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Board of directors -is responsible for policy decisions and Consiliul de administrație
-in charge of company strategy and
general policy.
Supervisory board /group Responsible for the general course of Comitetul de conducere/
management committee business. Makes sure policy is consiliul de supraveghere
implemented and advises the board of
Managing director/ chief Has overall responsibility for the running Director executiv
executive officer of the business
Senior managers/ company Head the various departments or Manager executive()superior
officers functions within the company, which may
include the following: marketing, public
relations, IT, human resource, finance,
production, research and development
Middle management Managerii de mijloc

Shareholders provide the capital Acționari

Management management

Workforce Forța de muncă

Chairperson/president Headed board of directors Președintele companiei

A patent The right to make or sell an invention licență

an innovation The introduction of a new idea O inovație

Diversification Making different types of products diversificare

A range A selection or series O gamă

Headquarters Main offices sediu

A location A place or a address O locație

A strategy A planned series of actions O strategie

A policy An agreed course of action O politică

Increase Sb.- growth, growing, rise crește

A Rise Ridica/apărea

A raise US- increase in salary A majora

A decrease O scădere

a fall O cădere

a drop Sb; Fall, reduction, decrease, drop, Cădere bruscă/ căzătură

decline (picătură)
a decline Sb: Fall, wane, decay Declin/ scădere

A reduction Ex: in the usual price O reducere

Contract out contracteze

Industrial unrest Tulburări industriale

Consultation Sb: advice Consultare

Negotiation negocieri

Early retirement Retracere timpurie(din`nainte)

Compulsory redundancy C A P I T O L U L 3

Retailing Business of selling products to the Comerțul cu amănuntul

general public
Retailers Sell from shops or stores which are called Comercianți cu amănuntul
Sb: dealer, seller
Outlets Pieți de desfacere

Chains -which are organized nationally and sell a Rețele (în lanț)
standardized selection of products.
Shopping centres In this place are often outlets. Centru comercial
Superstore Under 30.000m2 Supermagazin

hypermarket Over 30.000m2 hypermarket

Retail park Where there are a number of large

Department stores -„such as Harrods in London” Magazine universale
-are large shops which sell a wide variety
of products
-sb: emporium
sales What salespeople say to persuade you to Vînzări cu reduceri
To do To repair A face

quirky Unusual, untypical ciudat

alternative Not traditional alternativă

pushy Rude in trying to get what you want insistent

Profits Sb: benefit/ advantage/ profituri

Overheads Cheltuieli generale/ cheltuieli în

Niche Sb: recess/bay/alcove/cubicle nișă

Range Sb: gamut/ scope/ series/scale/palette Gamă/serie

Suppliers furnizori

Discount reducere

Purchasing Sb: Buy in/ collet/ acquire achiziție

To do nothing A nu face nimic

Make a complain Depune o plângere

To do an exam A face un examen

Make a mistake A face o greașeală

Make a speech A face un discurs

Make a loss A pierde

Make a trip A face o excursie

Make money A face bani

To do a job A face o treabă

To do good A face bine

At the front În față

At the back În spate

At the top În vârf

At the bottom În partea de jos

In the middle În mijloc

On the left Pe stânga

On the right Pe dreapta

Above De mai sus

Next to lângă

Between între

In front of În față

Below De mai jos

Inside interior

Behind În spate

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