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0 Abstract
This test method covers the determination of the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of a
given soil sample. CBR is the ratio of force per unit area required to cause a penetration in a soil
mass with a standard circular piston to that required for the penetration a standard material. This
test bearing capacity of subgrade soil for design of flexible pavement. In this experiment, it
consists of causing a cylindrical plunger to penetrate a compacted soil sample at both ends of the
sample. The machine was operated at a uniform rate and reading of the loads were recorded at
regular intervals of 0.00 mm up to a maximum penetration of 7.5 mm. Then using the values, a
graph of force on plunger was plotted against penetration and the CBR value is calculated. The
results are analyzed and discussed in this report.

7.0 Conclusion
The experiment was carried out successfully under standard conditions and reliable results were
obtained. Based on the test results, the CBR value obtained is 15%. According to the soil
classification table as shown below, the percentage between 2 to 20 is a poorly graded soil.
Hence, the soil is not good for construction.

Table 1 Soil classification

Soil type Plasticity index Design CBR %

Plastic clay Greater than 50 Less than 2
Silty clay 40 3
Sandy clay 30 3
Sandy clay 20 Less than 2
Silt 10 Less than 2
Poorly graded sand - 2 - 20
Well graded sand - 20 - 40
Well graded sandy gravel - 40 - 60
Made ground <2%
Engineered fill Minimum 2%

8.0 Contribution of team members

Table 2 Contribution of team members

Name Contribution of team members

During practical In report
Weighing, mixing the Abstract, Conclusion, Contribution of team
Gunga Sailesh soil with water, members
compacting the soil in
the mould, fixing the Results analysis and discussion
collar to the mould,
placing the mould on Introduction, Aims, Objectives and Application
the loading machine,
reading the dial gauges, Methodology
and recording the
Doorgesh results were done by Limitations, Improvements and
Jugbandhan each of the team Recommendation

9.0 References
 WebTechTix (2014) CBR test procedure determination of California bearing ratio for
road design. Available at:
(Accessed: 27 November 2016).
PART-16-1979). Available at:
ratio-test-of-soil-is-2720-part-16-1979/ (Accessed: 27 November 2016).
 Mishra, G. (2010) CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST. Available at: (Accessed: 27
November 2016).
 Whitlow, R., 2001. Basic Soil Mechanics. 4th ed. Pearson Education

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