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This course treats the computation,

interpretation, and application of commonly
used statistics.
It deals with simpler descriptive
statistics, regression and correlation and
statistical inference.
It aims to provide the graduate
student with a clear, ready understanding,
and intelligent application of the different
statistical tools when they are writing their
Prof. JANUARIO FLORES JR. own thesis.

1. Understand the mission and vision of CTU

and the Graduate School. 1. Objectives of the Course, Mission,
Vision, and Goals
2. Appreciate the values gained from the study
of statistics. 2. Orientation and Overview of the
Course (definition, importance,
3. Apply the concepts of probability in inferential
3. Measures of Central Tendency
4. Value the importance of inferential statistics in
(mean, median, mode, and their
the life of graduate students.
5. Understand the logical basis of hypothesis
testing in decision making.


4. Measures of Variability (measures 7. Significance of the difference of two

of variability, range, variance, statistics of independent samples.
standard deviation, computation, 8. Linear Correlation and Regression.
and interpretation). 9. Chi-square.
5. Normal Curve and Normal 10. Simple Analysis of Variance.
Distribution (properties).
11. Multivariate Correlation and
6. Hypothesis Testing and Types of Regression.
Statistical Tests.

Provides advanced professional and technical

instruction for special purposes, industrial trade, The Graduate School develops technology
teacher education, agriculture, fishery, forestry, and values-oriented executive leaders in
engineering aeronautics and land-based education, agri-industrial and related sectors
programs, arts and sciences, health sciences, through research and community services
information technology and other relevant fields towards shared productivity in their chosen
of study. It shall undertake research, production fields.
and extension services and provide progressive
leadership across the areas of specialization for
global empowerment. (R.A. 9744)


1. Complementation and continuity of the

undergraduate programs.
2. Provision of the need of the oriented educational
leaders/technologist who are and would be
Center of Excellence in technology occupying managerial positions in technical,
management, education, research and industrial, educational and related sectors.
extension. 3. Contribution to the attainment of regional and
national goals through the promotion of
educational and applied researches towards
quality life.
4. Acceleration of high-level professionalism and

•Decision making is an important aspect of our

Statistics is the study of how to collect, lives.
organize, analyze, and interpret •We make decisions based on the information we
have, our attitudes, and our values.
numerical information from data.
• Statistical methods help us examine information.
•Moreover, statistics can be used for making
decisions when we are faced with


These methods are:

The purpose of collecting and analyzing data is
• Descriptive Statistics
to obtain information.
• Inferential Statistics
Procedures for analyzing data, together with rules
Statistical methods provide us tools to obtain
of inference, are central topics in the study of
information from data.
Statistical methods enable us to look at information
We should also focus on understanding both the
from a small collection of people or items and
suitability of the method and the meaning of the
make inferences about a larger collection of
people or items.

Descriptive statistics involves methods of

organizing, picturing, and summarizing
information (such as tables, graphs and
summary measures) from samples or
Inferential statistics involves methods of using
information from a sample to draw
conclusions regarding the population.


A quantitative variable has a value or numerical

Individuals are the people or objects included in measurement for which operations such as addition
the study. or averaging make sense.

A qualitative variable describes an individual by

A variable is a characteristic of the individual to be placing the individual into a category or group,
measured or observed. such as male or female.

A population consists of all elements that are being

studied. In population data, the data are from every
A sample is a subset of the population. individual of interest.
A census is a sample of the entire population.

In sample data, the data are from only some of the

individuals of interest.


The Department of Agriculture is conducting a

study of ready-to-harvest pineapples in an
A parameter is a numerical measure that describes experimental field.
an aspect of a population. (a) The pineapples are the objects (individuals) of the
study. If the researchers are interested in the
A statistic is a numerical measure that describes an individual weights of pineapples in the field,
aspect of a sample. then the variable consists of weights. The
weights could be measured to the nearest
ounce or gram. Weight is a quantitative variable
because it is a numerical measure.

If weights of all the ready-to-harvest pineapples We have categorized data as either qualitative or
in the field are included in the data, then we have a quantitative.
population. The average weight of all ready-to-harvest
pineapples in the field is a parameter. Another way to classify data is according to one of
the four levels of measurement.

