular time, but items are not retained longer than twenty or thirty
seconds without verbal rehearsal. We use short-term memory when we look up a telephone number
and repeat it to ourselves until we can place the call. On the other hand, long-term memory can store
facts, concepts, and experiences after we stop thinking about them. All conscious processing of
information, as in problem solving for example, involves both short-term and long-term memory. As
we repeat, rehearse, and recycle information, the memory trace is strengthened, allowing that
information to move from short-term memory to long-term memory.

Make a list of new vocabulary with their meaning

Vocabulary :
 Inefficient :tidak efisien
 Sophisticated : canggih
 Researchers : peneliti
 Concluded : disimpulkan
 Supposedly : seharusnya
 Assumed : diasumsikan
 Rather : agak
 Theoretical : teoritis
 Interconnections : interkoneksi
 Strengthening : penguatan
 Combine : menggabungkan
 Rehearsal : latihan
 Strengthened : diperkuat

Translate the passasage into Indonesian language

Ingatan manusia, yang sebelumnya dipercayai agak tidak efisien, benar-benar jauh lebih
canggih daripada komputer. Peneliti yang mendekati masalah ini dari berbagai sudut pandang telah
menyimpulkan bahwa ada banyak hal yang tersimpan dalam pikiran kita daripada yang diduga
secara umum. Dr. Wilder Penfield, seorang ahli bedah saraf Kanada, membuktikan bahwa dengan
menstimulasi otak mereka secara elektrik, ia dapat memperoleh total penarikan kembali peristiwa-
peristiwa kompleks dalam kehidupan subyeknya. Bahkan mimpi dan kejadian kecil lainnya yang
seharusnya terlupakan selama bertahun-tahun tiba-tiba muncul secara mendetail.
Jejak memori adalah istilah untuk apa pun yang membentuk representasi internal dari
informasi spesifik tentang peristiwa yang disimpan dalam memori. Diasumsikan telah dibuat oleh
perubahan struktural di otak, jejak memori tidak tunduk pada pengamatan langsung tetapi lebih
merupakan konstruk teoritis yang digunakan untuk berspekulasi tentang bagaimana informasi yang
disajikan pada waktu tertentu dapat menyebabkan kinerja di lain waktu. Sebagian besar teori
mencakup kekuatan jejak memori sebagai variabel dalam tingkat pembelajaran, retensi, dan
pengambilan yang mungkin untuk memori. Salah satu teori adalah bahwa kapasitas yang luar biasa
untuk penyimpanan di otak adalah hasil dari kombinasi interkoneksi yang tidak terbatas antara sel-
sel otak, dirangsang oleh pola aktivitas. Referensi berulang untuk penarikan informasi dukungan
yang sama. Atau, untuk mengatakan bahwa dengan cara lain, peningkatan kinerja adalah hasil dari
penguatan ikatan kimia dalam memori.
Psikolog umumnya membagi memori menjadi setidaknya dua jenis, memori jangka pendek
dan jangka panjang, yang bergabung untuk membentuk memori kerja. Memori jangka pendek berisi
apa yang secara aktif kami fokuskan pada waktu tertentu, tetapi item tidak disimpan lebih dari dua
puluh atau tiga puluh detik tanpa latihan verbal. Kami menggunakan memori jangka pendek ketika
kami mencari nomor telepon dan mengulangnya sendiri hingga kami dapat melakukan panggilan. Di
sisi lain, memori jangka panjang dapat menyimpan fakta, konsep, dan pengalaman setelah kita
berhenti memikirkannya. Semua proses informasi yang sadar, seperti dalam pemecahan masalah
misalnya, melibatkan memori jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Saat kami mengulangi, melatih,
dan mendaur ulang informasi, jejak memori diperkuat, memungkinkan informasi itu berpindah dari
memori jangka pendek ke memori jangka panjang.

Read the text again and write the ideas of each paragraph
Paragraph 1 :
Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really much more sophisticated than
that of a computer.
Paragraph 2 :
The memory trace is the term for whatever forms the internal representation of the specific
information about the event stored in the memory. Assumed to have been made by structural changes
in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but is rather a theoretical construct
that is used to speculate about how information presented at a particular time can cause performance
at a later time.
Paragraph 3 :
Psychologists generally divide memory into at least two types, short-term and long-term memory,
which combine to form working memory. Short-term memory contains what we are actively
focusing on at any particular time, but items are not retained longer than twenty or thirty seconds
without verbal rehearsal.

Reread the text and answer questions given

1.Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A.Wilder Penfield B.Neurosurgery C.Human memory D.Chemical reactions
2.The word formerly in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by? the past B.from time to time general chance
3.Compared with a computer, human memory is?
A.more complex B.more limited C.less dependable D.less durable
4.How did Penfield stimulate dreams and other minor events from the past?
A.By surgery B.By electrical stimulation 
C.By repetition D.By chemical stimulation
5..According to passage, the capacity for storage in the brain?
A.can be understood by examining the psychology of the brain stimulated by patterns of activity
C.has a limited combination of relationships not influenced by repetition
6.The word bonds in paragraph 2 means?
A.promises B.agreements C.connections D.responsibilities
7.Why does the author mention looking up a telephone number?
A.It is an example of short-term memory
B.It is an example of a weak memory trace
C.It is an example of an experiment
D.It is an example of how we move short-term memory to long-term memory

8.All of the following are true of a memory trace EXCEPT that? probably made by structural changes in the brain is able to be observed directly by investigators is a theoretical construct that we use to form hypotheses is related to the degree of recall supported by repetition
9.With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?
A. The mind has a much greater capacity for memory than that was previously believed
B.The physical basis for memory is clear
C.Different points of view are valuable
D.Human memory is inefficient

Make a summary of the passage

Human memory, formerly believed to be rather inefficient, is really much more sophisticated than
that of a computer.The memory trace is the term for whatever forms the internal representation of the
specific information about the event stored in the memory. Assumed to have been made by structural
changes in the brain, the memory trace is not subject to direct observation but is rather a theoretical
construct that is used to speculate about how information presented at a particular time can cause
performance at a later time.  Psychologists generally divide memory into at least two types, short-
term and long-term memory, which combine to form working memory. Short-term memory contains
what we are actively focusing on at any particular time, but items are not retained longer than twenty
or thirty seconds without verbal rehearsal.

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