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Scientific supervisor Associate Professor Ya.V.Halkina

The Master’s thesis is devoted to the study of the adjectives tin the
English publicistic discourse and the problems of its translation into Ukrainian.
The object of study is the adjectives and its types in the English
publicistic discourse.
The subject of study is the functioning and features of the translation of
the adjectives in the English-language publicistic discourse.
The relevance of the topic of the thesis is due to the interest of scientists in
the adjective and its translation into Ukrainian. Also, the relevance lies methods
of translation in publicistic discourse. This topic is relevant, since today the
adjectives is being actively used in the publicistic discourse and is constantly
being studied that require correct translation into Ukrainian using different
methods of translation. The transfer of English adjectives into the Ukrainian
language presents some difficulties because of the specific features of the
languages. Purpose of the work: to study the peculiarities of the functioning of
the adjectives in the English-language publicistic discourse, the specifics of its
translation into Ukrainian.
The work has the following tasks:
1. To reveal the concept of adjectives as a phenomenon;
2. Describe the peculiarities of adjectives in Ukrainian and English;
3. Analyze the specifics of publicistic discourse;
4. Consider the basic techniques in the work of a translator.
5. Conduct a linguistic analysis of examples of the adjectives in the
English-language publicistic discourse;
6. Conduct a comparable analysis of the translation of the adjectives in the
English-language publicistic discourse.
The following methods were used in the work: methods of synthesis and
analysis, method of comparison, method of practical analysis, method of
theoretical analysis of definitions.
Methods of synthesis and analysis are aimed at identifying the features
and properties of the adjectives.
The comparative method aims to identify differences between the two
The method of practical analysis involves the practical study of adjectives
in journalistic discourse.
Definition analysis is used to clarify the conceptual meaning of the
adjective, to establish links between the adjectives in the different language.
The work consists of practical and theoretical parts. In the theoretical part,
the following aspects were analyzed:
- The concept of adjectives and its thematic varieties;
- Features of the adjectives in English and Ukrainian;
- Specificity of publicistic discourse;
- Basic techniques in the work of a translator.
The material for the practical part was a selection of technical vocabulary
from popular scientific journals such as New York Times, BBC, Europe
Diplomatic. The sample is 200 terms. In the practical part of the work, a
comparable and linguistic analysis of examples of the translation of the
adjectives of different types in the English publicistic discourse was carried out.
In the course of these analyzes, it was investigated what parts of speech the
adjectives consist of, what members of the sentence are, which function they
have and how they are translated into Ukrainian.
During of this thesis, the features of the adjectives in English publicistic
discourse and the problems of its translation into Ukrainian were considered. I
analyzed the concept of adjectives and its thematic varieties and came to the
conclusion that: adjective – is a part of the speech that describe a noun or
pronoun and as a rule works with them in a sentence. The study of adjective
was paid attention to: Schramma A.N., Ruzin I.P., G.V., Karaban V.I.,
Komissarov V.N.

In this thesis I describe the features of the adjectives in the Ukrainian and
English languages and compare them. Both languages has the same
terminological discussions; There are a large number of methods for working
with adjective, the correct choice of which determines the correct translation of
the teradjectives.

The work analyzed the specifics of journalistic discourse and it should be

said that journalistic discourse is a distance form of communication between
representatives of the media and the audience, which is characterized by the
presence of an impact on people and can meet the interests of certain social
groups. Publicistic discourse at the present stage is characterized by a decline in
official broadcasting and the penetration of argot and slang vocabulary into the
texts, reduces speech norms, but becomes more understandable for the
population. That is, the English-language publicistic discourse becomes focused
not on the elite culture, but on the mass one. This type of discourse has a high
level of emotional coloring, many idioms, and metaphors, allows a stronger
influence on the reader, and also emphasizes the author's attitude to information,
pushes the reader to the necessary conclusions. The following tasks of
publicistic discourse are distinguished as informational, analytical, regulatory,
evaluative and predictive.

I reviewed the basic techniques in the work of a translator and it should be

noted that the translation process is complex and multilevel. The translator must
be fluent in all methods and techniques of translation in order to professionally
translate the text, keeping all morphological, syntactic, grammatical and
semantic features. Special attention should be paid to the translator's “false
friends”, polysemy, synonymy, with which one should be careful. The main
methods of adjectives include: equivalent translation, transliteration, describing
translation and omission. Special care should be taken with adjectives when
translating. It is necessary to choose the right equivalent; understand the sphere
you work with;

In the second section, a linguistic analysis of examples of adjectives in the

English-language publicistic discourse was carried out. For this, a sample was
formed and all adjectives were divided into groups : quality adjectives, relative
adjectives, quantitative adjectives. The analysis showed that most of the
adjectives are simple;.

In the third section, a comparable analysis of the translation of the

adjectives in the English-language publicistic discourse was carried out. As the
analysis showed, for the translation of the adjectives the methods of equivalent
translation and transliteration were most often used.

Thus, all the tasks of the thesis were completed.

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