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1. Câu 1:

- Language as a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas.

- Means of communication only human.

* There are 4 constituent part of language

+ Phonetic – deals with sound systems

+ Morphological – deals with word-structure

+ Syntatic – with the sentence stucture

+Semantic – with meaning


1. Câu 1:

a. Morphemes are the smallest meaningful units which may contitude words or part of
Ex: books, walked , unhappy…
b. A morph is a physical form representing some morpheme in a language.
Ex: want /want/ , you / ju:/….
c. Allomorphs are the various phonemic shapes that represent the same morpheme.
Ex: {-s} /s/, /z/, /Iz/ or {-ed} /t/, /d/, /Id/
d. The term portamanteau morph is used to perfer tocases where a single morph
simultaneously represent a bundle of several different grammatical elements.
Ex: walks…
e. There exist a few morphemes whose allomorphs show no phonetic similarity. That is
the suppletion. Suppletion is a type of irregularity in which where is a complete
change in the shape of a word in its various inflected forms.
Ex: good – better – best
bad – worse – worst
f. There may be a surplus word-building lement which does not realise any morpheme.
Such an element is usually called an empty morph.
Ex: person /´pɜ:sn/ person-al /´pɜ:sənl/
e. The past tense of regular verbs in English is represent by “ed”, whereas in many case is
no change in the form of the verb. This case is called zero allomorph.
Ex: Last week, I cut the grass in the garden.
Yesterday, they went go to shopping.
2. Câu 2: Tell about different between morphemes, words, syllables:
- Morphemes: are the smallest meaningful units which may contitude words or part of
- Words: a string of sound must be inited with a meaning and vice versa.
- Syllybles: is a unit in speech which is often longer than one sound and smaller than a
whole word.

Word Morpheme Syllable

car 1 1 1

cars 1 2 1

teachers 1 3 2

3. Câu 9: Explain why a/an are allomorphs of one morpheme:

- /a/: occurs before a word beginning with a consonant or / j / or /w/
Ex: a car, a university…
- /an/: /a/: occurs before a word beginning with a vowel or mute h
Ex: an hour, an honest man…
4. Câu 10: Tell about different between phonologycially- conditioned and
grammatically- conditioned:
- Phonologycially- conditioned allomorphs are in complementary distribution that is to
say thay have the same meaning occupy different environnments.
- Grammatically- conditioned: it may be dependent on the presence of a particular
grammatical element.
5. Câu 16: Explain the fact that the past tense morpheme /ed/:
+/t/ for verbs ending with a roivaless sound excpect /t/
Ex: miss – missed, look – looked
+/d/ verbs ending with a roiced sound excpect /d/
Ex: kill – killed
+/id/ for verbs ending with /t/ or /d/
Ex: want – wanted, need – needed
6. Câu 18:
- Root: is a morphemes in a word that has pricipal meaning
Ex: receive, consent, readable…
- Bases: is any unit watsoever to which affixes of any kind can be added.
Ex: friendship, subway, infamous…
- Stems: is that part of word that is in existence before any inflectional affixes have
been added
Ex: cats, happier…
- Affixes are bound morphemes that occur before of behind a root and somewhat
modify the basic meaning of the root.
Ex: impossibility
Root (possible) suffixes ( -ity) prefix (im-)
3.After each word write a number showing how many morphemes it contains: 1 11.keeper 2

2.replay 2 1 1 13.unable 2

4.antedate 2 14.mahogany 1

5.hygiene 1 15.rain 1

6.weak 1 16.rainy 2

7.weaken 2 1 1 18.cheaply 2

9.manly 2 19.cheaper 2

10.keep 1 20.capsize 2

4. Write the meaning of the italicize morphemes:

1.antedate decrease

2.replay again

3.manly manner

4.keeper a person who

5.unable resersiv, not

6.rainy having the quality of, full of

7.cheapest super comparison

8.inactive not
9.impossible not

10.malfunction not, wrong

12. Supply a homophone to each of the following:

1. bowled buled 11. Feet feat

2. ceiling sealing 12.pore pour

3.whole hole 13.Passed

4.herd heard 14.raise rase won 15.sell cell

6.rain rein 16.tire

7.sent cent 17.whether weather

8.bear bare 18.cute Q

9.fair fare 19.guest guessed

15. Write the allomorphic formula for each of the following past tense forms:

1. grind/ground /graind/, /ground/

2. take/took /teik/, /tuk/

3. fly/flew /flai/, /flu:/

4. put/put /put/, /put/

5.bring/brought /brin/, /bro:t/

21. Underline the roots (bases) in these words:

1.womanly 6.lighten 11.unlikely

2.endear 7.enlighten 12.prewar

3.failure 8.friendship 13.subway

4.famous 9.befriend 14.falsify

5.infamous 10.bostonian 15.unenlivened

27. Each group contains a root and suffixes. Make each into a word. In each case,
see if more than one order of suffixes is possible.