These levels indicate the type of arithmetic that is

appropriate for the data, such as ordering,
taking differences, or taking ratios.


The nominal level of measurement applies to data The interval level of measurement applies to data
that consist of names, labels, or categories. that can be arranged in order. In addition,
There are no implied criteria by which the differences between data values are
data can be ordered from smallest to largest. meaningful.
The ratio level of measurement applies to data that
The ordinal level of measurement applies to data can be arranged in order. In addition, both
that can be arranged in order. However, differences between data values and ratios of
differences between data values either cannot data values are meaningful.
be determined or are meaningless.

A simple random sample of n measurements from a

population is a subset of the population selected
in a manner such that every sample of size n
from the population has an equal chance of
being selected.


HOW TO DRAW A RANDOM SAMPLE Random sampling: Use a simple random sample from the
entire population.
1. Number all members of the population
Stratified sampling: Divide the entire population into distinct
2. Use a table, calculator, or computer to select subgroups called strata. The strata are based on a
random numbers from the numbers assigned specific characteristic such as age, income, education
to the population members. level, and so on. All members of a stratum share the
specific characteristic. Draw random samples from
3. Create the sample by using population members
each stratum.
with numbers corresponding to those
randomly selected.

Systematic sampling: Number all members of the population

sequentially. Then, from a starting point selected at Multistage sampling: Use a variety of sampling methods to
random, include every kth member of the population in create successively smaller groups at each stage. The
the sample. final sample consists of clusters.

Cluster sampling: Divide the entire population into pre- Convenience sampling: Create a sample by using data from
existing segments or clusters. The clusters are often population members that are readily available.
geographic. Make a random selection of clusters.
Include every member of each selected cluster in the


A sampling error is the difference between

measurements from a sample and Planning a statistical study and gathering data are
corresponding measurements from the essential components of obtaining reliable
respective population. It is caused by the fact information.
that the sample does not perfectly represent
the population.
Depending on the nature of the statistical study, a
great deal of expertise and resources may be
A nonsampling error is the result of poor sample required during the planning stage.
design, sloppy data collection, faulty
measuring instruments, bias in questionnaires,
and so on.

1. First, identify the individuals or objects of interest. 4. In your data collection plan, address issues of
ethics, subject confidentiality, and privacy. If
2. Specify the variables as well as protocols for you are collecting data at a business, store,
taking measurements or making observations. college, or other institution, be sure to be
courteous and to obtain permission as
3. Determine if you will use an entire population or 5. Collect the data.
a representative sample. If using a sample,
decide on a viable sampling method.


6. Use appropriate descriptive statistics methods One issue to consider is whether to use the entire
and make decisions using appropriate population in a study or a representative
inferential statistics methods sample.

7. Finally, note any concerns you might have about If we use data from the entire population,
your data collection methods and list any we have a census.
recommendations for future studies.
If we use data from only part of the population of
interest, we have a sample.

In an observational study, observations and The placebo effect occurs when a subject receives
measurements of individuals are conducted no treatment but (incorrectly) believes he or
in a way that doesn’t change the response or she is in fact receiving treatment and
the variable being measured. responds favorably.
In an experiment, a treatment is deliberately imposed
on the individuals in order to observe a
possible change in the response or variable
being measured.


Once you decide whether you are going to use Comment on the usefulness of the data collected
sampling, census, observation, or experiments, a as described.
common means to gather data about people is to
ask them questions. 1. A guidance counselor interviews a group of
20 college freshmen. She asks each one his or
This process is the essence of surveying. her name and then if he or she has used an
illegal drug in the last month.
Respondents may not answer truthfully.
Some may refuse to participate.

A survey about food in the student cafeteria was Extensive studies on coronary problems were
conducted by having forms available for conducted using men over age 50 as the
customers to pick up at the cash register. A subjects.
drop box for completed forms was available
outside the cafeteria. Conclusions for men over age 50 may or may not
generalize to other age and gender groups. These
The voluntary response will likely produce results may be useful for women or younger
more negative comments. people, but studies specifically involving these
groups may need to be performed.


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