HE Urpose OF This OOK: Who Should Read This Book

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Section 1 : Chapter 1

1. Vendors of software or hardware that is supposed to “fix”

revenue assurance problems
2. The internal team that is responsible for the management
of revenue assurance operations (or some part of it)

While these sources can be good, each has its own limitations.

Vendors will certainly try very hard to teach you as much as pos-
sible about your revenue assurance environment and how they can
help you address it. However, their information is almost always ex-
tremely biased, providing a perspective that favors their product and
often withholding useful information that does not support their ob-

Internal resources can provide a better perspective on your revenue

assurance position, but they can be hampered if they usually deal
with a narrower range of functions or are assigned to other tasks at
the same time.


My work as a telecommunications company consultant for more
than 25 years highlighted the need for information about revenue
assurance. While helping telcos address a wide range of issues, I
observed a growing interest in revenue assurance, coupled with sig-
nificant confusion about it on the part of managers, vendors and
executives. It became clear a reference book was needed that would
provide a common understanding of the revenue assurance land-

Who Should Read this Book

This book is intended to benefit a wide range of people:

• Executives and managers who want an overview of the
depth and breadth of revenue assurance to help them make
better decisions
• Financial managers and chief financial officers who need
an organized, systematic framework for revenue assurance
that will allow them to better organize revenue assurance
operations, communicate revenue assurance priorities and
delegate revenue assurance responsibilities
• CIOs and I/T managers who want to better provide support
and systems for revenue assurance activities

eXcellence in Telecommunications 3

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