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Essay on Chevening Scholarships – Part 1:

Future Leaders of Home Countries

Indonesia Mengglobal
November 15, 2015

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Indonesia Mengglobal Essay Clinic is our effort to provide tangible help for Indonesian
applicants who want to study abroad. This essay clinic is not meant to showcase ‘the perfect
essay’, but by analyzing other people’s essays (what works, what does not work, what’s good,
what’s bad), we hope you can learn how to write an effective application essay and how to
continuously improve your own essay. We also accept essay submissions. Click here to learn on
how to participate!!

Note on the Essay

This essay will be submitted to Chevening Scholarship program.

Essay Prompt

Chevening is looking for individuals that will be future leaders or influencers in their home
countries. Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership
and influencing skills to support your answer. (minimum word count: 50 words, maximum word
count: 500 words)

The Essay

To achieve success at a young age is what most people would aspire to. However, making an
impact within the organization is an equally important aspiration to me. As per today, the most
substantial and satisfying leadership achievement of my life is one that isn’t a workplace
accomplishment. It involved volunteering for a cause that I believe in and being able to
accomplish a goal that has helped achieve organization’s goals.

My remarkable leadership development process unexpectedly started in 2011 when I had lunch
with my college friends. A friend of mine shared her unforgettable exchange experience that has
inspired me to join [NAME OF ORG]. After enrolling in [NAME OF ORG], [NAME OF
PROJECT] Project was my first exchange experience where I was an English Language and
Culture Assistant. Instead of lecturer, government staff or partner representative, my key target
had transformed into international students who barely knew English. This was a defining
moment for me, as I felt unprepared as a leader. “How can I develop a child whose opening
greeting to me is an ignorance?” I thought. Since I always embark on a new venture with great
enthusiasm, my high energy level enables me to motivate people, get along with everyone and
create a fun and supportive environment. This can be projected in my method to approach
students by creating a friendly get-together with ice cream served as an icebreaker. I carried out
further sessions in the congenial setting of the school park and the students slowly opened up
after I shared my life experiences. I was able to earn their trust by being honest yet fun.

I had to constantly remind myself reasons of this journey, which are to test my boundaries to
develop as a person and make a positive impact in other people’s lives, no matter how small.
Although the project was anything but easy, it was worth it when the individuals who took part
in my classes came and told me that they had enjoyed and learned something new that they may
use in their lives.

Personally, I progressed as a leader by tackling dynamic challenges. I was forced to step out of
my comfort zone to grow and later I discovered that I had changed from a talker to a doer.
Instead of complaining about how awful and unfair the world is, I learned how to act. Despite
my miniscule efforts, I always remind myself that my actions have a ripple effect that can grow
larger beyond my expectations.
Upon my return home, I gained confidence to run for higher position in [NAME OF ORG],
which was to become [NAME OF POSITION]. In my tenure, I had not only increased the
number of exchange participants but also matured as a leader by learning that leading is as much
about accomplishing your objective as it is about holding your team together and developing
others. These profound experiences have helped me to progress in my professional career.

Review from Anggun Armia, recipient of Chevening Scholarship

2014, M.Sc. Royal Holloway University of London,
1. Saya butuh waktu untuk memahami kandidat sesungguhnya melakukan volunteering
untuk siapa? Saya tidak memahami tulisan berikut:
Instead of lecturer, government staff or partner representative, my key target had
transformed into international students who barely knew English. This was a defining
moment for me, as I felt unprepared as a leader. “How can I develop a child whose
opening greeting to me is an ignorance?” 
2. Saya juga kurang paham dengan kalimat berikut, mungkin dapat diperjelas lagi
Opening greeting to me is an ignorance.
3. Volunteering yang anda lakukan sudah sangat baik sekali, namun mungkin harus
diperdalam dengan contoh kegiatan yang dilakukan selama volunteering dan tentunya
impact terhadap anak didik anda setelah selesai mengikuti kegiatan yang anda berikan.
4. Kurangi menggunakan kata-kata yang self-flattered atau menggunakan kiasan-kiasan
yang berlebihan. Gunakan kata-kata sederhana yang jujur dan jelas langsung ke maksud
yang ingin disampaikan.

Menurut saya, berikut ini adalah susunan penulisan yang saya sarankan:
1. Intro mengenai program/kegiatan yang saya lakukan: nama kegiatan, tujuan kegiatan,
kenapa saya tertarik untuk mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.
2. Technical details tentang apa yang saya lakukan
3. Impact kegiatan tersebut terhadap orang lain
4. Apa yang saya pelajari/peroleh melalui kegiatan tersebut

Mungkin itu saja yang bisa saya bagi. Intinya jujur dengan apa yang kita tulis dan jangan lupa
melakukan proof reading ya

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