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Lowena Clay

Ms. Hargrove

September 13, 2021

Eng. 1520-(S1510)

Being Homeless in America Article

Homelessness in America article was provided by The article

broke down the many different reasons why Americas are homeless in today’s society. One of

the top reasons why Homelessness in America was based on Housing. Also, with many other

reasons such as poverty, lack of employment, domestic violence, mental illness and many other

reasons as the list goes on. The website ( itself is dedicated to educating

individuals on homelessness.

When it comes to the website it is proven that it is credible.

Foremost, the website gives you information about contacting them. Secondly, the website gives

you insight on each person who at some point were homeless or knew someone who was

homeless that they all hold a significant role within the website. Also, the navigation of the site

works, and the site does not carry any dead links or dead ends in the site itself. Lastly the site is

updated. So, that’s why seem to be a credible website.

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