1.-ed, live, -en enlivened, enlivening, enlivenment

` 2.-ing,-ate, termin terminating, termination, terminative

3.-er, -s, mor, -al, -ize moralizers, moralise

4.provinc,-s,-ism,-al provincisms, provincal

5.-ly, -some, grue gruesomely, gruesomeness

6.-ity, work, -able workable, workless, -most, -er inmost, mostly

8.marry, -age, ity, abil marriage

9.-dom, -ster, gang gangster

10.-ly,-ion,-ate, affect affection, affectation, affectionately

31. The words in the second column are formed by the addition of a derivational
suffix to those in the first column. After every word in the both columns indicate
its parts of speech classification by N (noun), V (verb), or A (adjective).

1. break N, V breakage N

2. desire N, V desirable Aj

3. conspire V conspirable N

4. rehearse V rehearsal A

5. ideal A, N idealize V

6. false A falsify V

7. plenty N plenteous A

8. doubt N, V doubtful A

9.mouth N, V mouthful A

10. sing V singer N

11. familiarize V familiarization N

12. passion N, V passionate A

13. host N, V hostess N

14. gloom N, V gloomy A

15. martyr N, V martyrdom N

16. novel N, A novelist N

17. day N daily A, N

18. prohibit V prohibitory A

19. excel V excellent A

20. create V creative A

21. vision N, V visionary A, N

22. cube N, V cubic A, N

23. ripe A, V ripen V

24. real A realism N

25. accept N acceptance N

32. Add the derivational suffix to each of these word, which already end in a
derivational suffix.

1. Reasonable reasionableness

2. Formal formally, formalization, formalist, formalism

3. Organize organizable, organization, organizational

4. purify purification, purificatory, purifier

5. purist puristic, puristical, puristically

36. Draw the IC diagrams of the following words:

counterdeclaration unexpressivenesses

unexpressiveness es

counter declaration un expressiveness

count er declarat(e) ion expressive ness

declare ate express ive

ex press


anti disestablishmentarranism

dis establishmentarranism

establishmentarran ism

establishment arran

establish ment

microphotometer presidentess

micro photometer president ess

photo meter preside ent

38.Draw the IC diagram of the following words:

Triennally dissimilitude

Triennal ly dis similitude

Trien al simili(se) tude

Marriageability psychiatrically

marriage ability psychiatrical ly

marry age psychiatric al

unsophisticatedness preternaturalness

unsophisticated ness preternatural ness

unsophisticate ed pre ternatural

un sophisticate ter natural

sophistic ate nature al

sophist ic

enlivened transportational

enliven ed transportation al

en liven transport ation

liv(e) en

Ambiguity tranferential

tranferent ial

tranfer ent

22. The meaning of the italicized bound roots:

1. audi-…..--->

2. … -cide ---> kill

3. ora-…---> oral

4. aqua-…---> water

5. mor-… ---> death

6. corp-…---> body

7. ten-…---> hold

8. pend-…---> hang, weigh

9. man-…---> hand

10. ject-…---> throw

*We don’t know how to do exercises: 5, 6, 25, 28, 35

Câu 1:
a. Lexeme: an abstract units can occur in many different forms in actual sproken and
written sentences.
b. Word form: praticular physical realisation of that lexeme in speech or writing.
c. Grammartical word: is a word that has morpho- syntactic properties.
2. Câu 2:
- Grammartical word can also be seen as a representation of lexeme that is asscociated
with certain morpho-syntatic properties (i.e parly morphological and partly syntatic
properties) such as noun, adjective, verb, tense, gender, number…
3. Câu 4:
- Simple word: are composed of one single base. Ex: nice, take, cat….
- Complex word: contain a base fee or bound and no or more derivational affixes. Ex:
immedicate, assent, consent…
- Word compounds: are those which have more than one base without derivational
affixes. Ex: highway, upset, outside…
4. Câu 5:
Word compounds can not divided by the insertion of intervening material between
the two parts or two element while grammatical structures can.
Câu 6:
1. S
2. C-FB
3. S
5. S
6. C-BB
7. S
8. S
9.C- FB
10. C-FB
13. S
14. C-FB
15.C- FB
17. C-FB
18. S
19. C-FB
Câu 8:
1. WCP
2. GS
3. S
4. FB
5. WCP
6. WCP
7. S
8. C-BB
9. C-FB
10. C-FB
11. C-FB
12. C-FB
13. S
14. C-FB
15. C-FB
16. GS
17. WCP
18. WCP
19. C-FB
20. C-FB

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