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 Does your child … to eat all the time?

 wants

 want

 Incorrect | Kata kerja yang digunakan pada interrogative sentence simple present tense
merupakan bare infinitive (bentuk dasar verb).

 2.

I do … the funeral.

 attends

 attend

 Correct | Auxiliary verb “do” diikuti bare infinitive.

 3.

The black and white cat … a long tail.

 has

 have

 Incorrect | Subjek kalimatnya “black and white cat” (kucing belang hitam-putih ~
singular subject), maka diikuti singular verb. Lihat: Subject-Verb Agreement.

 4.

Suzy and I … tall and skinny.

 are

 is
 Correct | “Suzy and I” merupakan plural subject, maka diikuti plural verb.

 5.

It … most of the time.

 happen

 happens

 Correct | “It” merupakan singular subject, maka diikuti singular verb.

 6.

He often … to my gym.

 comes

 come

 Correct | “He” merupakan singular subject, maka diikuti singular verb. Adverb of
frequency “often” tidak membuat verb berubah.

 7.

You can … fresh vegetables at the farmer’s market.

 get

 gets

 Correct | Kata kerja berupa “bare infinitive” jika didahului modal verb (can).

 8.

If we burn paper, … it become ash?

 does

 do

 Correct | “It” merupakan singular subject, maka korelasinya dengan “singular” auxiliary

verb (does).

 9.

The ships … tonight at 9 p.m.

 arrives

 arrive

 Correct

 10.

I … running on sunday morning.

 love

 am

 Incorrect | “I” dan “you” walaupun merupakan subjek tunggal, dipasangkannya dengan
kata kerja jamak.

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