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PATIENT'S CLINICAL RECORD: PATIENT NAtAE : tas ae oll | [PMT Weep Nut AAA [ADMITTING DIAGNOSS PERSONALISTORY = Compre (AD) LN Keure Exava pitty) in tye W1semting Corea CHIEF COMPLAINT [ier menrcaL ony REKCON TOR ADMISCION ~ | EANILY HISTORY. a Uiets typ Vikieney Dioowe SAIEF HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS’ ON HISTORY | U1 Asthma, 1) Cancer (Heer Disease tuirm 1] FoodDrug Allergies | 1 11 Other: LUCAS-PAGUILA MEDICAL HOSPITAL, ING. KARDEX (PLEASE USE LEAD FENCHLONE [astra CEN WANE NRG RE RoReTAL Na. [wanaOOM onl who u| Xo | irene | ects wt jaboness loxreaperrre>—|ourr Minante 4, Canagan city - abet 3 fie | goal Law Salt, Leo Fat jet Dae | “Uneeoni tan | Reeraet | tenie [ Owe | UbPapeciction | Reqased | Renta Biv |_o < Paver Yeur| aoe a ed i |“ uel 1e ized Ee at Medan a 1 ai Ta Tan qunlWles th F : nett Babb 1 t Laat .2C Bd tah Leeadeaton cadet Tb Ti Th ants 4 ad eda ae aT a [Matas iC yy (ah 1 fab oc Seidel Ny) 17h DD : i a “ills su 2h a }) LUCAS-PAGUILA MEDICAL HOSPITAL, INC. paras nosrraLomen lelelel TTT Tab else ‘aves nae oy fe MCT ele Sunoaxeae (elke LC fauniess ean Tima emir Tue Na wed Ninante 4) Cauagan City » abela [Female us: Mariel foccaanion b rahe | arin_9) pisusnansennsusovoonscnaa aliheta, earners "Nega Tt dy. late gras ana oon Lago finde 4. 6 Gili» tothela, rei or faxcniorstar|ReTsaRTSCIO jars 27 8 Joan: 21 Ap + Aa) os pws Set rae | FAte cl fat TT ET san —— mas Soar atime. Torin (130 (icon ss | i [iemem, {yomoov. | { HMatn {Same | LN ravens RATIONPOCEDURE: IROPERATION ROC EDURES: {CCIDERUNURI SPONSONE COD Pace oF OCCURRENCE: NOTES ICTAIO Ned RS CODE bisrosiTion [ATTENDING PYSICIAN: j PipecKcen {eos [iranstrnnen tah | Epa je PARSON Sigwear Over Peed ae LUCAS-PAGUILA MEDICAL HOSPITAL, INC. CONSENT Tomtom may tem, ' fuels typ {2 year ol siding at ee. oa icimarieowe, wer my on ‘toned re wl do vary rb mediy Enc tan pertinent bth ty the wember of the hospital staff and ty my private physician by the name of cd at Io endetnd aer twine eof {mae oy Pen oe te an opeslo ny che tht my Sei, pin eave ‘may clin. Ferbemere in ease of death. wit mysetiny Hi 0 my postmortem recede or examination tat may be deemed neceery by the same doco subject tthe Dospalsand rules epulaions, IN WITNESS ITEREOF, 1 hive beret set my own iperethumd mark this iii dy of uvch Luce Papi Metical Horpta In, Magtaysy, Alicia bela. Signed nthe prem of, Ly Eins by ZZ i a Sipueitanb tlt psn ge xed DISCHARGED AGAINST ADVICE, ls theundeigned do volar and under my raponsiily discharged myselOmy —“futfnd fren the orp agaist the service of my atendng physician es wel et he suhere the bop and whatever may ‘occur on account f re consequnce of hs at of mine nobody wil be eld able or reponse to ay charge that ny fey, puis relatve ay elsin, Alicia tetely_—_ to ayot__farch Wie: a Ysa Sty Ditinede Rov Qeee eet ined Bi 4 Hk Te bhi Plese spn over the printed mane Hugues (tropes Notes Marie 094 + 4 yogs di palo adnifed on March 48 tot af 426° Pi, _—souion_ ceo fap 4 City hedhng vi tact gui manapeded Wye iat Wy dutch Ans heat jee juhycardio vill « ulse_rde_@ bi hm ws fengorahine wes THB°C. AP (O/T wml voiguny 3S Kp the qeheut ots di wih APOE ¢ cof) fate eAbOsR DNS). Fe hak a taily acy of Agpeteasion —_ = w_aahica wis a tan min obo appeed awake wd _olett bain odaafe raion bids _ usin asvessery_suscley The attend dician yetacled dione samt patho, Mo, Ky Crea, Mitr oo» OR, Uni nalyen Cpe + HYG. he Aabiout rete stab sordition operable fpucibed_yebieden, $$ Last NAME tl fits, [oe ] HOS NO | WaRDROON aT (Me 4 \- [srl leaned ony Canbesetn united fede top Hl opis ama) Hayton ab Fined ahaa | Pare Cann ND OM agli vier fh Pb VITALSIGNS SHEET e: juno, wAKDROOM cvessaMe ML AGE o oT EE LE LL Iina sha dna dhe hen“ Sn i a ad i Thin hn i ity Ns Muy "Yo. “| “ep, fe ole Mle Fo Moy °F le ee ees le jer te pe Speers

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