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Individual Assignment: Components of Culture That Could Be Used to Prevent 4 th Wave of Corona

Rizqi Ghani Faturrahman

Task 3: The component of culture that could be used as promotional strategy to prevent the fourth
wave of corona

The pandemic that has lasted for almost 2 years has forced the world to be more alert to the corona virus
which continues to mutate, causing waves of covid from first until third waves which causes a high death
rate due to corona variant in various countries. Therefore, every country needs a preventive action that
can prevent the 4th wave of covid with a promotional strategy to educate and urge the public to maintain
health immunity, keep health protocol and adjusting with the existing culture. The following is a
promotional strategy that can be done to prevent the 4th wave of covid based on ethnic's values, norms,
mores, rituals, beliefs, myths, custom, conventions, sanctions:

 Norm

The norms that already exist in a country can be used as a marketing strategy by looking at the
existing cultural conditions and adapting them to current conditions, such as one of them is the norm
of politeness in Indonesia which has become the most important culture for the Indonesian people, for
example it has become our culture to shake hands and kiss hands and cheeks during a pandemic like
this the procedure for politeness norm can cause a very high spread of the corona virus, therefore this
politeness norm can be a component in making promotional strategies by creating content that voices
digital friendship or educating the public that manners are important but we must keep our distance
from touching in shaking hands because it can cause the spread of the corona virus, with this strategy
the culture of politeness is still upheld but the community is also given solutions or procedures a
greeting to the elderly to maintain politeness norm during a pandemic. This is one way to use the
cultural component without changing it and add some adjustments so that we can continue to uphold
these cultural norms and preventing the 4th wave of corona.

 Beliefs

Component of a culture of belief that can be used as a promotional strategy to prevent the 4th wave of
covid is the belief of the Indonesian people in healthy living is a part of faith because if we live
healthy it means we have done our obligations, this is a culture that can be used for promotion
strategies to prevent the 4 th wave of covid by urging the public to continue to apply a culture of
healthy living which is a very important component during a pandemic. One example of healthy
living is eating regularly, exercising regularly by educating people that the culture of belief is an
important component in preventing the spread of covid. Examples of promotions can be like showing
what the benefits of healthy living are like and urging the public to maintain the healthy living culture
in order to prevent the 4th wave of covid

 Rituals

Rituals have become a hereditary culture in each country, such as wedding rituals. Procurement of
these rituals can cause the spread of the new corona virus if the health protocol is not observed and
the number of people is limited, therefore with advances in technology this component can be a
promotional strategy in preventing the 4th wave of covid by digitizing, for example for this wedding
ritual we can promoting a digital wedding that can be attended by many people via the zoom
application, with this the public will still be able to carry out their rituals but the spread of the virus is
still avoided because the process of carrying out rituals is digital.

 Sanctions

Social sanctions have become a culture that is inherent in the Indonesian state where if people commit
minor crimes, they will get social sanctions in the form of cleaning rivers, sweeping roads, and
picking up trash. continue to comply with health protocols and if you violate them, you will get social
sanctions from the community, for example in the form of cleaning roads around housing or any
punishment that is not too burdensome but can provide benefits to others, both to the perpetrators and
the community. By implementing social sanctions as a promotional strategy, it will urge the public to
continue to comply with applicable rules and be disciplined in existing regulations, thereby
preventing the 4th wave of covid.

Those are examples of cultural components that can be used for promotional strategies in preventing the
4th wave of covid, cultural values are very important to pay attention to because if we are going to make a
promotional strategy, we must look at the existing cultural conditions and adapt these cultural
components into a promotional strategy.

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